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❷ 英語語法裡面的各種時態


❸ 英語時態語法

1) shall用於第一人稱,常被will 所代替。
will 在陳述句中用於各人稱,在爭求意見時常用於第二人稱。
Which paragraph shall I read first.
Will you be at home at seven this evening?

2) be going to +不定式,表示將來。
a. 主語的意圖,即將做某事。
What are you going to do tomorrow?
b. 計劃,安排要發生的事。
The play is going to be proced next month。
c. 有跡象要發生的事
Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm.

3) be +不定式表將來,按計劃或正式安排將發生的事。
We are to discuss the report next Saturday.

4) be about to +不定式,意為馬上做某事。
He is about to leave for Beijing.
注意:be about to 不能與tomorrow, next week 等表示明確將來時的時間狀語連用。
1) 經常性或習慣性的動作,常與表示頻腮度的時間狀語連用。
時間狀語: every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday
I leave home for school at 7 every morning.

2) 客觀真理,客觀存在,科學事實。
The earth moves around the sun.
Shanghai lies in the east of China.
3) 表示格言或警句中。
Pride goes before a fall. 驕者必敗。

例:Columbus proved that the earth is round..

4) 現在時刻的狀態、能力、性格、個性。
I don't want so much.
Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.
比較:Now I put the sugar in the cup.
I am doing my homework now.

第一句用一般現在時,用於操作演示或指導說明的示範性動作,表示言行的瞬間動作。再如:Now watch me, I switch on the current and stand back. 第二句中的now是進行時的標志,表示正在進行的動作的客觀狀況,所以後句用一般現在時。
現在完成時用來表示之前已發生或完成的動作或狀態,其結果的確和現在有聯系。動作或狀態發生在過去但它的影響現在還存在;也可表示持續到現在的動作或狀態。其構成: have (has) +過去分詞。
1)It is the first / second time…. that…結構中的從句部分,用現在完成時。
It is the first time that I have visited the city.
It was the third time that the boy had been late.

2)This is the… that…結構,that 從句要用現在完成時.
This is the best film that I've (ever) seen.
This is the first time (that) I've heard him sing. 這是我第一次聽他唱歌。

(1) ---Do you know our town at all?
---No, this is the first time I ___ here.
A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming
答案B. This is the first time 後面所加從句應為現在完成時,故選B。

(2) ---Have you ____ been to our town before?
---No, it's the first time I ___ here.
A. even, come B. even, have come C. ever, come D. ever, have come
答案D. ever意為曾經或無論何時,反意詞為never,此兩詞常用於完成時。 This is the largest fish I have ever seen. It is / was the first time +that-clause 的句型中,從句要用完成時。
(錯)I have received his letter for a month.
(對)I haven't received his letter for almost a month.
時間狀語有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。
Where did you go just now?

When I was a child, I often played football in the street.
Whenever the Browns went ring their visit, they were given a warm welcome.

It is time for sb. to do sth "到……時間了" "該……了"
It is time sb. did sth. "時間已遲了" "早該……了"
It is time for you to go to bed. 你該睡覺了。
It is time you went to bed. 你早該睡覺了。
would (had) rather sb. did sth. 表示'寧願某人做某事'
I'd rather you came tomorrow.

4) wish, wonder, think, hope 等用過去時,作試探性的詢問、請求、建議等。
I thought you might have some. 我以為你想要一些。

Christine was an invalid all her life.
Christine has been an invalid all her life.
Mrs. Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years.
Mrs. Darby has lived in Kentucky for seven years.
( 含義:現在還住在肯塔基州,有可能指剛離去)

注意: 用過去時表示現在,表示委婉語氣。
1)動詞want, hope, wonder, think, intend 等。
Did you want anything else?
I wondered if you could help me.
2)情態動詞 could, would.
Could you lend me your bike?



yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now, 具體的時間狀語

this morning, tonight,this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately

for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always,

3)現在完成時可表示持續到現在的動作或狀態,動詞一般是延續性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.
過去時常用的非持續性動詞有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。
I saw this film yesterday.
I have seen this film.
Why did you get up so early?
Who hasn't handed in his paper?
She has returned from Paris.
She returned yesterday.
He has been in the League for three years.
He has been a League member for three years.
He joined the League three years ago.
( 三年前入團,joined為短暫行為。)
I have finished my homework now.

