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发布时间:2021-03-16 01:12:08

⑴ 2014人教版新目标八年级下册英语语法汇总

day after tomorrow, next year, next month, next week, in 100 years

be going to do

It is going to rain.

will do



Do you think it will rain?

You will feel better after a good rest.


I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow.

What will she do tomorrow?





? Will Sarah come to visit me next Sunday?


there be
Will there + be


Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. / No, there won’t

will + not



Sarah won’t come to visit me next Sunday.


What will Sarah do next Sunday?



I don’t feel well today.

be better tomorrow

I’ll be better tomorrow

1. Gina has six classes today.

have a lot of homework tonight


2. I’m tired now.

sleep later


3. My parents need a new car.

buy one soon


4. We can’t leave right now.

leave a little later


5. The weather is awful today.

be better tomorrow

1. She’ll have a lot of homework tonight.

2. I’ll sleep later.

3. They’ll buy one soon.

4. We’ll leave a little later.

5. Maybe it’ll be better tomorrow.

⑵ 【急】求人教版八年级下册英语课本的Grammar Focus,(每个单元都要)!


⑶ 人教版八年级下册英语语法

a pair of一双,一对
ask for 请求
ask sb (not) to do sth叫某人干
agree with赞同
all year round一年到头,全年
all kinds of各种,各样
all the time一直
argue with与争吵
around the world在世界各地
arrive in/at到达
at least至少
at a meeting在开会
at first首先
as…as possible尽可能
be able to能够
be angry with 生气
be mad at对感到气愤
be good at擅长于
be careful小心
be allowed被允许
be surprised惊讶
be supposed to被期望/被要求
be interested in对感兴趣
break the rule打破规则
by the way顺便
complain about抱怨
come along出现,发生
come true实现,达到
come in进来
cut in line插队
call sb. up打电话给
do/wash the dishes洗碗
drop litter乱扔垃圾
do well in在方面做得好
enjoy /finish doing sth喜欢/完成某事
end up结束
fall in love with爱上
fall asleep入睡
far from远离
first of all首先
fly to飞向
find out找到
…find it adj. to do sth
keep out不让进入
look for寻找
look smart 看起来精干
look after照顾
look through浏览
let (sb) in让进
let sbget along相处
get over克服
get annoyed生气
get bored厌烦
get an ecation受教育
get on (well) with与相处(好)
get injured受伤
give sb sth/give sth to sb给某人某物
give away赠送
go skating去溜冰
go out of从出去/来
have a fight with与打架/争吵
have a surprise party举行惊讶聚会
have a great/good time玩得愉快
have been to曾到过
hear about/of听说
hundreds of好几百
had better (not) do sth最好做
in a minute一会儿
in 100 years100年后
in good health身体健康
in front of 在前面
in the future 未来,将来
in the front of在前面
in the playground在操场
in/out of style时髦/过时
in silence默默地
in order to目的
in (Russian) style具有俄国风格
in public places在公共场合
It take sb some time to do sth.花费某人时间干某事
the same as与相同
try (not) to do sth尽力(不)干
three quarters四分之三
turn on/off打开/关掉
turn up/down开大/关小
talk to/with与谈话
take care of照顾
take part in参加
take off起飞take away拿走
take place发生
take an interest in对感兴趣
take care (not) to do小心(不)做
thanks for (doing)谢谢(做)
wait in line排队等候
want to do sth/would like to do sth 想干

make sb do sth使某人干
make a living (doing sth)谋生
make money赚钱
make friends with与交友
more than多于
need to do sth 需要干
not at all一点也不
on (my tenth) birthday在(我十岁)生日
on the phone在通话
on the one/other hand在一(另)方面
open up打开
put out熄灭
pass (sth) on (to sb)传递
pay for 付款
part-time job兼职工作
run out of用尽
run away逃跑
rather than胜于
right away立刻,马上
spend…on/(in) doing sth花费
seem to do sth好象干
sleep late睡懒觉
see sb do/doing sth看某人做/在做
start/begin to do/doing sth 开始干某事
adj.(special) enough够(特别
There will be fewer/less…
--What should I do?
--You should do…
--what were you doing when…?
--I was (doing)…when…
While he was (doing)…,a girl called the police.
If you wear jeans to the party, the teachers won’t let you in.
--How long have you been skating?
--I’ve been skating since nine o’clock/for five hours.
Would you mind (not) doing sth?
Could you please (not) do sth?
Why don’t you /not (do sth)?
How/What about sth/doingsth?
do sth 让某人干

