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『壹』 八年級英語下冊第三單元的知識點有哪些

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

well, buy, cut, land, while, experience, strange, around, follow, climb, shout, run, anywhere, happen, accident, modern, bright, silence, destroy, meaning, souvenir
1.get out (of) 2.in front of / in the front of 3. take off
4.buy for 5. land on 6. shout to / at 7.run away
8.come in 9.hear about 10.the Museum of Flight
11.happen to 12.stop doing 13.take place 14.as... as

1. What were you doing when...? 2. I was doing sth. when...
3. How about... / What about...? 4. What happened next?
5. While sth./sb. was doing sth., I did...
1. 過去進行時
2. 情態動詞的用法Ⅱ
一. 過去進行時
I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.昨天的這個時候我正在做作業。
They were waiting for you yesterday.他們昨天一直在等你。
否定形式:主語+was not (wasn't)/were not (weren't)+V-ing

1.過去進行時表示過去某一段時間或某一時刻正在進行的動作。常與之連用的時間狀語有,at that time/moment, (at) this time yesterday (last night/Sunday/week…), at+點鍾+yesterday (last night / Sunday…),when sb. did sth等時間狀語從句,如:
What were you doing at 7p.m. yesterday? 昨天晚上七點你在干什麼?
I first met Mary three years ago. She was working at a radio shop at the time. 我第一次遇到瑪麗是在三年前,當時她在一家無線電商店工作。
I was cooking when she knocked at the door. 她敲門時我正在做飯。
2. when後通常用表示暫短性動詞,while後通常用表示持續性動詞,因此它所引導的狀語從句中,謂語動詞常用進行時態,如:
When the car exploded I was walking past it.= While I was walking past the car it exploded.
I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走時突然有人喊我。
4. when作並列連詞,表示「(這時)突然」之意時,第一個並列分句用過去進行時,when引導的並列分句用一般過去時。如:
I was taking a walk when I met him. 我正在散步,突然遇見了他。
We were playing outside when it began to rain. 我們正在外邊玩,這時下起雨來了。
二. 情態動詞(Modal Verbs )Ⅱ

4、情態動詞表示「應該」、「必須」 (shall, should, may, might, must, ought to)
(1)shall 和 should 用於表示「必須」:
①. Each member shall wear a name card. (表示規定) 每一個會員必須配帶名卡。
②. I should answer his letter as soon as possible. (表示應該) 我應該盡快給他回信。
③. You shouldn't judge a man always by the clothes. (shouldn't 「不應該」含有勸告的意思)
④. The rules shall take effect on Jan. 1st. (shall 用於規章等,表示義務和規定)
(2)may 和 might 用於表示「應該"(多用於法律等條文,一般上多用 shall):
①. Payment may be paid by check.(表示規定) 應以支票付款。
②. You might ask before you use my computer. (might表示應該)
(3)must 用於表示「必須」、「務必」:
①. You must keep the place clean. (務必) 你務必保持地方干凈。
②. We must obey orders. (表示有義務) 我們必須服從命令。
③. Must I pay now? (用於疑問句) (如回答不必時,需用 needn't 或 don't have to)
(will, would, shall, should)
(1)will 和 would 用於表示某種意圖:
①. I'll call you as soon as possible. (will 主要用於第一人稱) 我會盡快打電話給你。
②. Will you accept this invitation? (用would 則表示更客氣) 你願意接受這邀請嗎?
③. Who will do the job? (用於條件句,可用於各種人稱) 誰願意做這事?
④. We won't (will not) stay here too long. (will not 表示不願) 我們不願呆在這里太久。
(2)shall 和 should 用於表示說話人的意圖:
①. We shan't (shall not) go if it rains. (shall not 也可用 will not)
②. I shan't go with you. (shall 只用在第一人稱) 我不打算和你一同走。
(will, would, shall, should)
(1)will 和 would :
①. She will do it if you ask her.(表示主語的意願) 如果你問她,她會做的。
②. Would you have another cup of tea? (用 would 比 will 客氣) 你想再來一杯茶嗎?
③. Will you have some cookies? (will用於疑問句,表示問人是否願意)你想吃些烤餅嗎?
④. If he will, he can do it. (will 用於條件句,用於第二、三人稱) 如果他願意,他會做的。
⑤. Would you excuse me? (would 表示婉轉語氣) 你能原諒我嗎?
(2)shall 和 should :
①. He shall get his allowance. (注意是he shall, 表示說話人的意願)他會拿到他的津貼的。
②. You should sit here as long as you like. 只要你樂意,坐多久能行。
③. Shall you go to school with me? (疑問句中,表示問對方的意願)
三. 重點詞彙
1.cut v.切;剪;割
cut (one』s)hair 理發
Be careful.Don't cut yourself.小心,別切到自己。

