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发布时间:2021-02-17 02:11:13

1. 有一首英文歌 写的是黄石公园狼被杀 男的唱的叫什么

你找的抄应该是袭布列瑟农的狼 不是黄石公园的 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTE4ODMyMDg0.html

2. 北美黄石公园的狼是哪种狼


3. 美国黄石公园中狼的作用


4. 狼来了英语阅读

"Wolves are Coming!"
At the foot of a hill,there lived(居住) some farmers. Every morning, men went (go--went) to their fields(田地) ,womnen stayed at home, boys drove(驱赶) the sheep up the hill and in the evening drove them down the hill. One afternoon, the sheep and the shepherds(放羊的孩子) were on the hill, one of the boys was very stupid, he wanted to play a joke(玩笑) on the farmers,he shouted(叫喊), "Help!Help! Wolves(狼) are coming!"
Hearing (听见) the boy's shout, the farmers went up from the foot of the hill. They asked, "Where are the wolves?" But the boy laughed(笑), "I'm very sorry, there are no wolves at all. It's a joke. I played (play-played) a joke on you, go to your fields again please." The farmers were very angry(生气), "Boy, don't play any jokes like that from now on!It's wrong." The farmers went down the hill. The boy didn't know what to say. His face(脸) turned red.
One day the following(随后的)week, the boy was herding sheep with the other shepherds on the hill. The grass(草) was green, the flowers were red, yellow,white and orange, the sky (天空) was blue, the sun (太阳) was shining (闪耀), it was a nice colorful picture. Some of the shepherds started playing games, some were flying kites. The boy was sitting on a pear tree and looking at his friends.Suddenly(突然), the sheep started (开始) bleating (咩咩叫) and running about(到处跑), the boy saw clearly from the tree——two wolves were ruining towards(朝着) the sheep. The boy shouted, "Help!Help! Wolves are coming!Help! Help!"He thought the farmers at the foot of the hill could hear him and come to help. But the farmers heard(hear-heard) his shouts and said(say-said), "Don't listen to (理会) him, the boy is playing a joke again, the boy is telling a lie (谎言). He forgets his joke, but we don't."
This time, no farmer ran(run--ran) to help him. The boy's friends were all Shouting at him, "It's your fault (错误,缺点), no farmer will come to help us, we don't want to play with you, we don't want to herd sheep with you!"

5. 黄石公园的狼


6. 美国黄石国家公园的英文介绍及翻译

美国黄石国家公园 纪录片看看更好
黄石国家公园(英语:Yellowstone National Park),简称内黄石公园,是世界第一容座国家公园,成立於1872年。黄石公园位於美国中西部怀俄明州的西北角,并向西北方向延伸到爱达荷荷州和蒙大拿州,面积达7988平方公里。这片地区原本是印地安人的圣地,但因美国探险家刘易斯与克拉克远征的发掘,而成为世界上最早的国家公园。它在1978年被列为世界自然遗产。

园内高度从北方入口(蒙大拿州的伽德纳(Gardiner))的5,314英尺(1,620米)上升到公园东南方最高点的鹰峰(Eagle Peak)的11,358英尺(3,462米)。在黄石公园广博的天然森林中有世界上最大的间歇泉集中地带,全球一半以上的间歇泉都在这里。这些地热奇观是世界上最大的活火山存在的证据。黄石公园以熊为其象徵。园内约有200多只黑熊,100多只灰熊。除此之外,大黄石生态圈的野生动物在这个国家公园里是应有尽有,包括美洲野牛、叉角羚、驼鹿、马鹿、白尾鹿、大角羊、郊狼、灰狼、水獭等等。

7. 黄石国家公园的中英文简介

Yellowstone National Park: referred to as Yellowstone National Park, is managed by the National Park Service.

黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park):简称黄石公园,由美国国家公园管理局负责管理。

It was officially named National Park for the Protection of Wildlife and Natural Resources on March 1, 1872 and was listed on the World Natural Heritage List in 1978. This is the world's first largest national park.


Yellowstone National Park covers an area of 8,98317 hectares, mainly located in Wyoming, USA, and partly in Montana and Idaho. Huangshi Park is divided into five districts: the mammoth hot spring area in the northwest is dominated by limestone steps, so it is also called the hot step area;


The northeast is Roosevelt, and the old western landscape is still preserved; the middle is the canyon area, which can be seen in the Yellowstone Grand Canyon and the waterfall; the southeast is the Huangshi Lake area, mainly the lake and the mountains;


the west and southwest are the geyser areas, all over the geysers, hot springs and steam pools. , hot water pool, mud and fumaroles. There is a museum of historical monuments in the park.



Opening hours


Except for 11/11 (Veterans Day) and 11/27 (Thanksgiving Day), basically Yellowstone National Park is open all year round, but not every entrance is open all year round.


There are five entrances to Yellowstone National Park. The opening hours of the entrances to Yellowstone National Park in 2013 are as follows:


1. Dongmen Opening Hours: March 01, 2013 (Winter) Closed: November 22, 2013 (Winter)

1、东门开放时间:2013年03月01日(冬季) 关闭时间:2013年11月22日(冬季)

2. Ximen Opening Hours: March 15, 2013 (Winter) Closed: November 15, 2012 (Winter)


3. North Gate opening hours: open all year round


4. Northeast Gate opening hours: Open all year round (the intersection of Cook City and Joseph Emirates Scenic Area to Changhu Gate is closed from winter to the end of May)


8. 介绍狼的英语短文

They are as quick as forexes anmail.
Sometimes they are very terrible,but somethimes they are very lovely.They are more athletic than other anmails,like monkey ,donkey,chicken and so on.If you babysit a little woof,you can become a loving and kind as same as a moher.Finally,I can tell you,woofs are not terrible anmails!!!
O(∩来_∩)O~ 不好意思了啊,我源没有时间帮你写,而且不太了解狼,用汉语都不怎么会,我到网上搜了好长时间,给你找了点资料做下参考,等我有时间了,好好搜点中文的给你翻译过去(⊙o⊙)哦嘿嘿

9. 美国的黄石公园英语短文50字

The Yellowstone Park Foundation is a 501(c)3,non-profit organization created in 1996.A group of concerned citizens,working with the National Park Service,started the Foundation in order to protect,preserve,and enhance Yellowstone National Park.
The Foundation works to fund important projects and programs,many of which are beyond the financial capacity of the National Park Service.The Foundation receives no annual government funding; it relies instead upon the generous support of private citizens,foundations,and corporations to ensure that Yellowstone's great gifts to the world will never diminish.
Since its inception,the Yellowstone Park Foundation has successfully funded more than 100 projects in Yellowstone.

10. 帮忙翻译一下英语课文

名字 起床 早饭 去学校 午饭 回家 晚饭 上床睡觉




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