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发布时间:2021-02-23 21:53:45

A. 大学英语综合教程2的答案




表示从过去观点看将来某时某动作已完成。在英语时态中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指动作的样子和状态。 这个时态用得相对比较少,通常主要用于转述方面,即用于第三、四类条件句及间接引语中。

若表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,此时条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),而主句谓语则通常用过去将来完成时(would+have+过去分词),当然,主句谓语也可根据情况使用“should (could, might)+have+过去分词”。

“would + have +过去分词”的情态用法

would 后接完成式除用于构成过去将来完成时外,它还有其情态动词用法的一面。

如: Only somebody with a small mind would haverefused to help.


Few men would have bared their soul to a woman as he had.


I’m surprised you didn’t like the film. I would have thought it was just your kind of thing.


B. 大学实用英语阅读教程2答案

I. 1-5 BBCBC
II. 1. reading 2.badly 3. visitors 4. hosted5. ourselves
III. 1. are a symbol 2. stand for 3. at least
V. 1-5 ACACC 6-10 ABCCB
VI. One possible version:
The 29thOlympics has been over. Beijing is getting moreand more beautiful. And therewill be more foreigners in Beijing. We should plant more trees andgrass. Weshould improve our environment. We should do more exercise to buildourselvesup. We should make our country strong. Everyone in China should be friendly tothepeople all over the world.

C. 全新版大学英语综合教程2答案Test youself(units 1-4)


D. 求跨文化交际英语阅读教程2的答案!2!第二册!谢谢!


E. 大学实用英语阅读教程2华东师范大学出版的答案

2014年8月23日 - 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 创新大学英语2综合教程(华东师范大学出版社)第二单元单词_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。hold on (~ to sth.) to k...

