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1. 初中英語語法人教版(初二)

send sb.sth=send sth to sb.寄給某人某物
decide to do sth.決定做某事

forget to do sth.忘記做某事(此事還內沒做)容
forget doing sh.忘記做過某事(此事已做,但忘了)

2. 人教版八年級英語語法和片語 全面的

Unit 1
1. how often 多久一次
2. hardly ever 幾乎不
3. as for 至於
4. junk food 垃圾食品
5. a lot of 許多
6. of course 當然
7. look after 照顧
8. do exercise 鍛煉
9. make a difference 有區別\有重要性
10. surf the Internet 瀏覽網際網路
11. Animal World 動物世界
12. do homework 做家庭作業
13. a healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式
14. get good grades 獲得好成績
15. get up 起床easye.2000y.net
16. keep in good health 保持健康
17. once or twice a week 每周一兩次
18. eating habits 飲食習慣
19. ten to eleven times 十到十一次
20. pretty healthy 相當健康
21. go to the movie 去看電影
22. watch TV 看電視
23. read books 看書
24. the result for「watch TV」看電視調查結果
25. be good for 對……有益
26. want sb. to do sth. 想讓某人做某事
27. try to do sth. 試著做某事
28. how many hours 多少小時

Unit 2
1. have a cold 患感冒
2. a few 有些
3. at the moment 此時/現在
4. have a stomachache 肚子疼
5. have a sore throat 嗓子疼
6. have a fever 發燒
7. lie down 躺下
8. see a dentist 看牙醫
9. have a headache 頭疼
10. have a toothache 牙疼
11. hot tea with honey 熱茶加蜂蜜
12. stressed out 緊張
13. go to bed early 早睡覺
14. listen to music 聽音樂
15. go to party 參加音樂會
16. on the other hand 在另一方面
17. stay healthy 保持健康
18. have a sore back 背疼
19. traditional Chinese doctors 傳統中醫
20. a balance of yin and yang 陰陽平衡
21. too much 太多
22. a balanced diet 飲食平衡
23. go out at night 在晚上出去
24. feel well 感覺舒服
25. conversation practice 對話練習
26. host family 房東
27. give sb a fever 導致某人發燒

Unit 3
1. at home 在家
2. how long 多久
3. get back 回來
4. think about 思考
5. decide on 決定\選定
6. theGreat Wall 長城
7. go fishing 去釣魚
8. take a vacation 去度假
9. something different 不同的東西
10. go camping 去野營
11. go hiking 徒步行
12. show sb. sth. 給某人看某物
13. have a good time 玩得愉快
14. go bike riding 騎自行車行
15. go sightseeing 去觀光
16. go fishing 去釣魚
17. rent videos 租錄像帶
18. take walks 去散步
19. vacation plans 假期計劃
20. plan to do sth. 計劃去做某事
21. make a movie 拍一部電影
22. go swimming 去釣魚
23. go shopping 去購物

Unit 4
1. get to school 到校
2. ride a bike 騎自行車
3. take the subway 乘地鐵
4. take the train 乘火車
5. take a bus 乘公共氣車 / by bus
6. take a taxi 乘計程車
7. walk to school 走到學校
8. how far 多遠easye.2000y.net
9. bus station 公共氣車站\bus stop
10. have a quick breakfast 匆匆吃過早飯
11. leave for 前往
12. the early bus 早班
13. the bus ride 公共氣車之行
14. at about six-thirty 在大約六點半
15. around the world 全世界
16. North America 在北美
17. means of transportation 交通方式
18. a number of / the number of
19. on weekends 在周末
20. be ill in the hospital 生病住院
21. a map in Chinese 中文地圖
22. speak Chinese 講漢語
23. thank you so much 這樣感謝你
24. don't worry 不要擔心

Unit 5
1. 來參加我的晚會 come to my party
2. 在周六下午 on Saturday afternoon
3. 上鋼琴課 have a piano lesson
4. 去看醫生 go to the doctor
5. 太多家庭作業 too much homework
6. 謝謝邀請 Thanks for asking.
7. 玩得高興 have fun
8. 去商業街 go to the mall
9. 棒球比賽 baseball game
10. 後天 the day after tomorrow
11. 為考試而學習 study for a test
12. 多謝邀請 Thanks a lot for the invitation.
13. 在度假期 be on vacation
14. 保持安靜 keep quiet
15. 打網球 play tennis
16. 足球比賽 football match
17. 文化俱樂部 culture club
18. 整天 the whole day
19. 過來 come over to
20. 去看牙醫 go to the dentist
21. 來加入我們。 Come and join us.
22. 我願意。 I'd love to.
23. 下一次 another time
24. 臨時照看他的妹妹 babysit his sister

Unit 6
1. 在某些方面 in some ways
2. 看起來一樣 look the same
3. 看起來不同 look different
4. 喜歡參加晚會 enjoy going to the parties
5. 多於;超過 more than
6. 共用;共有 in common
7. 同……一樣…… as … as …
8. 擅長; 在…方面做得好 be good at
9. 與……一樣 the same as
10. 使我大笑 make me laugh
11. 大多數 most of
12. 與……不同 be different from
13. 相反的觀點 opposite views
14. 善待孩子們 be good with children
15. 喜歡講笑話 enjoy telling jokes
16. 招聘老師 teacher wanted
17. 停止講話 stop talking
18. 呆在家 stay at home

