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发布时间:2021-03-16 08:03:42

① 八年级上英语语法

福建福清龙田中学 张端祥

1) leave的用法
When did you leave Shanghai?
2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如:
Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London.
Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing?
2) 情态动词should“应该”学会使用
How should I know? 我怎么知道?
Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚?
We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。
1. 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如:
You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。
2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如:
You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服,你最好去看医生。
3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如:
We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。
She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。
3) What...? 与 Which...?
1. what 与 which 都是疑问代词,都可以指人或事物,但是what仅用来询问职业。如:
What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的?
What does your father do?
What is your father's job?
Which 指代的是特定范围内的某一个人。如:
---Which is Peter? 哪个是皮特?
---The boy behind Mary. 玛丽背后的那个男孩。
2. What...?是泛指,所指的事物没有范围的限制;而 Which...?是特指,所指的事物有范围的限制。如:
What color do you like best? (所有颜色)
Which color do you like best, blue, green or yellow? (有特定的范围)
3. what 与 which 后都可以接单、复数名词和不可数名词。如:
Which pictures are from China?
4) 频度副词的位置
David is often arrives late for school.
We usually go to school at 7:10 every day.
Sometimes I walk home, sometime I rides a bike.
Never have I been there.
5) every day 与 everyday
1. every day 作状语,译为“每一天”。如:
We go to school at 7:10 every day.
I decide to read English every day.
2. everyday 作定语,译为“日常的”。
She watches everyday English on TV after dinner.
What's your everyday activity?
6) 什么是助动词
1.协助主要动词构成谓语动词词组的词叫助动词(Auxiliary Verb)。被协助的动词称作主要动词(Main Verb)。
He doesn't like English. 他不喜欢英语。
a. 表示时态,例如:
He is singing. 他在唱歌。
He has got married. 他已结婚。
b. 表示语态,例如:
He was sent to England. 他被派往英国。
c. 构成疑问句,例如:
Do you like college life? 你喜欢大学生活吗?
Did you study English before you came here?你来这儿之前学过英语吗?
d. 与否定副词not合用,构成否定句,例如:
I don't like him. 我不喜欢他。
e. 加强语气,例如:
Do come to the party tomorrow evening. 明天晚上一定来参加晚会。
He did know that. 他的确知道那件事。
3.最常用的助动词有:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would
7) forget doing/to do与remember doing/to do
1.forget to do 忘记要去做某事。 (未做)
forget doing 忘记做过某事。 (已做)
The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.
He forgot turning the light off.
他忘记他已经关了灯了。 ( 已做过关灯的动作)
Don't forget to come tomorrow.
别忘了明天来。 (to come动作未做)
---- The light in the office is still on.
---- Oh,I forgot___.
A. turning it off B. turn it off
C. to turn it off D. having turned it off
答案:C。由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,因此用forget to do sth.而forget doing sth 表示灯已经关上了,而自己忘记了这一事实。此处不符合题意。
2.remember to do 记得去做某事 (未做)
remember doing 记得做过某事 (已做)
Remember to go to the post office after school.
Don't you remember seeing the man before?
8) It's for sb.和 It's of sb.
1.for sb. 常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impossible等:
It's very hard for him to study two languages. 对他来说学两门外语是很难的。
2.of sb 的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right。
It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。
3.for 与of 的辨别方法:
You are nice. (通顺,所以应用of)。
He is hard. (人是困难的,不通,因此应用for。)
9) 对两个句子的提问
句子:The boy in blue has three pens.
提问:1.Who has three pens?
2.Which boy has three pens?
3.What does the boy in blue have?
4.How many pens does the boy in blue have?
句子:He usually goes to the park with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday.
提问:1.Who usually goes to the park with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
2.Where does he usually go with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
3.What does he usually do with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
4.With whom does he usually go to the park at 8:00 on Sunday?
5.What time does he usually go to the park with his friends on Sunday?
6.When does he usually go to the park with his friends?
10) so、such与不定冠词的使用
He is so funny a boy.
Jim has so big a house.
It is such a nice day.
That was such an interesting story.
11) 使用-ing分词的几种情况
He is watching TV in the room.
They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.
2.在there be结构中。如:
There is a boy swimming in the river.
3.在have fun/problems结构中。如:
We have fun learning English this term.
They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.
Thanks for helping me.
Are you good at playing basketball.
enjoy doing sth 乐于做某事
finish doing sth 完成做某事
feel like doing sth 想要做某事
stop doing sth 停止做某事
forget doing sth 忘记做过某事
go on doing sth 继续做某事
remember doing sth 记得做过某事
like doing sth 喜欢做某事
keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事
find sb doing sth 发现某人做某事
see/hear/watch sb doing sth 看到/听到/观看某人做某事
try doing sth 试图做某事
need doing sth 需要做某事
prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事
mind doing sth 介意做某事
practice doing sth 练习做某事
be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事
miss doing sth 错过做某事

2.decide on doing sth 决定做某事
They decide on flying kites.
3.decide on sth 就某事决定......
Betty decided on the red skirt.
4.decide的名词形式为decision,结构:make a decision,意为“做决定”。如:
He has made a decision.
43) too many,too much与much too
1.too many意为“太多”,用于修饰可数名词的复数。如:
There are too many students in our class.
2.too much意为“太多”,用于修饰不可数名词。如:
We have too much work to do.
3.much too表示“太”,用来修饰形容词或副词。如:
The box is much too heavy, so I can't carry it.
44) can的用法
We can carry the heavy box.
Who can sing an English song?
Can it be true?
You can't be serious?
Can I smoke here?
Can I go with him?

