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发布时间:2020-12-26 04:07:35

1. 求一篇英语作文,关于保护环境的。要求使用高级词汇,各种语法句子,倒装句定语从句等

"Protecting the environment is everyone's ty. How should we do? I think we should do the follwings. Firstly, we should drive less, walk more, and often ride bikes. Secondly,we should have low-carbon lifestyle,so as to rece the pollution of the atmosphere, slow the deterioration of the ecological environment. We can use energy saving lamps, rece the time of shower,save water,and turn off the lights when leaveing the room. We can recycle paper,books,and leave the books to the students in the lower grades for using. At last, when we go shopping, we should bring bags,not using plastic b

2. 英语作文修改,主要在句子文章结构和语法上,更高级一点。(电脑自动评分,应付电脑就行)


When facing work, we may have such a question--why we work. Some people think that work is to earn a living. Nonetheless, the rich are still working. So, I think we work to realize our self-value and prove ourselves fundamentally.
For one thing, work makes us valuable to society. When we work, we can not only support our families, but also create social value. In addition, we also benefit others at the same time. And finally we gain the inner validation.
For another thing, work gives us a chance to prove our abilities. If we do a good job, we are telling others that we have strong ability and others will approve and respect us, which means that we gain the endorsement of others.
No matter waht inner validation or endorsement of others is, they are all for proving our existence is meaningful. So everyone ought to try his best to make contributions to the society positively.

3. 按要求写关于Tornada的英语作文,高中语法(高级表达法)-带翻译

about 5 o'clock yesterday ,a tornado swept a coastal village in hujian province .it lasted for more than 40 munites at a speed of
10.5 meters per second .
the morning news said no human deaths or injuries but still huge losses were suffered,leaving most houses destroyed and power lines cut off .
now the villagers are trying to rebuild their homes .with their own effort and help from the society ,they will soon get back to their normal life .

4. 英语作文写一个你熟悉的人。1 性格 ,爱好,…… 。2 尽量用高级语法。

My sister
Li Jie is my sister. She's in Class2 grade3 of NO.2 middle school.
She has long straight black hair
and she does't wear glass.She's of medium height and she's thin.She has two big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.She's clever and she likes to help people
.At school,
she often helps teachers and young students.At home,she usually helps mother do housework
.On weekends, she often come to my house, we study together.
She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and
music.She likes drawing and singing.She makes me know learning is happy.Li Jie is the tutor of my life
. I like to study with her. We always learn together and help each other.

5. 帮帮忙吧、一篇关于新闻报道的英语作文(高中语法、高级表达法)

Yesterday,a serious accident happened at the second turning of central street.It is said that the driver drunk too much before driving.As a result,he began to feel dizzy and graally he lost control of the truck.Unfortunately,the truck crashed into a small car,which killed four people and hurt some people.
The accident had a bad influence on the city.The downtown area traffic had to be cut off for an hour.To make matters worse,the city has lost a million because of this horrible accident.The government told the driver to learn a lesson from the accident.
In my view,it's forbidden to drive after drinking and i feel sorry for the people who were killed.

6. 求一些英语作文简单的一些高级语法,举两个例子

开头:nowadays,there is a heated discussion on sth .Views on that vary from one person to another.
中间叙述一些人的看法:someone hold the view that·····others claim that`````
说出自己的看法:from my own perspective``````on my point of view````
(1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 )
There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that _ 观点一________. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____.
People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. In their point of view, on the one hand, ___原因一_______. On the other hand, ____原因二_____. Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______.
As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________. The more _______, the more ________.

7. 一篇高中英语作文,按照下面的大体意思翻译一下吧,不要有语法错误,词组在考纲之内,可用高级句式。

Yesterday I did homework with Wang Hu, then we felt bored and we play a interesting game. That is :who can turn his body out the window more, who is the winner. Later he wins, but he fell out of the window unluckly. Today monitor asked whether Wang Hu come here,then I said he was ill. Students are very strange what about he is, so no one can thought of him falling in the hospital. I understand now,it wouldn't make so harmful joke to anyone.I Hope wanghu can recover soon sincerely.

8. 英语作文(高中语法、用高级表达法)

Among the three things,I choose to drop mobile phones.There is no doubt that mobile phones have brought us great convenience like contacting with family and friends easily.However,on the other hand,mobile phones have the disadvantage of high expenses.Besides,mobile phones are unable to provide good signals sometimes,which makes people's life so incovenient.Moreover,we can see that the development of web has also made convenient online contact between people possible.Web also provides lots of information but its expense is much cheaper than that of mobilephones.In conclusion,I choose to give up mobile phones.

9. 我想问问在高考英语作文中用什么高级语法更好一些,

部分倒装,比如版经典结权尾句型:Only in this way, can we do....
万能句式:not only... but also...
高考作文想得高分,一定要注意衔接与连贯词汇,也就是能让你的作文看起来逻辑性很强。常用的好词汇很多,比如,想表示递进的in addition, besides;表结果的连词,一般同学会想到用so,但是高级词汇可以用as a result, thus, consequently等;再比如,一般同学会用firstly, secondly, thirdly来表示第一、第二、第三,但是你可以用First and foremost, then, furthermore, last but not least。搜一下,这样的词汇总结有很多,或者找一本作文书来看,都有总结的。你看到一份这样的词汇总结以后,不要试图全部背过,那样会不知道用哪一个,选择一个你最喜欢的,你觉得最容易记忆的,作为你自己的套路即可。

10. 根据提供材料,写一篇关于新闻报道的英语作文(高中语法、高级表达法)

考试的时候,注意阅读步骤的培养:迅速浏览—看题—找答案点—理解含有答案点句子或段落—看和理解选项—对比和对应选项和答案点。先看问题,再画好关键词,再读原文可以快一些。选择答案时不要选那些绝对化说法的答案,比如 all, none, absolutely等。



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