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发布时间:2021-03-16 03:24:31

❶ 高二英语必修五第三单元教案

Unit3 Science versus nature
Welcome to the unit
Teaching objectives:
1. To arouse students’ interest in the unit topic
2. To help students kwon more about cloning technology
3. To encourage students to participate in the discussion relevant to cloning
Teaching focus and difficulties:
1. Make sure that students can have the basic knowledge about cloning.
2. Make sure that each student can hold their own opinions towards cloning.
Teaching aids:
The multimedia
Brief teaching proceres:
Step1 Brainstorming
1. Ask students to read the title of the unit Science versus nature. Draw students’ attention to the word ‘versus’. Tell them that ‘versus’ is usually used when discussing sports competitions or the law, which means that two teams or sides are against each other.
Encourage students to think why ‘versus’ is used here. Ask students the following questions:
Do you think there is conflict between science and nature?
What might the conflict be?
2. Show a picture of the first cloned mammal, Dolly. Give some introction about the creation of Dolly. Tell students this new technology is called ‘cloning’, which proces an exact of an animal or a plant from its own cells.
3. Lead students to learn the unit while thinking about the relationship between the title of the unit Science versus nature and cloning technology.
Step2 Sharing information
1. Show the following five pictures one by one, each of which shows a successfully cloned animal. As to the five pictures, we conct the following activities.
(Picture2) Tell students that the mule in the picture is the world’s first cloned mule. It was born on 4 May 2003. His name is Idaho Gem and his brother, Taz, was a racing mule that has won many competitions.
(Picture3) Tell students that the kitten in the picture is called Cc. Its name is from ‘Copycat’. Scientists in the USA created it with a cell taken from its mother, Rainbow. It was born in December 2002.
(Picture4) The five little pigs’ names are Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary.
(Picture5) The pair of calves were born on 5 July 1998 in Ishikawa, Japan. They were two years younger than Dolly, being the second alt animal clones in the world.
(Picture6) The name of the cloned monkey is ANDi. It is from ‘inserted DNA’ spelt backwards. It is the first genetically modified monkey. The technology is different from that used for Dolly.
2. Get students to form groups of four or six to discuss the further questions:
From just these pictures, can you identify the differences between the cloned animals and normal ones?
In your opinion, what might be the differences between these cloned animals and normal ones? Can these animals lead a normal life as normal animals?
Ask several groups to report their answers to the class. Allow different opinions and encourage further discussion.
3. Have students hold a debate about whether it would be a good idea to clone humans some day. Divide students into two groups. One group represents anti-cloning views while the other represents pro-cloning views. Encourage students to provide as many reasons as they can to support their ideas.
Step3 Homework
Assign students to surf the Internet or refer to other sources for further information relevant to cloning technology, so as to finish the first two questions below the pictures. Ask students to make as many notes as possible.
Reading (1)
Teaching objectives:
1.To reinforce students’ comprehension of the text and improve their other skills by participating in all the activities.
2.To help students know the widespread discussion about cloning and hold their own attitudes towards it.
3.To enable students to master the reading strategy and become more competent in reading articles related to science.
Teaching focus and difficulties:
1. Students can work out the meaning of difficult or unfamiliar scientific terms with reading strategy.
2. Students can hold their own opinions on the base of reading the article.
Teaching aids:
The multimedia
Brief teaching proceres:
Step1 Lead- in
Check the homework. Encourage students to share their sources relevant to cloning technology with the whole class. Tell students that cloning has been the subject of scientific experiments for years. The recent success in cloning animals has resulted in fierce debates between scientists, politicians and public.
Step2 Reading strategy
Get students to go through the reading strategy, and make sure that everyone of them understands how to work out the meaning of these scientific terms.
Begin by reading the first and last paragraphs for an idea of what the article is about.
Circle any words you do not now. Question things you do not understand or that do not appear to make sense.
Read through the article a few times, and make sense of the scientific terms upon further readings.

