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㈠ 初中英語語法重點單詞歸納

語法要精,就用奧風!建議網路 中考語法完全突破 視頻教程看看,絕對是最給版力的教程,配有權記憶大綱和精編中考語法專項練習,三件一套,所以又叫中學語法三劍客,學記練習一體而又各自獨立,非常棒果。詞彙方面可以試試 中考詞彙篇章式記憶,採用情景式和篇章式記憶為主導,將單詞融入一篇篇優美的短文,並配有MP3。

㈡ 初中英語知識點,重點語法總結

一般現在時 do
一般過去時 did
一般將來時 will do
現在進行時 is(am are)doing
過去進行時 was(were)doing
一般過去將來時 would do
過去完成時態 had done
現在完成時 have(has)done
一、 一般現在時
1、定義 表示經常發生的動作或存在的狀態,如能力、特徵、性質、身份等。
2、構成 1) be --- is, am, are 2) 實意動詞用原形表示 (注意當主語為第三人稱單數時,動詞 + s或 + es)
句型轉換 1) 情態動詞,聯系動詞提前或直接在其後加 not 2) 實意動詞加do/ does或don't/ doesn't
3、用法 1) 表示經常性的、習慣性的或永久性的動作,常與 always, usually, often, sometimes, every day,
twice a month等連用. e.g. Does he usually go to school on foot?
2) 表示存在的狀態,常用動詞 be, have, love, like, know, see, hear, think, have, belong to 等。注意這些
動詞一般不用被動語態. e.g. He doesn't like music.
3) 表示不受時間限制的客觀事實或普遍真理. e.g. The earth goes round the sun.
1、定義 表示過去某一時間內發生的動作或存在的狀態,可能是一次的,也可能是經常的,動作已完成。
2、構成 1) be – was,were 2) 實意動詞用過去式來表示,沒有人稱和數的變化。
句型轉換 1) was, were 提前或直接加 not 2) 實意動詞加did或didn't(動詞改為原形)
3、用法 1) 表示過去某一時間內發生的動作或存在的狀態,常與表示過去的時間狀語連用 yesterday , last Friday, in 1994, an hour ago, a moment ago, last November, before 1997, on December 26, 1976. yesterday morning.
2) 表示過去經常或反復發生的動作。 When I was in the university, I did morning exercises every day.
3) had(have的過去式)當「有」講時,構成疑問和否定有兩種形式,其他詞義同實意動詞。
Did you have no friends? He hasn't enough time.
My father doesn't have lunch at factory. (不用 haven't) Did you have a good time?
1、定義 表示將來某一時間內要發生的動作或存在的狀態,常與表示將來的時間狀語連用。如tomorrow, today, this week, next week, next month, next year, next Wednesday, from now on, in a year, in the future
2、構成和用法1)shall (第一人稱)和will (所有人稱) + 動詞原形, 縮寫為 「'll」,否定縮寫為shan't, won't。
2) be going to do,常用於口語,表示打算去做的事和可能要發生的事。 It's going to rain.
3) is/ am/ are about to do...when...表馬上要發生的事,不與時間連用。I was about to leave when it rained.
4) be to do sth. 按計劃或職責、義務要求必須做的事或即將發生的動作。
5) 終止性動詞come, go, leave, arrive等的現在進行時刻表示按計劃,安排或即將進行的動作。
6) 以if, as soon as, when, once, unless等引導的從句的一般現在時表示一般將來時。
1、定義 表示從過去某一時間來看將要發生的動作或存在的狀態。
2、構成及用法 should (第一人稱)或would (第二,三人稱) + 動詞原形,常用於賓語從句中。
We asked him where we should have a meeting. 其他用法見一般將來時。
定義:現在進行時表示1)現在正在進行的動作 2)現階段一直在進行,延續性 3)目前階段臨時發生的動作,暫時性。 is/ am/ are + doing
過去進行時表示1)過去某時正在進行的動作 2)過去某段時間正在進行的動作 3)過去瞬間發生的動作。was/ were + doing
Notes:1. 表安排、計劃要發生的動作可用進行時表示將來時。這些終止性動詞有arrive, begin, come, go, leave, start
2. 現在進行時與always, often等頻率副詞連用,表示厭煩、贊嘆等感情。
3. 在條件從句中,時間狀語從句中用現在進行時表示將來進行時。
4. 同理,在表條件、時間狀語從句中,用過去進行時表示過去將來進行時,在一些表開始,離開的動詞用過去進行時表過去將來時。
用法: 1. 現在完成時表示現階段完成的動作或存在的狀態,動作或狀態從過去開始延續到現在,可能終止,
即動作發生在過去強調對現在的影響,與現在有關,常與 already, ever, lately, just, now, recently, yet,
for + 段時間, since + 點時間;in the last/ past three years, so far, by now, up to now/ present等連用
2. 過去時指過去某時或某一段時間發生的動作或存在的狀態。指的現在之前的情況,與現在無關
3. 過去完成時指的過去某一時間動作之前發生的動作或存在的狀態,「過去的過去」。常用句型:
1) had done + before/ when/ by the time + did 2) did + after/ until + had done
3) had done + by/ up/ since/ till + 過去時間 4) No sooner had + S. + done ... than ... did ...
5) Hardly/ Scarcely had + S. + done ... when ... did ... 6) had meant to do …
Notes: 1. just「剛才」表示剛剛過去,可以看成與說話時間緊密相連,可與現在完成時連用,也可以與過去時連用。但just now「剛才」=a moment ago, 只表示過去時間,只與過去時連用。
2. 一些終止性動詞不能用完成時態的肯定句與延續多久的時間狀語連用,要用表狀態的動詞或用動詞+介詞短語或+形容詞的完成式,還可以用it is+多少時間+since的句型。
3. since自從……以來 conj + 從句 prep + 表示「時間點」的名詞。for prep.+ 多少時間,表示一段時間。
He has been studying since 3 o'clock/ since 3 hours ago/ since he came. He's been here for five hours.
4. in the past/last+多少時間,表示最近一段時間,用完成時,不用過去時。
5. have been去過某地(不在去過地)have gone到某地去了(不在說話地方)。一,二人稱不能用have gone。 6. 在美語中have/ has got = have/ has。
7. hardly...when..., no sooner...than... 引導倒裝句,常與過去完成時連用。
8. hope, intend, mean, plan, think, want常用過去完成時表示過去的意圖而實際沒有實現的情況

