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发布时间:2021-03-14 03:06:46

Ⅰ 六年级下册英语语法点(新加坡)


This country weather very hot, one. — 这个国家天气很热。(话题语为地点)
Yesterday got so many people! — 昨天人真多!(话题语为时间)
Play soccer he very good. — 踢足球他拿手。(话题语为范围)
That person there cannot trust. — 那边那个人信不过。(话题语为宾语)

In this country, the weather is very hot. — 在这个国家,天气很热。(加介词)
Yesterday, there were so many people! — 昨天,人真多!(加停顿)
As for playing soccer, he's very good. — 在踢足球方面,他拿手。(为现在分词,并加介词)
That person there cannot be trusted. — 那边那个人不能被信过。(宾语做主语,需使用被动语态)

Not good one lah. — (这个)不好的啦。
Cannot liddat go one lah. — (你)不能这么去的啦。
How come never show up? — (他)怎么没来?
I like badminton, dat's why go play every weekend. — 我喜欢羽毛球,所以(我)每个周末都去打。
He not feeling well, so decide to stay home and sleep. — 他觉得不舒服,所以(他)决定呆在家里睡觉。

He can play piano. — 他会弹钢琴。
I like to read storybook. — 我喜欢看故事书。
Your computer got virus one, is it? — 你的电脑是不是有病毒?

He got several apples. — 他有好几个苹果。
动词“To be”
新加坡英语副词 very、so、not等代替to be、not to be的用法,与汉语用法相仿:

This house very nice. — 这个房子很好看。
You so stupid! – 你真笨!
That car not worth the money. — 那辆车不值。
-ing 可以独立作进行体,不需加to be,相当于汉语“在”、“正在”:

How come so late in the night you still playing music, ar? — 怎么这么晚了你还在放音乐啊?
You looking for trouble, is it? — 你是不是在找岔儿啊?
其他省略to be的用法,如直接加介词:

His house in Ang Mo Kio. — 他家在宏茂桥。
一般来说,to be在名词、人称代词后省略(I、he、she除外),在从句或指事代词(this、that)后保留。


I went to Orchard Road yesterday. — 昨天我去了乌节路。
He accepted in the end. — 他最后还是接受了。

He talk for so long, even I ask him stop also never stop. — 他讲了那么久,连我叫他停,都不停。

When I was young, ar, I go to school every day. — 我小的时候啊,每天都上学。
When he was in school, he always get good marks one. — 他上学的时候,成绩一直都不错。
Last night I mug so much, so sian already. — 昨天晚上我复习了那么半天,都快烦死了。
新加坡英语可以用助词already或liao(后者读低调,相当与闽南语中「料」,即「用尽」之意) 以表示状态的改变,但是不能表示持续或重复的状态,和汉语的句尾助词“了”和“过”基本一样:

He throw it liao. — 他扔掉了。
Aiyah, cannot wait any more, must go oreddy. — 哎呀,不能再等了,得走了!
I eat liao. — 我吃过了。
Yesterday, dey go there oreddy. — 昨天他们已经去过了。
This new game, you play liao or not? — 这个新游戏你玩过了没有?
Ah Song kena sai oreddy, then how? — 阿松惹麻烦了,怎么办?


I do (/dõ/) want. — 我不要。(没听清楚鼻化/o/的话,就容易听成:“我当然要!”)

I can /kɛn/ do this lah. — 我会做啦。
I can't /kɑn/ do this lah. — 我不会做啦。

How come today you never hand in homework? — 怎么今天你没交作业?
How come he never pay? — 怎么他没付钱?

Or not相当于汉语动词的“X不X”疑问句形式,但必须加在句尾,而且不能用于否定句:

This book you want or not? — 这本书你要不要?
Can or not? — 行不行?
You want watch movie or not? — 你想不想看电影?
“Is it?”(是吗?)和英美英语不同,可以加在任何句子之后以表示疑问,和句子中的动词无关,主要表示说话者已经认为答案是肯定的,只是想确认而已:

They never study, is it? — 他们不学习是吗?(怪不得不及格)
You don't like that, is it? — 你不喜欢是吗?(怪不得你做鬼脸)
Alamak, you guys never read newspaper is it? — 我的妈呀,你们从来不看报的是吗?(怪不得这么孤陋寡闻!)