⑷ 八年级下册英语复习资料(人教版)主要是语法

Unit 1 Will people have robots?
do/does 的一般将来时态形式:(shall/will) do
do/does 的一般将来时态的被动语态:(shall/will) be done
肯定句例句:People will have robots in a few years.
否定句例句:People (will not/won't) have robots in a few years.
一般疑问句例句:Will people have robots in a few years?
特殊疑问句例句:What will people have in a few years?
Unit 2 What should I do?
do/does 的过去将来时态形式:(should/would) do
do/does 的过去将来时态的被动语态:(should/would) be done
肯定句例句:You should write a letter to him.
否定句例句:You shouldn't write a letter to him.
一般疑问句例句:Should I write a letter to him?
特殊疑问句例句:What should I do?
Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
do/does 的过去进行时态形式:(was/were) doing
do/does 的过去进行时态的被动语态:(was/were) being done
肯定句例句:I was walking down the street when a UFO landed.
否定句例句:I wasn't walking down the street when a UFO landed.
一般疑问句例句:Were you walking down the street when a UFO landed?
特殊疑问句例句:What were you doing when a UFO landed?

动词 when 和 while 的选择:when 后加瞬间动词,while 后加延续性动词。
例句:The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed.
=While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.
Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.
结构:主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语从句(主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语/表语)
例句:----I'm good at English. He says. (改为加宾语从句的复合句)
----He says I'm good at English.
例句:He says I'm good at English now.
He says I was good at mathematics when I was young.
例句:He said I was good at mathematics when I was young yesterday.
He said I was good at English now yesterday.
例句:Our teacher says 24 hours make a day.
Our teacher said the sun gives us so many energy yesterday.
④动词原形不能作主语,必须用其 -ing 形式。
例句:She said helping others changed her life.
Unit 5 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!
重点语法:if 引导的条件状语从句
结构:主句 + if + 条件状语从句
if + 条件状语从句 + [(comma)] + 主句
注意:在 if 引导的条件状语从句中,主句应用将来时态,状语从句用一般现在时态。
例句:You'll have a great time if you go to the party.
=If you go to the party, you'll have a great time.
Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?
do/does 的现在完成进行时态形式:have/has been doing
do/does 的现在完成进行时态的被动语态:have/has been being done
I have been in Junior School for 3 years.
I have been making progress since he talked with me that time.
肯定句例句:I have been skating for five hours.
否定句例句:I haven't been skating for five hours.
一般疑问句例句:Have you been skating for five hours?
特殊疑问句例句:How long have you been skating?
How long have you been keeping this book?
Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?
重点语法:mind [one's] doing sth. 介意(某人)做某事
重点短语:not at all 一点也不
turn down 调节使音量变小
right away = in a minute = at once 立刻;马上
wait in line 排队等候
cut in line 插队等候
hasn't = has not
keep ... down 压低声音;使缓和
at first = first of all 首先
take care 当心;小心
take care of = care about = look after 关心;照顾
break the rule 违规
obey the rule 遵守规定
put out 熄灭
pick sth. up 捡起某物
wait for sb. 等候某人
depend on 依赖;依靠
get back = return 要回
mean → meant → meant 动词 mean 的原形、过去式和过去分词
Unit 8 Why don't you get her a scarf?
why don't you do sth. = why not do sth.
例句:Why don't you get her a camera? = Why not get her a camera?
what about = how about
例句:How about some tennis balls? = What about some tennis balls?
重点短语:fall asleep 入睡
give away 赠送;分发
hear of = hear about 听说
take an interest in = be interested in 对……感兴趣
make friends with 与……交友
make progress 取得进步
keep → kept → kept 动词 keep 的原形、过去式和过去分词
feed → fed → fed 动词 feed 的原形、过去式和过去分词
fall → fell → fallen 动词 fall 的原形、过去式和过去分词
hear → heard → heard 动词 hear 的原形、过去式和过去分词
Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement?
do/does 的现在完成时态形式:(have/has) done
do/does 的现在完成时态的被动语态:(have/has) been done
I have ever been to America. It's the first time for me to go abroad.
重点短语:have a great time = have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴
on board 在船上
end up doing sth. 结束做某事
all year round = all over the year 终年
understand → understood → understood 动词 understand 的原形、过去式和过去分词
Unit 10 It's a nice day, isn't it?
例句:He's a student, isn't he?
She's not his mother, is she?
回答反意疑问句时,要根据事实来回答。若事实是肯定的,则必须用 yes 回答。若事实是否定的,则必须用 no 回答。
You're not ready, are you?
No, I'm not.
Yes, I am.


