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⑴ 英語中的強調句的用法

強調句型的構成是:It is (was) + 被強調部分+ that (who) + 句子的其他成分。被強調的部分放在 It is (was) 之後,其它部分置於之後。被強調部分可以是主語,賓語,表語或狀語。強調的主語如果是人,可以由who代替that。

1. 被強調的成分舉例:

原句:Tom found my pen in the classroom yesterday.

強調主語:It was Tom who / that found my pen in the classroom yesterday.

強調賓語:It was my pen that Tom found in the classroom yesterday.

強調地點狀語:It was in the classroom that Tom found my pen yesterday.

強調時間狀語:It was yesterday that Tom found my pen in the classroom.

2. 強調句型的一般疑問式:


Was it Tom that found your pen in the classroom yesterday?

3. 強調句型的特殊疑問式:

特殊疑問詞+ is (was) it + that +句子的其他成分。特殊疑問詞即是被強調的成分。例如:

Who was it that found your pen in the classroom yesterday?

4. that (who) 有時可以省略:


It was my brother (that / whom) you saw the other day.

5. 強調原因狀語從句要注意:


As she got up late, she missed the first bus. 變為:

It was because she got up late that she missed the bus.

6. 強調句的否定轉移:

有些否定句在變成強調句時,要把否定轉移到被強調的詞語之前。尤其是「not... until...」句式的強調要特別注意。例如:

He didn't realize his mistake until the teacher had told him. 變為:

It wasn't until the teacher had told him that he realized his mistake.

【注意】 在強調句式中,雖然not被提前,但「not... until...」句型不要倒裝。

強調句型「It is / was + 被強調的成份 + that + 其他成份」用來強調主語、賓語和狀語等成份。that只起連接作用,不作成份,但不能省略。有時強調的部分比較特殊,如主語從句、狀語從句、名詞、不定式短語、V-ing的復合結構等。如:

It was in the library that I saw her yesterday. 我昨天正是在圖書館見到她的。


1. 如果強調的是特殊疑問句中的疑問詞,表示「到底」、「究竟」等語氣時,就用如下結構:

「特殊疑問詞 + is / was + it + that + 該句的其餘部分」。如:

How is it that you usually go to work? 你通常是怎樣去上班的?

2. 在強調「not... until」結構中由until所引導的短語(或從句)作時間狀語時,要用固定的強調句型:「It + is / was + not until... + that + 該句的其餘部分」,that所引導的從句中的謂語動詞用肯定式。如:

His father didn't come back from work until 12

o'clock. = It was not until 12 o'clock that his father came home form work. 直到12點他的爸爸才下班回家。



It was on March 1 that I had my hair cut. (強調句)

It was March 1 when I had my hair cut. (後面是定語從句)

判斷是否是強調句,可採用「還原法」。如果還原為一般句式後,句子各種成份完整,則是強調句。否則不是。如第一句可還原成:I had my hair cut on March 1.



He did go to the airport yesterday, but he didn't find you. 他昨天確實去了機場,但他沒有找到你

⑵ 在英語中,「強調句型」的完整用法應該怎麼用

強調句型的構成是:It is (was) + 被強調部分+ that (who) + 句子的其他成分。被強調的部分放在 It is (was) 之後,其它部分置於that之後。被強調部分可以是主語,賓語,表語或狀語。強調的主語如果是人,可以由who代替that。

⑶ 英語語法強調句的強調詞怎麼用

It is /was+強調部分+who/that+原句剩餘部分

強調句去掉it is/was 和who/that後


如:原句:I met you yesterday in the street.
強調主語:It was I that/who met you yesterday in the street
強調賓語:It was you that/who I met yesterday in the street.
強調時間:It was yesterday that I met you in the street
強調地點; It was in the street that I met you yesterday

⑷ 初中英語強調句型語法

It + is/was +被強調部抄分+ that -從句

注意被強調部分如果是時間,地點狀語,別用 when, where 代替that引導後面的從句。

請及時採納,不懂繼續問。(*^__^*) 祝學習進步! 謝謝!

⑸ 英語中的強調句型(初中的)

這三個不是強調句型,只是表示時間。如:It is three years since I came to London.指我來London 三年了,也可用It has been 說這句話回。答It was.....since 同理,只是指過去。
強調句型應該是 It is/was .......that...... ,強調人時,that 可換成 who .
如: It is my mother who/that helps me a lot.強調的是媽媽,而不是別人。
It will be 只是一個表示將來發生事情的陳述句型,跟強調句沒關系。

⑹ 初中英語必備語法

這個太多了。推薦你網路一下 中考語法完全突破 視頻教程看看。

⑺ 英語語法 強調句型

it is(was)+強調部分+that + 句子其他成分


eg,Mike wore his new coat to attend the party yesterday.原句

It was Mike that wore his new coat to attend the party yesterday.強調主語

It was Mike'new coat that he wore to attend the party yesterday.強調賓語

It was to attend the party that Mike wore his new coat yesterday.強調目的狀語

It was yesterday that Mike wore his new coat to attend the party .強調時間狀語


⑻ 怎樣有趣的引入英語強調句


⑼ 英語強調句是初中還是高中學的啊啊啊

強調句型是高中學習的知識,我記得我上初三復習的時候,有幾個題設計過強調句型,但是你放心好了,中考是不會考的。強調句型是It's that 。。。



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