You go tink tink a little bit, maybe den you will get answer. — 你去想想看,可能就会得出答案来的。
So what I do was, I sit down and I tink tink tink, until I get answer lor. — 我当时呢,就坐下来想了想,最后就得出答案了咯。

My boy-boy is going to Primary One already. — 我的儿子(仔仔)都上一年级了。

You go take the small-small one. — 你去拿小小的那个。
Kena是新加坡英语独有的被动语态助词,可以用来取代英语英语中以to be或to get所构成的被动语态。Kena只能用来表示对主语有伤害的动作:

He was scolded. = He got scolded. = He kena scolded. = He kena scold. — 他被骂了。

*He kena praised. — 他被表扬了。

Walau! So stupid one! — 哇!好笨的!
I do everything by habit one. — 我做事都是照习惯的。
He never go to school one. — 他从来不上学的。


Lah 高平调或低降调
Lah 作助词及其常见,基本上可以加在任何句子的末尾(疑问句除外)。Lah不但有强调的作用,还能增加说话人和听话人之间的亲近感。“lah”在马来语中就用于祈使句(如“喝水”在马来语中是minuman,但当要求别人“喝水!”时,就成了“minumlah”)。在新加坡英语中,lah也有这个用法:

Drink, lah! — 喝吧!(粤语:饮啦!)

Dun worry, he can one lah. — 别担心,他能行的。
It's okay lah. — 没事了。

Dun have, lah! — 没有!(粤语:冇啫!)
You n know one, lah! — 我看你根本不知道!(粤语:你唔知啫!)

But he very good at sports what, that's why can play soccer so well. — 他体育不错呀,所以球踢得这么好。
You never give me what! — 可是你没给我呀!(不然我不就收到了吗?)

But he very good at sports, that's why can play soccer mah! — 他体育不错,所以球踢得这么好嘛!

If you don't do the work, then you die-die lor! — 你不做工作,那就死定罗!(口气略带调皮)

Give me leh! 给我啊!
How come you don't give me leh? — 你怎么不给我啊?(闽南语:为甚麼不爱与我咧?)
The tix are seriously ex leh. — 票实在很贵啊。

Then hor, another person came out of the house. — 然后呢,还有一个人也从房里出来了。


This shopping center also very nice hor. — 这家购物中心也挺好的是吧。(闽南语:这间购物中心亦真好乎?)

This boy ar, always so naughty one! — 这个男孩啊,老是这么调皮!

How come like that one, ar? — 怎么这样啊?(闽南语:为甚麼安呢矣?)

Har! He really pon class yesterday ar? - 啊?昨天他真的翘课了啊?
Har? How come like that one? End up kena caning! - 啊?他怎么会这样,结果被鞭?

They never study meh? — 难道他们不学习吗?(粤语:佢地唔学野咩?)
You don't like that meh? — 难道你不喜欢吗?(粤语:你唔钟意咩?)
Got即汉语的“有”,相当于英美英语中的两套短语:一套为have/has和(have/has) got,指拥有,另一套为there is/are,指存在。新加坡英语和汉语一样,不加区分:

Here got people or not? — 这儿有人吗?(英美:Are there people here?)
Got anything else? — 有别的吗?(英美:Is there anything else?)

Go home lah, can? — 回家吧,行吗?
Can! — 行!
Cannot! — 不行!
Liddat (Like that)直译为“那样”,新加坡英语常常直接将其用于句尾,以加强描述的鲜明度:

He so stupid liddat. — 他真是挺笨的。
He acting like a little kid liddat. — 他表现得真像个小孩子。
Like that不一定当助词用,英美英语中like that意为“那样”,新加坡英语中也可以这么用:

Why he liddat? — 他怎么那样儿?
Simple liddat. — 就象那样(简单)。

I oso like dis one. (英美:I also like this one.)
I like dis one oso. (英美:I like this one too.) — 我也喜欢这个。

“Excuse me, do you know where is the shopping centre?”(对不起,请问你知道哪里是购物中心吗?)在英美英语中是“Excuse me, do you know where the shopping centre is?”

