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发布时间:2021-03-16 20:31:28

1. 初中英语阅读课说课稿

给学生展示这样两幅图片: 一个平衡的杠杆上,一些人在左,我们的地球在右;第二张图上左边新增的人使杠杆不再平衡。之后问学生:看了这两幅图,你会想到什么?又是什么引发了这个问题?学生会表达一些自己的见解,这时不论他们的见解是否正确都要给与鼓励和表扬,然后问学生:是否知道每一天每小时每分钟每秒钟全世界会新增加多少人口?学生会很有探究答案的欲望,这时很自然地让学生打开书去阅读50课的文章STANGDING ROOM ONLY 并找出我给出的这张表格的答案。由于本课是以大量数据为主反映人口问题的,因此如果学生能顺利完成此表,那么全文的重点内容就迎刃而解了。而且我认为采用图片导入法远比直接让学生翻书阅读更能激发学生的兴趣使其由被动学习变为主动获取知识。 3、拓展与巩固 通过讲解我指导学生快速阅读的方法,如猜词悟意法、略读扫读法、找中心句和关键词等方法,之后要检验一下学生是否掌握此方法,于是我问学生世界人口的持续增长会引发那些严重问题呢?在学生发表一些个人看法后为,我再给学生一篇文章进行快速阅读,这也是本节课的课堂检测,我会当堂进行面批面改。然后对于这篇关于人口急速增长带来的一些后果的文章,我让学生来进行讲解,这样可以了解学生的阅读现状和存在的问题。 4.合作与发展 接下来我会通过多媒体展示给学生一组关于由于人口太多而导致资源匮乏、污染严重、食品短缺、空间拥挤等的图片,看着这些图片问学生:你们对哪一方面感触最深?你还想到了其他那些方面?想不想了解其他同学的想法?又想不想知道在座老师们的看法?以这种方式充分把学生们的积极性调动起来后将其分成6个小组,先组内讨论发表个人见解然后鼓励他们去采访在场听课的英语老师。
5、交流与分享 让学生推选各组代表组成专家团坐在教室前,选一名同学以记者的身份采访“专家们”,使其把个小组的讨论结果与大家交流共享,其小组成员可以作为后援团补充些观点,这样既可以使口语较好的同学有更多的机会展示起到拔高作用,又可以让口语较弱的学生也有参与的机会并能向他人学习。最后按事实丰富、语言准确、表述清晰程度评出最权威专家和最积极后援团,通过这种方式可让学生有很强的集体荣誉感。 6、最后一个环节是作业,当学生慷慨激昂地探讨完这些现状后,我会问他们,面对这种现状,我们能做些什么呢?以此为题写一篇作文。我布置这项作业的依据是新课标的要求。新课标指出:写作需有明确的动机和积极的态度,写作的题目应结合学生的实际需要,是他们具有写作的愿望这样他们才能了与写作才能重返自己的思维能力,而不是为了应付教师而做的作业。

2. 英语阅读课课型说课都要说些什么


3. 牛津版高中英语第一单元阅读课的说课怎样进行

首先当然是要认真备课了、 把阅读课所需要告知学生的要点自己先记下来 接着确定讲课的中心思想是什么 必要的话可以结合文章做一些小练习

4. 人教版英语说课稿,英文版的!

Unit2 Healthy eating说课稿
Period1: new Words &warming up
Teaching proceres:
Step1: New words study
Step 2.Warming up
1)Show Ss some pictures of food and ask Ss to tell the names
2) Do you know the food you eat helps you grow in different way?
Do the warming up on p 9
Step 3 Speaking
1)Which one would you prefer? Western food or Chinese food?Why?
2)What do you usually have for breakfast / lunch /supper ?(group work, Ss ask and answer and collect information)
What is healthy diet?
Healthy diet: a diet that is balanced and neither too rich in fat, sugar and salt nor too poor and lacking in essential nutrients.

Step4:Summary and homework.
HW: Preview the reading(Tor F on P 11)
EWVol.29 Topic reading

Period2 Reading
Step 1: Pre- reading
Look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures. Predict what the passage is about.
Step2:Fast reading
Read the text quickly to find out which sentence is the main idea of the text.A .The two restaurants supplied the healthy food.
B. The reason why Yong Hui’s restaurant was so popular with customers.
C. Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customer and decided to win them back.
Step3: Second reading:
1) Compare the two restaurants:
WangPeng’s restaurant Yong Hui’s restaurant
strength of the diet
weakness of the diet
2) Divide the whole passage into three parts, and give the general idea of each part and then retell the story.
Para1: Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is not as full as usually is.
Para2: He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very popular.
Para3: Worried, he does some research to win his customers back.
Step4: Post-reading
Do Ex1 and Ex3 on P11
Step 5 : Summary and homework
1.Preview the reading II on P 14-15
3.EW Vol. 29 Reading task

Period 3 Reading II
Step 1 : Revision
Revise the reading I
Step 2: Prediction
Can you guess what will happen to Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui?
Step 3: Reading
Do the Ex1 on p15
Step 4 Discussion
What can we learn from the passage?
We can learn that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh.
Step 5 : Sum up the whole story.

Step 6: Homework:
1. Retell the story in your own words.
2.学习两篇阅读的重点单词用法(EW Vol. 29第二版)

Periods 4-5 Language points:
Reading I
1. diet 2. balance 3.curiosity4. raw5. strength 6 be tired of 7. win… back8. consult
1.Nothing could have been better
2 He couldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!
Reading 2
1. earn one’s living 2 in debt 3.glare 4spy on 5. limit 6. benefit
7. combine 8. before long 9. cut down 10 put on
HW: EW Vol. 29 checking corner Part 1
Period 6 Grammar
1. ought to/should
should 和ought to 都为“应该”的意思,可用于各种人称。ought to 的语气稍重一些。
You ought to (should) follow your teacher’s advice.
You should take care of your sister.
They shouldn't allow parking here;the street is too narrow.
should 和ought to 后面跟动词不定式的完成式,其肯定句表示”过去应该做而未做”, 其否定句则表示”过去不该做但做了”。
You should/ought to have made the decision a week ago.
I shouldn't have made such a foolish mistake.
多数情况下,ought to 可与should互换使用。ought to的反意疑问句用shouldn’t替代。
2. must和have to
1)表示主观的义务和必要, 主要用于肯定句和疑问句, 意思为 “必须……,得……,要……”;由must 引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to, 否定回答要用needn’t或don’t have to, 意思是“不必” ;
— Must I finish the task right now?
—Yes, you must. / Yes, you have to.
(—No, you needn’t. / No, you don’t have to. 不,不必。)
You mustn’t come here without permission.

have to 的用法
1)must表示一种主观的需要,而have to 表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”。 如:
I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon.
Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop.
2)have to 的否定形式是don’t have to, 相当于needn’t。如:
They don’t have to buy a computer at present.

Period7 Listening (P48)and exercise checking
Period8 Reading task(p52) and writing
Writing 资料

利 弊
食品质量有保证 营养方面不尽如人意,不符合平衡膳食的标准
根据上表以"fast food”为话题写一篇英语短文,包括以下内容:
1. 洋快餐在中国十分流行
2. 洋快餐的利弊
3. 谈谈你的建议

Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Because it is very convenient and save lots of time and the environment of fast food restaurant is both clean and comfortable. In addition, it has excellent service and the quality of food is guaranteed. However, fast food is far from satisfaction, for it is usually not a balanced diet. So in my opinion , fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it for a while.

Period9 Revise the whole unit.
(讲Units1-2 exercises paper)



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