⑸ 八下英语14页课文语法人教版

1. You could helpto clean up the city parks.
1)help作动词,“帮助”。 sb.to do sth.意为:______________.
如:He often helps meto study English.
2)help作名词,“帮助”。如:______________________. 谢谢你的帮助。
2. sick和ill的用法区别
sick是形容词,"生病的",同义词是ill。区别在于sick在句中可做 语和____ 语,而ill只能做 语。如:His father was/sick yesterday, so he didn't go to work.他的父亲昨天病了,因此他没有去上班。Tom has looked after the sick girl for a week. 汤姆照顾那个生病的小女孩已经一星期了。
1. We need to come up with a planfor the City Park Clean -up Day.
【解析】come upwith =think up 想出
【短语】:thinkabout 考虑 think of 想起 think over 仔细考虑
【谚语】 Thinkbefore you act 三思而后行
( ) ①We need______________(想出) a plan.
( )②My mother came up with a good idea which we all agreed to.
A. thought about B. thought up C. thought hard
2. They told me stories about the pastand how things used to be.
【解析】 (1)use v.使用→useful adj. 有用的 use up 用完
Studying English is__________(use).
(2) use sth to do sth 用某物做某事
We use Internet __________(find)information.
(3) used to do sth 过去常常做某事,表示过去做过的事现在已经不做,只用于过去时态。
①My mother used_________(tell)usstory when we were young.
( ) ②He used to ____short and ____ short hair when he wasyoung.
A. have; be B. be; have C. be; be D. have; have
(4)be /get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事
My grandpa is used ___________(live) incountry.
(5) beused to do sth 被用来做某事=beused for doing sth
①Stamps is used ____________(post) letters.
【记】 He usedto wear glasses . But now he is used to wearing contact lenses.
3.Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely. 是的,很多老年人都很孤独。
【解析】alone / lonely 辨析:
(1)alone= by oneself adj. 单独的,指无人陪伴的客观事实,不带感情色彩。
He often walks alone to home .
(2)lonely ①指人孤独的,寂寞的,强调主观感受;②也可指某个地方是荒凉的
( ) ①The old man lives ___,but he never feels ____.
A. alone ;lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely
( ) ②My little sister is afraid to stay at home alone.
A. quietly B. lonely C. all the time D. by herself
( ) ③ He did the work all byhimself.
A. already B. together C. alone D. lonely
1. Let’s cheer _________(they)up, ok?
2. I’d like _____________(visit)my English teacher tomorrow.
3. I’ll feel good about _______(help)the old people.
4. He _____(spend) every morning_______ (do)some sports.
5. They plan ___________ (buy) abig house.

⑹ 人教版八年级英语下册的语法知识需要书上的句子!