㈢ 初中英語重點語法總匯

表語形容詞如:alive, afraid, awake, alone, asleep, worth等作定語時常被置於被修飾詞的後面。
形容詞在修飾someone, somebody, anyone, anybody等復合不定代詞時,需要置於其後。
在否定句中,即可用not as … as …結構,也可用not so … as …結構。
可用more than(多於…),not more than(不多於…),less than(少於…),not less than(不少於…),less+形容詞+than等。
the+比較級…, the+比較級…
the+比較級+of the two…
more … than 表示「更多…而不是」
這兩個結構表達的意思完全不同,前者往往表示「一方不如另一方」,後者往往表示「前者和後者一樣都不…」, 「僅僅」。修飾說明數量時前者表示「最多,不比…多」,後者表示「僅僅」,帶有感情色彩。
倍數+the size of…
one of the+形容詞最高級+名詞復數+表示範圍的短語或從句
the+比較級…, the+比較級…」,表示一方的程度隨著另一方的程度的增長而增長,意為「越…(就)越…」。
no more than … 與not more than … 句式
如果用於兩者之間的比較,「no + 比較級 + than」意為「兩者都不」,是對兩者的共同否定,且側重前者。而「not + 比較級 + than」意為「不及 …」,表示前者不如後者,隱含對兩者的肯定,但側重後者。

㈣ 初中英語語法重點有哪些

He knows that Jim will work hard.
Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for?
連接副詞when,where,how,why等,如:Could you tell me how we can get to the station?
不定式之前,與or not連用,在句首或在引導表語從句,同位語從句時,只能用whether,如:I want to know if/whether the news is true.He doesn't know whether to stay or not?
He asked who could answer the question.
My father told me that the earth goes around the sun.