2.alien n.外星人
Nobody knows whether there are aliens or not.沒人知道到底有沒有外星人。
An alien got out of the UFO. 一個外星人從不明飛行物里出來。

3.land v.登岸;登陸;降落
The plane will land in ten minutes.飛機將在十分鍾後降落。
A UFO landed in the middle of the field.. 一個不明飛行物降落在田野中間。

4.while conj.當……的時候;在……之時
While I danced, she sang.我跳舞,她唱歌。
While he was singing, I was playing baseball. 他當時在唱歌,而我在打棒球。

5.right adv.正好;恰好
The accident happened right over there.事故正好發生在那裡。
He lives right in the center of the city. 他恰好住在市中心。

6.surprised adj.驚奇的;吃驚的
I was surprised that he was late for the party.我很驚訝他聚會居然遲到了。
She was surprised that I didn』t know about that. 她很吃驚我竟不知那件事。

7.kid v.欺騙;哄騙
I'm not kidding you.我沒有騙你。
You』re kidding = No kidding. 別開玩笑了。

8.anywhere adv.到處;無論哪裡(用於否定句和一般疑問句中)
Did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去沒去過什麼地方?
They didn』t go anywhere the day before yesterday. 他們前日天哪裡也沒去

9.happen v.發生
A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday. 昨天地鐵里發生了一件有趣的事。
What happened to him on that day? 那天他怎麼了?(發生了什麼事?)
sth. happen to +名詞 發生於……身上
She hoped nothing bad would happen to him.她希望不會有壞事發生在他身上。

10.get out of 從……出去
She tried to get out of helping her mother.她盡量逃避幫助她的媽媽。
Tom got out of the lift and walked to the station. 湯姆走出電梯然後往車站走去。

11.run away 跑開;迅速離開;逃走
The thief ran away when someone noticed him.當有人注意到他的時候,那個賊立刻逃走了。

12.at the doctor's 在診所;在醫院
I'm thinking of going to the tailor's.在表示診所、店鋪或某人的家時,經常用名詞所有格的形式。
Mr. Cool』s = Mr. Cool』s clothes store at Jason』s = at Jason』s store
She is staying at Mary's.她住在瑪莉家。
I want to go to the tailor』s. 我想到裁縫店去一趟。

13. see sb. Do sth. 看見某人做(過)某事
she saw the alien get out. 她看見外星人出來.

1、in front of 與in(at) the front of
in the front of 在……的前面 (表示「有距離的前面」,在一個參照物的前面)
e.g.: There is a car in front of the house. 房子前日面有一輛車
in(at) the front of 在……的前頭,前排(列)(在一個范圍內的前面部位)
eg. She sat in the front of the bus. 她坐在公交車的前排

2、get out of 與get into 是反義詞
get into走進,進入
eg. He get out of the car and get into the building.

3、be amazing與be amazed
be amazing 令人驚奇的(修飾事物的,指某事令人驚奇,比surprising更具意外性
e.g.:She has an amazing talent for music.她在音樂方面有驚人的才華。
Isn』t that amazing .那不很令人意外嗎?
be amazed (at sth./to do …/that 從句)(某人)對…(因…而)大感驚訝(指人作主語)
eg. We were amazed at the news.=We were amazed to hear the news.

4、be surprising與 be surprised
be surprising令人驚奇的(用法與be amazing一樣,也是修飾事物的)
e.g.:a surprising ending 一個令人驚奇的結局
be surprised (at sth./to do…/that從句) (某人)對…(因…而)感到驚奇,用法與be surprised
eg. They were surprising that he was badly hurt in the audient. 他們很吃驚他在那次事故中傷得很重。

5、in a tree與 on a tree
eg. Are there any birds in the tree? 樹上有些鳥嗎?
on a tree 在樹上(指長在樹上的東西)
Look! There are many apples on the tree.

6、my flight to New York 與 fly to New York
eg. Her flight to Paris is taking off at 2 p.m.
She is flying to Paris at 2 p.m.

