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① 高中英語需要掌握的語法 要全~



1) 為了避免句子部分內容不必要的重復,常用"so + be動詞(助動詞、情態動詞)+主語"或"neither / nor + be動詞(助動詞、情態動詞)+主語"的倒裝句式。其中第一個句式表示"與前面所述的肯定情況相同", 第二個句式表示"與前面所述的否定情況相同"。例如:
His brother is a college student; so is mine.
His brother is not a college student; nor is min .

2)具有否定意義的詞或短語置於句首時(除否定詞修飾主語外),句子一般要寫成部分倒裝句。這類詞或短語常見的有:not, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, scarcely.


② 人教版必修二英語語法知識點

一. 一般現在時
1. 表示主語現在所處的狀態及其所具備的特徵、性格、能力等
例如:I am a girl.
2. 表示習慣性、經常性的動作
例如:I usually go to bed at 9:00.
3. 標志性的詞語
Always often sometimes now and then
4. 若助於為第三人稱單數(he she it)則動詞要用單三現
二. 現在進行時
1. 說話時正在進行的動作
例如:I am reading.
2.表示即將發生的動作,多用於go come start leave return arrive stay fly等詞語之中,句子中常常有時間狀語
例如:The plane is going to Beijing.
3.當句子中出現了always 、forever 、constantly 、continually 、
All the time等
例如:I am always thinking of you.
三. 倍數比較
1.A+系動詞+倍數詞+as+ adj \adv的原型+as+B
例如:The class is twice as big as that one.
例如:The class is twice bigger than that class.
3.A+系動詞+倍數詞+the size\amount(數量)\ength\width\height
例如:The class is twice the size of that class.
四. With的復合結構
1. With+賓語+賓語補足語
例如:Tom was quite safe with Lucy standing behind him.
例如:With all things she need bought,she went home.
○3with+賓語+to do
例如:With so many thing to deal with.
五. 現在完成進行時
1.基本表達式(I have been doing )
I/ we/ you/ they have been doing sth.
he/ she/ it has been doing sth.
The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.
I have been learning English since three years ago.
We have been waiting for you for half an hour.
例如:They have been living in this city for ten years.
They have lived in this city for ten years.
I have been working here for five years.
I have worked here for five years.
例如:I have been writing a book.(動作還將繼續下去)
I have written a book.(動作已經完成)
They have been building a bridge.
They have built a bridge.
例如:I have known him for years.
I have been knowing...
這類不能用於現在完成進行時的動詞還有:love愛,like喜歡, hate討厭,等。
yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now, 具體的時間狀語
this morning, tonight,this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately
for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always,
3.現在完成時可表示持續到現在的動作或狀態,動詞一般是延續性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.
過去時常用的非持續性動詞有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。
例如: I saw this film yesterday.
I have seen this film.
Why did you get up so early?
Who hasn't handed in his paper?
She has returned from Paris.
She returned yesterday.
He has been in the League for three years.
He has been a League member for three years.
He joined the League three years ago.
( 三年前入團,joined為短暫行為。)
I have finished my homework now.
---Will somebody go and get Dr. White?
---He's already been sent for.
句子中如有過去時的時間副詞(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)時,不能使用現在完成時,要用過去時。
(錯)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night. (對)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.
1. 概念:表示過去的過去
其構成是had +過去分詞構成。
那時以前 那時 現在
2. 用法
a. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等動詞後的賓語從句。
She said (that) she had never been to Paris.
b. 狀語從句
When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.
c. 表示意向的動詞,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用過去完成時表示"原本…,未能…"
We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't.
3.過去完成時的時間狀語before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。
例如:He said that he had learned some English before.
By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself.
Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.
I / we / they have been + 動詞的現在分詞
He / she / it has been + 動詞的現在分詞 功用如下:
2. 表示一個在過去開始而在最近剛剛結束的行動,如:
Ann is very tired. She has been working hard.
Why are you clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?
It has been raining for two hours. (現在還在下)
Jack hasn』t been feeling very well recently.
4. 表示一個從過去開始延續到現在,可以包括現在在內的一個階段內,重復發生的行動,如:
She has been playing tennis since she was eight.
5. 現在完成時強調動作行為的結果、影響,而現在完成進行時只強調動作行為本身,如:
Tom』s hands are very dirty. He has been repairing the car.
The car is going again now. Tom has repaired it.
現在完成時有否定結構、而現在完成進行時沒有否定結構。 現在完成時態可表示做完的時期以及已有的經驗、但現在完成進行時不可以 現在完成進行時的否定結構 現在完成進行時有時也可用否定結構。
如: Since that unfortunate accident last week, I haven』t been sleeping at all well. 自從上周發生了那次不幸事故之後,我一直睡得很不好.
He hasn』t been working for me and I haven』t has that much contact with him. 他並沒有給我工作過,我和他沒有過那許多接觸。