② 8上的英语全部语法点啊!!!!


Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Unit 2 What's the matter?

Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

Unit 4 How do you get to school?
用 How 引导特殊疑问句

Unit 5 Can you come to my party?

Unit 6 I'm more outgoing than my sister.

Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?
询问做某事的过程用 how 引导特殊疑问句

Unit 8 How was your school trip?

Unit 9 When was he born?

Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketball player.
do/does 的两种一般将来时态形式:will do;be going to do

Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?
引导词用 can, shall, will 等情态动词的过去时态

Unit 12 What's the best radio station?


③ 初中八年级英语所有语法

现在完成时是由助动词 have(has)+动词的过去分词构成。助动词说明该谓语是属于现在时范围。它和主语的人称、数要保持一致。过去分词是主要的谓语动词,说明句子的意义。
(1)表示动作发生在过去某个不确定的时间,但对现在留下了某种影响和结果。常被just, already, yet 等副词修饰。常与非延续性动词连用。 如:
-Have you had lunch yet? -Yes, I have. I've just had it. 你(已经)吃午饭了吗? 我刚刚吃过。(现在我不饿了)
如:He has taught here since 1981. 他自1981年就在这儿教书。(可能还要继续教)
I haven't seen her for four years. 我有四年没见到她了。
(3)表示说话前发生过一次或多次的动作,现在成为一种经验,一般译为汉语“过”,常带有twice, ever, never, three times等时间状语。
如: I have been to Beijing twice. 我去过北京二次。
1)陈述句结构:主语+have( has)(not)+过去分词+其它。have not=haven’t has not= hasn’t.
2) 一般疑问句结构:Have( Has )+主语+过去分词+其它?
3) 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+have(has) +主语+ 过去分词+其它?
e.g. He has already finished his homework.
He hasn’t finished his homework yet.
Has he finished his homework yet? --Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. / No, not yet.
1)现在完成时属于现在时范围,故不能和过去的时间状语连用。如: yesterday, last Sunday, in1990, three years ago等。但是,在强调动作产生的后果和影响时,可以和一些表示不确定的时间状语连用。
a. 用副词already和yet。already一般用于肯定句中,yet一般用于否定句和 疑问句中。如:We have already finished our homework.我们已完成作业了。
They haven't finished their homework yet.他们还没有完成作业。
b. 用ever 和never。多用于否定或疑问句中,表示“曾经”或“从未“等。 如:-Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗?
-I have never been to the Great Wall.我从未去过长城。 c. 用表示到说话为止的过去时间状语,如just(刚刚), before(以前), up to now(直到现在)/ until now, in the past (few years/ three days 等), so far (迄今为止) recently 等。 例如:I have seen her before, but I can not remember where. 我以前见过她,但记不起在哪里见过。
He has been there three times the last few days. 近几年他去过那里三次了。 d.用包括“现在”在内的时间状语,如:today, this morning (month ,year, term等.例如:-Have you met him today? - No, I haven't. 今天你见过他吗?我没有。
How many times have you been there this year? 今年你去过那里多少次?
2) 现在完成时可以和带有since或for等表示“一段时间”的状语连用,表示动作或状态从某一时刻开始,一直持续到现在。如:I haven't seen him for two years. 但是,像come, arrive, buy等终止性动词不能与表示“一段时间”的状语连用。要用,必须改为“be(在)”等延续性动词来表述。现归纳总结一下由非延续性动词到延续性动词的转换:
arrive → be here begin (start) → be on die →be dead come back → be back leave → be away fall ill (sick, asleep) → be ill (sick, asleep) go out →be out finish →be over put on →wear 或be on get up →be up join →be in / be a member of… open → be open close →be closed go to school→ be a student borrow →keep buy →have catch(a cold)→ have(a cold) get to know →know begin to study → study come to work→ work
如:He has been a soldier for three years.他参军三年了。或He has been in the army for there years. 不可以说He has joined the army for there years.
His father has been dead for two years.他父亲去世二年了。(不可以说has died)
The film has been on for ten minutes.电影已开始十分钟了。(不可以说has begun)
We have studied English for three years. (不可以说have begun) 我们(开始)学英语已三年了。
5. 现在完成时和一般过去时的区别
I have lost my new book. 我把新书丢了。(现在还未找到)
I lost my new book yesterday. 我昨天把新书丢了。(昨天丢的,现在找到与否没说明)
6.几点注意事项 (1)have been(to)与have gone( to)的区别:have been(to) 表示“去过某地(现在已经回来了)”,可用于各人称;have gone(to) 表示“去某地了(说话时某人不在当地)”,常用于第 三人称,前者可与once ,never, several times等连用,后者则不能。如:They have been to Beijing twice.他们去过北京两次。 He has gone to Beijing . 他去北京了。 (2)“It is或has been + 一段时间+ since引导的时间状语从句”表示“某人干某事已经多长时间了”。since从句的谓语要用非延续性动词 若动词延续,则译成相反的意思。如:It is two years since his father died. =His father has been dead for two years.他父亲去世已有三年了。 It is two years since his father lived here. 他爸爸不住这儿已有三年了。 (3)终止性动词现在完成时的否定式,已变成一种可以延续的状态,因此可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。如:I haven't left here since 1997.自从1997年以来,我一直没有离开过这儿。 (4).提问for短语或since状语用how long。
I have never seen a better film.我从未看过一部更好的电影。(这部最好)
--- What about going fishing? --- I can’t agree more.(我再同意不过了哦)
.语法—直接引语变间接引语(多数情况下变为宾语 从句)
(1). 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that 引导(口语中可以省略引导词)宾语从句。把下列句子变为间接引语或直接引语:
a. “I’ll visit my aunt tomorrow.” Lily said. ____________________________.
b. Our teacher often say to us,” It’s important to finish your homework.”
c. They said they would meet at 9:00 p.m. that night.
“_______________________________________.”they said.
d. Lana said that she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore.
Lana said’”_______________________________.”
(2). 直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,变为由连词if 或whether引导的宾语从句。把下列句子变为间接引语或直接引语:
a. “Will you have a surprise party for me?” he asked me.
b. She asked Tom,” Can you help me?” ___________________________ c. He asked me if I knew who killed the cat.
He asked ,”__________________________________?”
(3). 直接引语如果是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,疑问词不变,宾语从句用陈述语序。把下列句子变为间接引语或直接引语:
a. The teacher asked,” Why are all the windows open?”
b. “When will you find out the time?” she asked me.
c. “What’s the matter with you, Alice?” he asked.
d. They asked me where my friends were.
(4).直接引语如果是肯定型祈使句,变为间接引语时,谓语变为tell sb. to do 或ask sb. to do 等句式。把下列句子变为间接引语或直接引语:
a. “Make sure the door is closed,” she said to her little son.
b. “Tell me the news, please.” Li Hui said to me.
c. He asked me to take care of his pet dog.
“_______________________________,” he said to me.
(5).直接引语如果是否定型祈使句,变为间接引语时,谓语变为tell sb.not to do 或ask sb. not to do等。把下列句子变为间接引语或直接引语:a. “Don’t smoke in the room,” he said to me.
b. “Don’t shout at the old man,” I said to him.________________________
c. Our teacher told us not to talk in class.
“____________________________, “ our teacher said to us.
d. My mother told me ___ others when they are in trouble.
A. not to laugh at B. don’t laugh at C. not laugh at D. never laugh at

