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发布时间:2021-03-15 08:56:16

⑴ 大学英语作文“英语语法用于和被用的区别”

在上册当中,也许你对限定词部分不太了解,其实它的意思就是:冠词的用法、a lot of/many/a little/some/another/both/each/either.等等等等的用法,这点用法网上都有,你可以自己查找.
1、否定.当中需要注意的是否定词not的否定范围和带有否定词的肯定句.否定词not的否定范围是指,not和all,both,everyone,everything一起使用,通常不表示完全否定,而表示部分否定;表示完全否定要用no,neither(与both相对应),none,nothing,not...any等;主句中的否定词有时否定主句,有时否定从句,判定这种否定,要依据上下文来理解;believe,expect,imagine,seem,suppose,think等动词后带宾语从句时,宾语从句的谓语否定词not有时转移到主句,例如He doesn't think Roger is fit for the job.(=He thinks Roger is not fit for the job)他认为罗杰不适合干那个工作.

⑵ 求一篇大学英语作文,200字左右,语法要通顺啊,满足要求,不用太浮华

The temperament of the United States, listen carefully in order to feel; sounds of language, is to listen carefully to understand; man of character and wisdom, to listen carefully will find. Pet can understand the meaning of the owner, because it is spiritual, but also because it carefully listen to the words of the masters of the heart to pay attention to the face when the masters speak.
Fistly, to the time and opportunity to others speak. Secodly, listen to the promotion of harmonious communication between people and active listening, success is not accidental
To sum up, one not willing to listen, he should be a withdrawn person, he certainly does not know how to communicate with others; one will not listen to people, relationships should be not very good, at least he is not a able to master the talent; one willing to listen and take the initiative to listen to people, and between any occasion, any person should be at ease. So, I think, listening is the foundation of communication, listening is a very important part in the process of communication rapport

⑶ 大学英语作文!!!语法真心不会啊!!


⑷ 一篇关于语法知识的英语50个单词以内的作文


⑸ 有关对英语语法认识的英语作文

My View on English Grammar Coures

  Languagu itself is one of the great inventions in human history,as great as the discovery of fire,the use of electricity,the invention of computer,etc.

    Thanks to language,we can talk,argue and sing ,and then a civilized,wonderful world birthed .However, i would prefer to see a beatiful sentence as a kind of art ,like the flaming sun rising in the morning ;the pure world covered by snow in winter , quiet and peaceful ; a curvaceous girl ,fascinatingly.

    Language is made up by sentences , words and some special symbols make up a sentence .  But if we put some words and some symbols together randomly ,that will not a sentence .So there must be some rules to organize these words ,that is grammar.

    A sentence or a article can not show its fascination without grammar . Grammar plays a role of the pillar in a sentence like the trunk of a tree. So we must realize the importance of learning English grammar lacking which any language is ephemeral and doomed .But many students do not pay enough attention to grammar , because they think grammar is useless and difficult ,they insist that the purpose of learning a foreign language is just to talk and chat and they don't want to be a writer ,so it is not necessary to spend lots of precious time on mastering a boring and nonsense thing .Maybe they are right in some ways .

    However , i hold a different opinion .I learn English not only just to talk or chat with people ,but also appreciate it ,i like enjoying beautifull and perfect things . Actually, that is two quite different attitudes : "If you start a job , just do it perfectly !" someone say , " we can't do everything well ,because our energy , our power is  limited ,so the most important things must come first !" the others disagree . Both are ok ,it is nonsense to argue who is right or who is wrong .

    In a word , if you want to touch the quintesence of English , you must learn grammar well ;if you have the courage to say to yourself / my heart will go on / just to try your best to learn grammer well , it is not a bad thing to you at least .