(一) 重要句型。
1.There will be less pollution, more trees and fewer cars in 100 years.
2. What should I do? You should do more exercise. You could buy some books.
3. When the man came into the room, I was reading a book.
=While I was reading a book, a man came into the room.
4. He said they would come here in 5 minutes and they were on the way.
5. We will take you to the zoo if we have free time.
6. We have been studying English for 3 years.
=We have been studying English since 3 years ago.
7. Would you mind closing the window?
= Could you please close the window?
=Please close the window.
= You have to close the window.
8. Why don’t you get her a scarf?
= Why not get her a scarf?
= How about getting her a scarf?
= Let’s get her a scarf.
9. I have been to the zoon last year.
My father has gone to Beijing now.
They have already received my letter.
10. You like playing soccer, don’t you?
You have nothing to tell me, do you?
11. It’s time for sth. It’s time to do sth. It’s time for sb to do sth.
12. find it adj (for sb) to do sth. It’s adj/n. (for sb) to do sth.
1.few, a few; little , a little.
2. many , much, a lot of , lots of
3.more, fewer, less.
4. can, be able to
5.help with sth, help sb do sth.
6.can, may must, could ,should ,might.
7.pay, spend, take, cost.
8.except, besides.
9.stop to do sth, stop doing sth. start to do sth start doing sth.
10.forget to do sth, forget doing sth.
11.try to do sth try doing sth.
12.enough+n, adj +enough, enough to do sth.
13. the same as, be different from
14.think about doing sth, complain about doing.
15. not …until, not … anymore.
16.something important, nothing to eat. something nice to drink.
17. take part in, join, enter,
18. in front of, in the front of.
19.take care of, look after.
20. surprise, be surprised to do sth
21.one… the other, another, other, others.
22. bring, take; borrow, lend.
23. be good at sth/ doing sth… be better at sth/ doing sth
24.have a good time, have a great time, have a wonderful time. have fun
25.either,either…or, neither, neither…nor, both …and
26. how, how long, how long, how often, how far, how soon, how old.
27. how many, how much.
28.Would you like some…? Yes, please, No, thanks.
29. like, be like, look like, look the same
30.Thanks for sth/ doing sth.
31.like to do sth, like doing sth, enjoy doing sth.
32.interesting, be interested in sth/ doing sth. take an interest in.
33.would you mind (not) doing sth.
34. what about..? how about…?
35. too… to so… that.
36. have been to, have gone to.
1.. __________ an English party in our school this evening.

A. There will be B. There is going to have

C. There will have D. There is going have

2. The boys often play ______ tennis after school.

A. a B. / C. the D. that

3. Alan is as _______ as Lucy in their class.

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest

4. ______ you _____ free next weekend?

A. will, have B. will, be

C. Do, be D. Are, be

5. He _____ in three days.

A. coming back B. came back

C. will come back D. is going to coming back

6. There will be _______ people and _____ pollution in 50 years.

A. less, more B. fewer, less

C. more, more D. less, less

7. Why not ____ to thank you teachers?

A. making cards B. to make cards

C. make cards D. made cards

8. There will _____ robots in people’s homes.

A. be B. is C. are D. have

9. My life will be _____ better than it is now!

A. a lot of B. a lot C. more D. less

10. ------- ____do you go to see your parents?

------- Once a week.

A. How many B. How much

C. How long D. How often

11. Flying to the moon for vacation will ____ one day.

A. come on B. come over

C. come up D. come true

12. You ____ wash your hands before meals

A. should B. could C. would

13. _____ he was very thirsty, he didn’t drink water.

A. Though B. As C. So D. But

14. You should _____ sorry to him.

A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell

15. Please call me ______ this afternoon.

A. to B. for C. up D. with

16. Mother told her son ______ at home.

A. stayed B. to stay C. stays D. staying

17. Your clothes are ______ of style.

A. away B. far C. out D. in

18. Would you please _____ on the road?

A. not to play B. to not play

C. not play D. don’t play

19. She has ____ haircut ____ I do.

A. the same, as B. the same, with

C. same, as D. same, with

20. We are friends, we can ________.

A. get on well B. get well

C. get on well with D. on well get

21. This is _____ boy. That girl is _______.

A. an 8-year-old, 7 years old.

B. an 8-years-old, 7 years old

C. an 8-year-old, 7-year-old

D. a 8-year-old, 7- year-old

22. You can ____ some money from Jim. I think he may _____ the money to you.

A. lend, borrow B. borrow, borrow

C. borrow, lend D. lend, lend

23. I don’t have a pen. He doesn’t have a pen, _____.

A. too B. also C. as well as D. either

24. Everyone is here _____ Lily, she is ill.

A. beside B. besides C. outside D. except

25. She was cleaning her room __ I arrived at her room.

A. When B. while C. as soon as D. but

26. When the UFO arrived, I was standing ____ the big tree.

A. in the front of B. in front of

C. front D. in a front

27. My best friend visited my house while I ____ dinner in the kitchen.

A. cooked B. cooking

C. was cooking D. cook

28. I was very _____ at the ____ news.

A. surprised, surprised B. surprising, surprising

C. surprised, surprising D. surprising, surprised

29. _____ I was walking to school, I saw a cat climbing a tree.