Ⅱ 谁能告诉我苏教版六年级下册的英语书的课文和单词

一月January 二月February 三月March
四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December
2、星期 week
星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursd 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期天Sunday
3、太阳sun 地球earth 月亮moon 星星star 春天spring 夏天summer 秋天autumn 冬天winter 风wind 雨rain 云cloud 雪snow 冰ice 多云的cloudy 晴朗的sunny 天空sky 小山hill 田野field 小河river 大海sea 木头wood 森林forest 石头stone 火fire 花朵flower 草地grass 树tree 树叶leaf
大象elephant 狮子lion 老虎tiger 熊bear 狼wolf 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 鹿deer 熊猫panda 猴子monkey 马horse 奶牛cow 驴donkey 绵羊 sheep 猪pig 狗dog 猫cat 兔子rabbit 老鼠mouse 公鸡cock 母鸡hen 小鸡chick 鸡(鸡肉)chicken 鸭ck 蝙蝠bat 蜘蛛spider 蚂蚁ant 蜗牛snail 蜻蜓dragonfly 蝴蝶butterfly 蜜蜂bee 苍蝇fly 蛇snake 青蛙frog 蟹crab 金鱼goldfish
六 年 级 英 语 单 词 学 习 表(2)
头发hair 耳朵ear 鼻子nose 眼睛eye 嘴巴mouth 头head 脸face 脖子neck 肩膀shoulder 胳膊arm 手hand 手指finger 腿leg 膝盖knee 脚foot / feet 脚趾toe
2、爸爸father 妈妈mother 爷爷外公grandfather 奶奶外婆grandmother 叔叔伯父uncle 阿姨姑姑 aunt 哥哥弟弟brother 姐姐妹妹sister 婴儿baby 女儿 daughter 儿子son 男孩boy 女孩girl 男人man 女人woman
3、工人worker 农民farmer 教师teacher 学生student 小学生pupil 医生doctor 护士nurse 警察policeman 驾驶员(司机)driver 厨师cook 国王king 王后queen
4、快乐的happy 伤心的sad 生气angry 哭cry 微笑smile 喊shout 走路walk 跑run 坐sit 站stand 跳jump 躺lie 睡sleep 读read 写write 听listen 唱sing 跳舞dance
米饭rice 面包bread 汉堡包hamburger 火腿ham 热狗hot dog 蛋糕cake 奶酪cheese 巧克力chocolate 比萨饼pizza 三明治sandwich 薯条chips 面条noodle 果汁juice 咖啡coffee 牛奶milk 雪碧sprite 可口可乐Coca Cola 冰激淋ice cream 茶tea 水water 蛋egg 月饼 moon cake
苹果apple 香蕉banana 梨pear 桔子orange 西红柿tomato 桃子peach 菠萝pineapple 葡萄grapes 芒果mango 柠檬lemon 西瓜watermelon 蔬菜vegetable 土豆potato 胡萝卜carrot
11、衣物clothing 上衣(短大衣)coat 大衣 overcoat 毛线衣sweater 裤子trousers 短裤shorts 夹克jacket 衬衫shirt 连衣裙dress 短裙skirt T-恤T-shirt 背心vest 帽子hat 领带tie 围巾scarf 手套gloves 鞋 shoe 袜子 sock 泳衣swimsuit 手表watch
12、刀knife 叉fork 筷子chopsticks 电子游戏computer game 宠物pet
六 年 级 英 语 单 词 学 习 表(3)
班级: 姓名: 家长评价: 组长评价: 总评:
1、游戏games 运动sports 玩具toy 布娃娃doll 棒球baseball 气球balloon 滑冰skate 游泳swim 足球football 篮球basketball 排球volleyball 乒乓球table tennis 跳高high jump 跳远long jump 风筝kite 舞会party
2、学习study 袋子bag 书包school bag 钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 盒子box 笔盒pencil-box 橡皮擦eraser 尺子ruler 学校school 图书馆library 地图 map 报纸newspaper 卡片card 图片picture 电脑computer 鼠标(老鼠)mouse 显示器monitor 打印机printer 键盘keyboard 黑板blackboard 书桌desk 桌子table 书柜bookcase 书book 笔记本notebook 钢琴piano 小提琴violin
3、颜色colour 红red 白white 黑black 蓝blue 棕brown 黄yellow 橙orange 绿green 灰grey / gray 粉红pink 紫purple
4、自行车bike 公共汽车bus 出租车taxi 小汽车car 火车train 飞机plane 地铁subway 小船boat 轮船ship

Ⅲ 小学六年级英语下册语法、句型

pep8六年级英语下册重点句型 单词 Unit 1

1、 How do you go to school? Sometimes I go by bike.

2、 How can I get to the zoo? You can go by subway.

3、 How can I get to the nature park? You can go by the No. 12 bus.

4、 How do you go to Canada? I go by bike.

5、 How do you go to the USA? I go by plane.