㈤ 求初中英語重點語法大全

1、名詞(n.): 表示人、事物、地點或抽象概念的名稱。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange.
2、代詞(pron.): 主要用來代替名詞。如:who, she, you, it .
3、形容詞(adj..):表示人或事物的性質或特徵。如:good, right, white, orange .
4、數詞(num.): 表示數目或事物的順序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.
5、動詞(v.): 表示動作或狀態。如:am, is,are,have,see .
6、副詞(adv.): 修飾動詞、形容詞或其他副詞,說明時間、地點、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.
7、冠詞(art..):用在名詞前,幫助說明名詞。如:a, an, the.
8、介詞(prep.): 表示它後面的名詞或代詞與其他句子成分的關系。如in, on, from, above, behind.
9、連詞(conj.): 用來連接詞、短語或句子。如and, but, before .
10、感嘆詞(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、樂等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello.
1、主語是句子所要說的人或事物,回答是「誰」或者「什麼」。通常用名詞或代詞擔任。如:I』m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐)
2、謂語動詞說明主語的動作或狀態,回答「做(什麼)」。主要由動詞擔任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (傑克每天打掃房間)
3、表語在系動詞之後,說明主語的身份或特徵,回答是「什麼」或者「怎麼樣」。通常由名詞、代詞或形容詞擔任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍)
4、賓語表示及物動詞的對象或結果,回答做的是「什麼」。通常由名詞或代詞擔任。如:He can spell the word.(他能拼這個詞)
有些及物動詞帶有兩個賓語,一個指物,一個指人。指物的叫直接賓語,指人的叫間接賓語。間接賓語一般放在直接賓語的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他給我寫了一封信)
有時可把介詞to或for加在間接賓語前構成短語,放在直接賓語後面,來強調間接賓語。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他給我寫了一封信)
Shanghai is a big city .(上海是個大城市)
6、狀語用來修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞,通常由副詞擔任。如:He works hard .(他工作努力)
7、賓語補足語用來說明賓語怎麼樣或干什麼,通常由形容詞或動詞充當。如:They usually keep their classroom clean.(他們通常讓教室保持清潔) / He often helps me do my lessons.(他常常幫我做功課)
☆同位語通常緊跟在名詞、代詞後面,進一步說明它的情況。如:Where is your classmate Tom ?(你的同學湯姆在哪裡?)
1、合成法:如:spaceship, headache, basketball, playground等等。
(1)派生名詞:①動詞+er/or ②動詞+ing ③動詞+(t)ion ④形容詞+ness ⑤其他,如:inventor, learner, swimming, congratulation, kindness, carelessness, knowledge
(2)派生形容詞:①名詞+y ②名詞+ful ③動詞+ing/ed ④friendly ⑤dangerous ⑥Chinese; Japanese ⑦English ⑧French ⑨German ⑩國名+(i)an 如:snowy, sunny, hopeful, beautiful, interesting, follwing, daily(每日的),nervous, delicious
(3)派生副詞:①形容詞+ly ②其它,如:slowly, angrily, full→fully, good→well, possible→possibly
(1)形容詞→動詞,如:dry(乾燥的)→dry(弄乾), clean(干凈的)→clean(打掃,弄乾凈),等等。
(2)動詞→名詞,如:look, walk, rest, work, study, swim, go, talk等等。
(4)形容詞→副詞,如:early→early, fast→fast等等。
如:Beijing, Tom, the People』s Republic of China(中華人民共和國)
專有名詞如果是含有普通名詞的短語,則必須使用定冠詞the。如:the Great Wall(長城)
姓氏名如果採用復數形式,則表示該姓氏一家人(復數含義),如:the Greens( 格林一家人)。
2、普通名詞是許多人或事物的共有名稱。如:pupil, family, man, foot.
▲可數名詞是可以用簡單的數詞進行計數的名詞,如: box, child, orange;
▲不可數名詞是不可以用簡單的數詞進行計數的名詞。如:water, news, oil, population, information .
①在單數名詞詞尾加s。如:map → maps,boy→ boys,horse→ horses, table→ tables.
②s,o,x ,sh,ch結尾的詞加es.如:class→classes, box→boxes, hero→heroes, dish→dishes, bench→benches.
[注]:少數以o結尾的詞,變復數時只加s。如:photo→photos, piano→pianos.
③以輔音字母加y結尾的名詞,變y為i,再加es。如:family→families, city→cities, party→parties.
④以f或fe結尾的名詞,變f或fe為v,再加es。如:shelf→shelves, wolf→wolves, life→lives, knife→knives.
2、不規則變化:man→men, woman→women, sheep→sheep,tooth→teeth, fish→fish, child→children, ox→oxen, goose→geese
不可數名詞一般沒有復數形式,說明其數量時,要用有關計量名詞。如:a bag of rice→two bags of rice, a piece of paper→three pieces of paper, a bottle of milk→five bottles of milk.
1、 名詞所有格表示所屬關系,相當於物主代詞,在句中作定語、賓語或主語。其構成法如下:
(1)表示人或其它有生命的東西的名詞常在詞尾加』s。如:Childern』s Day(兒童節), my sister』s book(我姐姐的書)
(2)以s或es結尾的復數名詞。只在詞尾加』。如:Teachers』 Day(教師節)
(3)有些表示時間、距離以及世界、國家、城鎮等無生命的名詞,也可在詞尾加』s. 如:
today』s newspaper(今天的報紙), ten minutes』 break(十分鍾的課間休息),
China』s population(中國的人口).
a fine daughter of the Party(黨的好女兒).
① 『s還可以表示某人的家或者某個店鋪,如:my aunt』s(我阿姨家), the doctor』s(診所)
② 兩人共有某物時,可以採用 A and B』s 的形式,如:Lucy and Lily』s bedroom(露西和麗麗合住的卧室)
③ 「of+名詞所有格/名詞性物主代詞」,稱為雙重所有格,如:a friend of my father』s(我父親的一位朋友), a friend of mine(我的一位朋友)