---Will somebody go and get Dr. White?
---He's already been sent for.
句子中如有過去時的時間副詞(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)時,不能使用現在完成時,要用過去時。
(錯)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night.
(對)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.

❹ 英語語法時態


1. 一般過去時的定義
一般過去時表示過去某一時候或某一段時間所發生了的事情或存在的狀態。常與過去時間yesterday, this morning, just now, a moment ago, in May, last night / year / week, once upon a time, the other day, before …, when – clause, in the past連用。如:
What did you do yesterday? 昨天你幹了什麼?
I met Lin Tao this morning. 今天上午我會到了林濤。
I was there a moment ago. 剛才我在那兒。
2. 一般過去時的應用
(1) 表示過去某時所發生的動作或存在的狀態。如:
Liu Ying was in America last year. 劉英去年在美國。
Jim rang you just now. 吉姆剛才給你打了電話。
(2) 表示過去經常或反復發生的動作。常接時間副詞often, usually, always, sometimes, every day / week, etc. 如:
We often went out for a walk after supper. 我們過去常在晚飯後散步。
We usually played together. 我們通常一起玩。
3. 一般過去時對謂語動詞的要求
(1) 一般在動詞後加-ed。如:play—played, offer—offered, weigh—weighed, destroy— destroyed, sign—signed.
(2) 在以字母e結尾的動詞後,只加-d。如:like—liked, provide—provided, hate — hated, date—dated。
(3) 在以「輔音字母+y」結尾的動詞後,則改y為i,再加—ed。如:supply—supplied, fly—flied, study— studied.
(4) 在以單短母音的重讀閉音節結尾且,末尾只有一個輔音字母的動詞後,雙寫最後一個輔音字母,再加-ed。如:plan—planned, refer—referred, regret—regretted, ban—banned.
4. 特別說明
有些動詞的過去時,如:expect, hope, intend, plan, wanted 等一般過去時,後接不定式的完成時;或它們的過去完成時接不定式的一般式,都可表示過去未曾實現的意圖、打算或希望。如:
I hoped to have been invited to his wedding party. —I had hoped to be invited to his wedding ceremony. 我本希望他來邀請我參加他的婚禮。
I intended to have joined their games. —I had intended to join their games. 我本打算參加他們的比賽。

1. 過去將來時的定義
He said he would come here next Friday. 他說他下周星期五來這兒。
I knew that he would help us when we were in trouble. 我知道當我們陷入困境時它會幫助我們。
2. 過去將來時的結構
(1) would + 動詞原形。如:
She told us that she would try her best to catch up with other classmates this term. 她告訴我們說她將一切努力在本期趕上其他同學們。
When you asked Li Lei for help, he would never refuse you. 過去當你請她幫忙時,他絕不會拒絕。
(2) was / were going to + 動詞原形。如:
He told us that he was going to attend the meeting. 他告訴我說他要參加那次會議。
He said that I was going to be sent to meet her at the railway station. 他說將要拍我去火車站接她
(3) was / were to + 動詞原形。如:
The building was to be completed next month. 這座建築改在下個月竣工。
Li Lei was to arrive soon. 李蕾很快就要到了。
(4) was / were about to + 動詞原形。如:
We were about to leave there when it began to rain heavily and suddenly. 就在我們要離開時,天突然下起了大雨。
He was about to have lunch when the bell rang. 就在他要吃中飯的時候,門鈴響起來了。
(5) was / were +現在分詞。如:
He was leaving the next day. 他第二天要走了。
We were informed that the leaders were coming to our school soon. 我們接到通知說領導們很快要來我們學校。
3. 過去將來時的用法
(1) 過去將來時,一般用於主句為過去時的賓語從句中。如:
He said he would stay with us. 他說他要與我們呆在一起。
He said he would never go there again. 他說他絕不會再去那兒。
(2) 過去將來時,用於虛擬語氣中,如:
If I were you, I would not do that. 要是我是你的話,我就不會那樣做。
If he were here, he would show us how to do it. 如果他在這兒,他就會向我們展示該如何做了。
4. 拓展
was / were going to + 動詞原形;was / were to + 動詞原形;was / were about to + 動詞原形等結構都可表達當時一種未曾實現的意圖或打算。如:
The conference was going to be held the next month. 會議下個月開。
We were to have our class at eight. 八點我們該上課了。
I was about to tell him about it when Wu Dong got in. 就在我要告訴他時,吳東進來了。

