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Ⅰ 英語 英語作文 語法錯誤


首先,第一句沒有什麼問題,只是我不明白你那句「arouse the attention from all walks of life」是什麼意思。「Prevention of the mountain」可改成「impediment of the mountain」,不內過意容思差不太多,我只是覺得prevention聽起來有點怪。「Excellent scenery」可改成「magnificent scenery」。下一句「detect」改成「notice」吧,有點奇怪。「Has conquer」應該改成「has conquered」。最後一句我也沒看能解釋一下嗎。

第二段第一句把「but」改成「yet」比較好吧。「Dazzing」是啥,你是想說「dazing」還是「dazzling」?「MaYun is greatly robust」把is改成「was」。剩下的就沒啥問題了!我給你推薦一個查英語語法的網站,還蠻好的叫 grammarly.com 你有空可以看一下,可能有些我疏漏的點。


Ⅱ 這個英語作文有那些語法錯誤容易被扣分

這個字寫得丑就不說了, 改作文是很快的, 字都丑的話再好的文筆都不會高分回. 其次
1,第二行two main reasons應用復數.
2,according for是錯答的, according to才是正確的,這是固定搭配.
4,fake goods 當然是不好的啦,啰嗦, 直接改成: these goods are unsafe
5,needlessly to say, 副詞修飾動詞
6,suggetions on
7,第二句完全不懂,意義不明.不過你既然最後一段寫建議,就不應這么多廢話.首先應該it is without saying that,does是助動詞不改的話這句話就沒有謂語了. 第二,bettle是什麼,你想寫battle吧, 就算是battle也不夠好, 如果你想表達為打壓,打擊應該用crackdown. the government should crackdown,你一介市民能做什麼. doubt拼錯了,請注意正確書寫
8,about 改成against比較通順

Ⅲ 英語作文中常出現的語法錯誤有哪些

時態 三人稱單數的變化 單詞過去式,過去分詞的變化 固定句型的用法(如:打電回話的固定模式……) 固定片語(答如:there be) 動名詞作主語謂語動詞用單數等的語法 還有like後面接動詞的ing形式,would like+動原這些易混淆的地方……

Ⅳ 英語作文怎麼規避語法錯誤


Ⅳ 這篇英語作文有語法錯誤嗎急急急急!!!!!!!

第一句話就很別扭:你就可以直接說:I am very glad to share my Shanghai expo trip with you。
世博就是exposition,簡稱expo 就可以
第二句話的語意大概是:他教會了我許多,對吧。應該是:It's tayght me a lot.bring沒有教會的用法
得~我給你重寫吧,詞還是你的,就是給你改改,你重復的太多,總是A LOT,英語尤其是口語最忌諱這個~從First開始:
First, the activity really impressed me deeply, including the constructions, foods and the parades. It』s really a shock to me,like all kinds of styles of buildings and costumes come in to my eyes, you know, as they are all something new to me and made me surprised. Second, the holding of World Expo in my own country brings me a sense of honor. It』s a symbol of the 此處換一個別的詞 of my homeland. Thirdly, the Expo is not only a exhibition to me but also a class; I really learned a lot from every word the guide have told me and every picture that was shown to me.At Last, I want to say that the Expo really means a lot to me, the nation(更正規), and the world.


Ⅵ 英語作文檢查語法錯誤(回答後再加分)

An important lesson
I learned an important lesson in a school trip when I was in grade six. Our school always held trips at the end of each semester. All the students waited with excitement for that day. We filled up our bag with snacks the day before the trip, then I went to a beautiful park with all my classmate by school bus.
We followed the teachers to walk around the park first, and the history of the park were introced. Later on, the teachers divided us into a few groups, so we can see more details with smaller groups. However, we got some different opinions about going in which directions. Then my best friend and I decided to visit on our own. There were a lot of trees that are over a hundred years, and the lake looked green with the reflection of the trees. Some people were rowing boats in the center of the lake. We also rent a boat for half an hour; it was so romantic. After that, we wanted to have some new fun. We saw an old man, who had many white pigeons stood in the trees. My friend loved pigeons, so I asked the old man if we can feed the birds. He agreed. We put the corns on the ground and all the pigeons flied around us; they were as beautiful as snow. We had a great time to play with them. The sky was getting dark, and we remembered it was time to go back to the school bus. But we forgot where the entrance of the park was. We walked around and around, there was no one here except us. I almost started to cry. Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name. That was my teacher. I know that the school bus had waited for us over two hours - only two of us were missing. All the teachers were very worried.
The teacher ordered us to write a paragraph on realizing our mistakes. I was so regretful; I learned that I should always listen to the teachers and stay in the group, or it will be very dangerous. I will never do that again.


Ⅶ 看一下這篇英語作文有那些語法錯誤容易被扣分

  1. 我參加過高考閱卷,按高考標准這篇作文得分在平均分以下。

  2. 主要需改進之處:回1)書寫答和卷面都有改善空間,比如塗改越少越好,字越漂亮越好,字母占格符合英語習慣等。2)常識:逗號後邊不大寫。3)論述要有理有據表述邏輯清楚。你開頭說有兩個原因,可後面並不是圍繞兩個原因論述,跑題了。4)明顯語法錯、錯別字要減少:two reason(s) ,interestion, needing, (a)better job(s) 5)消滅漢語式英語:you feel society needing; I think shoud choose

  3. 看得出你已經很努力了,再把模版背熟一些,再把字練好一些,結果會不一樣!

Ⅷ 英語作文糾錯 幫忙看下有無很嚴重的語法,用詞錯誤

At present,social pratice has been (playing ) increasingly important role in our college life.It's nessecary for college students to take part in social pratice
In fact,most of college students are busy( with their study )and pay less attention to social practice.Undoubtely,college students have benefited a lot from social experience that couldn't be learned in textbooks.In addition,college students can improve themselves.
In my oppion,I think it's necessary for college students to( be an active participant ) in social practice.The students spend lots of time in playing computer games and shopping on line nowadays.All in all,it's good for college students to take part in social practice.

Ⅸ 初中英語作文修改以下出錯的語法和句型

1,But now with others, get along very harmoniously 改為來 but now he gets along very harmoniously with others;自
2,now care for the environment 改為 but now he cares for the environment;
3,Now he actively participated in various activities,改為 Now participates in variious activities actively


Ⅹ 高中英語,易錯的語法和短語總結。

2.中文翻譯與英文不相符而易出錯,如:with one's help通常翻譯為「在某人的幫助下」,所以往往會寫成「under one's help」。



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