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發布時間:2021-02-27 06:07:29

① 求幾套高中英語語法的練習題和答案(word文檔格式)

記憶大綱,直節針對中/,全面系統,學記練一體!」你可以試試奧風英語的 中學語法三劍客;高考語法完全突破 視頻教程,和精編中考/,三件一套,練習供運用鞏固,大綱供背誦記憶。中學語法三劍客分中考版和高考版,配套完善。包括 中考/高考語法專項練習(帶答案及解析)「語法要精,就用奧風

② 高中英語語法專練一本通答案

你們買書的時候 書後面沒有寫 下載的網站?那個網站應該有啊

③ 需要一份高中英語各類從句專項訓練題(含詳解答案)

Ⅱ. 完成句子(用同位語從句及定語從句)
1. I have no impression ______________(他如何回家). (how)
2. Xiao Ming didn』t give the answer ______________(他為什麼遲到). (why)
3. I have no idea _____________________(母親什麼時候回來). (when)
4. I made a promise _____________________(我會讓他高興). (that)
5. She raised the question ______________________(我們到哪兒去搞這筆錢). (where, get)
6. Many parents hold the view ____________________________(青少年不應該花太多時間上網). (that, spend)
7. Do you know his suggestion ________________________(我們立即開始工作)?(that, start)
8. We have some doubt ____________________________(他們是否能准時完成任務). (whether, finish)
9. There is no doubt ____________________________(約翰會守信的). (that)
10. He hasn』t made the decision ____________________(是否去那裡). (whether)
11. Word came ______________________________(他贏得冠軍). (that)
12. The fact ___________________(她收集的)was enough to prove his guilt. (that, collect)
13. They were surprised at the fact ________________________(中國能自主做這件事情). (do)
14. They expressed the hope ____________________________(他們再次訪華). (that)
15. Next comes the question ____________________________(你要在盒子里放些什麼). (what, be)
16. The question ____________________________(誰該干這項工作) requires consideration. (who)
17. Nobody can explain the mystery ____________________________(為什麼他突然消失了). (why)
18. It』s said that more high school graates will be admitted into universities. This is the information _______________________(被提出的那個信息). (that, come)
19. He made a suggestion ____________________________(英語測試推遲到下周三). (that, put)
20. Have you got any idea ____________________________(何時何地舉行宴會)? (hold)
Ⅱ. 1. how he went home 2. why he was late
3. when mother will be back 4. that I would make him happy
5. where we could get the money
6. that teenagers shouldn』t spend too much time online
7. that we start our work right now 8. whether they can finish the task on time
9. that John will keep his promise 10. whether he will go there
11. that he had won the championship 12. that she collected
13. that China did it all on its own
14. that they would come to visit China again
15. what you are to put in the box 16. who should do the work
17. why he suddenly disappeared 18. that has come up
19. that the English test be put off until next Wednesday
20. when and where the party is to be held
Ⅰ. 完成句子
1. ______________(無論他說什麼) is right. (whatever)
2. It is clear enough ______________________ (她贏了選舉). (that)
3. ________________ (我們要去哪兒) hasn』t been decided. (where)
4. It seems ________________________ (他們會贏得這場比賽). (that)
5. ________________ (誰做的)is unknown. (who)
6. ________________________ (你們中的任何一個第一個到達這里) will get the prize. (whichever)
7. ________________(他是如何成功的) is still a puzzle. (how)
8. ________________(他們想要的)is not money, but understanding. (what)
9. ________________________________(他要來參加會議) has excited every one of us. (that)
10. _____________________ (這項工作能否完成) on time is doubtful. (whether)
11. _______________________ (誰打碎了窗戶) remains unknown. (who)
12. _____________________ (他所想看到的) was an end to all the violent actions of the world. (what)
13. _____________________ (他為什麼沒來這兒) is not clear to everyone. (why)
14. __________________________ (這座橋將於何時竣工) is unknown. (when)
15. ________________ (他們需要的)is love. (what)
16. It is well-known ______________________ (台灣是中國的一部分). (that)
17. It makes no difference ___________________________ (我們將在哪裡舉行會議). (where)
18. It has been proved ___________________________ (你說的是對的). (that)
19. It』s unknown __________________________ (她是不是要來). (whether)
20. Has it been announced ________________________ (飛機何時起飛)? (when)

Ⅰ. 1. Whatever he said 2. that she won the election
3. Where we will go 4. that they will win the game 5. Who did it
6. Whichever of you gets here first 7. How he succeeded
8. What they want 9. That he will attend the meeting
10. Whether the work can be completed/finished
11. Who broke the window 12. What he wanted to see
13. Why he didn』t come here 14. When the bridge will be ready
15. What they need 16. that Taiwan is part of China
17. where we shall have the meeting 18. that what you said is right
19. whether she will come or not 20. when the plane is to take off

④ 黑馬英語高中英語語法+語法闖關訓練


⑤ 高中英語語法表解大全的答案


⑥ 高中英語語法圖表大全參考答案




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