2. if 条件句 在一般将来时的句子里(指主句),时间状语从句、条件状语从句等的谓语动词用一般现在时代替将来时。当主句含有情态动词或主句为祈使句时,从句也用一般现在时。如:You must pay for it if you lose it.

附加疑问句由“陈述句 + 附加疑问句”两部分构成。一般有两种形式:前肯后否或前否后肯。对附加疑问部分应注意以下几点: 1)主语只能用人称代词;2)附加疑问句的not必须与(be /助/情)缩写;3)附加疑问句的时态必须与陈述部分的时态一致。
Tom is a worker, isn’t Tom? (改错) _______ You can swim, can not you? ( 改错) ______
1.陈述部分含否定意味的词如few,little,never,nothing,nobody,no,hardly,none,seldom等时,附加疑问句应使用肯定形式;但如果陈述句部分含有un-, in-, im-, dis-等否定前缀构成的派生词时,该陈述句部分仍做肯定处理,疑问部分用否定形式。
He hardly speaks English, does he? They are unhappy, aren’t they?
2. this/that作主语时,无论是否指人,疑问部分用it;these/those用they。
This is your brother, isn’t it? Those are books,_______________?
3.陈述部分的主语如果是one, 疑问部分主语用one或he。One can’t be always young, can one/ he?
4.陈述部分的主语是everything, something, nothing, anything时,附加疑问句的主语应用it;陈述部分的主语是everybody, somebody, nobody, everyone, no one时,附加疑问句的主语应用they或he。
Everything is ready, ___________? Everyone is here, ____________?
5.陈述部分是祈使句时,附加疑问句一般用:will you? 但注意:
Let’s…(包括听者在内), 附加疑问句一般用shall we? Let us/him/me …(不包括听者在内), 附加疑问句一般用will you? Let’s go for a walk, shall we? Let him come in, will you?
6.陈述部分是there be结构时,应用be there?结构来完成。 There’s little water, _________?
7..陈述部分含that引导的宾语从句时,疑问部分通常与主句一致。但当主句陈述部分是”I / We think (believe, suppose) +宾语从句”时,附加问句应与从句一致。I’m sure + 宾语从句也是如此
1).She said I did it, _________? 2)We don’t think you are right,________?
3) I’m sure you’ll help me, ____________?
8.如果陈述部分是I am… , 附加疑问部分为aren’t I? I am older than you, __________?
9.陈述部分含had better, would like时, 疑问部分分别用hadn’t…?和wouldn’t…? You’d better go out , _______________? You’d like to go there, ____________________?
10.陈述部分是感叹句,附加问句的人称代词应与主语一致,疑问部分用否定形式。 What a kind girl, isn’t she? What a fine day, ___________?
11.the+形容词表示一类人,其附加疑问句主语用复数代词。 The poor had no right to speak at that time, did they?
12. 由neither…nor,either… or , not only…but also , both…and , not…but,…or…, …and…等连接的并列主语,附加疑问部分用复数。
Neither you nor I am wrong, are we? Both Jack and Tom went there, didn’t they?
13.当陈述部分含有have to时,附加疑问部分的助动词应根据have 的变化,分别用don’t, doesn’t, didn’t。 He has to take your advice, doesn’t he?
14.当陈述部分的主语是从句、不定式、动名词或词组时,附加疑问部分的主语通常用it。 What he said at the meeting is very important, isn’t it? Swimming in rivers is a good sport, _____________?
15.当陈述部分含有wish时,附加疑问部分的助动词用may。I wish to use your computer, may I?
16. 当陈述部分的谓语是“used to+动词原形(过去常常干某事)”时,疑问部分用“didn’t+主语”或“usedn’t +主语”。 He used to live in London, didn’t he? / usedn’t he?

④ 八年级上册英语语法

1、It’s time to do sth.\ It’s time for sth
2、can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待要作某事
3、ask /telle sb. (not ) to do sth.
4、allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人作某事
5、be supposed to do sth. 应该作某事
6、Would like /want (sb.) to do sth. 想要作某事
7、have sth/nothing to do 有…时要做/与…无关
8、find it +adj. to do sth. 发觉作某事…
9、prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.
10、It’s +adj. for sb. to do sth.
11、It’s better /best to do sth. 最好做某事
12、It takes sb. sometime. to do sth.
1、 enjoy /like /love doing sth. 喜欢做某事
2、 keep /keep on /carry on / go on doing sth.
3、feel like doing sth. 想要做某事
4、practise doing sth. 练习作某事
5、give up doing sth. 放弃作某事
6、be good at= do well in\on doing sth. 擅长作某事
7、pay attention to doing sth. 注意作某事
8、what about/ how about doing sth.
9、Thank you for doing sth. 为…感谢某人
10、mind doing sth. 介意作某事
11、be used for doing sth./ be used to do sth. 、
12、spend …(in) doing sth. 花时间作某时
13、be busy doing/ with sth. 忙于作某事
14、finish doing sth. 作完某时