③ 高中英語必修二知識點

Unit 1

片語: survive

in search of / search for search

be amazed at

be designed for

fancy doing sth

be decorated with

in a fancy style

belong to

in return for

at war at peace

less than

there is no doubt that

I doubt whether….

be worth doing

be worthy of be worth to do / to be done

take apart

in a trial

think highly of think badly / much/ little / ill of

could / might / must/ should /need + have done

such + a/an + adj.+ n.

so + adj. + an/ a + n.

be used to do be used to doing used to do

serve as

agree with 適應

rather than 而不是

what he said what he heard

to tell the truth tell a lie to be honest

nor neither 倒裝

do with deal with

unit 2

片語: compete for / against

take part in

gold medal

stand for stand by

on a basis of

admit doing

as well

as well as 就前原則

replace take the place of take one』s place

in charge in the charge of

bargain with

in pain

one after another one by one year by year

deserve to do

be admitted as

so + much /little

such +little (小)

make a bargain with

ask for

marry get married to be married to

apart from besides

although VS though

unit 3

片語: sum up

solve settle

from.. on

as a result as a result of result in =lead in result from= lie in


anyhow anyway

in a way

with the help of

watch over watch out look out be careful


from then on + 過去時

since + 完成時

as time went by

apply for

be filled with

provide … with

in size

signal to

after all

unit 4

片語: die out die away die off die down

hunt for/ after

in danger of

in relief

respond to

protect …. From

contain VS include

have an effect on

pay attention to doing

appreciate doing

succeed in doing success

do harm to do good to

come into being

according to

so that

intend to do be intended for

unit 5

片語: roll in roll on

pretend to do

be doing

have done

attach to doing

honestly speaking frankly speaking generally speaking

form a habit of

earn one』s living

in cash

play jokes on

rely on

get familiar with

or so

break up break out

in addition to

sort out

in brief

above all


④ 高中英語語法必掌握的有哪些。

一、詞法和句法。Morphology & Syntax
1、名詞 The Noun
(1) 分類:可數名詞 Countable Noun
不可數名詞 Uncountable Noun
(2) 名詞的單數/復數: The Singular
Form& The Plural Form
(3) 名詞的所有格: The Possessive Case

2、冠詞 The Article
(1) 不定冠詞 The Indefinite Article
(2) 定冠詞 The Article
(3) 零冠詞 Zero

3、代詞 The Pronoun
人稱代詞 Personal
(2) 物主代詞 Possessive
(3) 反身代詞 Self
(4) 疑問代詞 Interrogative
(5) 不定代詞 Indefinite
(6) 指示代詞 Demonstrative

4、數詞 The Numeral
基數詞 Cardinal
序數詞 Ordinal

5、形容詞和副詞 The Adjective & The
比較級 The
Comparative Degree
最高級 The
Superlative Degree