❺ 英語的時態語法(所有)+例句

1. 現在一般時與現在完成時
1) I come from Shanghai(上海人)
I have come from Shanghai(從上海來)
2) You read very well. (強調能力)
You've read very well. (強調一次剛完成的動作)
3) I forget.(一時想不起來了)
I have forgotten.(仍沒想起來,可能已回憶起來了)
4) The book is written in simple English. (表狀態)
The book has been written in simple English.(表動態,已用英語寫成)
5) Every time I see him, he's been reading. (兩個動作不可能同時進行)Every time I have seen him, he's been reading. (強調兩個動作同時進行)
6) He is gone. (強調狀態)He has gone (強調動作和時間)
7) He won't come till the play begins. (演出開始時)
He won't come till the play has begun.(戲已開始)
8) After I leave school, I'll go to college. (兩個動作緊密相接)
After I have left school, I'll go to college.(強調畢業後,兩個動作可能有間隔)
9) It is a long time since I saw you last. It's been a long time since I saw you last.(這兩句話一樣,後一句是美國英語)
10) Where are you? (在哪)Where have you been?(去了哪)

2. 現在一般時與現在進行時
1) He works hard.(強調始終如一)He is working hard.(強調現在)
2) What do you do? (干什麼工作的)What are you doing?(在干什麼)
3) Here comes the bus! (表高興和欣慰)
The bus is coming.(汽車到來的情景)
4) I forget him name. I'm forgetting his name.(差點把他的名字忘了)
5) You don't eat much. (強調胃口不大)
You're not eating much.(你怎麼不吃呀)
6) The match starts at 7 o'clock. (比較固定,不宜改變)
The match is starting at 7 o'clock.(可以改變)
7) Tom always comes late. Tom is always coming late.(表示不滿,責備)
8)Tom goes to college now.
Tom is going to college now.(這兩句區別不大,後者更生動)
9) I tell you.(我可以告訴你)
I'm telling you.(我告訴你吧,有感情色彩)
10) He always sleeps in the afternoon.
He is always sleeping in the afternoon.(後者意味著整個下午都睡掉了)
11) I expect you to phone me. ( 幾乎等於命令)
I'm expecting you to phone me.(婉轉)
12) What do you say? What are you saying?(你說些什麼呀,表說話人驚訝,不滿)
12) I find that the book is too difficult for me.(強調結果) I'm finding that the book is too difficult for me. (強調過程,逐漸感到)
13) Apples cost more these days.(強調事實)
Apples are costing more these days.(越來越貴)
14) He always thinks of others.
He's always thinking of others.(表示贊揚)
15) Whenever I see him, he argues with somebody.(強調兩個動作有先後) Whenever I see him, he is arguing with somebody.(強調兩個動作同時進行)
16) I hope you'll give us some advice.
I'm hoping you'll give us some advice.(表示語氣婉轉)
17) I must go. (我應該去)I must be going.(我該走了)
18) We can discuss this while we eat.(說話是沒用餐)
We can discuss this while we are eating.(進餐已開始)