15、look forward to doing. 盼望做某事
16、prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 喜欢…胜过…
17、be/get used to doing sth. 习惯作某事
18、keep / stop/ prevent sb. from doing sth.
see/ hear/ feel/ notice/ look at /listen to sb. do sth.
make /let /have sb. do sth. 使/让某人做某事
2、help sb. (to) do sth/ with sth.帮助某人作某事
3、 had better (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事
4、 Why don’t you/ not do sth.为什么不作某事
5、Would /Will / Could you please (not) do sth.
四、 同义词比较
1、 stop to do sth. 停下正在做的事去作另一件事
stop doing sth. 停止正在作的事
eg. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped talking. After he worked for an hour, he stopped to have a rest.
2、 forget / remember to do sth.
forget / remember doing sth.
eg. Please remember to bring my book to school.
I remember doing my homework
3、 used to do sth. 过去常常作某事
be used to do sth. 被用来作某事
be used to doing sth. 习惯于作某事
eg. My father used to smoke.
Wood is used to make paper.
I am used to getting up early.
4、So +be/助动词/情态动词 + 主语
So +主语+be/助动词/ 情态动词
Neither + be /助动词/ 情态动词+主语
eg. He has been to Beijing. So have I.
It’s a fine day. So it is.
She doesn’t like eggs. Neither do I.
5、 too…to do sth. 太…而不能…
so +adj. /adv + that(从句) 如此…以致…
such +(a/an +adj.)+n.+ that(从句)
(not) enough (for sb.) to do sth.
eg. The boy is too young to go to school.
The boy is so young that he can’t go to school.
He is such a young boy that he can’t go to school.
The boy is not old enough to go to school.
1、keep +adj. 保持…状态
keep (sb.) doing sth.
eg. Everyone should keep our classroom clean.
It’s too late, but he still keeps working.
Lily always keeps us waiting for her.
2、make+ sb. + n. 使某人成为
make + sb. + adj. 使某人…
make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
Sb. be made to sth. 某人被迫做某事
eg. We made Peter our monitor.
Books make us happy.
He often makes me laugh.
The workers were made to work 12 hours a day.
3、I don’t think that 我认为…不
eg. I don’t think you are right.
4、It’s /was/has been+ some time +since+一般过去时… 自从…以来有多久了
eg. It has been two years since we met last time.
6、 What do you mean by?=What does .. mean?=what is the meaning of...?
eg. What do you mean by “computer”?=What does “computer” mean?=what is the meaning of "computer"?
7、 What do you think of…/How do you like …?
eg. What do you think of this film /How do you like this film?
8、 What is/was/will …be like? ..怎么样?
eg. What is the weather like?
What will the life in the future be like?
9、 It’s said/ reported that… 据说/据报道
It's well known that 众所周知
It's thought that 大家认为
eg. It’s said that the population of the word would be 6 billion in 2050.
10、one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数
eg. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.
11、neither…nor… 既不…也不(两者都不)
not only…but also… 不但…而且
eg. Neither you nor he has been to the USA.
Either he or you go to the park.
Not only my mother but also my father is a teacher.
neither of 两者都不
either of 两者选一
none of 没有一个
All of 全部 Both of 两者都
12、比较级+ than +any other +名词单数
比较级+ than + the other+名词复数
eg. Shanghai is bigger than any other city=shanghai is bigger than the other cities in China.
13、When(当…的时候), if (如果), as soon as(一…就), until(直到…才), unless(除非/如果…不)这几个词引导的时间或条件状语从句时,主句要用一般将来时.
eg. I will call you when he comes.
If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will have a picnic.
As soon as I get to Beijing, I’ll come to see you.
He won’t go to bed until his parents come back.
Unless you work hard, you won’t catch up with others.