1. You can imagine how strange it was!你可以想像這事有多驚奇!
eg. You can imagine how fast he runs!

2. I followed it to see where it was going
follow sb. to do sth. 跟隨…去做…
eg. Mr White followed his wife to see what was happening there.

3. She didn』t think about looking outside the station.
Think about (doing) sth. 她未想到去車站外看看.

4. say to sb. 對某人 say to oneself 自言自語
e.g.: He said to himself, 「Don』t be afraid.」 他自言自語,「不要害怕」

5. look for 尋找(強調找的「過程」) find 找到(強調找的「結果」)
eg. He looked for his lost key everywhere but couldn』t find it.

6. It was difficult to get out of bed. 從床爬起來很難。
It is difficult/hard to do sth. 做某事很難。
He found that it was difficult to learn physics well.

7. be killed 被殺害 be destroyed by… 被……摧毀……

8. walk home together in silence 沉默著一起走回家
in silence 狀語(狀態)

9. Not all events in history are as terrible as this.
Not all 並不是所有的(部分否定)
As…as… 與……一樣(as與as之間用形容詞、副詞的原級)

10. become the first Chinese astronaut in space. 成為中國首位進入太空的宇航員

11. His flight around the Earth Lasted about 22 hours. 他的環繞地球的飛行持續了22個小時。

12. Do you think sth. good can come out of sth. terrible? 你認為壞事能變為好事嗎?

『貳』 八年級下冊英語第3單元Grammar Focus翻譯

Today is Saturday, I don』t need to go to school, so I decided to take some morning exercises. Early in the morning, I went out of the house and looked around, the city was so quiet. With few cars, the air was fresh, I felt so comfortable. Besides the people who took the morning exercise, I found some people who worn the orange uniform, they were working. This was the first time for me to see the cleaners work in the morning, they were easily neglected, because they worked so early and when the time for people to go to work, cleaners rested. Watching these cleaners working, I feel so thankful for them, they were doing the greatest job. People praised them as the city』s dressers, they kept the city clean all the time and brought comfort to people. They are the respectable people, we should applause for them.

『叄』 初二上冊英語書第三單元語法焦點翻譯

好巧我們今天上完 1,我的媽媽告訴我,朋友就像一面鏡子,我比那些孩子們更安靜,嚴肅.那時我版為什嗎喜歡讀書權和在班上努力學習的原因.我最好的朋友袁立是個安靜的人,所以我們喜歡一起學習.我很害羞所以我認為我很難交朋友,但我認為朋友像一本書——不在。

『肆』 2014八年級下冊英語全部grammar focus翻譯


『伍』 八年級下冊英語第三單元知識點有哪些

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

well, buy, cut, land, while, experience, strange, around, follow, climb, shout, run, anywhere, happen, accident, modern, bright, silence, destroy, meaning, souvenir
1.get out (of) 2.in front of / in the front of 3. take off
4.buy for 5. land on 6. shout to / at 7.run away
8.come in 9.hear about 10.the Museum of Flight
11.happen to 12.stop doing 13.take place 14.as... as

1. What were you doing when...? 2. I was doing sth. when...
3. How about... / What about...? 4. What happened next?
5. While sth./sb. was doing sth., I did...
1. 過去進行時
2. 情態動詞的用法Ⅱ
一. 過去進行時
I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.昨天的這個時候我正在做作業。
They were waiting for you yesterday.他們昨天一直在等你。
否定形式:主語+was not (wasn't)/were not (weren't)+V-ing

1.過去進行時表示過去某一段時間或某一時刻正在進行的動作。常與之連用的時間狀語有,at that time/moment, (at) this time yesterday (last night/Sunday/week…), at+點鍾+yesterday (last night / Sunday…),when sb. did sth等時間狀語從句,如:
What were you doing at 7p.m. yesterday? 昨天晚上七點你在干什麼?
I first met Mary three years ago. She was working at a radio shop at the time. 我第一次遇到瑪麗是在三年前,當時她在一家無線電商店工作。
I was cooking when she knocked at the door. 她敲門時我正在做飯。
2. when後通常用表示暫短性動詞,while後通常用表示持續性動詞,因此它所引導的狀語從句中,謂語動詞常用進行時態,如:
When the car exploded I was walking past it.= While I was walking past the car it exploded.
I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走時突然有人喊我。
4. when作並列連詞,表示「(這時)突然」之意時,第一個並列分句用過去進行時,when引導的並列分句用一般過去時。如:
I was taking a walk when I met him. 我正在散步,突然遇見了他。
We were playing outside when it began to rain. 我們正在外邊玩,這時下起雨來了。
二. 情態動詞(Modal Verbs )Ⅱ

