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發布時間:2021-03-02 13:50:55

『壹』 大學英語ppt


『貳』 大學英語泛讀4課件、翻譯和相關資料

英語泛讀教程(一) [完整課件] 新編英語教程四(三) [音頻素材] 新編英語教程一(二) [音頻素材] 新編英語教程一(四) [音頻素材] 網路英語:電子商務篇練習答案 [參考資料] 大學英語口語 [音頻素材] 大學體驗英語(一) [電子教案] ...


『叄』 關於大學英語作文ppt

War on Iraq Is Wrong

In making the case for taking pre-emptive action against Iraq, the White House has been long on innuendo and very short on evidence of an Iraqi threat requiring such drastic remedies. What we do know is that since the Gulf War, Iraq's military capabilities have weakened significantly, to the point where they pose little or no threat to its neighbors, a fact reflected in Saddam Hussein's bid to improve relations with both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

The United Nations inspections regime that operated in Iraq until late 1998 destroyed most of Iraq's ballistic missiles and nuclear and chemical weapons program. Since then, UN financial controls have deprived the regime of the money it would need to rebuild its military machine or redevelop the infrastructure needed to proce weapons of mass destruction. We know that the regime lacks the reliable means for using any weapons it might have. Of the 819 Scud missiles that Saddam once possessed, all but two were accounted for before the inspections ended. The regime has some short-range missiles, and it is suspected of working on longer-range missiles, but since none have been tested they therefore would be of highly questionable reliability. Even if Saddam had been able to hide away one or two longer-range missiles, it is not clear what he would hope to gain from irrational and ultimately suicidal attacks on Israel or his other neighbors.

『肆』 英語 語法 全套 PPT


『伍』 大學英語精讀1-4冊教學課件


『陸』 求一份英語語法的PPT,15頁以上,最好能精緻一些,謝謝!!!


『柒』 求大學英語口語優秀示範課的視頻資料,以及PPT!什麼主題皆可!希望得到各高校老師的指點!




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