A. When B. while C. before D. After

30. What _____ while Linda was ____ the phone?

A. happened, on B. happen, on

C. happened, at D. happen, at

31. An alien got out _____ the UFO and walked ____ the street.

A. off, on B. from, along

C. of, down D. in, in

32. They arrived ___ Paris ______ a winter evening.

A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at

33. ---- What were you doing at this time yesterday?

---- I _______.

A. sleep B. slept C. was sleeping D. sleeping

34. If you ____ the station, please call me.

A. get B. arrive C. reach D. arrive to

35. The thief _____ the purse and _______.

A. drops, run after B. droped, ran away

C. dropped, ran away D. dropped, run away

36. We’ll go for a walk if it _____ tomorrow.

A. will not rain B. isn’t raining

C. doesn’t rain D. isn’t rain

37. She said she ____ flying to shanghai next weekend.

A. will be B. was C. is D. are

38. Please _____ the message _____ Tim.

A. pass, to B. pass, on

C. pass, with D. pass, in

39. He told me he _____ call his brother tomorrow.

A. will B. would C. shall D. can

40. ______, you should cut the bananas, then you can make the banana pie.

A. The first day B. At last

C. In the end D. First of all

41. He asked his classmate where _________.

A. does his teacher see the film

B. his teacher saw the film

C. did his teacher see the film

D. his teacher sees the film

42. He is ____ at ______ than ______.

A. good, read, listen B. better, reading, listening

C. well, reading, listening D. better, read, listen

43. Jim does ____ in math. I do ____ in math. Mary does ____ of all.

A. good, better, best B. well, better, well

C. well, good, best D. well, better, best

44. I must get up early_____ I won’t be late for school.

A. and B. but C. so D. or

45. I have _____ to tell you.

A. something excited B. exciting something

C. excited something D. something exciting

46. I said I _______ to have the party for you

A. going B. go C. was doing D. am going

47. I found ____ difficult to learn science well.

A. it B. this C. that D. me

48. I want you _____ happy.

A. be B. to be C. are D. to are

49. If it _____ fine, We’ll go to Money Island tomorrow.

A. is B. was B. is going to be D. will be

50. My father enjoys _____ to light music.

A. listens B. to listen C. listening D. listened

51. If Mary is late tomorrow, the teacher won’t _____.

A. let in her B. let her in

C. let she in D. let into her

52. Look! The traffic is moving fast. It’s ____dangerous ________ cross the street now.

A. such, to B. so, to C. much, too D. too, to

53. We ____ go on a picnic if it ____ rain next Sunday.

A. don’t, isn’t B. don’t, stop

C. shall, doesn’t D. aren’t, doesn’t

54. He was ____ tired ____ he couldn’t go on working.

A. too, to B. such, that C. so, that D. too, that

55. The radio was too noisy. Would you turn _____ a little, please?

A. down it B. it off C. off it D. it down

56. _____ bad news! We can’t go to Hainan for our holiday.

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

57. What _____ if I _____ the food to the party?

A. will happen, take B. happen, take

C. happen, will take D. happens, will take

58. We will ____ work outside sometimes.

A. able to B. are able to C. be able to D. can

59. People will watch them _______.

A. all the time B. always

C. often D. sometimes

60. _____ the students has his ty.

A. Each B. Every C. Each of D. Every of

61. There are about _____ students in our school.

A. two thousand B. two thousands

C. two thousand of D. two thousand of

62. ---- ____ did they play basketball? ----- For an hour.

A. How long B. How soon

C. How far D. How often

63. Amy has been skating _____ two hours.

A. for about B. for since C. since D. about

64. We have been walking _____ 8 o’clock.

A. for B. at C. since D. ring

65. She ____ in Beijing since 1985.

A. lives B. are living

C. lived D. has been living

66. _____ the way, have you seen John lately?