4、情態動詞表示「應該」、「必須」 (shall, should, may, might, must, ought to)
(1)shall 和 should 用於表示「必須」:
①. Each member shall wear a name card. (表示規定) 每一個會員必須配帶名卡。
②. I should answer his letter as soon as possible. (表示應該) 我應該盡快給他回信。
③. You shouldn't judge a man always by the clothes. (shouldn't 「不應該」含有勸告的意思)
④. The rules shall take effect on Jan. 1st. (shall 用於規章等,表示義務和規定)
(2)may 和 might 用於表示「應該"(多用於法律等條文,一般上多用 shall):
①. Payment may be paid by check.(表示規定) 應以支票付款。
②. You might ask before you use my computer. (might表示應該)
(3)must 用於表示「必須」、「務必」:
①. You must keep the place clean. (務必) 你務必保持地方干凈。
②. We must obey orders. (表示有義務) 我們必須服從命令。
③. Must I pay now? (用於疑問句) (如回答不必時,需用 needn't 或 don't have to)
(will, would, shall, should)
(1)will 和 would 用於表示某種意圖:
①. I'll call you as soon as possible. (will 主要用於第一人稱) 我會盡快打電話給你。
②. Will you accept this invitation? (用would 則表示更客氣) 你願意接受這邀請嗎?
③. Who will do the job? (用於條件句,可用於各種人稱) 誰願意做這事?
④. We won't (will not) stay here too long. (will not 表示不願) 我們不願呆在這里太久。
(2)shall 和 should 用於表示說話人的意圖:
①. We shan't (shall not) go if it rains. (shall not 也可用 will not)
②. I shan't go with you. (shall 只用在第一人稱) 我不打算和你一同走。
(will, would, shall, should)
(1)will 和 would :
①. She will do it if you ask her.(表示主語的意願) 如果你問她,她會做的。
②. Would you have another cup of tea? (用 would 比 will 客氣) 你想再來一杯茶嗎?
③. Will you have some cookies? (will用於疑問句,表示問人是否願意)你想吃些烤餅嗎?
④. If he will, he can do it. (will 用於條件句,用於第二、三人稱) 如果他願意,他會做的。
⑤. Would you excuse me? (would 表示婉轉語氣) 你能原諒我嗎?
(2)shall 和 should :
①. He shall get his allowance. (注意是he shall, 表示說話人的意願)他會拿到他的津貼的。
②. You should sit here as long as you like. 只要你樂意,坐多久能行。
③. Shall you go to school with me? (疑問句中,表示問對方的意願)
三. 重點詞彙
1.cut v.切;剪;割
cut (one』s)hair 理發
Be careful.Don't cut yourself.小心,別切到自己。

2.alien n.外星人
Nobody knows whether there are aliens or not.沒人知道到底有沒有外星人。
An alien got out of the UFO. 一個外星人從不明飛行物里出來。

3.land v.登岸;登陸;降落
The plane will land in ten minutes.飛機將在十分鍾後降落。
A UFO landed in the middle of the field.. 一個不明飛行物降落在田野中間。

4.while conj.當……的時候;在……之時
While I danced, she sang.我跳舞,她唱歌。
While he was singing, I was playing baseball. 他當時在唱歌,而我在打棒球。

5.right adv.正好;恰好
The accident happened right over there.事故正好發生在那裡。
He lives right in the center of the city. 他恰好住在市中心。

6.surprised adj.驚奇的;吃驚的
I was surprised that he was late for the party.我很驚訝他聚會居然遲到了。
She was surprised that I didn』t know about that. 她很吃驚我竟不知那件事。

7.kid v.欺騙;哄騙
I'm not kidding you.我沒有騙你。
You』re kidding = No kidding. 別開玩笑了。

8.anywhere adv.到處;無論哪裡(用於否定句和一般疑問句中)
Did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去沒去過什麼地方?
They didn』t go anywhere the day before yesterday. 他們前日天哪裡也沒去

9.happen v.發生
A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday. 昨天地鐵里發生了一件有趣的事。
What happened to him on that day? 那天他怎麼了?(發生了什麼事?)
sth. happen to +名詞 發生於……身上
She hoped nothing bad would happen to him.她希望不會有壞事發生在他身上。