⑤ 八上英语新目标Unit12教与学上的重难点的语法

一. 学习目标:
1. 学习一些单音节形容词,多音节形容词和特殊形容词的比较级和最高级形式;
2. 学习进行简单的比较,并表达自己的好恶;

二. 语言结构:
1. 用-est,the most表示最高级。
2. 不规则的形容词的比较级和最高级形式good, better, the best; bad, worse, the worst

三. 重点单词
comfortable adj. 舒适的;安逸的
seat n. 座位
screen n. 屏;幕;荧光屏
close adj. 近的;接近的
close to 靠近;接近
quality n. 品质;特质
theater n. 剧院;戏院
cinema n. 电影院
jeans n. (pl.)牛仔裤
trendy adj. 时髦的;赶时髦的
funky adj. (俚)时髦的;极好的
radio n. 无线电;无线电广播
radio station 无线电台
FM abbr. (=Frequency Molation)调频
AM abbr. (= Amplitude Molation)调幅
teen n. (= teenager)(13-19岁的)青少年
bargain n. 特价商品;便宜货
delight n. 欣喜;高兴;愉快
by bus 乘坐公共汽车
positive adj. 积极的;建设性的;肯定的
negative adj. 消极的;否定的
ll adj. 乏味的;无聊的;单调的
performer n. 演员;演出者;演奏者
success n. 成功
without prep. 无;没有;缺少
province n. 省;地方
still adv. 还是;还;仍然
enough adj. 充足的;充分的
distance n. 距离;路程
farthest adj. & adv. (far的最高级)最远的(地)

四. 重点句子:
1. Town Cinema is the cheapest.
2. It has the friendliest service.
3. Movie Palace has the most comfortable seats.
4. Jason’s and Trendy Teens are good stores.
5. Trendy Teens has better service.
6. Jason’s has the best quality clothing.
7. Oldies 102.1 FM is pretty bad.
8. It’s worse than All Talk 970 AM.
9. It has the worst music.

五. 重点语法(形容词最高级)
1. 形容词比较级和最高级的规则变化:
构词法 原级 比较级 最高级
一般加er或est tall
young taller
younger tallest
以e结尾只加r或st nice
large nicer
larger nicest
以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写该字母,再加er, est big
hot bigger
hotter biggest

2. 形容词比较级和最高级的不规则变化:
原级 比较级 最高级
good better best
well better best
bad worse worst
badly worse worst
many more most
much more most
little less least
far farther
further farthest
old older
elder oldest