⑹ 关于大学英语作文的问题

一、注重阅读写作是一种语言输出形式,只有语言输入大于语言输出,语言输出才有可能:只有积累了一定的思想感受和大量的语言素材,才有可能写好。因此,阅读能够促进写作,它是写作的基础。阅读不仅能帮助学生积累思想,也能帮助他们积累语言素材。要想写出好文章,就必须大量读书。对学生而言,他们对生活的体验、对人生的认识大多是从书本上获得、从大量的阅读中获取的。读和写的关系非常密切,唐代大诗人杜甫说过"读书破万卷,下笔如有神",美国作家舒伯特又指出:"Reading is writing"。很多作家也是在大量阅读他人好作品的基础上开始练习写作的。我们在阅读过程中应细心分析和揣摩原文的语言特点、遣词造句、习惯用法和固定搭配等。不但要细读、精读,而且还要摘录其中的常用词组,言简意赅的句子和富有哲理、优美、精彩的段落,并有意识地背诵、模仿。长期坚持这种练习,头脑中自然会存储大量优美、地道的表达法,口头交流或写文章时自然会得心应手,笔下生花。二、仿写作文任何语言学习都需要模仿,因为语言是"约定俗成"的,要使用某种语言就得"入乡随俗",服从这种语言习惯。英语写作也需要模仿,即使有了词汇、语法等基本语言材料,也还要模仿英语的语言习惯,模仿用英语写作的方法和技巧。模仿范文能直接提高学生谋篇布局和衔接上下文的能力。因此,仿写在英语写作教学中,是一种最基本而且十分有效的写作训练形式。模仿写作最主要的就是模仿思路。英语写作和中文写作一样,记叙文要有贯穿全篇的线索,以使事件或故事发生、发展的脉络清楚;描写文要有合理的逻辑顺序,其展开的顺序要符合认识规律,反映由具体到抽象、由浅到深的思维过程;说明文要选择合适的角度,按照一定的时间或空间顺序来说明事物。对于各类范文的特点要认真分析。仿写时,为了便于学生更好地发挥,可要求学生只模仿体裁,而对内容不作具体限定。如学了"How to plant vegetables"后,可要求学生写"How to plant flowers"来进行练习;学了Madame Curie一课,可让学生写自己熟悉的一位科学家。常言道"熟能生巧",只要学生多模仿写作,模仿到娴熟的地步,写作能力自然会提高。三、课外练笔写作实践是写作理论转化为写作能力的"中介"。写作要突出实践,正如学习游泳一样,写作的能力是练出来的。课外练笔是课堂写作训练最有益的补充,因为课堂时间有限,仅靠课堂写作训练培养学生的写作能力是不够的。作文不是"学"出来的,而是"写"出来的。学生必须进行大量的写作练习才能掌握并且灵活运用各种写作技能,而且写作技能只有在不断写作的过程中才能逐步得到提高和完善。此外,学生的英语语言意识和英语思维能力的培养也需要大量的练习。可见,课外练笔非常必要,应该给予重视。课外练笔的形式多种多样,可采用让学生写英语日记、写英语周记、写英语随笔、用英语写信等等,教师也可有意识地给学生提供一些尽量贴近生活的时尚话题,如奥运会、环境保护等,让学生在课外习作。由于英语写作中一个很突出的问题就是文章内容的贫乏,教师在布置写作任务之后,可先让学生开展讨论。要求学生记下当时浮现于脑海中的所有内容,从描写、分析、联想等多个方面挖掘题材,并在讨论中相互切磋,彼此争论,开拓思路,教师可进行必要的引导和归纳总结。总之,要扩大学生的生活面和知识面,开展多种形式的写作训练,学生的写作能力就一定会得到很大提高,并达到事半功倍的效果。四、注重批改学生在完成写作任务之后,教师应注重作文的评改工作。有调查显示,学生一般不喜欢教师抽样改作文,而且希望教师肯定其作文优点的愿望十分强烈。因此,教师应尽量认真批阅每一位学生的习作,并且应采用比较科学直观的评分标准。要指出习作中的主要优缺点及改进方向,但注意不可把学生的习作评得一无是处,即便在指出习作缺点,提出改进意见时也应做到语气委婉,亲切热情,在课堂上可针对集体评阅的优秀作文作一些错误分析,或将学生习作中普遍性的错误记下来,在课堂上稍做讲解纠正。重心应放在肯定学生作文的优点上,使用简单的评语如Excellent, Good, Unique, Interesting, Vivid, Entertaining等。这样能够维护学生的信心,激发他们的进取精神和学习动力。在课堂上讲评优秀作文时,教师与学生一道发表自己的见解,从构思、谋篇布局到语言运用等方面充分肯定作文的优点,特别是对语言的连贯衔接及思路的扩展挖掘给予较详细的讲评,使学生通过这样的讲评,从中吸取经验,更好地完成今后的写作任务。另外,教师还可要求学生背诵一些佳句及范文,为写作准备必要的语言素材,这样也有利于学生写作水平的提高。参考资料 http://e.sina.com.cn/en/2005-01-28/30155.html

⑺ 关于语法的英语作文

Guide to English Language Grammar
Grammar is that part of language that enables us to build sentences and communicate ideas and thoughts to others.The key components of English Language Grammar include Parts of Speech,Grammar Usage,and Grammar Mechanics.Parts of Speech include nouns,verbs,and modifiers such as adjectives,articles,and adverbs.The study of Grammar Usage encompasses correct verb tense usage,compound and complex sentence structure,and other usage issues.Grammar mechanics cover such issues as spelling rules,punctuation,and capitalization.
If it's been a long time since you reviewed your grammar basics,it may be time to brush up on your grammar skills.Using grammatically correct sentence structure is important if you want to appear professional and impress the people you deal with.Even if you have a solid understanding of grammatical concepts,there are always finer points to learn.Although knowing formal grammar is not as important in speaking as it is in writing,the more sophisticated sentences you are able to use,the better you can communicate.And communication is the key to success.

⑻ 大学英语作文,主题,英语语法对我来说很头疼

1.外籍教师说:每天听半小时英语,培养语感(注意,是无意识地听),我们小时候回也是这样才学会说话的。你可以答在休闲中播,但只可以是半小时! 2.抄得多自然熟,知识点抄抄抄。 3.设立错题本(非常有效),把错的答案,为什么错,列出来 . 4.要对英语充满兴趣,细细体味英语中的词语表达精妙之处。 5.我跟你说!你每天要看以两段文字,如果没有时间,那就考试前一个星期每天看两篇!这样可以保持考试的阅读速度! 6.抄的单词本你们要复习啊! 7.找一个外国歌手做你的偶像,把他(她)的歌听完全 . 8.多看中英对照文章,这样对你的翻译语感非常有帮助



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