Review of units 1--6
1. 以……開始 begin with
2. 游泳池 swimming pool
3. 一起;總共 all together

Unit 7easye.2000y.net
1. 打開 turn on
2. 切碎 cut up
3. 把……倒進…… pour … into
4. 剝去香蕉皮 peel the bananas
5. 多少 how many / much
6. 一匙…… one teaspoon of
7. 做水果沙拉 make fruit salad
8. 放進 put in
9. 一杯 a cup of
10. 混合在一起 mix up
11. 一片麵包 a slice of bread
12. 把……放在……上 put … on …
13. 把……加到……上 add … to …
14. 在頂部 on the top
15. 一個……的食譜 a recipe for

Unit 8
1. 郊遊 school trip
2. 去水族館 go to the aquarium
3. 閑逛 hang out
4. 照相 take photos
5. 其餘什麼 what else
6. 得到他的親筆簽名 get his autograph
7. 旅遊者中心 the Visitors' Center
8. 在那之後 after that
9. 戶外水池 the Outdoor Pool
10. 禮品店 the Gift Shop
11. 在一天結束時 at the end of the day
12. 乘地鐵 take the subway
13. 睡懶覺 sleep late
14. 開車兜風 go for a drive
15. 上課 take a class
16. 在我的下一個休息日on my next day off
17. 一個繁忙的休息日 a busy day off
18. 整天 all dayeasye.2000y.net
19. 看錄像 watch videos
20. 玩電腦游戲 play computer games
21. 把……拿出來 put … out
22. 在院子里 in the yard
23. 舉行一次庭院出售 have a yard sale
24. 有點無聊 kind of boring
25. 沒有一個人 no one
26. 據我看來 in my opinion
27. 很快見到你 See you soon.
28. 將來 in the future
29. 從……回來 come back from
30. 與……在一起 be with sb.

Unit 9
1. 國際體育明星 international stars
2. 打破紀錄 break the record
3. 太……以致於不能…… too … to …
4. 打高爾夫球 play golf
5. 一位了不起的中國乒乓球運動員 a great Chinese ping-pong player
6. 世界紀錄名冊 Book of world records
7. 世界打嗝/打噴嚏紀錄 hiccupping / sneezing world record
8. 在這樣的一小時內 in such an hour
9. 由於 because of
10. 出生 be born
11. 成為一個明星 become a movie star
12. 學會騎自行車 learn to ride a bicycle
13. 一個著名的小提琴家/鋼琴家 a famous violinist / pianist
14. 開始滑冰start ice skating
15. 一位善良而慈愛的奶奶 a kind and loving grandmother
16. 成為一位滑冰冠軍 become a skating champion
17. 在美國巡迴演出 tour the U.S.
18. 學手風琴 learn the accordion
19. 參加 take part ineasye.2000y.net
20. 在國際肖邦鋼琴大賽上 in the Chopin International Piano Competition
21. 獲一等獎 win the first prize
22. 健在 be alive
23. 上清華大學 go to Tsinghua University
24. 主修;主研 major in
25. 女子單打選手 a women's singles player

Unit 10
1. 程序師 a computer programmer
2. 學習計算機科學 study computer science
3. 專業演員 a professional actor
4. 上表演課 take acting lessons
5. 練籃球 practice basketball
6. 長大 grow upeasye.2000y.net
7. 搬到有意思的地方 move somewhere interesting
8. 聽看來像 sound like
9. 時裝表演 fashion shows
10. 時尚雜志的記者 a reporter for a fashion magazine
11. 找份兼職工作 get a part-time job
12. 同時 at the same time
13. 舉行藝術展 hold art exhibitions
14. 取得好成績 get good grades
15. 上吉它課 take guitar lessons
16. 學習外語 learn a foreign language
17. 加大鍛煉量 get a lot of exercise
18. 保持健康 keep fiteasye.2000y.net
19. 周遊世界 travel all over the world
20. 寄到…… send … to
21. 新年決定 New Year's Resolutions
22. 與……交流 communicate with

Unit 11
1. 洗碗 do the dishes
2. 掃地 sweep the floor
3. 倒垃圾 take out the trash
4. 鋪床 make the / one's bed
5. 折疊衣服 fold one's clothes
6. 打掃起居室 clean the living room
7. 讓某人搭便車 give sb a ride
8. 開會 have a meeting
9. 忙於做某事 work on sth.
10. 做家務 do chores
11. 洗車 wash the car
12. 呆在外邊 be outside
13. 向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb.
14. 洗衣服 do the laundry
15. 邀請某人去某地 invite sb to somewhere
16. 去商店 go to the store
17. 買飲料和零食 buy drinks and snacks
18. 帶某人做某事 take sb. for sth.
19. 忘記做某事 forget to do sth.
20. 搬新家 move to a new house
21. 從事 work oneasye.2000y.net
22. 向某人尋求幫助 ask sb. for help
23. 厭惡做某事 hate to do/doing sth.
24. 照顧 take care of
25. 生氣 get angryeasye.2000y.net
26. 英語課外作業 English project
27. 去渡假 go on vacation
28. 需要一些幫助 need some help
29. 飼養狗 feed dogs
30. 做早餐 make breakfast
31. 做鬼臉 make a face
32. 在……的幫助下 with the help of