3. 基本用法
(1)形容词比较级用于两者(人或物)之间的比较表示其中一个“更……”或“较……”,常用连词than连接另一个所比较的人或物。如:Our classroom is bigger than theirs.
He is the tallest in our class.
4. 应注意的几个问题:
(1)表示“越来越……”用“比较级+and+比较级”,如:It is getting colder and colder.
(2)比较级常用的修饰词有:a little, a bit, much, even, a lot 等。如:The boy is much taller than that one. 这男孩比那男孩高得多。
(3)表示“……中最……的一个”用“one of the +最高级+复数名词”。如:The river is one of the longest rivers in our coutry. 这条河是我国最长河流之一。
(4)“The +比较级……the+比较级……”表示“越……越……”。如:The more, the better. 越多越好。
(5)“the+序数词+最高级”表示“第几个最……”。如:The Yellow River is the second river in China.
(6)表示某事物之间在某一方面一样或不一样时,可以用as…as或not so (as)…as结构。如:
He is as busy as before.
My handwriting is not so good as yours.
5. 参考练习:
(1)This stamp is ______ in my collection.
A. the elder B. the old C. the eldest D. the oldest
(2)The Summer Palace is _________ than Zhong Shan Park.
A. biger B. more big C. the biggest D. bigger
(3)Which is ________, Lesson Five or Lesson Nine?
A. interesting B. more interesting
C. most interesting D. the most interesting
(4)I think the movie “Titanic”is ________ one of all the movies.
A. the best B. best C. better D. a good
(5)The weather is _________ today than yesterday.
A. bad B. worse C. badder D. badly

六. 课文解析:
What do young people think about places in town? We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good, but the Screen City is the best in our town. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. However, Town Cinema is the cheapest, and it has the friendliest service. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s. It has the best quality clothing. It’s also the cheapest. Funky Fashions is the worst. It has really bad service. As for radio stations, most people think that Jazz 107.9 FM is really great. It plays the most interesting music.
1. think about 表示“考虑”,“对…有某种看法”
eg: We have many things to think about.
They’re thinking about buying a new car.
What do you think about the film?
2. We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned.
句中“what we learned”是“this is”的表语,是一个表语从句。
3. clothing 表示“衣服”,是衣服,服装的总称,只有单数形式,作主语时,谓语用单数形式。
eg: a factory that make children’s clothing.
Our clothing protects us from the cold.
它的同义词有: clothes, cloth.
clothes统指各种衣服,包括外套、西装、衬衣、裙、鞋等,不指单件衣服,它既不能用作单数,也不能和表示具体数目的数词连用,不能说,a clothes, six clothes,做主语时,谓语用复数形式。
eg: He had to buy many clothes.
These clothes are new.
All of her clothes were made by her mother.
cloth 指做衣服用的材料(布料,毛料,丝绸等),它是物质名词,不可数,没有复数形式。
eg: a piece of cloth “一块布料”
eg: How much cloth does it take to make a coat for the child?

七. 重难点解析:
1. close 的用法
turn off 也有“关闭”的意思,但指通过电键,开关或龙头来关闭电灯,电视,收音机,自来水和煤气等。
a cloth friend.
close to school.
Close the door, please.
2. success 是名词,表示“成功”“好结果”“及格”
eg: He met with success in his business.
I wish you success.
successful 是形容词,意思是“成功的”“顺利的”
a successful test.
They were successful in finding the way to go back home.
successfully 是副词,“成功地”,“顺利地”
He won the prize successfully in the speaking competition.
3. without 是介词,意思是“无”,“没有”,后面接名词、代词、动名词做宾语。
eg: We couldn’t finish the work without him.
He worked for 12 hours without stopping.
Can I take this book away without permission.

⑥ 八年级上册英语第十二单元知识点

Unit 12 What's the best radio station?

3should:情态动词,后面加动词原形do。是应当的意思。should还有一种用法是should have done 本应该做某事,结果没有做
4 how long 多长
how often 表频率 多少次
how soon 多久
how far 多远

⑦ 新目标英语八上Unit12语法

1. Discuss preferences ; 讨论最喜欢的东西
2. Make comparison 做比较

1. 以词尾+(i)est或形容词、副词前加the most 来表达的最高级形式。
2. 不规则变化的形容词的最高级、比较级
good-better-the best ; bad-worse - the worst .

comfortable 舒适的 uncomfortable 不舒适的
cheap便宜的 trendy时髦的
unfashionable 不时髦的 fashionable 时尚的,时髦的
service服务 good quality 好质量
popular流行的 creative有创造性的 富有想像力的
big screen 大屏幕
close to home 离家近
Circle Theatre弧形剧场
radio station 广播台,电台
Bargain Barn 廉价品倾销店
positive 积极的 negative消极的
in the daytime在白天
Ice and Snow Festival 冰雪节

(四)主要句型:Target Language.
1. What's the best movie theater ?
2. It is the cheapest . 它最便宜。
3. I think Circle Theater has the most comfortable seats .
4. It has the friendliest service . 它有最友好的服务。
5. It's worse than All Talk 970 AM.
它比All Talk 970 AM 糟糕。
6. It has the worse music .
7. Who do you think is the funniest actor ?
8. The Famous People Talent Show was terrific .
Famous People Talent (名人天才)表演是非常棒的。