3. 現在完成時與過去一般時
1) I've seen him this morning.(還在上午的時間里)
I saw him this morning.(時間已不在上午了)
2) Who's opened the window? (窗戶還在開著)
Who opened the window? (與現在無關,窗戶可能已關上)
3) Have you ever heard him sing? (他可能不是愛唱歌)
Did you ever hear him sing?(你曾聽過他唱歌嗎,他可能是歌唱家)
4) Have you ever heard of such a thing? (你聽過這種事嗎)
Did you ever hear of such a thing?(這種事, 你聽說過嗎? 是一個修辭性問題,表示驚異。)
5) What have I done to make you so angry? (對方仍生氣)
What did I do to make you so angry? (暗示某一過去的時間,可能對方已不生氣了。)
6) How has he done it? (他這活乾的怎麼樣?強調結果)
How did he do it?(他是怎麼干這活的?強調幹活的方式)
7) He has lived in New York for eight years. (他仍在紐約)
He lived in New York for eight years.(他可能不在人世了)
8) He has been called a thinker.
He was called a thinker.(他曾被譽為思想家)
9) You've heard what I said. (你聽見我的話了)
You heard what I said.(你是聽見我的話的,口氣嚴厲,具有感情色彩。)
10) I've lost my pen. (筆還沒找到)I lost my pen.(筆可能找到了)
11) He has already been there. (曾去過哪)
He was already there.(當時在哪)
12) Since I have been ill, my friend has visited me every day.(生病還在延續)Since I was ill, my friend has visited me every day. (病已好了)
13) Have you slept well? (暗示疲倦了,休息後是否好些了)
Did you sleep well?(暗示睡的是否舒服,滿意)

4. 過去完成時與過去一般時
1) I came here after I finished middle school.(兩個動作每間隔)
I came here after I had finished middle school.(兩個動作有間隔,強調先後概念)
2) I waited till I saw him.
I waited till I had seen him. (這兩個句子差不多,過去完成時更普遍)
3) We hoped he would come.(我們希望他來)
We had hoped he would come.(我們本希望他來的)
4) I don't think he sang as well as he once did.(指具體一次)
I don't think he sang as well as he had once done.(泛指以前,現在可能不唱了)
5) Before I came here, I was a soldier.(我來此以前在當兵)
Before I came here, I had been a soldier.(我來此以前,曾當過兵)
6) Jim said he didn't know he was so strong.(表示Jim在說話時仍很結實) Jim said he didn't know he had been so strong.(表示在Jim說話之前曾結實過)
7) They were friends from many years.(表示現在還是朋友)
They had been friends for many years.(意味這友誼結束了)
8) He did the work at 6.(強調時間)
He had done the work at 6. (6點工作已做完)
9) I learned French ring my holiday.(強調學了)
I had learned French ring my holiday. (強調學會了)
10) When she sang she sat down.(表示唱著坐下)
When she had sung she sat down.(表示唱完坐下)
11) I went to bed when I did my homework.(不明確)
I went to bed when I had done my homework.(作業做完)
12) I have lived here since I was a child.(從我長大成人)
I have lived here since I had a child.(從我孩提時)

5. 過去進行時與過去一般時
1) I read a book yesterday. (書已看完)
I was reading a book yesterday.(書尚未看完)
2) The guests arrived.(客人已到)
The guests were arriving.(客人陸續到達)
3) He woke from a dream. (表示全醒)
He was waking from a dream.(表示初醒)
4) The old man died.(已死) The old man was dying.(要死)
5) John told me about it.(告訴我了,我都知道了)
John was telling me about it.(跟我談起過,我想了解更多的事情)
6) They persuaded me to go along with them.(已經說服)
They were persuading me to go along with them.(還在勸說)
7) The wind blew hard all night.(強調事實)
The wind was blowing hard all night.(強調風刮個不停)
8) I expected you. I was expecting you.(客氣,表示可能等了很舊了)
9) He knocked at the door.(強調一次性)
He was knocking at the door.(強調多次性)

6. 將來一般時與現在進行時
1) Will he come? Is he coming?(時間發生的比較近)
2) How long will you stay hear? (表示意願)
How long will you stay here?(表示打算)
3) She'll have a baby. (表示肯定)
She's going to have a baby.(表示推測,計劃)
4) I'll see him this evening.(表示意願)
I'm seeing him this evening.(表示打算,已有安排)

