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『壹』 初中英語語法練習冊,推薦全都練習題

樓主網路一抄下奧風英語的 《中考語襲法完全突破》教程,系統地看一下,該教程同時配有《記憶大綱》和《精編中考語法專項練習》,學記練三位一體,配套完善,系統全面,又名 中學語法三劍客,可以說是目前公認最好的語法資料了,不過是不是適合自己還是要親自檢驗一下,網路 中考語法完全突破 即可在線收看。

『貳』 初中英語語法練習題分類練習,要全,謝謝啊

呵呵,沒聽過語法要精就用奧風嗎?推薦你搜一下 奧風英語的 精編中考語法專項練習(2012最新版),第個專題練習都分三部分,真題演練,基礎鞏固練習和中考模擬練習。

『叄』 初中英語語法練習


1( ) 1 -Have you got some water to drink?

-Here you are. There___ still some in the bottle.

A. are B. were C. is D. was

( ) 2 _____ there many American friends in the school last Friday?

A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were

( ) 3 There ____ a great many accidents last year.

A. were B. are C. is D. was

( ) 4 -How many children ____ in the picture?


A. has there B. is there C. have there D. are there


( ) 1 In 1850, about a third of U. S. A___ covered by forests.

A. were B. has been C. / D. was

( ) 2 Most of our earth____ covered by water.

A. are B. is C. was D. were

( ) 3 Sunday ____ the first day of the week.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

( ) 4 Neither___right.

A. answers are B. answers aren't C. answer is D. answer isn't


( ) 1 The population of the world ____ still ____ now.

A. has; grown B. will; grow C. is; growing D. is grown

( ) 2 There ____ many people running in the park every morning.

A. is B. were C. are D. have

( ) 3 These police often___the children across the street.

A. help B. helps C. helping D. is helping


( ) 1 ___ going to England by air next week.

A. The Green family are B. The Greens family are

C. The Green's family are D. Green family are

( ) 2 The whole family ____ enjoying the beautiful music now.

A. is all B. all is C. all are D. are all

( ) 3 Our class ___ big.

A. is B. are C. were D. will


( ) 1 Neither he nor I ____ from Canada. We are from Australia.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

( ) 2 Either you or he ____ right.

A. are B. is C. does D. were

( ) 3 Neither Mary nor her brother____ good at singing.

A. is B. are C. is not D. are not

( ) 4 Not only Tom but also Alice and Mary ____ busy.

A. is B. was C. are D. has


( ) 1 Physics ___ interesting to us.

A. are B. has C. is D. were

( ) 2 The news____ exciting. We got excited at it.

A. is B. was C. were D. are

( ) 3 Though mathematics____ hard, we all work at it hard.

A. are B. were C. was D. is


1. 1 -4 C D A D

2. 1-4 D B A C

3. 1 -3 C C A

4. 1 -3 A D A

5. 1 -4 C B A C

6. 1 -3 C B D

『肆』 初中英語語法練習冊,全英語語法練習題

樓主網路一下奧風英語的 《中考語法完全突破》教程,系統地看一下,該教程同時配有《版記憶大綱》和《權精編中考語法專項練習》,學記練三位一體,配套完善,系統全面,又名 中學語法三劍客,可以說是目前公認最好的語法資料了,不過是不是適合自己還是要親自檢驗一下,網路 中考語法完全突破 即可在線收看。

『伍』 求好的初中英語基礎語法練習冊

一、詞性分實詞和虛詞 共10個



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