6、介詞 The Preposition
介詞短語 Prepositional

7、動詞 The Verb
分類-----實意動詞 Notional Verbs
系動詞 Link-verbs
助動詞 Auxiliary Verbs
情態動詞 Modal Verbs
及物動詞 Transitive Verbs
時態-----10個常用的時態 Tenses
語態-----主動和被動語態 The Active Voice & The Passive Voice
8、情態動詞 Modal Verbs

9、非謂語 The Non-finite Forms of the Verb
不定式 The
動名詞 The
分詞-----現在分詞和過去分詞 The Present Participle & The Past
10、虛擬語氣 The Subjunctive Mood

11、主謂一致 Subject-predicate Agreement

12、倒裝 Inversion
完全倒裝 Full
部分倒裝 Partial

13、反意疑問問 Disjunctive Questions

14、簡單句 Simple Sentences
陳述句 Declarative
祈使句 Imperative
疑問句 Interrogative
感嘆句 Exclamatory

15、復合句 Complex Sentences
並列復合句 Compound
Complex Sentences
主從復合句---狀語從句 Adverbial Clauses
----定語從句 Attributive Clauses

16、It的用法。 Usages of It.

17、強調句型/句式 Sentence for Emphasis

二、英語句子主要成分。Members of a sentence
1、主語 The Subject
2、謂語 The Predicate
3、賓語 The Object
4、表語 The Predicative
5、定語 The Attribute
6、狀語 The Adverbial
7、補語 The Complement
8、同位語 The Appositive

三、標點符號 Punctuation
1、句號 Period/ Full Stop
2、逗號 Comma
3、問號 Question Mark
4、感嘆號 Exclamation
5、分號 Semicolon
6、冒號 Colon
7、破折號 Dash
8、引號 Quotation Marks
9、省略號(』) Apostrophe
10、括弧 Brackets
11、連字型大小 Hyphen

⑤ 高一英語必修二人教版重點知識語法

學好五種基本句型 註:英語中絕大多數句子歸根到底是由基本句子變化而來的。所以,熟練掌專握它們是很屬有必要的

⑥ 英語 必修二 語法

Mole 1 Grammar

I. be going to 的用法
be going to結構表示按計劃、打算去做某事,表示人的主管意圖,有時還可表示預測有跡象要發生某事。如:
. How long is your aunt going to stay in China for a visit?
. Look at the clouds. It』s going to rain.
. George is putting on weight. He is going to be quite fat.
II. be going to與will的區別
. will表示說話人認為、相信要發生的事, 不含具體時間, 可以指遙遠的將來; be going to 表示按計劃、打算即將發生的事。
. 二者都可以表示「意圖」 。但是表示事先考慮的事情用be going to, 否則用will。如:
I am not going to / won』t tell him about it.
--This is a very heavy box.
--I』ll help you to carry it.
. be going to 可以用在條件句中表示 將來, will則不行。 如:
If you are going to attend the party, you』d better leave now.

Mole 2 Grammar

He broke into the house to steal something.
Many drug addicts are now in treatment centers to stop taking drugs.
He』s saving up to buy a new car.
He uses a computer to send emails.
2)有時候在不定式前面加上in order to或 so as to, 否定式為 in order not to 和so as not to:
Let』s hurry so as to go to school in time.
Let』s hurry so as not to be late for school.
She studied very hard in order to catch up with others.
She studied very hard in order not to lag behind.
3) 不定式表示目的時,通常它的邏輯主語就是句子的主語,但如果不是的話,就要用for… 結構表示邏輯主語,如:
Mom opened the door for Jane and Betty to come in.

Mole 3 Grammar

I. 時間狀語從句
II. 過去完成時
. 常見的連接時間狀語從句的連接詞有:
when, while, as, before, after, until/till, since, ever since, whenever, as soon as, no sooner… than,
hardly / scarcely… when 等
When 還有意義為『這時』,(at this time)『那時』(at that time) 常用於下列句型:
Somebody was doing something when……某人正在做 ……突然 ……
Somebody was about to do something when…….某人正要做 ……突然 ……
Somebody had just done something when……某人剛剛幹了……這時……

1, I was reading English when my teacher came in.
2, I was about to talk in the classroom when the teacher came in.
3, I had just made the mistake when the teacher came in .