7. 現在一般時與過去一般式
1) Do you wish to see me?
Did you wish to see me?(表示婉轉客氣)
2) That's all I have to say.(我的話就這些)
That's all I had to say.(我要說的就這些)
3) How do you like the film? (看電影過程中)
How did you like the film?(看完電影後)
4) It is nice to see you.(見面時說)
It was so nice to see you.(離別時說)
5) I never like him. (沒時間性)
I never liked him.(從來沒喜歡過)
6) I think I know that voice.(沒見客人時)
I thought I know that voice.(見到客人時,證明自己正確或錯誤)
7) Who is that? (哪人還在)
Who was that?(人已不在場了)
8) This cake is made at home. (家裡常做這種蛋糕)
This cake was made at home.(這種蛋糕是自家做的)

1) Someone has phoned you.(打了電話)
Someone has been phoning you.(一直在打電話)
2) I've read the novel.(已讀完)
I've been reading the novel.(還沒讀完)
3) He has lived here for six weeks.
e has been living here for six weeks. (區別不大,後者更口語化)
4) Have you met her lately?
Have you been meeting her lately?(強調動作的重復,經常見面)
5) Who's eaten my apples? ( 蘋果沒有了)
Who's been eating my apples?(有感情色彩,表示憤怒不滿)

1) I hope that he'll come.
I had hoped he would come.(與事實相反)
(經常這樣用的詞有:expect, think, intend, mean, suppose)