Step3 First reading—Main idea
Ask students to refer to the reading passage and find out the main idea.
(The reading passage is made up of a newspaper article about cloning and two readers’ letters. We will be given information about how cloning is being researched and the different attitudes towards it.)
Step4 Second reading—Understanding scientific terms
Ask students to circle the unfamiliar words or things they do not understand while second reading. (For example: embryo, tissues and organs, interfere with nature, etc)
Step5 Third reading—Detailed information
Ask students to read only the article carefully, and finish the following exercises:
1. What are the different attitudes towards the success of cloning a human embryo?
On the one hand (valuable tissues and organs can be proced and be used to save human lives)
On the other hand (human beings may be on the way to procing a real-life monster)
Some people consider that (cloning human embryos with the intention to destroy them shows no respect for human life.)
2. Who are the persons in the article related to cloning?
relations to cloning
Ian Wilumt
a Scottish scientist who created Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned successfully from an alt cell
He was shocked when hearing some scientists were considering cloning human beings. He never intends to create copies of humans. Instead, he thinks the efforts of scientists should be directed towards creating new cells and organs that could be used to cure diseases like cancer.
Faye Wilson
a woman of 41 years old who cannot have a baby.
She is desperate to have a baby of her own, a child that is genetically related to her.
Severino Antinori
an Italian doctor, who is one of the leaders in the cloning research
He has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.
Chinese scientists
who have focused their efforts on cloning animals and stem cells to be used in medical research
China has succeeded in procing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research the ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.

Ask students to read the two letters carefully, and judge whether the statements are true or false:
Pauline Carter thinks:
1. the nature will pay back if we interfere with nature. ( T )
2. we should clone fewer babies to rece Earth’s population. ( F )
3. the lady who cannot have a baby can adopt an orphan, but not have a cloned baby. ( T )
Coline Jake thinks:
1. the news that the first human embryo has be cloned successfully is very terrible. ( F )
2. scientists have succeeded in challenging questions of morality. ( F )
3. human cloning is a good way to save her daughter who has died. ( F )
Step6 Further discussion
Understanding the scientific terms and reinforcing the comprehension of the text, students are got to form groups of four or six to discuss the further questions:
1. Find the reasons why people are pro- or anti-cloning in the article and letters and write them in the table below
1. proce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives
1. may proce a real-life Frankenshtein’s monster
2. cure disease like cancer
2. create more disease in the animal world
3. help those who are unable to have children
3. cloning shows no respect for human life
4. help those who want to clone their dead children
4. human life would no longer be unique

5. we should be having fewer babies in order to rece Earth’s population, not cloning more

2. Do you think it would be easy for the cloned baby to accept his/ her social identity as a ‘cloned’ human being?
3. What would the person that had the original cell feel about the cloned baby?
4. Think about the relationship between the title of the unit Science versus nature and cloning technology.
Step7 Homework
Think about the difficult scientific terms underlined before up on the text learning

❷ 英语必修五第三单元的语法是什么啊


❸ 外研社高中英语必修五单词表 ,【1到3单元】

have…in common 有相同的特点
linguist 语言学家
make a difference 有影响,使不相同
accent 口音
obvious 显然的,显而易见的
motorway (英)高速公路
underground (英)地铁
subway (美)地铁
get around 四处走动(旅行)
flashlight (美)手电筒,火把
queue (英)排队(等候)
confusing 令人困惑的,难懂的
preposation 介词
compare 比较
omit 省略
variety 种类
differ 不同,有区别
settler 移民
be similar to 与……相似
remark 评论,讲话
variation 变化
have difficulty (in)doing sth 做某事有困难
steadily 不断的
satellite 卫星
flick 轻打,轻弹,抖动
switch 开关
lead to 引起,导致
structure 结构,体系
rapidly 迅速地
announcement 声名,宣告
linguistics 语言学
edition (广播、电视节目的)期,版
cute 逗人喜爱的
add 加,增加
in favour of 同意,支持
present 陈述,提出
refer to…as… 称……为……
attempt 努力,尝试
simplify 简化
combination 组合,结合
thanks to 幸亏,多亏
distinctive 与众不同的
look 外观,外表,样子
criticise 批评
standard 标准的
reference 参考,查询