F. 全新版大学英语阅读教程2的答案


G. 阅读教程 大学二 课后答案

阅读教程2Unit 1Part IP7 I Reading for Information 1-6 A C D B C AP8 II Translation 1.有一百份卷子要批, 而且全是男孩们用潦草的字迹写的,这事它已经拖了好几个星期了。这些日子, 他一直觉得头上仿佛悬着把剑。2. 我私下里已经花了一大笔钱来学音乐。3.他的脸上挂满了汗珠。4.没有哪个宣布判决的法官会比吃上的谢卡尔更痛苦、更无助。5.说出事实和接受事实同样需要勇气。P8 III Summary 1. sun, straight in the face, blinking, dazed.2. morning , night, tempering truth, shock3. truth, trials, wife, headmaster4. apple pie, culinary masterpiece, good, swallow5. fine, mean, selfish6. singing, stupefied7. frogs, buffalo, window shutters8. strength, give, receivePart IIP14 Answer the following questions.1. Hell is not so terrible as most people think because it can be transformed into Heaven through hard work, courage, faith and love. The real hell is in one’s heart.2. Heaven is a land of beauty and peace, and it is the result o our hard work.3. all those hardworking people with courage and determination can rest in Heaven after they die, because although they cannot all reach Heaven in the first place, they can build hell into Heaven.4. Those who are afraid of Hell and do not have courage to fight difficulties and disasters will end up in Hell.5. This parable tells us that our destiny is controlled by ourselves.Part IIIP.16 True or FalsePassage 11-5 T F T F FPassage 26-10 T F T T FPassage 311-15 C B B B DPassage 416-20 C D B D CUnit 2Part IP 28 I Reading for Information 1-6 A C B D A BP29 II Translation 1.可那天我却一点都不在乎路途遥远,只要有他在我身边。2. 他跳到水流的另一边,把手伸给我,我握住他的手, 稳稳当当地跳了过去。3.一阵清凉的微风吹过坡顶, 吹走了我们因长途跋涉而产生的一身燥热, 我们一下就觉得凉爽多了。4. 他一下子把我像小孩似的抱起来, 沿着堤岸向水边跑去。5.在他爬下来之前我已恢复了平静, 他全然不知我曾因某种莫名的情感而流泪。P 29 III Summary1. smiled at2. jumped, held out, took, made3. put , around, put, around, breathing, moved, against4. laid, on, felt, against5. linked, around,6. kissed, turned7. scooped , up, ran,8. threw, around, laughed9. lowered, run, pulled, laughing, stroked10. squeezed, rested, against, touched , beat, againtPart IIP34 Answer the following questions1. She had been to the Caribbean island to get married three years before.2. She returned to the same Caribbean island three years later to get a divorce. 3. Her husband James.4. She hated her husband for not being there when she was having a miscarriage, for not hurting as much as her or their lost son, but most of all for looking so much like the baby boy that she held or just three hours before he was taken away5. She and her husband finally opened their mind to each other. She talked about her sufferings and her husband shared her pain, which comforted her greatly. She began to believe that maybe she still had a future with her husband, and decided to give their marriage a second chance.Part IIIP.37Passage 11-5 F T T T FPassage 26-10 F T F F TPassage 311-15 D D A A BPassage 416-20 B A B C AUnit 3Part I Reading for InformationI. Reading for Information P47A. 1. D 2. CB. 3. D 4. BC. 5. A 6. CII. Translation P481. 痴迷往往会使人们做出各种各样奇怪的事情。哈丽雅特·玛格妮丝的痴迷趋使她犯下了有史以来最荒唐的罪行。2. 尽管他在海上一待就是两三年,每次回家也只能待上几天,哈丽雅特还是深爱着他。不幸没能为他生下一男半女,她心里非常不安。3. 她成功地骗了他三年,可是现在她明白,她要么得找出一个长相像理查德的三岁男孩,要么就得向他彻底坦白。4. 可是丈夫走后,哈丽雅特便恐慌起来,特别是当邻居们开始问她怎么突然有了个孩子的时候。而当通缉令出现在当地邮局时,她更是惶惶不可终日。5. 信如期送到了理查德服役的船上,但没有到他手里。理查德因为急于再次见到自己的儿子而离船开了小差。III.Summary P481. provide him with a child, commit a crime2. pregnant, deceiving her husband, got her into deep water, steal a child3. a boy of the right age, kidnapped, in ecstasy4. the captain of the ship, had gone AWOL5. arrested, held for trial, discharged, no jurisdiction Part II Reading for PleasureI. Answer the following questions. P541. What did the two strangers argue about?They pretended to argue about whether it would be easy to stand in front of the clock for one hour without moving and say “Here it comes, there it goes” as the clock’s penlum swung back and forth. Actually they were just trying to deceive the hotel owner.2. How did the two strangers make the hotel owner join them in a bet?They made him believe that it was very easy to win the bet and win a hundred dollars.3. What was the hotel owner thinking about when he stood in front of the clock?He thanked God for his old clock, which might help him get money for his son’s ecation. Besides, he was thinking about buying a new coat for his wife and a walking stick for himself.4. What did people think of the hotel owner when they saw him talking to the clock?People thought that he must have been crazy when thy saw him talking to the clock.5. What did the hotel owner find when he finished the bet?He found that the two men had already gone with his money. Unit 4Part I Reading for InformationI Reading for Information P67A. 1.C 2. BB. 3.A 4. DC. 5.A 6. CII. Translation P681. 她会和我们打招呼,将我们热乎乎的小手握在她那双秀美、清凉的手里。她的手背上青筋凸显,雪白的皮肤仿佛细薄得遮不住它们似的。2. 她脸上露出孤寂、哀婉的神情。我第一次感到纳闷,为什么从没有男人娶她、呵护她、爱她呢?3. 我虽然有些失望,但是并没有紧张,因为可能发生的事情太多,我们都会碰上,从而无法赴约。4. 那是我收到的唯一一封情书,它化解了我心中的痛苦和悲伤,使我感到平静,而那时,平静于我已是最接近幸福的感觉了。5. 老太太垂下了目光,像一个无心犯错的孩子般不安、羞怯。III.Summary P69A.1. cottage, solitude2. fond, confided in, engagement3. anxious, strange questions, destroyed4. young girl, fell in love, England5. look after his estates, a letter, marry, her family6. learnt to read, wrote Part II Reading for PleasureI. Answer the following questions. P741. Why didn’t the mailman look up when he passed Sophie’s house?Because there was no mail for Sophie.2. What kind of life did Sophie live?She lived a lonely, widowed life because her husband had died eight months before.3. Why didn’t Sophie hear Mrs. Mason’s knocking at five o’clock?Because she was holding the flowers on her lap, swaying slightly and stroking the petals of the flowers, lost in loving memory of her dead husband.4. Why did Sophie open the flower box and arrange the flowers in her vase?Because that was what she had done every year on Valentine’s Day before and the flowers were exactly what her husband had given her --- yellow roses. She obviously forgot that she was not the receiver of the delivery.5. How did Joseph arrange the flowers for Sophie? And why?Joseph arranged for the florist to deliver the flowers to their neighbor Mrs. Mason and asked Mrs. Mason to send them to Sophie. He made such arrangements so that he could give his wife a pleasant surprise on Valentine’s Day without startling her. Unit 5Part IP85 I Reading for Information 1-6 B C B A D CP86 II Translation 1.周末短暂的休息也不太轻松,因为堆积的衣物要洗,更别提还有超市要去、干洗店要去、还有其他数不清的琐事。原本应该和家人共度的时光就这样被挤占了。2. 我无心理会周围的人,心里开始盘算到了办公室以后有哪些失误需要优先处理。3. 火车缓缓地驶入车站,上班大军中,人人都怀着同样的心思:不惜一切代价抢个座位。4. 我抓紧公文包,随着人群一起往前挤,总算抢到个座位。有了座位我就可以提前处理一些文书工作,或许能完成一两份节略。5.车上的每个人好像都在刻意回避这位年轻的孕妇,要么埋头读报,要么假装聊得很投入,无暇旁顾。P86 III Summary 9. rat race, relaxation, household chores.10. turned out, priorities, secure a seat, get a jump on11. was of one mind, deteriorated12. expecting a baby, too deeply engrossed in13. a pang of guilt, small act of kindnessPart IIP91 Answer the following questions.6. She thought it was hostile as well as noisy, dirty, and lacking in temperature control.7. He looked down upon her. He thought that she was too young and inexperienced, and he didn’t want to work.8. She was punctual and always did what she had promised. She spent time on the line trying to understand the challenges and obstacles James faced as a supervisor. She even brought him coffee and made a point to ask abut his family.9. She changed his attitude towards her by asking for his advice on the retooling of the Cushion Room, and by giving him all the credit for success of the operation.10. She learned that one should act and treat others as he himself wants to be treated, and should put his ego down and sincerely ask for help.