6、 My home is near. Usually I go to school by bike, because it's fast.

7、 Usually I go on foot. Because it is a good exercise.

8、 Which floor do you live? I live on the 2nd floor.

9、 Which bus can I take? ( Which bus can I go by?)

10、 How does Zhang Peng go to work? He goes by bus.

11、 How does Zhang Peng go to work? They go by school bus.

12、 Where is Zhang Peng's home? His home is near the post office.

13、 Where is Sarah's home? Her home is far.

14、 Look at the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rules.

15、 Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.

16、 Can I go on foot? Sure, if you like. It's not far.

17、 The traffic lights are the same in every county, but the traffic rules are different.

18、 Red means"Stop". Yellow means"Wait", and green means"Go".

19、 In China, drives drive on the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.

Unit 2

1、 There is a hospital in the middle. The post office is near the hospital on the right. The bookstore is on the left.

2、 Where is the supermarket? Go straight ahead.

3、 First, go straight. Next, turn left at the post office. Then , turn left at the school.

4、 Where's the museum? It's in front of the shoestore.

5、 Is the zoom far from here? No, it is not far.

6、 Thank you. You are welcome.

7、 What are you going to do after school? I want to buy a pair of shoes.

8、 Walk straight for three minutes.

9、 Get on the No. 301 bus. Get off at the cinema.

10、 Go next to the shoe store.

11、 Today is my birthday. Thank you all for coming.

12、 Happy birthday to you! Thank you.

13、 Let me tell you how to come. Start from the bus stop in front of our school.Find the white building on the left.Look for me near the door.

14、 First, walk south for three minutes. Then, take the No.1 bus at the cinema.

Unit 3

1、 What are you going to do this weekend? I'm going to visit my grandparents.

2、 I'm going outside to play.

3、 Where are you going tomorrow? I am going to the bookstore.

4、 I am going to the Great Wall. What are you going to do this afternoon? I'm going to buy a book.

5、 What are we going to do on Saturday morning? We are going to go shopping.

6、 What are they going to do this evening? They are going to the cinema.

7、 I am going to buy an English book in the bookstore.

8、 When are you going? I am going at 3 o'clock.

9、 I'm going to buy a magazine about plants.

10、 I want to be a science teacher one day!

11、 What does Sarah want to be in the future? She wants to be a science teacher one day!

12、 What is Amy going to do on the weekend? She is going to visit her friend.

13、 What are they going to do next week? They are going to the Great Wall.

Unit 4

1、 What does he like to do? He likes diving.

2、 What is his hobby? His hobby is painting.

3、 Does he live in the country? No, he doesn't. He lives in the city.

4、 Can I go with you? Sure.

5、 We look the same, but we don't like the same things.

6、 I live in China with my mom and dad. I don't have a sister or brother.

7、 What is her father's hobby? He likes riding a bike.

8、 Does she teach English? No, she doesn't. She teaches math. Does she teach you math? Yes, she does.

9、 Alice and her sister are twins. They look the same, but they are very different.

10、 Her sister Ann watches cartoons on TV. Alice usually plays at the park on Saturday.

Unit 5

1、 What does she do? She is a teacher.

2、 I teach lessons. I am a teacher.

3、 I clean streets. I am a cleaner.

4、 I sing songs. I am a singer.

5、 I dance. I am a dancer.

6、 I drive cars. I am a driver.

7、 I write stories. I am a writer.

8、 They work hard every day for us.

9、 He works in an air-conditioner company.

10、 What does your father do? He's an actor.

11、 What are you going to be ? I am going to be a dancer.

12、 What is Amy going to be one day? She is going to be a doctor.

13、 What is your brother going to be one day? He is going to be a writer.

14、 Who's he? He is my uncle. Who's she ? She is my aunt.

15、 He is a writer. He writes the TV show for my aunt.

16、 Sometimes my aunt works here in Beijing, but sometimes she works in Hong Kong.

17、 Who is the man? Who is the woman?

18、 She sells things. She is a salesperson.

19、 She helps sick people. She is a doctor.

20、 He teaches lessons. He is a teacher.

21、 She draws pictures. She is an artist.

22、 She cleans streets. She is a cleaner.

23、 Where does she go to work? She works in a car company.

24、 How does your father go to work? He goes by bus.

25、 She designs cars. If you like drawing and math, you can be an engineer.

26、 He likes working with numbers. He is an accountant.