1、謂語和謂語基本保持單復數的一致,即:主語是可數名詞單數或不可數名詞時,謂語動詞用單數形式:如:The computer was a great invention.(計算機是個了不起的發明)
2、集體名詞(如family, class, team, group, row, police, school等)做句子主語時,
①如果表示整體概念,則謂語用單數形式,如:Class Three is a very good class.(三班是好班)
②如果表示其中的所有成員時,則謂語用復數形式,如:Class Three have a map of China.(三
班有張中國地圖)3、Chinese, Japanese, fish, sheep, people等表示單個時謂語用單數,表示許多時,謂語用復數。如:There is a sheep in the yard.(院子里有隻綿羊) / There are some sheep in the yard.(院子里有一些綿羊)4、maths, news等雖然有s結尾,但不是復數,因此謂語仍用單數:The news is very exciting. (這個消息令人興奮)
5、glasses, shoes, socks, trousers, gloves等名詞往往用復數形式,故謂語用復數。如:
The trousers are very cheap and I want to take them.(褲子很便宜,我想買)
6、a lot of 後跟名詞復數時謂語用復數形式,跟不可數名詞時謂語用單數形式。如:A lot of students are playing baseball now.(現在有許多學生在打壘球) A lot of time was wasted on that work.(大量的時間花在了那個工作上)(被動句)
7、and 連接兩個名詞做主語時,謂語原則上用復數,但是兩個名詞若構成一個整體事物時,謂語則用單數。如:The teacher and his son are picking apples now.(老師和他的兒子在摘蘋果) / Fish and chips is very famous food. (魚和薯條是一種出名的食品)
8、 there be 句型中be的單復數一般由靠近的名詞決定。如:There is a table and four chairs in the room.(房間里有一張桌子和四張椅子)
9、用both…and…連接兩個事物做主語時,謂語一般用復數。如:Both you and I are required to be here tomorrow.(你和我明天要求都來)
10、主語中含有with的短語時,謂語單復數由with之前的人物決定。如:A woman with a 7-year-old child was standing at the side of the road. (一名婦女帶著一個七歲的孩子(當時)就站在路邊)
11、either…or…或者 neither…nor…連接兩個人物做句子主語時,謂語採用就近原則。如:Either you or he is right.(要麼是你對,要麼是他對。/你和他有一個人是對的) / Neither you nor I am going there.(你和我都不打算去那裡)
12、表示一段時間或長度概念的復數名詞做主語時,謂語一般用單數。如:Two months is not a short time.(兩個月不是個短時間)Two thousand kilometers is quite a long distance(距離).(兩千千米是相當長的一段距離)
13、主語中含有half of… / (three quarters)of… / all (of) the ….等詞語時,謂語的單復數由名詞確定,如:Over three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English.(網際網路上四分之三以上的信息是用英語寫的) / A third of the students were playing near the lake.(學生的三分之一(當時)正在湖邊玩耍) / All of the water in these rivers has been polluted.(這些河流中的水已經被污染了)(被動句)
但是,population一詞又有特殊情況: What』s the population of China?(中國人口是多少?)(句子用單數) / Three quarters of the population in this city are Arabs(阿拉伯人).(這個城市四分之三的人口是阿拉伯人)(句子用復數)
1、sport、game、match、race 的區別:sport通常指「戶外運動」,以鍛煉為主,概念較大;game意思是「運動、比賽」,不管戶內戶外還是腦力體力,指以勝負為主的運動;match意為「競賽、比賽」,多指正式比賽;race主要表示「賽跑、賽馬、賽車」。如:People all around the world enjoy sports.(全世界的人都喜愛運動) / The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.(2008奧運會將在北京舉行)(被動句) / Our school football team won the league match(聯賽).(我們學校足球隊取得了聯賽冠軍) / They were strong and won the boat race.(湯他們很棒,贏得了劃艇比賽)
2、festival、holiday、vacation的區別:festival「節日」,指喜慶的日子或持續一段時間的文娛活動;holiday(假日、休息日),指法定假日或風俗習慣,復數可以表示一個較長的假期;vacation「假期」,指學習或工作中一段長時間的休息。如:The Shanghai Television Festival will be held next month.(上海電視節將在下個月舉行) / Sunday is a holiday and most people do not work.(星期天是個假日,多數人不工作) / What are you going to do ring the summer vacation/holidays?(在暑期你打算做什麼事情?)
3、journey、tour、trip、travel的區別:journey指在陸地上(或海上或空中)進行的長途旅行,不知終點,含有辛苦的意思;tour指途中作短期逗留的巡迴旅行,強調游覽多處,常用來指觀光等;trip通常指往返定時的短途旅行,如出差度假等;travel多指長期或長途的觀光旅行,尤其指到國外,沒有明確目的地,也作不可數名詞,指旅行這一行為。如:He made up his mind to make the journey to Dunhuang.(他拿定主意要去敦煌旅行)/ He has gone on a walking tour.(他步行觀光去了) / He took several trips to Shanghai last yeaar.(去年他去了上海好幾次) / Did you go to Santiago(聖地亞哥) ring your travels?(旅行期間你去聖地亞哥了嗎?) / Travelling through thick forests is dangerous.(在密林里邊穿行是很危險的)
4、sound、noise、voice的區別:sound指各種聲音;noise主要指「噪音」;voice指人的「嗓音」。如:The noise of the street kept me awake in the night.(街上的喧囂聲讓我徹夜難眠) / All of a sudden there was the sound of shots and a cry.(突然間傳來幾聲槍響和一聲尖叫) / The singer has lost her ringing voice as a result of a bad cold.(因為感冒的緣故,這個歌唱家失去了她銀鈴般的嗓音)
5、fish的問題:指許多條魚且不管種類時,用fish,單復數相同;fishes 指許多種類的魚;fish指「魚肉」時是不可數名詞。如:There are many kinds of fishes in the pool. (池子里有很多種類的魚)/ I prefer fish to meat.(與肉相比我更喜歡魚)
稱單數 第二人
稱單數 第三人稱單數 第一人稱復數 第二人稱復數 第三人稱復數
陽性 陰性 中性

