導航:首頁 > 英語語法 > 七年級英語的語法錯誤問題


發布時間:2021-02-26 09:03:33

A. 英語語法錯誤都有哪些

第一句 去掉that,

B. 請問此英語作文是否有語法錯誤(七年級)

It has no eyes and no mouth
改成It doesn't have eyes and mouths

C. 初一英語作文,有哪些語法錯誤

one of the greatest...

D. 這篇初一英語作文有沒有語法錯誤,為什麼


E. 英語中常見的語法錯誤


F. 初一英語糾錯



We often say that the earth is our homeland and human society comes from nature. Therefore, I think our society is a part of nature. People should live harmoniously with nature. All the materials we need to live with come from nature, but we should also repay the nature, rather than blindly solicit. For example, we should plant more trees and take actions to protect the environment. In addition, we have to control population. Due to excessive population growth, human beings require much more natural resources than before, which 【leads】 to excessive pressure on nature. In order to 【have a】 long-term development, the population growth must be controlled. We all come from nature which is our homeland, so we must try 【 our】best to protect it.


1、 which 引導非限制性定語從句,指代human beings require much more natural resources than before 這一件事情,用單數leads。

2、 沒有In order to sth的表達,只有 in order to do sth 的表達。

3、 try one's best to do 盡一切努力做...



不懂請追問,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~


G. 七年級英語寫作,沒有語法錯誤

It was sunny last sunday,I was so happy because it was my friend Daming's birthday!
I got up early in the morning,I want to buy something special for him! he is a big fans of Jacky,so some photos or CDS of him must be a good choice,I went to almost every stores in our town and bought some new CDS,Daming was very surprised to see them!
I am excited because I helped my best friend

H. 一篇七年級英語簡單的作文,看看有沒有什麼語法錯誤

2.we also says English中says不用加s,因為是復數,而不是單數
3.Our classroom are fifty-nine students.中不屬應該這樣表達,應改為:There are fifty-nine students in our class.
4.We are learn at this classroom. 應改為:We study in this class.
5.They are many English the black ban。應改為:There are many English on the blackboard.
6.My English teacher is lenrner English to we.應該為:My English is teahing us English.

I. 求幫忙找這篇初一英語作文里的語法錯誤。謝謝了!!

He was on a vacation last week(說真的,那個v寫的跟r一樣,字太小又擠在一起,不認真看中考英語作文很危險……)

He walks to the bus stop,and then,he takes NO.2 bus.(還是字的問題,如果不理解意思,那個w根本就是個n,至於後面的thon是個什麼鬼,大概是想說然後then,總之我是看不清楚的。)

After about 30 minutes,he gets off at train station.(about沒頭沒尾,如果是要寫坐公交車30分鍾之後到達火車站,那要加after)

He buys a train ticket on the train station.(不該加and別亂加)

It takes him 10 hours to get to Beijing.(完全看不清楚究竟寫的是he還是him,如果要把he改成him,要整個單詞塗掉重新寫,否則是不規范的;It takes sb. sometime to do.看不懂這個句式沒關系,只要記住hours後面的to要加動詞原形,加s是用在第三人稱單數後面的動詞)

The train journey is not boring(原諒我完全看不懂你那個ride啊還有後面那個完全看不清的s也不知道什麼,如果要寫火車旅程不無聊的話,那就按照我寫的這句話寫,你那句已經錯飛了)

because he talks with his friends.(原諒我看不懂friendy是個什麼鬼,如果要寫朋友的話就寫friends,如果要寫家人的話就寫family)

Then he takes a taxi to go home(to後面加動詞原形,和上上上個理由一樣,另外,還沒到家,一般用go)

This is a funny journey.(原諒我沒看懂倒數第二個單詞寫的到底是什麼鬼,按照我的意思就是有趣,還可用interesting)


J. 幫我看看我寫的初一英語作文有語法錯誤嗎

拼寫錯誤較多,注意在你文章里too應該改成so ,下面是我修改後的: My last vacation My last vacation, l was so happy.becausel went to my grandmother's home. there was a beautiful beach! l love there! In the morning,we went to the beach.the sun was beautiful and the beach was so big! That made me feel exciting! we decided to play on the beach all day.I played and swimed in the water with my sister.At noon,I felt hungry but i couldn't find a restaurant.A little girl helped me find the restaurant.I had a little food,the food was just so so,but i didn't care about.In the after noon,the waether was so hot!i could't play sports.I lied on the beach . my mother gave me a glass of juice.I drinked the juice and watched my sister play volley ball!That made me feel cool,the life is so beautiful!Then,I played beach volley ball with my parents. On last vacation,I felt a little tired,but I had fun !I like my last vacation!



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