27、 She is a policewoman. She often helps tourists find their way. If you enjoy helping people, you can work for the police.

Unit 6

1、 How do we save water? First, do not waste water.

2、 What should we do then? Use less water.

3、 What can you see in the picture? I can see a nature park.

4、 Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.

5、 Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour.

6、 Where does the vapour come from? It comes from the water in the river.

7、 How can the water become vapour? The sun shines, and the water becomes vapour.

8、 Little Water Drop sleeps in the river. He wakes up. He feels very hot. It may be cooler up in the sky, he thinks. He goes up. He meets Mr Wind.

9、 Where are you going? I am going to the sky.

10、 Little Water Drop goes higher and higher. He meets many other little water drops. They go up together and become a cloud. Little Water Drop becomes very heavy.

11、 Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. The sun comes out. Little Water Drop feels warm again. He sees Mr Wind.

12、 Can you help me go up to the sky again? Sure.

13、 First, put the seeds in the soil. Put it under the sun. Add water often. Next you wait for the sprout. Then you wait for the flower to grow.

14、 Let me tell you how to plant a tree. First, dig the soil. Then put the plant in the soil. Water it. In several days, you can see a big plant.

15、 How do you plant a flower? How do you plant a tree?

16、 What should you do then?

17、 I put some seeds into a pot. I put in some water too. Now it's in the sun.

18、 I am so excited. I can see the sprout. It is so lovely.

19、 My plant has two green leaves. I water it every day and make sure it gets lots of sun.

20、 My plant is one month old. It's tall and strong, but still it has no flowers. Oh, come on! I can hardly wait

21、 What needs water? Fish tree ….

22、 It is smaller than a river. (stream)

23、 It is made from water vapour (cloud)

24、 It falls from the clouds. (rain)

25、 He helps people be safe. (policeman)

26、 It warms our plant. (sun)

27、 This person works in a store. (salesperson)

28、 This person reports the news. (reporter)

29、 This person keeps the streets clean. (cleaner)

单词 Name________

1 .by plane by ship by bus by bike by train by subway on foot usually sometimes which floor Light traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go how stop at a red light wait at a yellow light go at a green light drive driver England China Australia however on the right on the left get to must always go to school if mean same country

2. where post office hospital cinema bookstore science museum library park zoo next to excuse me far north south west east turn left turn right go straight birthday please bank take look for supermarket shoe store get off party minute

3. tomorrow tonight this morning this afternoon this evening next week take a trip read a magazine go to the cinema on the weekend post card newspaper comic book dictionary what where when this evening tomorrow morning need theme park the great wall busy together fruit stand pet shop plant else shop

4. hobby dive diving ride riding a bike make makimg kites collecting stamps playing the violin like live goes to work by bus watches at night reads newspapers every day teaches English does does not TV reporter pen pal dear different week excited

Say soon something show twin

5. singer writer actor actress artist engineer accountant policeman salesperson cleaner work tip factory design money tourist way motor cycle police

6. rain cloud vapour sun stream come from shine become little drop wake up feel think meet high other fall down into come out again seed soil sprout plant should then garden easy put several day see pot lovely make sure get month old still come on hardly first second third forth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth twelfth twentieth

