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① 英語必修一、必修二語法總結

1. be concerned about
2. share sth. with sb.
3. feelings and thoughts
4. calm down
6. get along with
8. upset
9. suffer from
11. get tired of
12. be crazy about
13. join in
14. outdoor activities
15. on purpose
16. in addition
17. as far as I am concerned
1. settle down
2. based on
6. at present
7. play an important role in
8. native English speakers
9. make use of
11. be recognized as
12. have a good command of
13. have difficulty in doing
1. dream about / of sth. / doing …
3. have a chance to do …
4. be fond of
6. change one』s mind
7. make up one』s mind
8. give in to
11. persuade sb. to do ….
12. insist on doing …
4. lie in ruins
6. break out 無被動
7. think little of
8. at an end
9. a great number of
13. be injured
16. be trapped
18. be shocked
19. be frightened
20. damage
22. natural disaster
24. economic loss
25. be gone
1. quality
2. generous and selfless
3. be willing to do …
4. ask for no reward
5. turn to sb. for help
6. in trouble
7. take an active part in
8. be active in …
9. devote oneself to sth . / doing …
10. be devoted to sth. / doing …
12. fight against / for …
13. equality and fairness
14. equal rights
15. be put in prison
16. lose heart
17. peaceful
18. be hopeful about
19. answer violence with violence
20. out of work
21. be grateful to sb. for sth.
22. (a country) be founded
23. offer guidance to sb. on sth.
25. attack
27. escape from
29. reward sb. with sth. for sth.

1. cultural relics
2. go / be in search of
3. rare and valuable
4. serve as (無被動)
6. belong to (無被動,無進行時)
7. ask for nothing in return
8. be well worth doing
9. It is worthwhile to do …
11. local
13. think highly of
16. have a history of XX years
19. former – latter
20. formal – informal
21. survive vt.
23. be completed

1. the Olympics / the Olympic Games (復數)
2. compete in … with/against … for …
5. take part in
7. stand for
8. a sports event / sports events
9. host – hosted – hosted
10. hold – held – held
11. be admitted as
12. be admitted into
13. admit (to) doing …
14. every 4 years
15. take responsibility for
16. be responsible for
17. be in charge of
18. replace A with B
19. promise to do
20. deserve to do
21. one after another
22. charge sb. money for sth.
25. volunteer
26. on a regular basis
27. be fined
28. foolish
29. hopeless
32. be allowed to do

34. problems arise
35. changes take place
37. live a life of high quality
38. in a way
39. simplify
40. deal with
41. human race
42. think logically
43. watch over
44. personal
46. have … in common
47. explore the Internet
48. download

1. wildlife reserves
2. be at a loss
3. long to do
4. endangered species
5. in danger of dying out
6. succeed in
7. be successful in
8. distant adj. = faraway
9. according to
10. decrease to (by)
11. protect sth. / sb. from …
12. hunt
13. hunt for
14. affect = have an effect on
15. do harm to
16. pay (close / more / no) attention to
17. live in peace with
18. respond to
19. come into being (無被動)
20. fierce
21. be extinct
22. raise our awareness of wildlife protection
23. powerful

2. to be honest = honestly speaking
3. humorous
4. a sense of humor
5. attractive adj.
6. attract vt.
7. have confidence in = be confident in
8. painful
9. be sensitive to
10. afterwards
11. or so
12. as well as
13. attach great importance to
14. dream of / about
15. sort out
16. in addition
17. sth. be familiar to sb.
18. sb. be familiar with sth.
19. break up
20. pretend to do …
21. pretend that
22. play jokes on
23. earn extra money
24. rely on sb. for sth.
25. afterwards
26. be devoted to
27. painful