二. 重点、难点:
1. 我们在第六单元学习了形容词比较级的构成
A. 我们都知道形容词的级有三个级。
(1)为原级比较:as ...as... 像...一样
如Zhang Hong is as tall as Tom.
(2)形容词的比较级:如:构成:形容词比较级+than ...
如:He is taller than I .
(3)形容词的最高级其结构为the + 形容词的最高级+of / in ...
如:He is the tallest of the three .
He is the funniest in his class .
B. 形容词、副词比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化。
<1>一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词(或副词)比较级+er ,最高级+est
再如:early , busy , heavy , dirty , lazy . 也如此
1. fat-fatter-fattest
2. thin-thinner-thinnest
3. hot-hotter-hottest
4. red-redder-reddest
5. wet-wetter-wettest
6. big-bigger-biggest
<5>多音节和部分双音节的词需要在形容词原级前+more构成比较级,+the most构成最高级。如:
beautiful -more beautiful - the most beautiful .
delicious , popular , important ,
interesting , expensive 等也是如此。
careful-more careful -the most careful
useful -more useful -the most useful .
pleased-more pleased -the most pleased
tired-more tried -the most tired
bad-worse worst
many, much—more—most



<2>popular-more popular-the most popular
<3>close-closer-the closest
<4>cheap-cheaper-the cheapest
<5>friendly-friendlier-the friendliest
<6>comfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable
<7>good-better-the best
<8>bad-worse-the worst
<9>expensive-more expensive-the most expensive
<10>funny-funnier-the funniest
<11>ll-ller-the llest
<12>loud-louder-the loudest
<13>quiet-quieter-the quietest
<14>creative-more creative-the most creative
<15>boring-more boring-the most boring
<16>near-nearer-the nearest
<17>cold-colder-the coldest
<18>warm-warmer-the warmest
<19>far-farther-the farthest

2. It is the closest to home.
它离家最近。close to 离...近
3. has good quality clothes .
4. As for radio stations , most people think that Jammin' 107.9 FM is really great .
这句话的意思是,至于电台,大部分人认为Jammin' 107.9 FM是真的很棒。
5. 3a Last week's talent show was a great success .
success 是名词,它的形容词是successful "成功的"
He danced without music .
The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tan and his dog , Fido.
最有趣表演奖给了Steve Tan 和他的狗Fido.
6. Sanya is in Hainan Province.
三亚在海南省。海南省要大写,介词用in 而且不加the
如河北省in He Bei Province .
It's about 15℃ in the daytime.
in the daytime 在白天。
The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night .
Harbin is in the north of China .
in the north 在北方
south 为南方,east为东方,west 为西方。
in the north of China . 表示哈尔滨在中国境内
Japan is to the east of China .
Tourists need to wear warm clothes .
There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts about six weeks .
that lasts about six weeks 作Festival 的定语从句。
last是动词,表示"持续"。如雨持续了一周。The rain lasted a week .
It seldom rains and snows.
那很少下雨、下雪。 seldom 是副词表示很少、不常。
Hotels usually cut their prices in winter .
cut their prices . 降价、减价。
About 200 yuan a night is enough .
enough 可以修饰名词也可以修饰形容词。
如足够的水,enough water
如:足够大big enough . 不能说成enough big . ×
There is enough water (名)here . 这里有足够的水。
Your classroom is big (形)enough . 你的教室足够大。

⑧ 八年级上册人教版英语1-12单元语法聚焦翻译


⑨ 八年级上第十二单元英语知识点

Unit 12 what’s the best radio station?

what’s the best cinema? Showtime cinema, it’s the cheapest.
Jason’s has good quality clothes. It’s better than Trendy Teens.
Jason’s is the best store in town.
用-(i)est, the most表示最高级
不规则的形容词和比较级和最高级形式good, better, the best, bad, worse the worst
● theater, cinema / trendy, quality, comfortable, close to
● seat, screen, jeans, / performer, radio station

1. the best radio station最好的无线电台
2. comfortable seats舒适的椅子
3. big screens大屏幕
4. friendly service友好的服务
5. new movies新电影
6. close to home离家近
7. in a fun part of town 在城镇闹区
8. Town Cinema城镇电影院
9. Screen City大屏幕影视城
10. Movie Palace电影艺术宫
11. Jeans Corner牛仔广角
12.Trendy Teens时髦少年服装店
13. Easy Listening轻松听力
14. have good quality clothes服装质量好
15. in town在城里,在镇上,in the city在城市里,in the country在乡下
16. the best clothing store最好的服装店
17. do a survey of 对…进行调查
18. all the movie theaters所有的电影院
19. the most interesting music最有趣的音乐
20.be(get, become, feel) interested in 对…感兴趣
21.positive words肯定的词语
22. negative words否定的词语
23. the most creative最有创造力的
24. the most boring最烦人的
25. the math teacher数学老师
26. a great success巨大的成功
27. win the prize for赢得……的奖项
28. without music没有音乐伴奏
29. the funniest actor最滑稽/风趣的演员
30. the worst movie最差的电影
31. action movies动作片
32. beautiful beaches美丽的海滩
33. in the north of China在中国的北部
34. an Ice and Snow Festival冰雪节
35. Central Park 中心公园
36. leader of a band乐队指挥
37. Forbidden City紫禁城
38. elementary/primary school 小学