格 I
(我) you (你) he
(他) she
(她) it
(它) we
(我們) you
(你們) they (他們,她們,它們)

格 me
(我) you (你) him
(他) her
(她) it
(她) us
(我們) you
(你們) them (他們,她們,它們)
1、主格用來作句子的主語、表語。如: I often go shopping on Sundays.(星期天我常去購物) / Are they from Brazil?(他們是巴西人嗎?) / Where have they gone?(他們上哪兒去了?) / That』s it.(就那麼回事) / It』s he!(是他!)
2、賓格用來作及物動詞或者介詞的賓語。如:Who teaches you English this year?(今年誰教你們的英語?) / Help me!(救救我!) / We often write letters to her.(我們常給他寫信)
3、人稱代詞作表語或者放在比較狀語從句連詞than或as之後時,可以用主格形式,也可以用賓格形式,口語中大多用賓格。如:--Who is it?(是誰?) –It』s I/me.(是我。)
4、 三個不同人稱同時出現,或者主語中包含「我」時,按照「you→he→I」的順序表達。如:
Both he and I are working at that computer company.(我和他都在那家電腦公司上班) –Who will go there?(誰要去那兒?) –You and me.(你和我)
5、 人稱代詞it除了可以指人指物之外,還可以表示「時間、天氣、溫度、距離、情況」等含義,此外還可以作「非人稱代詞」使用,替代作主語或者賓語的不定式、動名詞或者名詞性從句。如:--What』s the weather like today?(今天天氣怎樣?)—It』s fine.(天氣晴好) / --What』s the time?(幾點啦?) –It』s 12:00.(12點) / It』s a long way to go.(那可要走好長的路) / It took him three days to clean his house.(打掃屋子花了他三天的時間) / It is very clear that the public want to know when these men can go into space.(很顯然,公眾想知道這些人什麼時候能進入太空) / We found it very difficult to learn a foreign language well.(我們發覺要學好一門外語是非常困難的)
稱單數 第二人
稱單數 第三人稱單數 第一人稱復 數 第二人稱復數 第三人稱復數
陽性 陰性 中性
詞性 my
(我的) your
(你的) his
(他的) her
(她的) its
(它的) our
(我們的) your
(你們的) their (他們的,她們的,它們的)
性 mine
(我的) Yours
(你的) his
(他的) hers
(她的) its
(她的) ours
(我們的) yours
(你們的) theirs(他們的,她們的,它們的)
Is that your umbrella?(那是你的傘嗎?) / I often go to see my aunt on Sundays.(我經常在星期天去看望阿姨) / They are their books.(是他們的書)
This is your cup,but where is mine?(這是你的杯子,可我的在哪兒?) / Your classroom is very big, but ours is rather small.(你們的教室很大,我們的相當小)
3、「of + 名詞性物主代詞」稱為雙重所有格,作定語時放在名詞的後面。如:
A friend of mine came to see me yesterday.(我的一個朋友昨天來看我了) (指若干朋友中有一個來看我。)
[試比較] My friend came to see me yesterday.(我的朋友昨天來看我了)(指我的那個特定的朋友來看我。)
稱單數 第二人
稱單數 第三人稱單數 第一人稱復數 第二人稱復數 第三人稱復數
陽性 陰性 中性
(我自己) yourself
(你自己) himself
(他自己) herself
(她自己) itself
(它自己) ourselves
(我們自己) yourselves
(你們自己) themselves (他們/她們/它們自己)
Don』t play with the knife, you might hurt yourself.(不要玩刀子,那會割傷你的)
The story itself is good. Only he didn』t tell it well.(故事本身是好的,只是他沒有講好)
6、 指示代詞: 指示說明近處或者遠處、上文或者下文、以前或者現在的人或事物。

