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發布時間:2021-03-02 10:42:26

❶ 教資面試初中英語語法課是否假設學生有一定了解這個語法,不然該怎麼導入課程

語法是語言學的一個 分支,研究按確定用法來運用的"詞類"、"詞"的曲折變化或表示相互關系的其回他手段以及詞在句中的功能和關系。包含詞的答構詞、構形的規則和組詞成句的規則。語法有兩個 含義,一指語法結構規律本身,即語法事實;一指 語法學,是探索並描寫語法結構的科學,是語法學者對客觀存在的語法體系的認識和說明。語法事實本身沒有分歧,但由於語法學者佔有的材料,觀察角度,分析方法不一致,語法學體系是有分歧的

❷ 教師資格證面試英語試講語法課怎麼講


❸ 教師資格證面試常考高中英語語法


❹ 教資高中英語面試語法課跑題

是偏題還是跑題 偏離題目一般是42到38分 如果跑題則是35分數以下嚴重離題或未按規定完成的20分及以下。

❺ 初中教師資格證英語語法課怎麼設計


Teaching Aims:
Knowledge aim: Students can know the basic rules of subjective mood, and build up a network of the grammar.
Ability aim: Students can use the subjective mood correctly and flexibly in different situations.
Emotional aims: Students can develop a sense of cooperation and be ready to overcome difficulties in study.
Teaching Key Points: Students can sue the subjective mood correctly.
Teaching Difficult Points: Help students to understand and learn how to use the subjective mood in their real life.
Teaching Methods: Communicative teaching approach; Situational teaching method
Teaching Aids: Multi-media
Teaching Proceres:
Step 1 Warming-up: Sing the song 「If You Are Happy 」
Step 2 Presentation:
Set 3 situations to show some sentences and lead students to do a summary.
Situation1:I am a fan of Justin Bibber. I am going to the concert held by Justin. Now I image…
If I had his voice, I would sing from morning till night;
If I sang as well as him, I would sing a song for you now;
If I were Justin Bibber, I would hold a concert for you.
Situation2: A week ago, Justin Bibber held a concert in Hong Kong, I didn』 buy a ticket in advance, so I had to wait for hours to buy it. It suddenly rained heavily. Unluckily, I didn』t take my umbrella. At that time, I was thinking…
If I had bought a ticket in advance, I wouldn』t have waited so long;
If I had taken an umbrella with me, I wouldn』t have been wet all over.
Situation3: After the concert, I took a taxi home. Unluckily, I found I had left my wallet and keys in the taxi, I was very worried. But very soon, the taxi driver returned my bag to me, and he left hurriedly before I could thank him. I wish…
If I saw the taxi driver one day, I would thank him face to face;
If I were to see him, I might give him 500RMB as a reward;
If I should see someone in help, I would give him a hand without a second thought.
Concept: Subjective is to express the speaker』s wishes or hypothesis, not facts.
The structures are like below:

Step 3 Practice:
1. If I ___(be) a tree, I ____(provide) shelter for my family.
2. If I ___(have) a lot of money, I ___(travel) around the world.
3. If there ___(be) no water and air, there ___(be) no living things in the world.
4.If there were no living thing in the world, the world ___(come) to the end.
5.If he ___(not eat) so much watermelon, he ___(not suffer) stomachache.
6. If he hadn』t been sent to hospital in time, he ___(die).
Step 4 Proction
Translate the following sentences into English.
如果他的爸爸還在世, 他一定會好好聽話;
Step 5 Summary and homework
Ask a student to do a summary about what we have learnt today. And ask students to write a passage about their unforgettable experiences and their wishes about future, using the subjective mood.
Blackboard Design:



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