Unit 12
1. 舒適的座位 comfortable seats
2. 大屏幕 big screens
3. 友好的服務 friendly service
4. 離家近 close to home
5. 在城裡有趣的地方 in a fun part of town
6. 最好的電影院 the best movie theatre
7. 服裝店 a clothing store
8. 電台 a radio station
9. 質量好的衣服 good quality clothes
10. 相當差 pretty bad
11. 最有趣的人 the funniest person
12. 質量最差 the worst quality
13. 最佳表演者 the best performer
14. 才藝展示 talent show
15. 做……調查 do a survey of
16. ……的價格 the price of
17. 削價 cut one's price
18. 在中國的北部 in the north of China
19. 冰雪節 Ice and Snow Festival
20. 海南省 Hainan Province
21. 特價屋 Bargain House

3. 人教版八年級上冊英語語法(新課標)

第一課是一般將來時:主語+will/shall(只用第一人稱)+動詞原形+其他 第二課主要掌握的是should和版could兩個情態權動詞的用法,情態動詞後面直接加動詞原形。 第三課過去進行時:主語+was(were)+v-ing+其他 第四課直接引語變間接引語 第五課if引導的條件狀語從句,主句用一般將來時,從句用一般現在時第六課,現在完成進行時:主語+have(has)been+v-ing+其他 第七課would you mind+v-ing could you please +動詞原形 第八課,提建議的方法 第九課現在完成時:主語+have(has)+動詞的過去分詞 第十課反義疑問句,前肯後否,前否後肯。謝謝,希望對你有幫助~!

4. 初二人教版英語重點語法

★希望做某事hope to do sth. ★決定做某事decide to do sth
★同意做某事agree to do sth. ★需要某人做某事need to do sth.
★使用某物做某事use sth to do sth ★迫不及待做某事can』t wait to do
★准備做某事get/be ready to do ★盡力/努力做某事try to do sth
★ 計劃做某事plan to do sth. ★希望某人做某事wish sb. to do sth.
★輪流做某事take one』s turns to do sth. ★拒絕做某事refuse to do sth.
★告訴某人做某事tell sb. to do sth.★請某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.
★想要某人做某事want /would like sb. to do sth. ★不得不have to do
★同意某人做某事agree sb. to do sth. ★教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth.
★喜歡/想要某人做某事 like sb. to do sth.★encourage sb to do鼓勵某人做
★幫助某人做某事help sb. to do sth/help sb.do
★It』s one』s turn to do sth. 輪到某人做某事 例:It your turn to clean the blackboard.
★It』s time(for sb.) to do sth.是某人做某事時候了 例:It』s time for me to go home.
★It』s +adj. for/of sb. to do sth. 對於某人來說做某事是……
例: It is easy for me to learn it well. It is very kind/foolish/nice of you to do so.
★It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花了某時間
例句: 1.It takes me an hour to get to school by bike. 2.It took me an hour to watch TV last night. 3.It will take her two weeks to finish the work.
★too+adj./adv. to do sth. 太…..而不能 例: He was to angry to say a word.
★find/think/feel it +adj. to do sth.發現/認為/感到做某事是… I find/think/feel it hard to learn English well.
★序數詞+to do 第…..個做某事 例句:Who is the first to get there?
★我不知/忘記了怎麼辦。I didn't know/forgot what to do.
例句:Don』t forget/Remember to turn off the lights when you left the room
★be+adj+to do sth 例句:I am very sorry to hear that. I am ready to help others. I am happy / pleased / glad to meet you.
順口溜:本領最多不定式,主表定補賓和狀;樣樣成分都能幹,只有謂語它不敢;大家千萬要小心,有時它把句型改;作主語時用it,自己在後把身藏;七個感官三使役,賓補要把to甩開;疑問詞後接上它,賓語從句可充當;邏輯主語不定式,不定式前加for sb.;to前not是否定,各種用法區別開。
★ let sb. do sth讓某人做某事 ★ make do sth使得某人做某事
★ hear do sth do sth聽見某人做某事 ★see do sth do sth看見某人做某事
★why not/why don』t you +動原?為什麼不.?Why not/Why don』t you take a walk?
★ 某人+had better( not)do 某人最好(不)做某事
★情態動詞can/may /must /should+ 動詞原(包括情態動詞的否定形式+動詞原形)
★ 助動詞do/does/did/will/would在構成疑問句或者構成否定句即don』t /doesn』t /didn』t /will not /would not+ 動詞原形
★ be going to + 動詞原形(表示「即將」「打算」 做某事)
1.在進行時態中。He is watching TV. They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.
2.在there be結構中。如:There is a boy swimming in the river.
3.在have fun/problems結構中。如:We have fun learning English this term.
They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.
4.在介詞後面。如:Thanks for helping me. Are you good at playing basketball?
What /How about doing sth? 做某事怎麼樣? I am interested in playing football.
5.在以下結構中 1. enjoy doing sth 喜歡做某事;
2. finish doing sth; 完成做某事; 3.feel like doing sth 想要做某事;
4. stop doing sth 停止做某事(原來的事) 5.forget doing sth 忘記做過某事
6. go on doing sth 繼續做某事(原來的事);7.remember doing sth 記得做過某事
8. like doing sth 喜歡做某事; 9.find /see/hear/watch sb doing發現/看到/聽到/觀看某人做
10. try doing sth 試圖做某事; 11. need doing sth 需要做某事;
12. prefer doing sth 寧願做某事; 13.mind doing sth 介意做某事;
14. miss doing sth 錯過做某事; 15.practice doing sth 練習做某事;
16. be busy doing sth 忙於做某事;17.can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事;
18.waste time/money doing 浪費時間/錢做; 19.keep sb.doing 讓…始終/一直做…
20. stop sb.(from)doing 阻止某人做某事
21. prefer doing A to doing B=like A better than B喜歡做B更喜歡做A
22. 「do some +doing」短語 如:do some shopping/do some washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking
23.「go doing」短語去做某事(主要指文娛活動等)如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /go hunting (打獵)
.注意動詞的過去分詞的常見搭配: I feel(am/was) excited/ surprised/ amazed /interested /tired/pleased/worried/lost
Keep…closed/ a boy called/named Tom