While they were doing homework, someone broke into the house.
While he was still a teenager, he was a big star.
While 表示強烈的對比關系,可譯成「然而」
She is tall while I am short.
While I was studying English, he was playing football.

1) As they were picking tea, the girls were singing happily.
2) As he grew older, he found it difficult to compose good music.

The public wondered why the president hadn』t attended the top conference.
2. 過去完成時的用法:
1). 過去完成時主要用來表明在某個時間或動作之前已經發生的動作, 它表示時間是「過去的過去」。如:
The patient had died when the doctor arrived.
Up until then they had just finished half the work.
He had pressed the button before we could stop him.
When I had finished my everyday work, I did some gardening.
2). 如果發生的動作很短暫, 或兩個動作緊接著發生, 則常用一般過去時代替過去完成時。尤其是在含有before, after, as soon as的復合句中, 因為它們本身的詞義就可以表示出先後順序。如:
Just before I left New York, I sent an e-mail to Mr White, my teacher in the university.

3). 過去完成時還可以表示未能實現的希望、願望等, 常用的動詞有except, hope, mean, suppose, think 等。如:
I had hoped to send him a telegram to congratulate him on his marriage, but didn』t manage it.
Mother had expected me to come to her birthday party, but I really had a lot of important work to do.
當動作緊接著發生, 次序明顯時, 只需用一般過去時。
When he got home from work, he was very tired. He opened the door, turned on the light, washed his face and went to bed without taking off his clothes.
2.與某個時間段或時間點連用時, 一般過去時表示動作在這個時間發生, 而過去完成時表示動作在這個時間之前就已經完成。如:
He learned Russian ring his stay in Russia.
He had already learned Russian ring his stay in Russia.
3. 在間接引語中,與過去完成時連用的時間狀語從句常用一般過去時代替過去完成時。如:
He told me somebody had phoned when I was out.
John said the film had been on five minutes when he got to the cinema.

Mole 4 Grammar

–ing form and the infinitive
(1) -ing形式和不定式都可在句中用作主語。一般情況下可以互換。
To learn a foreign language is not easy.
=Learning a foreign language is not easy. 學習外語是不容易的。

(2) 表示具體的, 特定情況下的或有待於完成的動作時, 常用不定式。
① To finish such a novel will take me several days.

