導航:首頁 > 英語語法 > 七年級上冊英語第八單元語法重點


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1. 人教新目標英語七年級上冊第八單元全部知識點

月份和序數詞。 when+be動詞+日期? how old are you等於what is your age?

2. 七年級上冊第八單元英語有哪些重要知識點

Unit 8
Section A
1. When is your birthday ,Vera? 你的生日是什麼時候,薇拉?
2. 日期是按月,日,年排序,日與年之間加逗號
1. How old are you? 你多大了?
How old…?是詢問年齡的特殊疑問句
How old +be+主語? 表示「。。。幾歲?」
答語為「主語+be+基數詞(years old)」
Section B
1. At your school 在你的學校
小地點前用at, 大地點前用in
In Beijing 在北京 at home 在家
Grammar 序數詞和名詞所有格
1. 序數詞的構成:
① 一般情況下,在基數詞後加th ,即:seventh第七 tenth第十
② 少數不規則的變化 ,即:first 第一,second 第二,third 第三
③ 以y結尾的改y為ie,再加th,即:twenty20→twentieth第20
2. 用法
① 表「第幾個」,用「序數詞+名詞」
② 日期中的「日」應用序數詞表示,即:
May 1st五月一日 June 24th 6月24日

有些名詞在其後加』s 表示所屬關系,名詞的這種形式被稱為名詞所有格,意為「。。。的」
1. 構成:
① 一般情況下,在單數名詞的詞尾加』s
Tom』s book 湯姆的書
② 以s結尾的復數名詞在詞尾加』
The girls』 books 女孩們的書
③ 用of短語表示
The door of the room房間的門
④ 表示兩者或兩者以上的人共同擁有某人或某物時,其名詞所有格形式為:名詞+and +名詞+』s
Tom and Mike』s book 湯姆和邁克(共同擁有)的書
⑤ 表示兩者或兩者以上的人各自擁有的某人或某物時,其名詞所有格形式為:名詞+』s+ and+ 名詞+』s
Tom』s and Mike』s books 湯姆的和邁克(各自擁有)的姐姐

Lucy and Lily』s father is a teacher. 露西和莉莉的爸爸是老師
Jack 『s and Mary』s mothers are both teachers. 傑克和瑪麗的媽媽都是老師。

3. 英語新目標七年級上冊第八單元句型

Unit 8 When is your birthday?
When is your birthday? It』s October 25th. My birthday is October tenth.
When is your mother』s birthday? Her birthday is June 8th.
How old are you? What』s your age? I』m thirteen.
When is the school trip? Do you having a fun birthday?
Happy birthday!
The first month of a year is January. = January is the first month of a year.
What's the date today? = What date is (it) today? It's March eleventh. = Today is March eleventh.

4. 求初一人教版英語上冊unit8重點語法,謝謝

When is your birthday? My birthday is on May 2nd.
When is his birthday? His birthday is on January17th.
When is her birthday? It's in August.
When is Alice's birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.
When is your father's birthday? His birthday is on April 21st.

5. 七年級上冊英語每個單元的語法重點!謝謝!




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