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发布时间:2021-03-15 22:39:50

1. 英语句子语法


I don't want as expensive a car as this.=I don't want a car as expensive as this.


你这句是as ration a way as...

“as+原级+as any(或ever)”、“as+原级+as…can be”、“nothing(或no)+so+原级+as…”等结构表达的是最高级意义。即在某种程度上或某方面达到极限或最大限度。
He is as great a mathematician as any.

2. 英语语法问题:特殊疑问句的变形

He bought tree books yesterday.变成疑问句后成了抄:What did he buy yesterday.是因为这是一般过去时态,需要借助助动词did来帮助提问,因为过去式形式转移到助动词do身上了,所以动词就还原了。
而how long have they been in china?和how long have they learned Chinese?是现在完成时,基本构成是have done.变疑问句时要把have提前,后面的过去分词形式不变。


3. 初中英语的所有语法,和变形谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

初中英语语法总结一览表 语法项目 构成 用法 象 征 词 规则变化 不规则变化 例句 一般现在时 动词用原形 三人称单数-s / es 表示经常性的 动作或状态 Every often always on 天 in月、季、节、年。 一般-s –es 辅音+y---ies have----has He goes to school every day. I often have lunch at home. 一般过去时 动词用过去时 Be—was/ were 表过去某个、段时间内动作及状态 ago/just now /In1998 last/yesterday 等 一般/去e 双写/辅+y结尾-ied go-went come-came do-did leave-left等 He wrote a letter yesterday. I studied hard last year. 一般将来时 be going to+V原 will / shall + V原 在将来某个时间或 某段时要做的事 tomorrow / after next / tonight in 2010 Go come leave stay fly等用进行表将来 Are you going to read ? He is coming tomorrow . 现在进行时 be+doing 表此时此刻正进行的动作或状态 listen look now all the time Don’t… 一般去e 双写 +ing tie die lie – 变ie为y加ing Tom is writing now . They are lying on the bed . 现在完成时 现在完成进行 have / has +PP have/has been+doing 发生在过去影响在现在的动作或状态等 含糊的频率副词 already just never ever 分词规则的同过去式是一样的 不规则的动词的过去分词需逐个记忆 I have been teaching for 8 years. He has slept for two days. .过去进行时 was / were +doing 多用于复合句中 表在过去某时间正在进行的动作 at this time yesterday last Sunday evening 一般去e 双写 +ing tie die lie – 变ie为y加ing He was reading at that time last Friday 过去完成时 had+动过去分词 多用于复合句中 该动作发生在过去的过去 by the time+过去时 when after before 规则的分词构成与过去时一样的 需要逐个记忆 详见不规则动词表 We had learnt 2000 words by the end of last year. 过去将来时 would + V 原形 多用宾语从句中 过去看来将要发生的动作或状态 He said that he… the next day . He said that he would come here the next day . 比较级形式 形容副词名词 后--er 前加more 名词比较用more 表示两个人、物 之间进行比较时 than /much/ a little far / in the two 等 一般/去e 双写/辅+y结尾-ier good/well —better much/many—more She is the tall in the two. He runs faster than Tom . 最高级形式 形容副词名词 后-est 前加most 名词比较用most 大于等于三个人、物之间进行比较 in the +比较范围 of the 具体的数字 一般/去e 双写/辅+y结尾-iest bad/ill/badly-worst far-farther-farthest She is the most beautiful in her class.(最高级加the) 动词不定式 to do没有人称和数的变化 作主语 To read is helpful for anybody now . 作宾语 He wants to buy a dictionary. 作宾补 I hear him sing yesterday Tom told me to open it. 作表语 His job is to take care of children . 作状语 He’ll go to see a doctor tomorrow . 作定语 He has much homework to do every day . 主从复合句 状语从句 句子作状语 (时间地点原因条件让步比较) He was writing a letter when I came in。 宾语从句 句子作宾语(语序、时态、引导词、客观事实) He asked me if I had been to Beijing before. 定语从句 句子作定语(修饰名词或代词的句子、注意先行词) I saw the man who was stealing my bike yesterday 主动结构 与 被动结构 主动语态:主语(人、物)+ 谓语 + 宾语 动作执行者 + 及物动词 + 动作承受者 被动语态:主语(人、物)+be PP + by宾语 动作承受者 + be PP + by动作执行者 在被动语态中没有可以省to 的不定式 We speak English . 主语 谓语 宾语 English is spoken by us 宾改主 谓语动词 be PP 主by 宾 主动变被动,先找主、谓、宾,宾改主、主by宾,代词变格要细心,谓语动词be pp,时态随主、数随被 PP 是及物动词的过去分词加ed 或不规则详见表 被动句的时态(be)随主动句的时态(do)人称和数应随被动句的主语(am、is、are、was、were等 )

4. 英语句子语法

adt那个好像不全着吧? 加to是为了表示原因吧 应该是这样

5. 英语语法(句子结构

At the center is Ms. Rosales, 55, who was born in Mexico and shares a home with José Carlos Bergantinos, an art consultant and collector from Spain, with whom she once operated a gallery in Manhattan, exhibiting the work of artists like Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol.
请高手分析一下句子中with whom的用法和句子结构
答:这句话的主句是At the center is Ms. Rosales。是同位语。who-从句是非限制性定语从句(至句尾)。
在这个从句中,又出现了一个人名Jose Carlos Bergantinos, 后面又来了一个同位语an art consultant and collector form Spain. 后面又来了一个非限制性定语从句,来对这个人的情况加以补充。 而这个从句后面又有一个现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随情况:exhibiting ...

6. 英语句子语法讲解

怀疑这里的to不是动词不定式的标志词,而是介词to,因而后面跟了动名词做介词宾语。但从全句看,这个用法挺奇怪的,应该用动词不定式to do 似乎才是对的。

7. 英语 语法 句子


8. 英语句子 语法

本句中a research firm是arts economics的同位语。两者指的是同一事物。根据上下文可知,艺术经济公司就是一家研究公司。

9. 英语句子,语法

这句句子的主干其实就是Success is sth. (成功是xxx)
那么这里be willing to 本身是一个动词成分对吧?所以要把它变成名词成分,就是being willing to,这在英语里叫做动名词,属于非谓语的知识点。
整句句子我们做一下缩写,就是Success 是 being willing to do the things that other people are not(做别人不愿意做的事)

10. 英语语法变形

“after + 句子” 可以省去主语和助动词(如果存在),改写为 after doing sth. 改写时要注意两点:
1)主句的主语是否与从句一致,如果一致就用现在分词,如果不一致就需要改为过去分词 done 或者变为分词的复合结构 one's doing。后者如下:
* After they gave him something, he went away. (主句主语与从句的谓语动词成动宾关系)—— After given something, he went away.
* After they came back, he went away. (主句主语与从句谓语动词没有逻辑关系)—— After their coming back, he went away.
2) 分析主从句谓语动词的时间关系,如果主从句行为同时或先后发生则用分词的一般形式 doing,如果从句行为发生在主句行为之前则用完成形式 having done.

1. After we stood in the queue for hours, we got two tickets.
-- After having stood in the queue for hours, we got two tickets.
2. After they finished their homework, the boys went home.
-- After finishing their homework, the boys went home
3. He always consults others before he does anything.
-- He always consults others before doing anything.



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