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② 英語人教版必修二單詞第一單元

Unit1 honestadj誠實的;正直的 braveadj勇敢的 Loyaladj忠誠的;忠心的 wiseadj英明的;明智的;聰明的 handsomeadj英俊的;大方的;美觀的 smartadj聰明的;漂亮的;敏捷的 arguevt爭論;辯論 △solutionn解答;解決辦法;解決方案 classicaladj古典的;古典文學的 △Steve史蒂夫(男子名) fondadj喜愛的;多情的;喜歡的 fondof喜歡;愛好 △Sarahn莎拉;薩拉(女子名) △Joe喬(男子名) matchn火柴 mirrorn鏡子 fryvt&vi油煎;油炸 gunn炮;槍 hammern錘子;槌 sawn&vt&vi鋸 ropen繩;索;繩索 △compassn羅盤;指南針 movien電影 castvt&vi投擲;投射;拋 △TomHanks湯姆漢克斯(美國男影星) △ChuckNoland查克諾蘭德(男子名) △survivevt倖免於;從……中生還 vi倖存 desertedadj荒蕪的;荒廢的 huntvt&vi&n打獵;獵取;搜尋 huntfor搜索,追尋;尋找 inorderto為了 △Wilson威爾遜(男子名) sharevt&vi分享;共有;分配 n共享;份額 sorrown悲哀;悲痛 careabout擔心;關心 feelingn.觸覺;知覺;感覺;情緒 suchas例如 airplanen飛機 △parachuten降落傘 lien謊話;謊言 speechn演說;講話;語音 adventuren&vt&vi冒險;冒險經歷 notebookn筆記本;筆記本式電腦 △scaredadj恐懼的 △e-paln網友 △SouthCarolina南卡羅來納州(美國州名) dropsbaline給某人寫信(通常指寫簡訊〉 △formaladj正式的;正規的 errorn錯誤;差錯 Unit2 △Nancy南希(女子名) bathroomn浴室;盥洗室;廁所 makeoneselfathome別客氣 toweln毛巾 △landladyn女房東;老闆娘 closetn壁櫥;儲藏室 △Karen卡倫(女子名) pronouncev發音;宣告;斷言 △Thompson湯普森(姓氏) broadadj寬的 repeatvt&vi重做;重復;復述 n重復;反復 △Dave戴夫(男子名) △ketchupn蕃茄醬;蕃茄沙司 majorityn多數;大半 nativeadj本國的;本地的 n本地人;本國人 totaln總數;合計 adj總的;全部的;整個的 intotal總共 △theUnitedKingdom英國 tonguen舌頭;語言;口語 △mothertongue母語 equaladj相等的;勝任的 vt等於;比得上 governmentn政府;內閣 situationn情形;境遇; (建築物等的)位置 △Pakistann巴基斯坦(南亞國家) △Nigerian奈及利亞(非洲國家) △thePhilippines菲律賓共和國;菲律賓群島 exceptfor除了……之外 internationaladj國際的;世界的 organizationn組織;機構;團體 traden貿易;商業 tourismn旅遊;觀光 globaladj全球的;球形的 communicatevi交際;溝通;傳達(感情、信息等) communicationn交流;通訊;通信 exchangevt&n交換;交流;兌換 servicen服務,服務性工作 signaln信號 movementn運動;動作;運轉 △pegn釘;栓;樁 commandern司令官;指揮官 tidyvt&vi整理:收拾 adj整齊的;整潔的 standn台;看台;攤,攤位 stayup不睡,熬夜 comeabout發生 independentadj獨立自主的 falln秋天;瀑布 expressionn短語;表情 enpwith…告終 typhoonn台風 △tornadon旋風;龍卷風 △Spanishn西班牙語;西班牙人 adj西班牙(人、語)的 △NoahWebster諾厄韋伯斯特(美國詞典編纂家) publishvt發表;出版;公布 southernadj南方的;南部的 △statementn陳述;聲明;綜述 presidentn總統;校長;行長;會長 Europeanadj歐洲的;歐洲人的 bringin引進;引來 △Florida佛羅里達(美國州名) agreatmany許許多多;極多 howlvi&n嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭 cookbookn食譜 comparevt比較 replacevt替換 是不是這個?



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