② It』s impossible to get to Beijing in three hours this time, because there is something wrong with our car. 看來這次三個小時是到不了北京了, 因為我們的車出問題了。
在 「It is + 形容詞(如necessary) + for/ of sb. 」的結構後, 通常用不定式作真正的主語。而 「It is no use/no good/a waste of time」後通常接ing形式。
It』s quite impossible to finish the work with so little money.
② It』s no use asking him for help.
There is no 結構後只能接ing形式。There is no knowing whether he is dead or alive. 無從得知他是死是活。
(1) 兩者都可用作表語, 而且一般情況下可以互換。
His work is to paint houses. = His work is painting houses.
表示具體的, 特定情況下的, 將來的動作, 通常用動詞不定式。
Our homework today is to finish the exercises 2 and 3 on page 10.
(3) 主語與表語通常要保持形式一致。
To see is to believe. =Seeing is believing. 眼見為實。
(1) 有些動詞後面只能用不定式作賓語,常見此類動詞有:
ask, agree, beg, decide, determine, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, set out, want, wish, expect, demand
① She decided to help him.
admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, can』t help, consider(考慮), delay, deny, enre, enjoy, excuse, escape, face, fancy, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, keep, keep on, mind, miss, mention, pardon, permit, practise, put off, risk, resist, suggest, understand等。
① The doctor advised taking more exercise. 醫生建議多做運動。
② I suggest doing it in this way. 我建議這樣做。
注意: 一些動詞短語中含有介詞to, 不要和不定式中的to混淆。常見此類短語:
be used to, come to, devote to, get down to, lead to, look forward to, pay attention to, refer to, stick to等。
①I really must get down to considering it seriously. 我真的必須認真考慮一下這事了。
② We are looking forward to seeing you again. 我們盼望著再次見到你。
有些動詞後既可接ing形式, 也可接不定式, 而且意義上沒有差別。常見此類動詞: can』t stand, prefer, learn, continue等。
① I can』t stand seeing/to see good food going to waste. 我無法忍受看到好好的糧食被浪費掉。
② She continue to work/working after having a baby. 有了孩子後她仍然繼續工作。
(4) begin, start後跟不定式或動名詞皆可, 通常可以互換, 但在下列情況下, 只用不定式。
1) start, begin本身為時行時時。
The boy noticed his father was beginning to get angry, so he ran away. 那個小男孩注意到他的父親開始生氣了, 所以就跑開了。
2) 當主語為非生物名詞或it時。
A strong wind started to blow.
3) 當其後接表示心理活動的詞時, 如understand, realize, know, see等。
He began to realize the importance of foreign languages.
4) 在hate, like, love後, 表示經常性, 習慣性的動詞時, 通常用動名詞; 表示特定的、具體的某次行為則用不定式。
I don』t like bothering him when he is busy. 我不喜歡在他忙得時候打擾他。
② I usually like staying with him, but I even hate to see him that night. 我通常喜歡和他在一起,但是那天晚上我甚至不想見到他。
(5) 在remember, forget, try, go on, regret, mean, stop, want, need, require等動詞後既可接ing, 也可接不定式, 但含義不同。
1) remember to do記著去做(還沒有做的事)
remember doing記得做過某事
2) forget to do 忘記要去做某事
forget doing 忘記了做的事
3) go on to do 繼續做另一件事
go on doing 繼續做(原來做的)同一件事
4) regret to do 遺憾將要做某事
regret doing 後悔做過某事
5) mean to do 打算做某事
mean doing 意味著做某事
6) stop to do 停止(正在做的事)去做另一件
stop doing 停止正在做的事
7) try to do 努力做某事
try doing 償試著做某事
8) want to do 想要做某事
want doing 需要被
9) need/require to do 需要做某事
need/require doing 需要被
① Please remember to turn off the light when you leave.
② Certainly I posted your letter—I remember posting it.
我當然給你寄信了, 我記得寄過它。
③ The machine needs cleaning.( needs to be cleaned).
(1) 常見用不定式作賓補的動詞。
allow, help, warn, ask, force, tell, expect, promise, wish, want
① We expected him to win an Olympic gold medal. 我們期盼他贏一枚奧運金牌。
② Tell him to come early.

