导航:首页 > 英语阅读 > 丛林大火的英语绘本阅读理解


发布时间:2021-02-17 03:12:50

Ⅰ 翻译“扑灭那场森林大火”为英文

Put off the field of forest fires

Ⅱ 黑布林丛林大火发生了什么事英文回笞

What happened to the black grove jungle fire?

Ⅲ “扑灭”的英文怎么说 “扑灭森林大火”的“扑灭”在此应该怎样说过去事态呢

扑灭:put out
扑灭森林大火:put out the forest fire

Ⅳ 用书中学过的英语单词描述一场森林火灾



Ⅳ 森林火灾多经常发生的英语


Ⅵ 急求一篇描写森林火灾过程的英语作文,不要软件翻译的,字数多多益善

Forest It's important for us to protect forest. Because it can refresh our air and it's benefit for our health. Someone said that forest is my home of people. As for me. we should protect our forest in our daily life no matter you are young or old and social person ,especial for the students.We should do a good students not become a destructor.

Ⅶ 森林着火了这五个字英语怎么读.

the forest get fire

Ⅷ 丛林大火英语绘本怎么翻译

They found themselves being caught in the big fire of forest.
They found themselves being sunken into the big fire of forest.



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