❻ 英語語法.時態

1. 一般現在時:小學就開始學這個,大家都會吧,有幾點強調一下我們就走。
A) 表示現在發生的動作、情況、狀態和特徵。If it is not too much trouble, I would like a cup of tea.
B) 習慣用語:這個要在平時自己積累,因為習語太多,我不做過多解釋。
Ie: Believe it or not, his discovery had created a stir in scientific circles.
口語中常說believe it or not,意思是:「信不信由你」,「我說的是真的」。believe it or not是一個固定說法,相當一個插入語,短語中的believe沒有詞形變化。這點要注意,以後會教你們動名詞的用法,到時候會牽涉到主語的問題。
C) 經常性、習慣性動作。
Ie:He always helps others. (他總是幫助別人。)
D) 客觀事實和普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前後文不是一般現在時,則無法保持主句、從句時態一致.ex: He said that the sun rises in the east.這個句子要注意,到了以後的定語從句經常會有這樣的問題,具體細節到時候在說,不過你們要先有這樣的概念:客觀事實無論謂語的時態是什麼都用一般現在時。
E) 表示一個按規定、計劃或安排要發生的動作,(僅限於某些表示「來、去、動、停、開始、結束、繼續」等的動詞 )可以與表示未來時間的狀語搭配使用。常見的用法是:飛機、火車、輪船、汽車等定期定點運行的交通方式。
ex: When does the plan leave?這個句子注意一下,就是這么用的,有人會注意到這樣的問題: The plane leaves at 3 o』clock this afternoon.為什麼不用將來時,對了,很奇怪,但就是這么用的。
F) 在時間和條件狀語從句里經常用一般現在(有時也用現在完成時)表示將來事情。
Ie: When you finish the report, I will have waited for 3 hours.(完成時,往下看會出現)
2. 現在進行時(be doing) 的用法:上了初一就教這個吧,比一般現在還簡單。表示現在正在做的動作,但要注意有的動詞不能用於進行時,這類詞稱為短暫性動詞,如,open, borrow等等,在完成時態常常會碰到,平時要注意積累。
3. 現在完成時(have done):重要考點,初二以後幾乎都是完成時態。
A) 表示動作到現在為止已經完成或剛剛完成。
ex: I have just finished my homework.
B) 表示從過去某時刻開始,持續到現在的動作或情況,並且有可能會繼續延續下去。此時經常用延續性動詞。時間狀語常用since加一個過去的時間點,或for加一段時間,或by加一個現在時間。這里聯系進行時,他們都一樣,不能用短暫性動詞,★★★☆☆考點。
C) 表示發生在過去,但對現在仍有影響的動作或情況。通常用點動詞,如:arrive, begin, find, give, lose等。
例:John has broken his left leg.(約翰摔斷了左腿。)
A) 現在完成時是聯系過去和現在的紐帶。現在完成時和過去時的區別在於:現在完成時強調動作的動態,或受動態的影響,是動態的結果,對現在有影響;過去時只表示過去的某個具體時間里發生的動作,與現在沒有聯系。
例:He worked in that hospital for 8 years.(他曾經在那家醫院工作了8年。這只是講述一個過去的事實,他現在已經不在那家醫院了。)
He has worked in that hospital for 8 years.(他已經在那家醫院里工作了8年。表示他從過去開始工作,一直工作到現在,現在仍在那家醫院工作。)
B) 因為含有for加一段時間或since加一個時間點這樣的時間狀語的完成時,有動態和延續性的特點,所以不能使用終端動詞或瞬間動詞。
例:My sister has been married for 5 years.(過去分詞做表語表示狀態,可以延續)
My sister has married. Don't disturb her.(終端動詞)
C) 在"this is the first/ second/ third…… time that……"句型里要求用完成時。
例:This is the second time that the procts of our company have been shown in the International Exhibition.(這是我公司產品第二次參加國際展覽會。)
D) 句型"It is/ has been……since"所使用的兩種時態都正確。
例:It is/ has been 10 years since I last saw him.(從我上次見到他以來已經10年了。)
E) 在"no sooner than"、"hardly/ scarcely ……when"、"before"、"prior to"等句型中,主句要求完成時。
例:I haven't met that professor prior to today.(以前我從未見過那位教授。)
4. 現在完成進行時(have been doing):和現在進行時很像
1) 用法:表示某一動作開始於過去某一時間,延續或重復地出現至今,或將繼續延續至將來。
例:We have been working on this project for over a month now.(到目前為止,我們一直在處理那個項目,已經花了一個多月時間了。)
2) 注意事項:與現在完成時相比,現在完成進行時更強調:在從過去到現在的時間里,動作或狀態一直持續或一直反復出現。
5. 一般過去時
A) 表示過去某個時間發生的動作或情況。
ex:I went to Beijing last year.
B) 表示過去習慣性動作。特別是由would/ used to do表達的句型,本身表示的就是過去時。
ex: I used to live here.(注意used to 和be used to 的區別,used to表過去常常,be used to 表示習慣於,前者to是不定式符號,後者則是介詞,後接名詞、動名詞、代詞)
C) 有時可代替一般現在時,表達一種婉轉、客氣、禮貌、商量的語氣。
ex: Would you mind my sitting here?(您介意我坐在這里嗎?)
Could you pass me the pen?