5. 人教版八年級所有英語語法

5.Thanks for taking care of my dog.謝謝你照看我的狗。
6.Don't forget to clean his bed.不要忘了清掃他的床。
7.I'm going to work on my English project and then meet my friends. 我要做英語功課,然後見我的朋友。
8.I'm going on vacation tomorrow.明天我要度假。
Unit 12
close to home靠近家的
movie theater影院
comfortable seats舒適的座位
do a survey of做一個調查
play a piano piece彈一支鋼琴曲
the price of……的價格
the radio station廣播電台
think about考慮
talent show才能展示
boring TV show乏味的電視節目
a 1ot許多
1.What's the best movie theater? 哪個是最好的影院?
2.What is the best radio station? 哪個是最好的廣播電台?
3.It has the most comfortable seats.它擁有最舒適的座位。
4.What do young people think about places in town? 年輕人關於鎮上的位置是什麼看法?
5.We did a survey of our readers.我們做了一個讀者涮查。
6.Last week's talent show was a great success.上周的才能展示是一個成功。
7.She played a beautiful piano piece.她演奏了一支優美的鋼琴曲。
8.What is the most boring TV show? 最乏味的電視劇是什麼7
9.The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night. 一個旅館房間的價格是每晚320元。
10.There's a lot things to do.有許多事情要做。
Review of units 7一12
make mushroom soup做蘑菇湯
a speech contest一次演講比賽
live in居住在……
creative job富有創造性的工作
arrive in到達
elementary school小學
funniest movie actor最有意思的電影演員
1.How do you make mushroom soup? 你怎麼做蘑菇湯?
2.I won a speech contest.我演講比賽獲勝。
3.Are you going to live in Beijing?你要住在北京嗎?
4.No,not an actor,another kind of creative job.不,不是做演員,而是另一種富有創造性的工作。
5.We arrived in Australia 0n August 20th.
6.What is the best elementary school?最好的小學是哪個?
7.Who do you think is the funniest movie actor? 你認為誰是最有意思的電影演員? 下冊a pair of一雙,一對 ask for 請求 ask sb (not) to do sth叫某人干 agree with贊同 all year round一年到頭,全年 all kinds of各種,各樣 all the time一直 argue with與爭吵 around the world在世界各地 arrive in/at到達 at least至少 at a meeting在開會 at first首先 as…as possible盡可能 as…as象一樣 be able to能夠 be angry with 生氣 be mad at對感到氣憤 be good at擅長於 be careful小心 be allowed被允許 be surprised驚訝 be supposed to被期望/被要求 be interested in對感興趣 break the rule打破規則 by the way順便 complain about抱怨 come along出現,發生 come true實現,達到 come in進來 cut in line插隊 call sb. up打電話給 do/wash the dishes洗碗 drop litter亂扔垃圾 do well in在方面做得好 enjoy /finish doing sth喜歡/完成某事 end up結束 fall in love with愛上 fall asleep入睡 far from遠離 first of all首先 fly to飛向 find out找到 …find it adj. to do sth keep…down壓低聲音 keep out不讓進入 look for尋找 look smart 看起來精幹 look after照顧 look through瀏覽 let (sb) in讓進 let sbget along相處 get over克服 get annoyed生氣 get bored厭煩 get an ecation受教育 get on (well) with與相處(好) get injured受傷 give sb sth/give sth to sb給某人某物 give away贈送 go skating去溜冰 go out of從出去/來 have a fight with與打架/爭吵 have a surprise party舉行驚訝聚會 have a great/good time玩得愉快 have been to曾到過 hear about/of聽說 hundreds of好幾百 had better (not) do sth最好做 in a minute一會兒 in 100 years100年後 in good health身體健康 in front of 在前面 in the future 未來,將來 in the front of在前面 in the playground在操場 in/out of style時髦/過時 in silence默默地 in order to目的 in (Russian) style具有俄國風格 in public places在公共場合 It take sb some time to do sth.花費某人時間干某事 the same as與相同 try (not) to do sth盡力(不)干 three quarters四分之三 turn on/off打開/關掉 turn up/down開大/關小 talk to/with與談話 take care of照顧 take part in參加 take off起飛take away拿走 take place發生 take an interest in對感興趣 take care (not) to do小心(不)做 thanks for (doing)謝謝(做) wait in line排隊等候 want to do sth/would like to do sth 想干 make sb do sth使某人干 make a living (doing sth)謀生 make money賺錢 make friends with與交友 more than多於 need to do sth 需要干 not…anymore不再 not…until直到為止 not at all一點也不 on (my tenth) birthday在(我十歲)生日 on the phone在通話 on the one/other hand在一(另)方面 open up打開 put out熄滅 好不容易收集到的,希望滿意(太多拉還有如果需要請加我1413979442)

6. 人教版初二英語語法。

1. so+謂語+主語:…也一樣. 謂語:be動詞/助動詞/情態動詞

2. so+主語+謂語:的確如此,真的這樣.