1. What’s the best radio station? 哪一家是最好的广播电台?

2. How do you choose what movie theater to go to? 你如何选择去哪一家影剧院。
3. I think Gold Theater has the most comfortable seats.我认为黄金剧院的座位最舒适。
翻译:我认为Jason 服装店是最好的。
我认为Jim Carrey是最滑稽的演员。
4. What do young people think about places in town? 年轻人认为我们镇里的场所怎么样?
翻译:所有的影剧院都不错,但是the Screen City是我们镇里最好的。

5. The film is interesting.这电影令人感兴趣。

6. Where are we going for lunch? 我们到哪里吃午饭?
一顿饭多少钱? 离学校有多远?
服务好吗? 食物好吗?
7. My sister Isabel is the funniest person I know.我妹妹伊莎贝尔是我知道的最滑稽的人。
8. Last week’s talent show was a great success.上个星期的才艺表演获得了巨大的成功。
翻译:Eliza Clark获得了最佳演员奖。
最滑稽节目奖被Steve Tian和他的狗—Fido获得。

9. He danced without music.在没有音乐伴奏的情况下,他跳了一曲。



⑩ 八年级上学期英语所有的重要语法+语言点(整理)

1. be absent from…. 缺席,不在 2. absence of mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 3. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on 4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外.Without accident(=safely) 安全地, 7. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地 8. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one’s accord with 同….不一致 9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 11. on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性. 12. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去 13. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由) 14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明. 15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为. 16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告 18. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉 19. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理 20. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 21. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) 22. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之 23. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外 24. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循 25. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的 26. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应; 27. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地. 28. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先. 29. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地. 30. have an advantage over 胜过. have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件 have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事 31. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用. 32. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意 33. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致 34. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;……………. ahead of time 提前. 35. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中. 36. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的. 37. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计 38. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不; all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎. 39. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到. 40. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于. 41. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责. 42. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合. 43. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for 44. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉 45. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力 46. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请 ; apply for申请; apply to 适用. 47. apply to 与…有关;适用 48. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准 49. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起. 50. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做… 51. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方); 52. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻 53. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信. 54. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系 ,结 55. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做… 56. attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料 57. attitude to/ toward …对…的态度.看法 58. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果 59. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均 60. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道. 61. at the back of (=behind) 在…后面 62. in the back of 在…后部(里面); on the back of 在…后部(外面); be on one’s back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起. 63. at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台 64. turn one’s back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃 65. behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话) 66. be based on / upon 基于 67. on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上 68. beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢 69. begin with 以…开始. to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语) 70. on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义 71. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰. 72. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处. 73. for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处) 74. for the better 好转 75. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过. 76. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生 77. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上 78. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作) 79. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机 80. boast of (or about) 吹嘘 81. out of breath 喘不过气来 82. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之 83. in bulk 成批地,不散装的 84. take the floor 起立发言 85. on business 出差办事. 86. be busy with sth.忙于某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 87. last but one 倒数第二. 88. last but not least最后一点但也是最重要的一点 89. but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设 90. buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买 91. be capable of 能够, 有能力 be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被…的 92. in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何 93. in case (=for fear that) 万一; 94. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一 in the case of 至于…, 就…而言 95. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句) 96. be cautious of 谨防 97. center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上 98. be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定. 99. for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地 100. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然 101. for a change换换环境(花样等) 102. charge sb. with …控告某人犯有… 103. in charge of (=responsible for) 负责(某事) in the charge of …由…管 104. take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾) 105. charge…for 因…索取(费用) , charge sb. with sth. 控告某人犯有… 106. round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping) 昼夜不停地 高考书面表达必背词组 (1) 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 above all 偶然,无意中 by accident 对(于)…很积极 be active in 合计为 add up to 承让错误 admit one’s mistake 接受某人的建议 take / follow one’s advice 就…提出建议 give advice on 建议某人做某事 advice sb. to do sth. 后天 the day after tomorrow 毕竟;终究 after all 违心 against one’s will 在…岁时 at the age of 实现目标 achieve one’s aim 在空中;悬而未决 in the air 在户外,在露天里 in the open air 在机场 at the airport 火警 the fire alarm 满腔怒火 be filled with anger 因某人之言行而生气 be angry at sth. 生某人的气 be angry with sb. 通知 make an announcement 相继地,按顺序地 one after another 相互,彼此(三者或三者以上之间)one another 相互(指两者之间)each other 没有回答 give no answer 为…而担心 be anxious about 急于做某事 be anxious to do sth. 分开住 live apart 除了 apart from 因某事向某人认错或道歉 make/offer an apology to sb for sth. 与某人争论某事 argue with sb. about sth. 放在一边 lay sth. aside 请某人指点 / 帮助 ask sb. for advice / help 惊讶于… be astonished at sth. 以前,曾经 at one time 注意 pay attention to 对…抱正确的态度 take a correct attitude towards sth. 引起(注意,兴趣等)



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