❹ 有谁可以发一下高中英语必修5前3单元单词的图片


❺ 人教版高中英语必修一到必修五的整理

非谓语动词 (整个高中学习的重点)

❻ 人教版高中英语必修五的1到3单元的知识点


❼ 英语必修1到必修5的语法(详细)

一、 一般现在时:
1. 一般情况:加-s 例:reads,writes,says
2. 以s,x,ch,sh收尾的词加-es 例:teaches,washes,guesses
3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y为i再加-es 例:try—tries,carry—carries。
do you know it?
are you students?
does she have a pen?
we always care for each other and help each other。
they cycle to work every day。
he loves sports。
do you sing?a little。
i major in english。
3. 遍真理:
light travels faster than sound。
two and four makes six。
the moon moves round the earth。
i feel a sharp pain in my chest。
the soup contains too much salt。
you see what i mean?
the coat fits you very well。
how do you find the book?
i send you my best wishes。
i salute your courage。
now i extend my heartfelt thanks to you。
when do the train leave(stop at jinan)?
the plane take off at 11 am。
tomorrow is saturday。
is there a firm on tonight?
tell her about that when she come。
turn off the light before you leave。
we‘ll start as soon as you are ready。
they say xiao wu is back。is that true?
xiao yu tells me you‘re going abroad。
oh,i forget where he lives。
yes,you answer quite well。
二、 现在进行时
i am working。
i am not working。
am i working?
where are they having the basket-ball match?
they are putting up the scaffolding。
he‘s showing a foreign guest round the city。
how are you getting on with the work?
the work is going fairly smoothly。
you are making rapid progress。
it is blowing hard。
who are you waiting for?
whenever i see her,she is working in the garden。我每次看到她时,她总是在花园里干活。
do you see anyone over there?你看到那里有什么人吗?
are you seeing someone off?你在给谁送行吗?

i hear someone singing。我听见有人唱歌。
they are hearing an english talk?他们在听一个英语报告。

what do you think of it?你觉得这怎么样?
what are you thinking about?你在想什么?
he is jumping up and down。她一上一下地跳着。
the train is arriving。火车就要进站了。
the old man is dying。老头病危了。
we are leaving on friday。
are you going anywhere tomorrow?
a foreign guest is giving a lecture in english this afternoon。
xiao hong!coming。
who is interpreting for you?
we are having a holiday next monday。
另外,“be going+不定式”这个结构经常用来表示即将发生的事或打算(准备)做的事:
i am afraid it is going to rain。
it is going to be rather cold tomorrow。
she is not going to speak at the meeting。
在这个结构中过去有许多人不赞成用go和come这两个动词,感到很别扭,主张不说are you going to go anywhere tomorrow?而说are you going anywhere tomorrow?不说is she going to come?而说is she coming?但现在在这种结构中用两个动词的人越来越多,这种用法基本上被大家接受了。
do not mention this when you are talking with him。
remember that when you are taking a rest,some else is always working。
if she is still sleeping,do not wake her up。
a. how are you feeling today?(比how do you feel today?更显亲切)
xiao hua is doing fine work at school。(比xiao hua does fine work at school。更富赞美)
he is always thinking of his work。表赞许
he is constantly leaving his thing about。她老是乱扔东西。(表不满)
he is always boasting。他老爱说大话。(表厌烦)
b.he is sleeping in the next room now。他现在现在是在隔壁房间睡了(不再原来房间睡了)。
the professor is typing his own letters while his secretary is ill。
where is he working?他现在在那里工作?(可能刚换工作)
for this week we are starting work at 7:30。
he is walking to work because his bicycle is being repaired。
you are not being modest。
he is being silly。
she is being friendly。
xiao hong is being a good girl today。
do not talk rot。i am being serious。
注: 在there和here引起的句子中,常可用一般现在时代替现在进行时:
here comes the bus。(=the bus is coming.)
there goes the bell. (=the bell is ringing.)
i wonder (am wondering) how i should answer then.
does your leg hurt? (is your leg hurting?)
it itches (is itching) terribly.
my back aches (is aching).
i write (am writing ) to inform you.

❽ 英语必修五第三单元语法。




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