3. help yourself/yurselves to...請隨便吃點...

4. 發現sb做sth : find sb doing sth

5. 不完全同意I don』t really agree.

完全不同意I really don』t agree.

6. 或者..或者...either…or…..就近原則



7. 看起來,似乎It seems/seemed that…..

8. 由於...而聞名be famous for….

9. 餐館就餐用語:a table for two/sit at the table by the window/here』s the menu/May I take your order?/could we have the bill?/That』s all.

10. 問路Which is the way to…/where is…/How can I get to…/Is there a..near here/Can you tell me the way to…/Can you tell me how I can get to…?

11. turn right at the third crossing/traffic lights在第3個路口往右拐=take the third crossing on your right

12. 過橋go across the bridge=cross the bridge

13. 走到路的盡頭go up this road to the end=go on until you reach the end.

14. at the street corner在街角

15. on sb』s way to….在sb去…的途中/路上

16. what』s the matter?=what』s wrong?=what』s the trouble?怎麼了?

17. be sick in hospital/in bed 生病住院/卧床

18. Maybe it is there=it may be there可能在那裡.

19. It takes/took/will take sb+時間+to do sth. Sb做sth花費了…時間

20. 路途遙遠It』s (5 kms)far(away) from…=That』s quite a long way.

21. wait for…等待

22. 五分鍾的步行/駕駛路程:five minutes』 walk/drive

23. 迷路lose sb』s way/sb be lost/sb get lost

24. just then=just at that time/moment就在那時

25. 首先first of all=at first

26. a big city like Tokyo像東京這樣的大城市

27. It』s easy/interesting/important/ (for sb) to do sth.(對sb來說)做sth是容易的/有趣的/重要的.

28. if 條件狀語從句:從句一般現在時,主句一般將來時。如:If it rains tomorrow, I will not go to the zoo.

29. at the head /end of…在…的前/尾部

30. 我的背很疼. My back hurts badly.

31. 為…做准備get /be ready for…

32. stop sb (from) doing sth.阻止/不讓sb做sth

33. have a good/wonderful time=enjoy oneself 玩得很高興

34. answer in a tired voice/with a smile 用疲憊的聲音/面帶微笑回答。

35. quarrel with sb on sth 為了sth與sb 吵架

36. complain about sth 為…而抱怨,投訴

37. 生病用語:sb have a headache=sb have a pain in the head 頭痛,have a cough 咳嗽,have/catch a cold 感冒,have cancer 得了癌症。

38. have /take the medicine three times a day 吃葯,每天3次

39. take sb』s temperature 量體溫,look over 醫生檢查病人

40. drink more water 多喝水,take more exercise 多鍛煉

41. sb醒來: sb wake up, //sb 醒著的:sb be awake

42. sb 睡著了入睡 be/fall asleep

43. 忙著…bu busy doing/with sth

44. as soon as… 一… 就 ...

45. sleeping pills安眠葯,light music 輕音樂

46. again and again 再三地,一次又一次

47. dream about…夢見…; dream of… 夢想成為…

48. 系動詞+形容詞: be/smell/taste/sound/look/feel/turn/get/become

49. make trouble製造麻煩,惹是生非,make a noise 製造噪音

50. every five minutes 每隔5分鍾

51. instead/instead of…代替,取而代之,反而

52. write to sb. 寫信給sb

53. get enough sleep 睡眠充足;stay happy 保持心情開朗

54. on time 准時;in time 按時

55. sb had better (not) do sth, sb 最好(別)做sth

56. land on …登陸

57. pull…out of..=pull…up from…拉上來

58. 不定代詞:something/anyone/nobody/everywhere等

59. we』re all by ourselves=we』re alone.單獨,獨自

60. feel a little afraid/don』t be afraid. 有點害怕/別害怕

61. perhaps=maybe也許,可能

62. not …until… 直到…才…

63. sooner or later 遲早,早晚

64. ran after追//ran to …向..跑去// ran away 逃跑了

65. eat up 吃光// use up 用完

66. take (good) care of ..=look after…照顧,保管

67. 我自學英語learn English by myself= teach myself English

68. learn to do sth 學會…

69. 記日記 keep a diary,寫日記 write a diary

70. leave sb by oneself 單獨留下sb

71. join in the League/Party 入團/黨

72. 越來越…:比較級+and+比較級; more and more +多音節詞。如:bigger and bigger , more and more interesting

73. 越…, 就越…: the +比較級,the +比較級。 如:越大越好:the bigger, the better

74. turn on/off 開/關(電器),turn up/down音量開大/小

75. the whole story=all the story整個故事,整件事情

76. 過了一會兒after a while/moment

77. make faces 做鬼臉

78. 名勝,景點interesting places=places of interest

79. my hometown in Zhejiang 我浙江的老家

80. 暑假summer holidays; 五一假期 May 1st holiday

81. a strong wind大風;in the wind 在風里

82. make sb do sth. 使/逼迫sb做sth

83. 倒裝句(為了強調)There he is./ Away he went.