A. On B. In C. By D. To

67. How long have you been ______ English?

A. collecting B. collected

C. to collect D. collects

68. It’s very kind ___ you ____ so much money for us.

A. for, to raise B. of, to raise

C. for, raising D. of, raising

69. Did you see him _____ on the rail tracks just now?

A. sitting B. to sit C. sat D. sits

70. Beihai Park is ______ years old.

A. hundred of B. hundreds

C. three hundreds D. hundreds of

71. ------ It’s too hot, would you mind _____ the door?

------ ______, please do it now.

A. to open, OK B. opening, Certainly not

C. opening, Of course D. to open, Good

72. I’m afraid I can’t really agree _____ you.

A. for B. with C. on D. in

73. _____ you mind _____ me the way?

A. Would, to tell B. Would, telling

C. Will, tell D. Will, to tell

74. Would you mind ______ the windows. It’s too cold.

A. not open B. not opening

C. don’t open D. opening not

75. Would you please _____ in class?

A. don’t talk B. not talk

C. not to talk D. not talking

76. Before you go out of the house at night, please ____ the light.

A. turn off B. turn on C. turn down D. turn up

77. Don’t be angry, Mom. I’ll clean my room______.

A. now B. right away C. away D. just now

78. I want to get the book back, please ____ when you finish reading.

A. return me it B. return it to me

C. return it back to me D. return it me

79. ----- Stop ____, Peter. Go on with your lessons.

----- Sorry, sir. I stopped______ an eraser.

A. to talk, to borrow B. talking, to borrow

C. to talk, borrowing D. talking, borrowing

80. Doing too much homework is _____ children.

A. good for B. bad for C. bad at D. good at

81. Do you know _____ yesterday afternoon?

A. what happened him B. what he happened

C. what happened to him D. what happened to he

82. They ____ asleep for an hour.

A. have fallen B. have been C. fall D. are

83. ---- Would you mind not playing the guitar here?

---- ______.

A. Yes, I would B. No, I wouldn’t

C. Yes, of course D. Sorry, I won’t do it

84. What should we ___ our teacher ___Teachers’ Day?

A. take, on B. buy, from C. get, for D. give, to

85. Why ____ him a gift? That’s a good idea.

A. not buy B. don’t buy

C. not you buy D. not to buy

86. This is Gina’s camera. Please ______.

A. give it her B. give it to her

C. give her it D. give her to it

87. I’m sorry I don’t have _____ so many good things.

A. money enough buy B. enough money to buy

C. money enough buying D. enough money buy

88. I have _____ to buy this expensive gift for my mother, but I don’t think it’s ______.

A. enough money, personal enough

B. enough money, enough personal

C. money enough, enough personal

D. money enough, personal enough

89. What ____ the best gift Lucy _____ ever received?

A. is, has B. has, has C. is, is D. has, is

90. I would receive money ______ the usual gifts for my birthday.

A. rather than B. instead C. than

91. ----- What should I get ____ my dad?

----- A tie, I think he’ll like it.

A. to B. of C. from D. for

92. How about _______ with us?

A. going fish B. going fishing

C. go fishing D. go fish

93. I played football _________ baseball.

A. instead play B. instead of playing

C. instead to play D. instead of play

94. Don’t spend _____ time watching TV.

A. too much B. much too

C. many too D. too many

95. I think a dog is a good pet ______ an old person.

A. in B. for C. on D. of

96. It’s easy ______ the teacher’s question

A. answer B. answering

C. to answer D. answered

97. I learn English by ______, and my brothers teach ______ Japanese.

A. me, them B. me, themselves

C. myself, themselves D. myself, them

98. ----- Why don’t _____ get him some fast food?

----- Oh, no. ___________ .

A. That’s not healthy enough B. That’s boring

C. That’s too healthy D. That’s delicious

99. ----- _____ you ____ to this school for ten years?

----- Yes, I _____ here in 1994.

A. Did, come, came B. Have, been, came

C. Did, come, have been D. Have, come, came

100. ---- Did you have _____ at water world yesterday?

---- Yes, I ____ with my parents there.

A. good time, enjoyed me

B. great time, enjoyed myself

C. a great time, enjoyed myself

D. a good time, enjoyed me

101. It ____ us an hour ____ the other side of the river by boat.

A. spent, to get to B. took, to get to

C. paid, getting to D. took, getting to

102. My English teacher is a very clever man. He is good at playing the guitar _____ singing.

A. as well as B. as good as

C. so well as D. as well like

103. ----- Jim likes music.