單數 復數 含義
this(這個) these(這些) 指較近的人和物
that(那個) those(那些) 指較遠的人和物
such (這樣的人/物) 指上文提過的人和物
same (同樣的人/物) 指和上文提過的相同的人和物
it (這人/這物) 指不太清楚是誰或者是什麼時
What』s this?(這是什麼?) / That model plane is made of plastic.(那隻模型飛機是塑料做的)(被動句) / Remember never to do such things.(記得永遠不要做這樣的事情) / Do the same as the teacher tells you. (按老師說的做)/ ---Who is it?(是誰?) ---It』s me!(是我!)
1、關系代詞who 、which、 that 、whom 等,將定語從句和主句連接起來。英語中的關系代詞一方面在從句中擔任一定的成分,另一方面又起連接作用。
如:The student who is drawing a picture is in Grade One.(正在畫畫的學生是一年級的)
2、關系代詞who / whom指人,如果作從句的賓語,則有時省略。如:
Do you know the man who is wearing a red hat? (你認識那個戴著紅帽子的男人嗎?)
3、關系代詞which 指物,如果作從句的賓語,則有時省略。如:Have you found the book which you lost several days ago?(你找到幾天前丟失的那本書了嗎?)
4、關系代詞that既可指人也可指物,如果作從句的賓語,則有時省略。如:Can you see the man/dog that is running along the river bank ?(你看得見順著河跑的男人/狗了嗎?)
含義 some
any no
none / / each
(every) one either,
neither so the other,
another 復合不
含義 much little,
a little all / / / / /
含義 many few,
a few ones both others,
the others
※ 註:復合不定代詞有12個:something(某事), someone(某人), somebody(某人), anything .


