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发布时间:2021-03-16 09:02:07

『壹』 帮我的把英语文章修改语法,不长,谢谢。



根据你的中文修改的,补充了一句,让文章显得更丰满些。 希望能帮到你。

Good morning everyone.

My topic is “ Fairy Tales”.

Everyone likes fairy tales in his childhood, such as Snow White and The Frog Prince. We were used to falling asleep by listen to the fairy tales. Even after we can read, we read the fairy tales by ourselves.

However, after we grow up, we don’t like fairy tales any more. We think they’re unreal, they can not be true. We’re not princess, and the prince will not come. Therefore, we become far away from fairy tales day by day.

In my opinion, fairy tales should go with one’s whole life. Walt Disney once said, fairy tales are for everyone, whether we are six or sixty. Therefore, please hold a child’s heart.

No matter whether you like fairy tales or not, please hold a child’s heart, which will keep you young and happy forever.

『贰』 论文英文怎么修改啊,我总觉得自己好多语法错误。

你觉得自己出现好多语法错误,那是你对英语语法学的不精。对于这一方面的问题回就是必须把语法学到位,熟练掌握答:1、十大词类,每种词性的用法特点及其在句子中的句法功能和位置。2、动词时态,十六种时态的用法特点及其句子结构和连用的时间状语必须明确,运用自如。3、动词语态,明确动词的主、被动语态,并且何时用被动语态更贴切。4、动词的语气,对于一个句子是用陈述语气、疑问语气、祈使语气还是虚拟语气,要根据表达的需要恰当定位。5、非谓语动词的用法,固定短语以及固定搭配等的正确记忆和运用。6、主谓一致的情况。7、简单句、并列句和复合句的正确使用以及句子成分的正确分析等等。所以,要明确自己的错误在哪,才能够正确纠正错误,甚至不再犯错误,还要注意中西文化语言表达的不同。 另外,对于论文英文如何润色,我的建议是要注意正确使用形容词、副词等修饰成分和关联词,以及长句子,即并列句和复合句以及高级句子的使用,如果一味的使用简单句子描写,即使文章中没有错误,但也不会有多大的起色,反而会使文章显得生硬、苍白无力,更拿不到高分。因此,写作时要根据情况适时润色,根据需要恰当而正确表达。

『叁』 急!!!中译英,英语文章,修改语法错误

这是谁帮你翻译的 ? 这样的翻译,怎么改语法错误 ?内

to eliminate the discrimination against females in employments takes times and efforts,容 it would not be achieved by any indivial or in a short span of time, it needs congregated effort from the whole society, it needs improvement and change from social system,traditon and mindset;it needs propaganda from public forum, 。。。

『肆』 帮忙修改一篇英语文章、重点修改语法,我语法烂、万分感谢啊!紧急!

Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ very glad to stand here and give you a short report.
My name is Yu Zhangbin, I am from Shaoxing , I graated from the Jishan middle school .I am pleasure to come to this university.
Recently, the Sino-Japanese [sainəu] relations is not optimistic. As we all know, the issue of the Diaoyu Islands is the key . In the history , the Diaoyu islands is the inherent territory of China . The Diaoyu islands belongs to China. But Japan deceive himself as well as others. The Japanese government deceive their people that the Diaoyu islands belongs to Japan, which causes contradiction between the Sino-Japanese people . The behavior which the Japanese government ignore history have resulted in the world peace-loving people's anger and condemnation .
So I think the Japanese government Should correct their statement as soon as possible. They should try their best to improve the relations between the two countries.
Remember, World peace is the most precious wealth today.
That is all, thank you!

『伍』 论文英文怎样修改啊我总觉得自己好多语法错误。

个人认为论文能做到用词精确不累赘,语句流畅不冗长就很好了,举个例子,用very important就显得不老练,改成essential感觉立刻就不一样。像very, really这种可有可无的程度副词尽量少用。语句方面尽量避免老长老长的句子,那种写了3、4行还没点句号的句子,看着就晕。

『陆』 如何使自己的word文档能够修改英语文章(语法、格式等)


『柒』 修改英语文章

My Dream Job
Expressing directly, I am going to be an outstanding scientist or mathematician in the future.
Some people may think that scientist or mathematician is a extremely boring job. That is why I am not understood. However, I don’ mind what they say.
I am really into math and science. I think the world was constructed by both of them. Needing to help myself, I want to know more about the secrets of the world. I also need other knowledge, but math and science are the most important.
In addition, I’m going to study the two subjects very hard. Therefore, I am studying the higher mathematics these days. After that, I am going to face to and solve some world math problems. And I am going to be the winner of some world math prizes.

『捌』 我的英语论文中语法错误怎么修改啊,我英语不好。



『玖』 英语作文语法修改

Half year before, when I first came to the U.S.,

since I took ENG100, I have taken EAP 121 and EAP 131.

『拾』 英文毕业论文怎么修改语法啊




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