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发布时间:2020-12-26 01:17:37

A. 八年级英语语法填空


B. 一本通英语八年级完型填空与阅读理解内含语法填空杭州专版答案


C. 英语语法填空答案

第1个你是对的,其余答案如下:2. was shocked 3. and 4. down 5. them 6. what 7. that 8. where或in which 9. unless 10. to improve。搞懂为什么这样填更重内要哟。顺祝你学容习进步。

D. 八年级上册英语 语法填空

1、more 2、feel 3、our 4、take 5、programmes 6、 more easier 7、 When 8、are in 9、friends 10、Then

E. 初二英语完形填空,阅读理解,语法填空,题目加答案,有的多来几篇,拜托

完形填空Look!The boy over there is Kangkang.He looks strong because he exercises every day.He is one of my best 16 .He 17 a new day with morning exercises.After morning exercises,he 18 English at home.Then it’s time 19 breakfast.His 20 habits are very 21 .He eats a lot of vegetables.He 22 eats junk food.He says it’s bad for 23
to eat junk food too much.In the afternoon,he goes swimming with his friends.Now he is 24
to swim pretty well.He often 25 TV at home and sometimes he surfs the Internet and talks with me on the Internet.
( )16.A.classmate B.friendC.friendsD.teacher
( )17.A.startB.beginC.startsD.begins with
( )18.A.reading B.seesC.looks D.reads
( )19.A.to takeB.to haveC.for takeD.for have
( )20.A.eatsB.eatingC.to eat D.eat
( )21.A.good B.bad C.well D.badly
( )22.A.alwaysB.often C.never D.usually
( )23.A.healthy B.health C.healthily D.fit
( )24.A.be ableB.able C.able to D.to able
( )25.A.watchesB.readsC.seesD.look



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