㈥ 初中英語總結.和所有重點及短語 單詞 語法

1.look at…看…, look like … 看上去像……, look after …照料…
2.listen to…聽……
3.welcome to…歡迎到……
4.say hello to …向……問好
5.speak to…對……說話
1.put on 穿上 2.take off脫下 3.write down記下
1.come on趕快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家
4.come in進來 5.sit down坐下 6.stand up起立
1.close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class
4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper
7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games
10. play games
2.in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade等,表示「在……排/隊/班級/年級」等。
3.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ 表示「在上午/下午/傍晚」等一段時間。
4.in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示「在書桌/鉛筆盒/卧室里」。
5.in the tree表示「在樹上 (非樹本身所有)」;on the tree表示「在樹上(為樹本身所有)」。
6.in the wall表示「在牆上(凹陷進去)」;on the wall表示「在牆上(指牆的表面)」。
7.at work(在工作)/at school(上學)/at home(在家)應注意此類短語中無the。
8.at + 時刻表示鍾點。
9.like this/that表示方式,意為「像……這/那樣」。
11.behind/ beside/ near/ under+ 名詞等,表示方位、處所。
另外,以下這些短語也必須掌握。如:on ty, after breakfast, at night, at the door, in the middle, in the sky, on one』s bike等。
1.I think…意為「我認為……」,是對某人或某事的看法或態度的一種句型。其否定式常用I don』t think…,
2.give sth. to sb./ give sb. sth. 意為「把……給……」,動詞give之後可接雙賓語,可用這兩種句型;若指物的賓語是人稱代詞時,則只能用give it/ them to sb.
3.take sb./ sth. to…意為「把……(送)帶到……」,後常接地點,也可接人。
4.One…, the other…/One is…and one is…意為「一個是……;另一個是……」,必須是兩者中。
5.Let sb. do sth. 意為「讓某人做某事」,人後應用不帶to的動詞不定式,其否定式為Don』t let sb,do sth.,或Let sb. not do sth. 另外,Let』s 與Let us的含義不完全相同,前者包括聽者在內,後者不包括聽者在內,
6.help sb. (to) do sth./help sb. with sth.意為「幫助某人做某事」,前者用不定式作賓補,後者用介詞短語作賓補,二者可以互換.
7.What about…?/How about…?意為「……怎麼樣?」是用來詢問或徵求對方的觀點、意見、看法等。about為介詞,其後須接名詞、代詞或V-ing等形式。
8.It』s time to do…/ It』s time for sth. 意為「該做……的時間了」,其中to後須接原形動詞,for後可接名詞或V-ing形式。
9.like to do sth./like doing sth.意為「喜歡做某事」, 前一種句型側重具體的一次性的動作;後一種句型側重習慣性的動作,
10.ask sb.(not) to do sth. 意為「讓某人(不要)做某事」,其中ask sb.後應接動詞不定式,
11.show sb. sth. / show sth. to do. 意為「把某物給某人看」,該句型的用法同前面第2點。
12.introce sb. to sb. 意為「把某人介紹給另一人」;introce to sb.則是「向某人作介紹」。
1.kinds of 各種各樣的
2. either…or…或者……或者……,不是……就是……
3. neither…nor…既不……也不……
4. Chinese tea without, anything in it 中國清茶
5. take a seat 就坐
6. home cooking 家常做法
7. be famous for 因……而著名
8. on ones'way to在……途中
9. be sick/ill in hospital生病住院
10. at the end of在……的盡頭,在……的末尾
11. wait for 等待
12. in time 及時
13. make one』s way to…往……(艱難地)走去
14. just then 正在那時
15. first of all 首先,第一
16. go wrong 走錯路
17. be/get lost 迷路
18. make a noise 吵鬧,喧嘩
19. get on 上車
20. get off 下車
21. stand in line 站隊
22. waiting room 候診室,候車室
23. at the head of……在……的前頭
24. laugh at 嘲笑
25. throw about 亂丟,拋散
26. in fact 實際上
27. at midnight 在半夜
28. have a good time=enjoy oneself玩得愉快
29. quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架
30. take one』s temperature 給某人體溫
31. have/get a pain in…某處疼痛
32. have a headache 頭痛
33. as soon as… 一……就……
34. feel like doing sth. 想要干某事
35. stop…from doing sth. 阻止……干某事
36. fall asleep 入睡
37. again and again再三地,反復地
38. wake up 醒來,叫醒
39. instead of 代替
40. look over 檢查
41. take exercise運動
42. had better(not) do sth. 最好(不要)干某事
43. at the weekend 在周末
44. on time 按時
45. out of從……向外
46. all by oneself 獨立,單獨
47. lots of=a lot of 許多
48. no longer/more=not…any longer/more 不再
49. get back 回來,取回
50. sooner or later遲早
51. run away 逃跑
52. eat up 吃光,吃完
53. run after 追趕
54. take sth. with sb. 某人隨身帶著某物
55. take(good) care of…=look after…(well) (好好)照顧,照料
56. think of 考慮到,想起
57. keep a diary 堅持寫日記
58. leave one by oneself 把某人單獨留下
59. harder and harder 越來越厲害
60. turn on打開(電燈、收音機、煤氣等)
61. turn off 關
1.So + be/助動詞/情態動詞+主語.
前面陳述的肯定情況也適於另一人(物)時,常用到這種倒裝結構,表示「另一人(物)也如此。」前面陳述的否定情況也適於另一人(物)時,常用「Neither/ Nor + be/助動詞/情態動詞+主語.」這種倒裝結構。
neither...nor... , both...and... , either...or... , not only...but also...等句型要遵循相鄰原則。
2.Turn right/left at the first/second/…crossing.
這一指路的句型意為「在第一/二/……個十字路口向右/左拐。」相當於Take the first /second/…turning on theright/left.
3.It takes sb.some time to do sth.
就等於spent time on sth / spent time in doing sth
4.…think/find + it + adj. + to do sth.
5.What』s wrong with…?
此句型相當於What』s the matter/ trouble with…?後跟某物作賓語時,意為「某物出什麼毛病了?」後跟某人作賓語時,意為「某人怎麼了?」
在so…that…復合句中,that後的句子是肯定句時,常與簡單句…enough to…進行句型轉換.
7.Sorry to hear that.
全句應為I』m sorry to hear that. 意為「聽到此事我很難過(遺憾)。」常用於對別人的不幸表示同情、遺憾之意。
1. She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她過去是一位漢語老師。
[用法] used to + 動詞原形,表示過去經常性的動作或存在的狀態,含有現在不再如此之意。
[搭配] used to do的否定式可以是usedn』t to do或didn』t use to do.
[比較] used to do sth. 過去常做某事;be/ get used to doing sth. 習慣於做某事;be used to do sth. 被用來做某事。
2.…return it sooner or later.
[用法] l)sooner or later意為「遲早」、「早晚」。
2)return此處用作及物動詞,意為「歸還」,相當於give back.
[拓展]return還可用作不及物動詞,意為「返回」,相當於go back或come back。
3.No matter what the weather is like…無論天氣……
[用法]no matter what 相當於whatever,其意為「無論什麼」,引導狀語從句。
[拓展]類似no matter what的表達方式還有:
no matter when無論什麼時候
nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;no matter where無論什麼地方
no matter who無論誰
no matter how 無論怎麼樣
4. A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green.
[用法]practise doing sth. 表示「實踐、練習(做)某事」。
[拓展]practice名詞,「實踐」、「實施」、「練習」;put a plan into practice實行某計劃。
5. He encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.
2)take part in「參加」,常表示參加活動。
3)protect 是動詞,表示「防禦」、「保護」。
[搭配]1)encourage sb. in sth.在某事上鼓勵或支持某人
nbsp;encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人干某事
2)protect sh. from sth.使某人不受某事侵襲或傷害
6. …to warn people about sharks in the water. ……警告人們當心水裡的鯊魚。
[用法] warn用作動詞,意思是「警告」、「警戒」。
[搭配]1)warn sb.+ that從句
2)warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事
3)warn sb. to do sth.告誡某人做某事
4)warn sb. against(doing) sth.告誡某人當心某事/不要做某事