----- ______ his sister.

A. Neither do B. So do

C. So does D. But does

104. I didn’t go to the cinema. _______ did he.

A. So B. Also C. Neither D. And

105. I’ve _____ been to Japan before.

A. usually B. always C. often D. never

106. ---- Have you ever helped _____ you didn’t know?

---- Yes, I have.

A. nobody B. someone

C. anyone D. anybody

107. ----- Let’s ______ to the aquarium.

----- That’s a good idea.

A. go B. to go C. going D. goes

108. ----- ______ have you been at this school?

----- Since 1990.

A. How long B. How much

C. How soon D. How often

109. I’ve never seen such a fine picture______ .

A. ago B. before C. yet D. later

110. The red coat ______ me fifty yuan.

A. cost B. took C. spend D. paid

111. ---- Which is the smallest number of the four?

---- ________.

A. two thirds B. A half

C. A quarter D. Three fourths

112. ----- Where is your brother?

----- He ________ to the park.

A. has been B. has gone C. is going

113. You can watch TV ____ Sunday night, ____ you?

A. on, can’t B. at can C. on don’t

114. I think the rain will stop ____ noon.

A. by B. until C. in D. on

115. ---- Thanks for _____. ---- It’s my pleasure.

A. your helping B. your help

C. help me D. you help me

116. My mother doesn’t feel ____ and she doesn’t feel like _____ anything.

A. good, eating B. well, eating

C. good, to eat D. well, to eat

117. ---- How are you ____ your classmates?

---- Very well.

A. getting on to B. getting along with

C. making on with D. making along for

118. We waited ____ the bus stop ____ about one hour.

A. at, for B. for, for C. for, at D. at, at

119. It seldom rains here in spring, ______?

A. is it B. does it C. isn’t it D. doesn’t it

120. Let’s go swimming,_______ ?

A. will you B. shall we

C. won’t you D. will we

121. The bus will stop here, ______?

A. could it. B. won’t it C. is it D. doesn’t it

122. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ___?

A. did they B. do they

C. didn’t they D. don’t they

123. We’ll go shopping _____ the weekend.

A. at B. in C. for D. with

124. Nothing grows on top of the mountain,____ ?

A. do it B. doesn’t it

C. do they D. does it

125. There were some foreigners in the college, ____ ?

A. weren’t they B. were there

C. weren’t there D. doesn’t it


1 — 5 ABABC 6 — 10 CCABD

11—15 DAACC 16—20 BCCAA

21—25 ACDDA 26—30 BCCBA

31—35 CCCCC 36—40 CBABD

41—45 BBDCD 46—50 CABAC

51—55 BDCCD 56—60 AACAD

61—65 AAACD 66—70 CABAD

71—75 BBBBB 76—80 ABBBB

81—85 CBDCA 86—90 BBAAA

91—95 DBBAB 96—100 CCABC

101—105 BACCD 106—110 BAABA

111—115 CBAAB 116—120 BBBBB

121—125 BAADC

⑺ 八年级下册英语长课文中的语法点P32

1、自sound like fun 是这种感觉类的动词也可以当系动词用,可以直接加adj.
3、第二段的第二句话是并列句,feel sick
6、第四段open up 打开

⑻ 人教版八年级下册英语重点单词短语及用法。谢谢了。

人教版新目标8年级下英语语法重点 Unit 1 Will people have robots? 重点语法:一般将来时态的应用 Unit 2 What should I do? 重点语法:过去将来时态(将来时态的委婉说法) Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 重点语法:过去进行时态 Unit 4 He said I was hard-working. 重点语法:宾语从句 Unit 5 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time! 重点语法:if 引导的条件状语从句 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 重点语法:现在完成进行时态 Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 重点语法:mind [one's] doing sth. 介意(某人)做某事 Unit 8 Why don't you get her a scarf? 重点语法:询问别人为什么要做或者不做某事 Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement? 重点语法:现在完成时态 Unit 10 It's a nice day, isn't it? 重点语法:反意疑问句



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