H. 新21世纪大学英语阅读教程2的答案 复旦大学出版社的,急急急

第一单元第一单元第一单元第一单元 Translation X. “‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。‘多么有趣。可你还在等什么呢? 把画笔给我---大的那支。’她猛地用笔蘸起颜料,还没等我缓过神来,她已经挥笔泼墨在惊恐不已的画布上画下了有力的几道蓝色。谁都看得出画布无法回击。我不再迟疑。我抓起那支最大的画笔,迅猛异常地向我可怜的牺牲品扑了过去。自那以后,我再也不曾害怕过画布。” XI 1. When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on. 2. Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it, including a few celebrated professors. 3. When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s, it plunged the whole world into shock and grief. 4. After completing her second prime ministry, she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty. 5. After his failure in the election campaign, Dr. Smith retired to a small village, where he tried his hand at farming. 6. As long as you keep working hard all your life, you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction. 7. We must awaken people to the importance of environmental protection now, or it will soon be too late. 8. That official was removed from office for being involved in a political scandal. Had he known this would happen, he might have acted differently. 第二单元第二单元第二单元第二单元 Translation XI. 儒教也为亚洲人的成功提供了另一个要素。在孔夫子的哲学中,家庭起着最重要的作用----这种定向引导人们为家庭的荣誉而学习工作,而不仅仅是为了他们自己。一个人永远无法报答他的父母,而且在亚洲人中间还有一种责任感、乃至负罪感,这是一种如同新教哲学在西方一样的强大力量。 XII. 9. Female students constitute the majority of our class. By contrast, their class is made up of males only. 10. American children can usually watch TV three hours a day, whereas their Chinese counterparts have to work on their homework ring most their after-school time. 11. His development of a series of new research methods led to his huge success. He said he owed all this to his parents’ encouragement. 12. He resented being excluded from discussions that directly concerned his future. 13. The fact that these problems are continually showing up suggests that this new device has to be readjusted. 14. As one of the many Asian students who have surged into the best American universities in recent years, Zhang Hua says that many of his ideas are based on traditional Chinese philosophy. 15. To start with, it is not merely money that makes Mr. Young work so hard. He is committed to ecating the young and tires to motivate them to get ahead in life. 16. As time was running out, we drove even faster in the hope that we could make it to the airport in time. 第三单元第三单元第三单元第三单元 Translation IX. 从一开始,乔治就被所有的日本雇员欣然接受。日方经理通常不信任任何被派去代表美方业主的人,但乔治生性随和,没有人把他看作是对自己职业的一种威胁。所以他们喜欢就广泛的各类问题征求他的意见,包括大洋彼岸他们的合作伙伴的古怪行为。公司上下的工程师们都珍视乔治的专业知识和他友好而技能熟练的帮助,他们已养成了一有问题----任何问题,就找他帮忙的习惯。办公室里的秘书们都热衷于帮助这个讨人喜欢的单身汉学习日语。 X. 1. When this temporary job came to an end, George was offered a permanent job, which he accepted at once. 2. To ensure that their ventures in Japan are profitable, the American companies need cultural translators even more than language translators. 3. As a cultural translator, George was eager to help the Japanese employees who came to ask his advice on a great many matters, both within and outside of his field of expertise. 4. Somehow or other, George persuaded the American manager to go along with the Japanese accountant’s decision, thus smoothing over the conflict between the two. 5. Conflicts and arguments do arise at times between the American managers and their Japanese counterparts. But since both parties have the good sense to compromise, these conflicts are prevented from escalating into big emotional battles. 6. All the Japanese employees, the personnel manager included, appreciated George’s frequent help with the multitude of problems they run into. 7. My spoken Japanese is not good enough to express myself well. Please don’t get offended if I sometimes say stupid things. 8. with a solid understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and a good mastery of English, dr. Zhang is highly qualified to train foreign doctors who came to China to study Chinese medicine.



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