1.have: have a cold\cough\fever\headache\pain have a great effect on
have a good time have a match\meeting\discussion had better do sth
have no choice but to do sth have a rest have on
2.make: make a promise make a decision make room for make sense make use of make a face make an effort to do sth make a living make up one』s mind to do sth make a mistake make a noise make a speech make an apology make it a rule
make it make into make…out of… make up
make of make from make a call
3.take: take a seat take a message for take an interest in
take off take on (a new look) take over take steps to do
take some measures to do sth take care take charge take part in
take place take the place of take turns to do sth take medicine
take up
4. go: go cold go hungry be gone go dad want a go
go skating\fishing\shopping\swimming go on doing sth go on to do sth go on with sth go down go well go head go out
go over go against go without go on a picnic go through
5.get: get down to doing sth get hurt\married\dressed\caught
get over get off get ready for get up get in get through get on well with get together get in to the habit of doing
get used to doing sth get rid of get tired of
6.put: put on put forward put off put out
put up put on weight put away put down
7.play: play an important part in play an important role in
play football play the piano
8.keep: keep back keep in touch with keep off keep out
keep one』s promise keep up keep up with keep sb from doing
keep on doing keep order
9.give: give away give out give off give up
give in give some advice on… give a talk on sth give first aid
10.come: come about come across come on come out
come to oneself come true come up
11.bring: bring down bring in bring up bring along
12.break: break down break out break away from
break up break into break off break in
13.turn: turn down turn to sb turn into turn off turn in turn over turn against turn away turn on
turn up turn out to…
14.look: look out look up look down upon look after
look at look for look around look over look as if
look forward to doing sth look back upon look into look on
15.do: do sb a favour do up do one』s hair do a good deed do wrong
1.弄清詞語自身結構用法學生做題時往往僅限於依據詞語的中文含義,簡單對照。這樣就造成了許多中文正確,而英語結構上的錯誤。如「允許某人干某事」,allow sb to do sth,而不可用做agree sb to do sth.「同意干某事」說allow doing sth.而agree卻應為agree to do sth.再如:「希望某人去干某事」expect sb to do sth.不可說為hopesbtodosth.「建議某人去干某事」,說advise sb to do.就不可說是suggest sb to do sth.這是根據動詞自身的基本用法而決定的。這些更需要學習中不斷積累。

A.以下動詞與不定式連用即afford to do sth .afford,agree,appear,arrange,ask,attempt,care,claim,dare,decide,demand,desire,determine,expect,failhappen,
B.以下動詞與動名詞連用即admit doing sth admit,advise,allow,appreciate,avoid,can』t help,consider,delay,dreamof,enjoy,escape,excuse,feellike,finish,forbid,giveup,imagine,insiston,keep,mind,miss,
C.以下動詞與不定式復合結構連用即advise sb to do sth.advise,allow,ask,beg,callon,cause,consider,dependon,encourage,expect,find,force,get,hate,instruct,invite,like,
long for,need,oblige,permit,persuade,prefer,remind,request,require,suppose,waitfor,warn,etc.let,have,make,(使役動詞後的不定式去掉to)see,watch,observe,notice,look at,hear,listen to,feel(感官動詞後的不定式去掉to)


1.have: have a cold\cough\fever\headache\pain have a great effect on
have a good time have a match\meeting\discussion had better do sth
have no choice but to do sth have a rest have on
2.make: make a promise make a decision make room for make sense make use of make a face make an effort to do sth make a living make up one』s mind to do sth make a mistake make a noise make a speech make an apology make it a rule
make it make into make…out of… make up
make of make from make a call
3.take: take a seat take a message for take an interest in
take off take on (a new look) take over take steps to do
take some measures to do sth take care take charge take part in
take place take the place of take turns to do sth take medicine
take up
4. go: go cold go hungry be gone go dad want a go
go skating\fishing\shopping\swimming go on doing sth go on to do sth go on with sth go down go well go head go out
go over go against go without go on a picnic go through
5.get: get down to doing sth get hurt\married\dressed\caught
get over get off get ready for get up get in get through get on well with get together get in to the habit of doing
get used to doing sth get rid of get tired of
6.put: put on put forward put off put out
put up put on weight put away put down
7.play: play an important part in play an important role in
play football play the piano
8.keep: keep back keep in touch with keep off keep out
keep one』s promise keep up keep up with keep sb from doing
keep on doing keep order
9.give: give away give out give off give up
give in give some advice on… give a talk on sth give first aid
10.come: come about come across come on come out
come to oneself come true come up
11.bring: bring down bring in bring up bring along
12.break: break down break out break away from
break up break into break off break in
13.turn: turn down turn to sb turn into turn off turn in turn over turn against turn away turn on
turn up turn out to…
14.look: look out look up look down upon look after
look at look for look around look over look as if
look forward to doing sth look back upon look into look on
15.do: do sb a favour do up do one』s hair do a good deed do wrong



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