(2) 不定式(不帶to)和動詞ing形式都可在感官動詞和使役動詞(feel, make, let, see, hear, watch, listen to, look at, notice, observe)後作賓補。不定式強調動作發生了, 完成了; ing形式則強調動作正在進行。
① I saw a man walk into the garden and pick some flowers. 我看到一個男的進入花園, 摘了一些花。(進園摘花的動作已完成)
② I saw a man walking into the garden. 我看到一個男的正在進入花園。(walk這個動作在「我看的時候」正在進行)
③ We heard him sing a song at the party.我們在晚會上聽他唱了一首歌。(他唱了一首, 我們完整的聽了一首。)
④ I heard him singing a song when passing his window.
經過他的窗戶時,我聽到他正在唱歌。(我只聽了一部分, 沒有聽完, 我過去後他可能還在唱)
(3) 不定式在感官動詞和使役動詞後作賓補時,在主動語態時,不能帶to, 而變為被動語態時,要加上to。
① They saw him steal Tom』s money. 他們看到他偷了湯姆的錢。
② He was seen to steal Tom』s money. 他被看到偷了湯姆的錢。
不定式作狀語, 通常表示目的, 結果, 有時也放在形容詞、過去分詞後表示原因; ing形式作狀語時通常表示時間、原因、條件或伴隨等。
① I』ve taken some money out of the bank to buy a laptop. (目的)
為了買手提電腦, 我從銀行了取了錢。
② He hurried to the school (only) to find nobody there.(結果) 他匆忙趕到學校, 卻發現那兒沒人。
③ I』m glad to hear that.(原因) 聽到那件事我很高興。
④ Seeing the picture, he couldn』t help
thinking of those memorable days.(時間) 看到這張照片(的時候), 他情不自禁地想起了那些難忘的日了。
⑤ Not knowing his address, we couldn』t get in touch with him. (原因) 不知道他的地址, 我們無法和他取得 聯系。
⑥ Working hard, you will get what you want. (條件) 努力工作, 你會得到你想要的東西的。
⑦ The baby was lying in bed crying. (伴隨) 嬰兒在床上哭泣。

Mole 5 Grammmar


1. 由when, whenever, as , while, after, before, until, till, since, once, as soon as, 等引導的時間狀語從句。
1> When the bell rang, the guard was waiting in his seat.
2> While ants grow they change their forms three times.
3> Three months went by before Aqiao knew it.
2. 由the minute, the moment, the instant, the day, the week, the year, the first time, any time, every time, each time, the last time, all the time, from the time, by the time, immediately, instantly, directly 等引導的時間狀語從句。
1> 我一見到你就認出了你。
I recognized you the minute I saw you.
3. 其中the minute, the moment, the instant, the second, 以及immediately, instantly, directly 表達的意思一樣, 都是 「一…就…」 可以相互替換。
Eg: You must show the gentleman in immediately he comes.
You must show the gentleman in the minute /the moment/instantly he comes.
另外還要注意 hardly …when… ,scarcely…when…, no sooner…than…的意義和用法。
這三者的意思都是 「一…就…」. 通常都是hardly, scarcely, no sooner 位於句首,他們後面的主句用had done,且倒裝.而when, than 後面的從句用一般過去時。
Eg: Hardly/scarcely had I got home when it started to rain.
when, while, as 引導的時間狀語從句的區別。
1> 作為 「當…時」講,when可以和延續性動詞連用,也可以和短暫性動詞連用,而while 和as 只能和延續性動詞連用。
2> when 從句的謂語動詞可以在主句動詞之前或之後發生或同時發生.而while 和as 從句的動詞必須是和主句的動詞同時發生。
When he had finished his homework, he took a rest.
When I got to the airport, the guests had left.
也就是說當主從句動作同時發生,切從句動作為延續性動詞時, 三者可互換。
When/While/As she was making a phone call, I was writing a letter.
3> when 還有 「在那時」 通常用在以下句型中。
be about to do …when…
had done…when…
be doing…when…
be on the point of doing…when…
4> as 還有 「因為」 「作為」 「隨著」 「一邊….一邊」
As the time went on, the weather got worse.
The little girl sang as she went.
5> 在將來時的從句中常用when, 且從句必須用一般現在時。
You shall borrow the book when I have finished reading it.
6> when還用在表示 「一…就…」的句型中。
Hardly/Scarcely had I entered my room when the telephone rang.
7> while 還做並列連詞 「然而」 表對比。和從屬連詞 「盡管」 的意思, 相當與though/although。
While he is a little boy, he knows a lot.
I』m working while my wife is watching TV.