84. with these words. 說完這些話,說著說著(伴隨狀語)。

85. I don』t know how to use it yet. 我不知道怎樣使用它。

where to go. 我不知道該去哪裡。

what to do. 我不知道該做什麼。

86. wait for sb』s turn to do sth 等著輪到sb做sth

It』s sb』s turn to do sth. 輪到sb去做sth
eg:The trees are planted every year.
When we got there, the football match had already started.
否定句:主語+had not+過去分詞+其他.
He had worked for two years by then. 到那時他已經工作兩年了。
He hadn't worked for two years by then. 到那時他已經兩年不工作了。
Had he worked for two years by then? 到那時他已經工作兩年了嗎?
1. 過去完成時表示在過去某一時間之前已完成的動作,表示對這一過去時間造成的結果或影響。常用以下幾種方式:
(1) 用by,before等構成的介詞短語。 eg:
Linda had learnt 10 English songs by the end of last month.
John had repaired that machine before midnight.
(2) 用when, before, after等引導的時間狀語從句。如:
The train had started before we got to the station.
The plane had taken off when I reached the airport.
2. 過去完成時還可以表示過去某一時間以前發生開始的動作持續到
這一過去的時間。常與for, since引導的表示一段時間的短語或從句連用。如:
I had worked in a hospital for three years before I came here.
He told us that he had worked here since 10 years before.

7. 初中英語人教版初二語法

Unit 1 Will people have robots?
do/does 的一般將來時態形式:(shall/will) do
do/does 的一般將來時態的被動語態:(shall/will) be done
肯定句例句:People will have robots in a few years.
否定句例句:People (will not/won't) have robots in a few years.
一般疑問句例句:Will people have robots in a few years?
特殊疑問句例句:What will people have in a few years?
重點短語:won't = will not
they'll = they will
she'll = she will
he'll = he will
I'll = I will
fall in love with(sb./sth.) 愛上(某人/某物)
be able to do sth. 能夠做某事
come true 實現
in the future 未來
hundreds of 數以百計的
thousands of 數以千計的
look for(sb./sth.) 尋找(某人/某物)
will → would 情態動詞 will 的原形和過去式
may → might 情態動詞 may 的原形和過去式

Reading Strategy(閱讀方法)
Look at the title and picture, and predict what you will read about. (看著標題和圖片,預知你要閱讀那些方面的內容。)This helps you get ready to acquire new information. (這樣可以幫助你獲得一些新的信息。)

Unit 2 What should I do?
do/does 的過去將來時態形式:(should/would) do
do/does 的過去將來時態的被動語態:(should/would) be done
肯定句例句:You should write a letter to him.
否定句例句:You shouldn't write a letter to him.
一般疑問句例句:Should I write a letter to him?
特殊疑問句例句:What should I do?
重點短語:keep sb. out 不讓某人進入
What's wrong? = What's the matter? = What's the problem? 怎麼了?
out of style 不時髦的;過時的
call sb. up 給某人打電話
pay for sth. 為某事付款
part-time job 兼職工作
the same as = be same (to/with) 與……同樣
in style 時髦的;流行的
get on [well] with sb. = get along [well] with sb. 與某人相處(好)
didn't = did not
couldn't = could not
as ... as possible 盡可能……(eg/ as soon as possible 盡快)
all kinds of 各種;許多
on the one hand 一方面
on the other hand 另一方面
ask sb. for sth. = ask sb. to do sth. 請求某人做某事
ask sb. not to do sth. 請求某人不要做某事
spend (money) on sth. = spend (money) [in] doing sth. 花錢做某事
sth. cost sb. (money) 某人花錢為了某事
take sb. sometime to do sth. 花某人時間做某事
find out 查明
find sb. doing sth. 發現某人做某事
be angry with sb. 生某人的氣
be angry at sth. 生某事的氣
the same age as = as old as 與某人年齡一樣
have fight with sb. 與某人打架
learn to do sth. 學會做某事
not ... until ... 直到……才……
compare sth.(A) with sth.(B) 把某事(A)與某事(B)作比較
it's time for sth. = it's time to do sth. 到該做某事的時間了
maybe adv. 或許
may be (情態動詞 + 動詞原形)可能是
shall → should 情態動詞 shall 的原形和過去式
pay → paid → paid 動詞 pay 的原形、過去式和過去分詞

Reading Strategy(閱讀方法)
You will learn to use new words better if you use a learner's dictionary. (時刻學著應用新單詞來學習比時刻使用字典這種途徑方法更好。)A bilingual dictionary sometimes gives the wrong meaning for the situation you want. (在某些你需要的場合下,一本雙語字典有時會給你錯誤的解釋。)

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
do/does 的過去進行時態形式:(was/were) doing
do/does 的過去進行時態的被動語態:(was/were) being done
肯定句例句:I was walking down the street when a UFO landed.
否定句例句:I wasn't walking down the street when a UFO landed.
一般疑問句例句:Were you walking down the street when a UFO landed?
特殊疑問句例句:What were you doing when a UFO landed?

動詞 when 和 while 的選擇:when 後加瞬間動詞,while 後加延續性動詞。
例句:The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed.
=While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.

結構:(1) How + adj. + the + 主語 + 謂語動詞
=(2) What + (a/an) + [adj.] + n. + 主語 + 謂語動詞
例句:What a beautiful flower [it is]!
=How beautiful the flower is!
What beautiful flowers [they are]!
=How beautiful the flowers are!