Ⅳ 苏教版小学六年级下册英语单词表

一月January 二月February 三月March
四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December
2、星期 week
星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursd 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期天Sunday
3、太阳sun 地球earth 月亮moon 星星star 春天spring 夏天summer 秋天autumn 冬天winter 风wind 雨rain 云cloud 雪snow 冰ice 多云的cloudy 晴朗的sunny 天空sky 小山hill 田野field 小河river 大海sea 木头wood 森林forest 石头stone 火fire 花朵flower 草地grass 树tree 树叶leaf
大象elephant 狮子lion 老虎tiger 熊bear 狼wolf 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 鹿deer 熊猫panda 猴子monkey 马horse 奶牛cow 驴donkey 绵羊 sheep 猪pig 狗dog 猫cat 兔子rabbit 老鼠mouse 公鸡cock 母鸡hen 小鸡chick 鸡(鸡肉)chicken 鸭ck 蝙蝠bat 蜘蛛spider 蚂蚁ant 蜗牛snail 蜻蜓dragonfly 蝴蝶butterfly 蜜蜂bee 苍蝇fly 蛇snake 青蛙frog 蟹crab 金鱼goldfish
六 年 级 英 语 单 词 学 习 表(2)
头发hair 耳朵ear 鼻子nose 眼睛eye 嘴巴mouth 头head 脸face 脖子neck 肩膀shoulder 胳膊arm 手hand 手指finger 腿leg 膝盖knee 脚foot / feet 脚趾toe
2、爸爸father 妈妈mother 爷爷外公grandfather 奶奶外婆grandmother 叔叔伯父uncle 阿姨姑姑 aunt 哥哥弟弟brother 姐姐妹妹sister 婴儿baby 女儿 daughter 儿子son 男孩boy 女孩girl 男人man 女人woman
3、工人worker 农民farmer 教师teacher 学生student 小学生pupil 医生doctor 护士nurse 警察policeman 驾驶员(司机)driver 厨师cook 国王king 王后queen
4、快乐的happy 伤心的sad 生气angry 哭cry 微笑smile 喊shout 走路walk 跑run 坐sit 站stand 跳jump 躺lie 睡sleep 读read 写write 听listen 唱sing 跳舞dance
米饭rice 面包bread 汉堡包hamburger 火腿ham 热狗hot dog 蛋糕cake 奶酪cheese 巧克力chocolate 比萨饼pizza 三明治sandwich 薯条chips 面条noodle 果汁juice 咖啡coffee 牛奶milk 雪碧sprite 可口可乐Coca Cola 冰激淋ice cream 茶tea 水water 蛋egg 月饼 moon cake
苹果apple 香蕉banana 梨pear 桔子orange 西红柿tomato 桃子peach 菠萝pineapple 葡萄grapes 芒果mango 柠檬lemon 西瓜watermelon 蔬菜vegetable 土豆potato 胡萝卜carrot
11、衣物clothing 上衣(短大衣)coat 大衣 overcoat 毛线衣sweater 裤子trousers 短裤shorts 夹克jacket 衬衫shirt 连衣裙dress 短裙skirt T-恤T-shirt 背心vest 帽子hat 领带tie 围巾scarf 手套gloves 鞋 shoe 袜子 sock 泳衣swimsuit 手表watch
12、刀knife 叉fork 筷子chopsticks 电子游戏computer game 宠物pet
六 年 级 英 语 单 词 学 习 表(3)
班级: 姓名: 家长评价: 组长评价: 总评:
1、游戏games 运动sports 玩具toy 布娃娃doll 棒球baseball 气球balloon 滑冰skate 游泳swim 足球football 篮球basketball 排球volleyball 乒乓球table tennis 跳高high jump 跳远long jump 风筝kite 舞会party
2、学习study 袋子bag 书包school bag 钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 盒子box 笔盒pencil-box 橡皮擦eraser 尺子ruler 学校school 图书馆library 地图 map 报纸newspaper 卡片card 图片picture 电脑computer 鼠标(老鼠)mouse 显示器monitor 打印机printer 键盘keyboard 黑板blackboard 书桌desk 桌子table 书柜bookcase 书book 笔记本notebook 钢琴piano 小提琴violin
3、颜色colour 红red 白white 黑black 蓝blue 棕brown 黄yellow 橙orange 绿green 灰grey / gray 粉红pink 紫purple
4、自行车bike 公共汽车bus 出租车taxi 小汽车car 火车train 飞机plane 地铁subway 小船boat 轮船ship

Ⅳ (苏教版)六年级下册英语课文翻译(要所有的课文)


Ⅵ 苏教六年级英语下册五单元cartoon time的重点语法


will do

be going to do

Ⅶ 苏教版小学六年级下册英语第一单元第一课课文和单词及翻译,没带书,跪求


Ⅷ 苏教版六年级下册英语课文翻译

这课是Who is younger?吧。。

Ⅸ 苏教版六年级下册英语第一课的翻译

森林里有一头狮子,它非常大。 并且强壮。一天一只老鼠走过把狮子吵内醒了,狮子容很生气,想要吃了这只老鼠,请不要吃,我有一天我能帮助你。老鼠小声的说。你这么弱小你值得吗?能帮助我狮子大声的笑,然后他放开了老鼠。第二天两个男人用一张大网抓住了狮子,狮子用它锋利的牙齿咬那张网。但不管用,我怎么能出去呢?狮子难过地问。就在那时老鼠看见了狮子,我能帮助你,他说很快老鼠用他的牙齿在网上弄了一个大洞,狮子出来了,谢谢你,狮子开心的说。从那时起,狮子和老虎成了好朋友。



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