10.get out of 從……出去
She tried to get out of helping her mother.她盡量逃避幫助她的媽媽。
Tom got out of the lift and walked to the station. 湯姆走出電梯然後往車站走去。

11.run away 跑開;迅速離開;逃走
The thief ran away when someone noticed him.當有人注意到他的時候,那個賊立刻逃走了。

12.at the doctor's 在診所;在醫院
I'm thinking of going to the tailor's.在表示診所、店鋪或某人的家時,經常用名詞所有格的形式。
Mr. Cool』s = Mr. Cool』s clothes store at Jason』s = at Jason』s store
She is staying at Mary's.她住在瑪莉家。
I want to go to the tailor』s. 我想到裁縫店去一趟。

13. see sb. Do sth. 看見某人做(過)某事
she saw the alien get out. 她看見外星人出來.

1、in front of 與in(at) the front of
in the front of 在……的前面 (表示「有距離的前面」,在一個參照物的前面)
e.g.: There is a car in front of the house. 房子前日面有一輛車
in(at) the front of 在……的前頭,前排(列)(在一個范圍內的前面部位)
eg. She sat in the front of the bus. 她坐在公交車的前排

2、get out of 與get into 是反義詞
get into走進,進入
eg. He get out of the car and get into the building.

3、be amazing與be amazed
be amazing 令人驚奇的(修飾事物的,指某事令人驚奇,比surprising更具意外性
e.g.:She has an amazing talent for music.她在音樂方面有驚人的才華。
Isn』t that amazing .那不很令人意外嗎?
be amazed (at sth./to do …/that 從句)(某人)對…(因…而)大感驚訝(指人作主語)
eg. We were amazed at the news.=We were amazed to hear the news.

4、be surprising與 be surprised
be surprising令人驚奇的(用法與be amazing一樣,也是修飾事物的)
e.g.:a surprising ending 一個令人驚奇的結局
be surprised (at sth./to do…/that從句) (某人)對…(因…而)感到驚奇,用法與be surprised
eg. They were surprising that he was badly hurt in the audient. 他們很吃驚他在那次事故中傷得很重。

5、in a tree與 on a tree
eg. Are there any birds in the tree? 樹上有些鳥嗎?
on a tree 在樹上(指長在樹上的東西)
Look! There are many apples on the tree.

6、my flight to New York 與 fly to New York
eg. Her flight to Paris is taking off at 2 p.m.
She is flying to Paris at 2 p.m.

1. You can imagine how strange it was!你可以想像這事有多驚奇!
eg. You can imagine how fast he runs!

2. I followed it to see where it was going
follow sb. to do sth. 跟隨…去做…
eg. Mr White followed his wife to see what was happening there.

3. She didn』t think about looking outside the station.
Think about (doing) sth. 她未想到去車站外看看.

4. say to sb. 對某人 say to oneself 自言自語
e.g.: He said to himself, 「Don』t be afraid.」 他自言自語,「不要害怕」

5. look for 尋找(強調找的「過程」) find 找到(強調找的「結果」)
eg. He looked for his lost key everywhere but couldn』t find it.

6. It was difficult to get out of bed. 從床爬起來很難。
It is difficult/hard to do sth. 做某事很難。
He found that it was difficult to learn physics well.

7. be killed 被殺害 be destroyed by… 被……摧毀……

8. walk home together in silence 沉默著一起走回家
in silence 狀語(狀態)

9. Not all events in history are as terrible as this.
Not all 並不是所有的(部分否定)
As…as… 與……一樣(as與as之間用形容詞、副詞的原級)

10. become the first Chinese astronaut in space. 成為中國首位進入太空的宇航員

11. His flight around the Earth Lasted about 22 hours. 他的環繞地球的飛行持續了22個小時。

12. Do you think sth. good can come out of sth. terrible? 你認為壞事能變為好事嗎?

『陸』 八年級下冊英語書28頁語法聚焦翻譯


『柒』 八年級上冊英語語法聚焦第三單元的翻譯


『捌』 8年級下冊英語3單元Grammar Focus翻譯

我可以和朋友們出去吃飯嗎? 當然可以,那應該是可以的。
我們可以看完電影後專去買屬些喝的嗎? 不,你不能。你明天有一場 籃球賽。
請你帶著狗去散步好嗎? 好的,但我想先看個節目。
請你倒一下垃圾 好嗎? 好的,當然可以。

『玖』 八年級英語下冊grammar focus的翻譯




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