重點短語:get out 出去;離開
take off 起飛
run away 逃跑;跑掉
come in 進來
hear about = hear of 聽說
take place 發生
as ... as 像……一樣(eg/ as old as him 像他一樣老)
anywhere = everywhere = here and there 任何地方
think about 考慮
think of 認為
get up = get out of the bed 起床
at the doctor's 在診所
every day 每一天
everyday adj. 日常的
most adj. 大部分
the most 最多的
in space 在太空中
national hero 民族英雄
all over the world = in the world 全世界

Reading Strategy(閱讀方法)
The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. (一篇文章的標題可以幫助你理解整篇文章。)It's also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read. (在閱讀整篇文章之前,閱讀每段的第一句話也是一個很有效的方法。)

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.
結構:主語 + 謂語動詞 + 賓語從句(主語 + 謂語動詞 + 賓語/表語)
例句:----I'm good at English. He says. (改為加賓語從句的復合句)
----He says I'm good at English.
例句:He says I'm good at English now.
He says I was good at mathematics when I was young.
例句:He said I was good at mathematics when I was young yesterday.
He said I was good at English now yesterday.
例句:Our teacher says 24 hours make a day.
Our teacher said the sun gives us so many energy yesterday.
④動詞原形不能作主語,必須用其 -ing 形式。
例句:She said helping others changed her life.
重點短語:direct speech 直接引語
reported speech = indirect speech 間接引語
first of all = at first 首先
pass on 傳遞
be supposed to do sth. 應該做某事
be good at = do well in 在某方面做得好
in good health 身體健康
get over 克服
open up 打開
care for = take care of = look after 照料;照顧
not any more = not any longer = no longer 不再
have a cold 感冒
end-of-year exam 年終考試
get nervous 變得緊張
forget to do sth. 忘記做某事(該事未做)
forget doing sth. 忘記做某事(該事已做)
it's + adj. + [for sb.] + to do sth. 做某事[對某人來說]……(加形容詞)
context 上下文

Reading Strategy(閱讀方法)
First read for meaning, not for detail. (首先理解文段的大致意思,不在於文段的細節部分。)You can understand the meaning of a word you don't know from the context. (至於不懂的單詞,你可以通過上下文來尋找它的正確釋義。)

Unit 5 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!
重點語法:if 引導的條件狀語從句
結構:主句 + if + 條件狀語從句
if + 條件狀語從句 + [(comma)] + 主句
注意:在 if 引導的條件狀語從句中,主句應用將來時態,狀語從句用一般現在時態。
例句:You'll have a great time if you go to the party.
=If you go to the party, you'll have a great time.
重點短語:take away 拿走
around the world = all over the world 在世界各地
make a living 謀生
all the time = always 一直
What's the problem? = What's the matter? = What's wrong? 怎麼了?
in order to do sth. 為了做某事
make sb. do sth. 使得某人做某事(to 省略,該結構是一個不帶 to 的不定式。)
make sb. adj. 使得某人……(加形容詞)
make sb. done 使得某人被做
be famous for 為……而出名
be famous as 作為……而出名
in class 在課堂上
spend ...(time/money) on sth. = spend ...(time/money) in doing sth. 花……(時間/錢)用於做某事
see sb. do sth. 看見某人做某事(強調整個過程)
see sb. doing sth. 看見某人做某事(強調偶然性)
say → said → said 動詞 say 的原形、過去式和過去分詞
tell → told → told 動詞 tell 的原形、過去式和過去分詞
eat → ate → eaten 動詞 eat 的原形、過去式和過去分詞
speak → spoke → spoken 動詞 speak 的原形、過去式和過去分詞

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?
do/does 的現在完成進行時態形式:have/has been doing
do/does 的現在完成進行時態的被動語態:have/has been being done
I have been in Junior School for 3 years.
I have been making progress since he talked with me that time.
肯定句例句:I have been skating for five hours.
否定句例句:I haven't been skating for five hours.
一般疑問句例句:Have you been skating for five hours?
特殊疑問句例句:How long have you been skating?
How long have you been keeping this book?
重點短語:run out of 用完;用盡
by the way 順便說說
be interested in doing sth. 對某事感興趣
more than 比……多
far away 在遠處
would like to do sth. = want to do sth. = feel like doing sth. 想要做某事
send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 把某物贈送給某人
in fact 實際上
room 房間(用於可數名詞);空間(用於不可數名詞)
common → more common → the most common 形容詞 common 的原級、比較級和最高級

Reading Strategy(閱讀方法)
Let your eyes "scan" the text quickly to find details that you're looking for. (在閱讀文章之前,用眼睛「橫掃」整篇文章,快速尋找你需要的文章要點。)You can find information quickly without reading the whole text. (這樣你就不用細讀整篇文章,就能尋找到你需要的一些信息。)

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?
重點語法:mind [one's] doing sth. 介意(某人)做某事
重點短語:not at all 一點也不
turn down 調節使音量變小
right away = in a minute = at once 立刻;馬上
wait in line 排隊等候
cut in line 插隊等候
hasn't = has not
keep ... down 壓低聲音;使緩和
at first = first of all 首先
take care 當心;小心
take care of = care about = look after 關心;照顧
break the rule 違規
obey the rule 遵守規定
put out 熄滅
pick sth. up 撿起某物
wait for sb. 等候某人
depend on 依賴;依靠
get back = return 要回
mean → meant → meant 動詞 mean 的原形、過去式和過去分詞