A) 注意時間狀語的搭配。一般過去時的時間狀語應該是表示過去某個時間的詞或片語,如:yesterday, last month, in 1999, two days ago等,絕對不可與recently, in the past 10 years, this month等連用,因為這樣的時間狀語都與現在有關系,應該用現在完成時或一般現在時。注意,到了初二將會是★★★★☆考點,不會不行,逃不了的,幾乎每次都考。
B) used to do的否定形式和疑問形式很特別:你怎麼寫都正確。以否定形式為例:used not to do, didn't used to do, didn't use to do都對。
6. 過去完成時(had done)
2) 注意事項:「過去的過去」這種邏輯關系常通過上下文體現出來,而不一定受某個時間狀語的限制。
ex: There had been some one in our room just now, because I noticed a burning cigarette end on the floor when we opened the front door.
7. 過去將來時(would/ should do) 表示從過去的某個時間看將要發生的事。其實和將來時沒什麼區別啦。
ex: I said on Thursday I should see my friend the next day.賓從、直引經常碰到這樣的例子,注意。
8. 過去進行時(was/ were doing)
A) 表示在過去一個比較具體的時間正在發生的動作。
ex: I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.
B) 如果when, while這樣的時間狀語引導詞所引導的主從句之一是一般過去時,則另一個句子常用過去進行時。
ex: I was washing my hair when you knocked at the front door.
9. 一般將來時
A) 基本結構是will / shall do。古英語認為will用於第二、三人稱,shall用於第一人稱,但後來沒做硬性規定,will比較常用。I will be home at 10.
B) 有些動詞,如:arrive, be close, come, do, done, go, have, leave, open, play, return, sleep, start, stay等,用於一般進行時,並且通常與一個表示將來時間的時間狀語連用,可以表示將來時。初一接觸比較多的是be going to,後面的包括will/shall到了後來才出現,其他如sleep很少見,初中階段我幾乎沒見過sleep這么用的,leave, come, arrive也常見
ex: My mother is coming to visit me next week and is staying here until May.
C) 表示「即將、正要」時,可用be about to do。強調近期內或馬上要做的事,後常與when連用。ex: I was about to speak when you interrupted me.
D)"be to do"的5種用法:
a) 表示「按計劃、安排即將發生某事或打算做某事」。
例:She is to be seen in the lab on Monday.(星期一你准會在實驗室見到她。)
b) 該做或不該做的事情(語氣上接近於should, must, ought to, have to),表示一種命令、規勸性語氣。
例:You are to go to bed and keep quiet, kids. Our guests are arriving in less than 5 minutes.(孩子們,你們必須 上床睡覺,不準吵鬧。我們的客人5分鍾之內就要到了。)
c) 能或不能發生的事情(接近can, may)
例:How am I to pay such a debt?(我怎麼可能還得起這么大的一筆債呢?)
d) 不可避免將要發生的事情,後來將要發生的事情。
例:I assure you that the matter _______ as quickly as possible. Have a little patience.
A. will be attended B. will be attended to
C. is attended D. is attended to
will be attended to關鍵的一點是:attend表示「處理,解決」時是不及物動詞,必須與to連用。另外,從上下文看,事情顯然尚未解決,所以應該用將來時的被動語態。答案是B。
A) is to be B) can be C) will be D) has been
答案是A) is to be。全句的意思是:「如果要避免食品短缺,就必須作出更大努力來增加農業產量。」
E) 同樣可以表示「正要、將要」的意思的句型是be on the point of doing。The coach is on the point of giving up the game because our team has been scored 7 points.
在以if, when, as long as, as soon as, after, before, in case, until, unless等連詞以及具有連詞作用的副詞(immediately, the moment, directly)等引導的狀語從句,一般用現在時代替將來時。強調延續性或動態時,可用完成時。
例:I hope his health will have improved by the time you come back next year.(我希望到明年你回來的時候,他的身體已經好多了。)
10. 將來進行時(will be doing) 調在將來的某個具體時間正在發生的動作或事情。
ex: Don't worry, you won't miss her. She will be wearing a red T-shirt and a white skirt at that time.
11. 將來完成時(will have done) 表示從將來的某一時間開始、延續到另一個將來時間的動作或狀態,或是發生在某個將來時間,但對其後的另一個將來時間有影響的動作或狀態。就好象把現在完成時平移到時間軸的將來時時段一樣。其用法從和過去及現在有關,變成了和將來及將來的將來有關。
ex: It is reported that by the end of this century the people of Chinese will have increased by 2 billion.