⑦ 英語必修一、必修二語法總結

1. be concerned about
2. share sth. with sb.
3. feelings and thoughts
4. calm down
6. get along with
8. upset
9. suffer from
11. get tired of
12. be crazy about
13. join in
14. outdoor activities
15. on purpose
16. in addition
17. as far as I am concerned
1. settle down
2. based on
6. at present
7. play an important role in
8. native English speakers
9. make use of
11. be recognized as
12. have a good command of
13. have difficulty in doing
1. dream about / of sth. / doing …
3. have a chance to do …
4. be fond of
6. change one』s mind
7. make up one』s mind
8. give in to
11. persuade sb. to do ….
12. insist on doing …
4. lie in ruins
6. break out 無被動
7. think little of
8. at an end
9. a great number of
13. be injured
16. be trapped
18. be shocked
19. be frightened
20. damage
22. natural disaster
24. economic loss
25. be gone
1. quality
2. generous and selfless
3. be willing to do …
4. ask for no reward
5. turn to sb. for help
6. in trouble
7. take an active part in
8. be active in …
9. devote oneself to sth . / doing …
10. be devoted to sth. / doing …
12. fight against / for …
13. equality and fairness
14. equal rights
15. be put in prison
16. lose heart
17. peaceful
18. be hopeful about
19. answer violence with violence
20. out of work
21. be grateful to sb. for sth.
22. (a country) be founded
23. offer guidance to sb. on sth.
25. attack
27. escape from
29. reward sb. with sth. for sth.

1. cultural relics
2. go / be in search of
3. rare and valuable
4. serve as (無被動)
6. belong to (無被動,無進行時)
7. ask for nothing in return
8. be well worth doing
9. It is worthwhile to do …
11. local
13. think highly of
16. have a history of XX years
19. former – latter
20. formal – informal
21. survive vt.
23. be completed

1. the Olympics / the Olympic Games (復數)
2. compete in … with/against … for …
5. take part in
7. stand for
8. a sports event / sports events
9. host – hosted – hosted
10. hold – held – held
11. be admitted as
12. be admitted into
13. admit (to) doing …
14. every 4 years
15. take responsibility for
16. be responsible for
17. be in charge of
18. replace A with B
19. promise to do
20. deserve to do
21. one after another
22. charge sb. money for sth.
25. volunteer
26. on a regular basis
27. be fined
28. foolish
29. hopeless
32. be allowed to do

34. problems arise
35. changes take place
37. live a life of high quality
38. in a way
39. simplify
40. deal with
41. human race
42. think logically
43. watch over
44. personal
46. have … in common
47. explore the Internet
48. download

1. wildlife reserves
2. be at a loss
3. long to do
4. endangered species
5. in danger of dying out
6. succeed in
7. be successful in
8. distant adj. = faraway
9. according to
10. decrease to (by)
11. protect sth. / sb. from …
12. hunt
13. hunt for
14. affect = have an effect on
15. do harm to
16. pay (close / more / no) attention to
17. live in peace with
18. respond to
19. come into being (無被動)
20. fierce
21. be extinct
22. raise our awareness of wildlife protection
23. powerful

2. to be honest = honestly speaking
3. humorous
4. a sense of humor
5. attractive adj.
6. attract vt.
7. have confidence in = be confident in
8. painful
9. be sensitive to
10. afterwards
11. or so
12. as well as
13. attach great importance to
14. dream of / about
15. sort out
16. in addition
17. sth. be familiar to sb.
18. sb. be familiar with sth.
19. break up
20. pretend to do …
21. pretend that
22. play jokes on
23. earn extra money
24. rely on sb. for sth.
25. afterwards
26. be devoted to
27. painful

序號有點亂 因為有刪除 看看咯

⑧ 高一英語必修二期末語法總結

1.在肯定句中一般用must (一定),may(可能), /can, could(也許,或許)。 (1)He must/may/might know the answer to this question? 他一定/可能/也許知道這個問題的答案。
2.否定句中用can』t / couldn』t(不可能), may not/might not(可能不)。 (1)It can』t/couldn』t be the headmaster. He has gone to America. 這不可能是校長,他去美國了。 3.疑問句中用can/could (能……?)。 (1)Could he have finished the task? 他可能把任務完成了嗎? (2)Can he be at home now? 他現在能在家嗎?
註:以上三種句式中情態動詞的語氣按程度都是依次遞減的。Might, could並非may, can的過去式,而表示語氣較為委婉或可能性較小。