Reading Strategy(閱讀方法)
As we read, we need to find "topic sentences".(在我們閱讀的時候,我們需要尋找「主題語句」,也就是和文章中心最相關的語句。) These sentences usually gives us a "summary", or overall meaning of each paragraph and help us understand what the paragraph is about.(這些語句通常會給我們一些文章的「概要」,或者每個文段的全部意思,來幫助我們理解段落大意。) After the topic sentence comes more detail and explanation.(當「主題語句」出現後,該段的一些解釋和細節也就會隨之出現。)

Unit 8 Why don't you get her a scarf?
why don't you do sth. = why not do sth.
例句:Why don't you get her a camera? = Why not get her a camera?
what about = how about
例句:How about some tennis balls? = What about some tennis balls?
重點短語:fall asleep 入睡
give away 贈送;分發
hear of = hear about 聽說
take an interest in = be interested in 對……感興趣
make friends with 與……交友
make progress 取得進步
keep → kept → kept 動詞 keep 的原形、過去式和過去分詞
feed → fed → fed 動詞 feed 的原形、過去式和過去分詞
fall → fell → fallen 動詞 fall 的原形、過去式和過去分詞
hear → heard → heard 動詞 hear 的原形、過去式和過去分詞

Reading Strategy(閱讀方法)
To understand the important ideas from the text, we must "summarize".(為了了解文段最主要的意圖,我們必須要進行總結。) Do this by answering "who, what, where, why" questions as you read.(在閱讀時,常注意回答時間、地點、人物這些基本要素問題,達到總結的目的。)

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement?
do/does 的現在完成時態形式:(have/has) done
do/does 的現在完成時態的被動語態:(have/has) been done
I have ever been to America. It's the first time for me to go abroad.
重點短語:have a great time = have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高興
on board 在船上
end up doing sth. 結束做某事
all year round = all over the year 終年
understand → understood → understood 動詞 understand 的原形、過去式和過去分詞

Reading Strategy(閱讀方法)
After reading, write down three or more things you have learned. (在閱讀整篇文章之後,把你學到的三樣或更多事物寫下來。)We always remember things better if we take time to reflect. (如果我們花時間去思考一些問題的話,那麼我們就能更容易地記住一些事情。)

Unit 10 It's a nice day, isn't it?
例句:He's a student, isn't he?
She's not his mother, is she?
回答反意疑問句時,要根據事實來回答。若事實是肯定的,則必須用 yes 回答。若事實是否定的,則必須用 no 回答。
You're not ready, are you?
No, I'm not.
Yes, I am.

重點短語:look through 瀏覽
come along 出現;發生
get along 相處
at least 至少
at most 至多
a thank-you note 感謝信
forget → forgot → forgotten 動詞 forget 的原形、過去式和過去分詞
little → less → least 形容詞 little 的原級、比較級和最高級
many/much → more → most 形容詞 many/much 的原級、比較級和最高級

更多語法知識點請參見書後附錄的 Grammar (語法) 章節。

8. 八年級英語上冊語法大全人教版 所有語法 所有單元

leavesbbyoneself獨自留下某人needn't=don'thaveto不需it's 形容詞 todosthmakesbdosth讓某人做某事letsbdosth讓某人做某事enjoyoneself=haveagoodtime玩得開心tellsb(not)todosth告訴某人做某事asksb(not)todosth詢問某人做某事be(not) 形容詞 enouth todosthbe too 形容詞 todosthtakecareof=lookafter照顧each of固定搭配assoonas一……就want,agree,ask,begin,decided,listen,hope,learn以上詞語後跟todosthfinish,enjoy,keep,mind,miss,practise以上詞語後跟doingsthstop,forget,remember以上詞語後可跟todosth也可跟doingsth。比如「forgettodosth」意思是「忘記去做某事(表示事情還沒做)」,「forgetdoingsth」則表示「忘了做過某事(表示事情已經做了)」,如此類推,其餘兩個用法相同。seesbdoingsth看見某人正在做某事seesbdosth看見過某人做某事makeit 形容詞 todosthenjoy/help/teach oneself靠自己reach=getto=arrivein/at註:arrivein表示到達較大的地方,比如一個國家,一座城市等;arriveat表示到達較小的地方,如學校,電影院等。havebeento曾經去過某地(現在已經回來了)havebeenin一直在某地(現在仍在某地)havegoneto去了某地(現在正在去的途中,還沒回來)現在完成時:have(has) 動詞過去分詞lookforwordto 動詞ingdivededinto把……分成alittle=abitof一點點too……to 動詞原形現在完成時的動詞短語變化:began→beoncome/arrive→beherego/leave→beawaybuy→havedie→bedeadborrow→keepjoin→beamember(in)in 一段時間表示將來將來時表達形式:begoingtodosth=willdosth=bedoingsthdoone'sbest=tryone'sbest盡力去做某事afraidto 動詞afraidof 名詞usetodosth過去常做某事didn'tusetodo=usen'ttodo過去不做某事nolonger=notanylonger現在不做某事fillwith=befullof裝滿gotobed上床去睡覺gotosleep入睡fallasleep從上床到入睡的全過程(動態)beasleep睡著(靜態)on 具體某天的早上/下午/晚上makeoutof用……做出abit 形容詞abitof 名詞afew(用於可數名詞肯定句)few(用於可數名詞否定句)alittle(用於不可數名詞肯定句)little(用於不可數名詞否定句)many(用於可數名詞)much(用於不可數名詞)bit(可數與不可數兩者均可



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