❼ 英語時態語法

He kept the door closed 指的是說話以前他讓門保持著關閉的狀態,所以要用過去時態。

❽ 英語八大時態詳細語法



❾ 我需要一份完整英語時態語法資料

英語的時態是靠動詞的變化和時間狀語來表達的。英語中的時態共有十六種,但是常考的或較常用的只有8種,而且重點測試完成時態。 要掌握英語的時態和語態,必須掌握好英語中的助動詞(do, be, have)和時間狀語這兩個核心問題。
主要用來表示人、事物的現在狀況和特點;表示經常或習慣性的動作,句子中常有often, always, from time to time 等時間狀語; 表示客觀規律和永恆真理等。
He usually goes to work at 7 o』clock every morning.
She has a brother who lives in New York.
The earth goes around the sun.
Guangzhou is situated in the south of China.
I learned that the earth goes around the sun when I was in primary school.
時間:when, until, after, before, as soon as, once, the moment/the minute, the day; 條件:if, unless, provided.
If he accepts the job, he will get more money soon.
考點三:在make sure (certain), see to it, mind, care, matter +賓語從句, 從句用一般現在時代替一般將來時。
So long as he works hard, I don』t mind when he finishes the experiment.
只要他努力工作, 我不介意他什麼時候做完試驗。
考點四:在the more… the more … (越……越……) 句型中, 若主句是一般將來時, 從句通常用一般現在時。
The harder you study, the better results you will get.
We are having English class.
The house is being built these days.
The little boy is always making trouble.
Look out when you are crossing the street.
Don\'t wake him up if he is still sleeping at 7 tomorrow morning.
考點二: 表示在最近按計劃或安排要進行的動作(這時多有表示將來的時間狀語)。
Marry is leaving on Friday.
考點一:for + 時間段;since + 時間點
They have lived in Beijing for five years.
They have lived in Beijing since 1995.
I have learned English for ten years.
考點二:常見的不確定的時間狀語:lately; recently, just, already, yet, up to now; till now; so far, these days,
Has it stopped raining yet?
考點三:在表示「最近幾世紀/ 年/ 月以來……」時間狀語中,謂語動詞用現在完成時。
in the past few years/months/weeks/days;over the past few years; ring the last three months; for the last few centuries, through centuries; throughout history 等
考點四:表示「第幾次做某事,」或在 「It is the best (worst, most interesting ) +名詞 +that」 後面跟現在完成時。
This is my first time that I have visited China.
This is the most interesting film I have ever seen.
That is the only book that he has written.
表在過去某個特定時間發生且完成的動作,或過去習慣性動作,不強調對現在的影響,只說明過去。常跟明確的過去時間連用,如:yesterday; last week; in 1945, at that time; once; ring the war; before; a few days ago; when, 注意:考點一:used to + do,表示過去經常但現在已不再維持的習慣動作。to為不定式,後接動詞原形。
be/become/get used to + doing,表示習慣於
He used to smoke a lot.
He has got used to getting up early.
He promised to buy me a computer if he got a raise
5. 過去進行時
The boy was doing his homework when his father came back from work.
He was taking a walk leisurely by the lake when he heard someone shouted for help.
What were you doing at nine last night?
The radio was being repaired when you called me.
6. 過去完成時
表示過去某個時間之前已經完成的動作,即過去完成時的動作發生在「過去的過去」,句中有明顯的參照動作或時間狀語,這種時態從來不孤立使用 ( before, after, by, up till )
There had been 25 parks in our city up till 2000.
By the end of last term we had finished the book.
They finished earlier than we had expected.
考點一:用於hardly/scarcely...when; no sooner ...than 句型中,主句用過去完成時,從句用一般過去時。
I had hardly finished my work when he came to see me.
I had no sooner got into the room than it began to snow.
No sooner had I arrived home than the telephone rang. (注意主謂倒裝)
That was the second time that she had seen her grandfather.
It was 3 years since we had parted。
考點三:動詞hope, expect, think, intend, mean, want, suppose, plan 用過去完成時,表示未實現的願望、打算和意圖。
I had hoped that I could do the job.
I had intended to see you but I was too busy.
7. 一般將來時
表在將來某個時間會發生的動作或情況。常和tomorrow, next year, in 2008等表示將來的時間狀語連用,其表現形式多達5種。
Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.
We will begin our class as soon as the teacher comes.
考點二:某些表示短暫性動作的動詞如arrive, come, go, leave, start等,用現在進行時形式表示將來。
I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow.
考點三:「祈使句 + and/or + 句子」,這種結構中and後面的句子謂語用一般將來時。
Use your head and you will find a way.
考點四:「am (is, are) going to + 動詞原形」,表示打算要做的事或可能要發生的事。
「am (is, are) about to + 動詞原形」表示按照預定計劃或打算準備著手進行的動作。
「am (is, are) to + 動詞原形」表示必須、必然或計劃將要做的事。
They are to be married in this May.
I』ll be doing my homework this time tomorrow. 明天這會我正在寫作業。
The President will be meeting the foreign delegation at the airport.
考點一:常用的時間狀語一般用by+將來的時間。如:by the end of this year, by 8 o』clock this evening, by March next year以及由by the time…, before或when等引導的副詞從句。
By the end of next month, he will have traveled 1000 miles on foot.
By the time you reach the station, the train will have left.
By next Tuesday, I will have got ready for the exams.
The children will do their homework the moment they have arrived back from school.

❿ 英語語法時態




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