1.對將來情況的推測,用「情態動詞 + 動詞原形」。
(1)She must / may / might / could arrive before 5. 5:00前她一定/可能/也許到。
2.對現在或一般情況的推測,用「情態動詞 + be」,「情態動詞 +be doing」或「情態動詞 + 動詞原形」。 (1)He must / may / might / could be listening to the radio now. 他一定/可能/也許正在聽收音機。
註:情態動詞 should /ought to表推測時,意為「想必會,理應……」但與「have +過去分詞」連用時,則又可構成虛擬語氣意為「本應該做某事卻沒做」。例如: (4)It』s seven o』clock. Jack should/ought to be here at any moment. 現在七點鍾了,傑克理應隨時到達。(推測) (5)She should / ought to have attended your birthday party, but she had to look after her mother in hospital. (虛擬) 她本該出席你的生日晚會的,可是她得在醫院照顧她媽媽。 (6)Tom should not /ought not to have told me your secret, but he meant no harm. (虛擬) 湯姆本不該告訴我你的秘密,可是他並無惡意。
助動詞(auxiliary)主要有兩類:基本助動詞(primary auxiliary)和情態助動詞(modal auxiliary)。基本助動詞有三個:do, have和be;情態助動詞基本的有十四個:may, might; can, could; will, would; shall, should; must, need, dare, used to, ought to.had better 上述兩類助動詞的共同特徵是,在協助主動詞構成限定動詞片語

在句中作表語的從句叫表語從句。引導表語從句的關聯詞與引導主語從句的關聯詞大致一樣,表語從句位於連系動詞後,有時用as if引導。其基本結構為:主語 + 系動詞 + that從句。例如: The fact is that we have lost the game. 事實是我們已經輸了這場比賽。 That』s just what I want. 這正是我想要的。
【注意】whether 可引導表語從句,但與之同義的if卻通常不用於引導表語從句。

⑨ 高一英語必修一必修二語法歸納

主要語法有;引語,應該注意,當把直接引語變成間接引語時,主語版要隨著語景進行邏權輯變化;而謂語的變化是最重要的,要把現在的時態變成相應的過去時態。如果直接引語是一般過去時,就要變成過去完成時。如果直接引語是一般將來時,就不變。還有幾種情況不變的;直接引語敘述的是客觀真理,直接引語里有一個非常具體的時間狀語,如;in 1998等,也不變。再就是時間狀語,地點狀語都有些變化,你要看書後的列表。還有各種句型在變間接引語時要注意的問題。 定語從句;由關系代詞引導的定語,要注意兩條;先要看先行詞是什麼(人/物),再要看在從句里作什麼,也就是充當什麼成分,最後決定用什麼關系代詞。以上是一冊里的語法。第二冊有,關系副詞引導的定語從句,關鍵也要記住上邊 提到的兩條。還有被動語態。主要是謂語動詞的變化,最基本的是;be加過去分詞,各種時態都是在be上變化。其實高一真沒有太多太難的語法,多看看書,一定能學好。祝你成功!

⑩ 高中英語必須掌握的語法有多少種

高中英語語法關鍵 高中部分: 1.過去將來時 2.過去完成時 3.被動語態 4.直接引語和間專接引語 5.定語從句屬 6.情態動詞 7.動詞的-ing分詞及-ed分詞 8.不定式 9.主語和謂語的一致 10.名詞性從句 11.省略 12.倒裝 13.狀語從句 14.構詞法 先要好好記單詞,背語法,多做題,多問老師,好好聽課



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