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发布时间:2021-03-02 18:49:36

① 求这几句英语句子语法是否正确

I need you to believe me.
That you believe me is what I need

② 这几句英语的语法对么

不对,第一,应该是she had been。第二,不能用them,这样就偷换主语了,之前的主语是she,后来就变内成容both of them 了,因此,应该改成both of which were the highest in her class。

③ 求问英语真高手,这几句话的语法和用词是否正确

charge only 1200 yuan per year
your personal broadband network
unimpeded communication all over the world

④ 帮忙瞅一眼,这几句英语对话语法什么的正确么

A: What are you going to do tomorrow?
B: I usually go fishing with my dad when the weather is fine. How about you? (你问明天的打算,却回答通常干什么)
A: I have nothing. (汉语习惯,你想说没有特别打算,却成了我一无所有)But after I have finished my homework, If it is still early then I will go and date with my girlfriend(意思明白了).
B: Have you got a girlfriend? Maybe I need to find a girl friend too. What should I do?
A: Well I think you should get rid of fishlike smell(嘻嘻,说人难闻英语中是很不礼貌的).
B: Alright. What shall do next?
A: Next, get changed before you go meeting with the girl(怎样变?变成什么样).
B: I agree with you.
A: And I think you need have your haircut. it looks messy.
B: I don't really want to have a haircut. I think it's good.
A: Alright. Maybe only the fish just like your explosive hair. Then you need (to )buy a car and test a driver's license.(不错了,语法还好。要注意英语的语言习惯,文化习惯。对话可以生动些。下文仅作参考)

A: What are you going to do tomorrow?
B: I will go fishing with my dad if the weather is fine. How about you?
A: I 'm not sure. Maybe I will date with my girlfriend if it's not too late when I finish my homework.
B: Have you got a girlfriend? Maybe I need to find a girl friend too. It's not easy...What should I do?
A: Well I think you should get rid of the fishlike smell.
B: Alright.And...next?
A: And you'd better have a haircut . uhhh...it looks messy.
B: ButI don't think so.I think it's cool.
A: Maybe . Or maybe the fish will like your explosive hair. . .just kidding .
If you bought a car and got a driver's license,you would become a hero and girls after you everywhere...(用虚拟语气比较委婉)

⑤ 这句英语语法正确吗

如果我自己写的话,我会比较想写成这样:People always say the animal is our friend, but they never let the animal to live the life they want.

⑥ 帮我看一下这段英语对话的语法需要修改么 谢谢

A: hi,xxx I heard that next Monday was(主谓一致) xx’s birthday. What can we do for her?B: How about holding(介词后需加动名词) a party for her?I think she must be surprised in it.(连词不能滥用,有独立意思的句子要独立成句,最后一个单词指的是这件事用it比较好)A: oh, that’s a good idea! But what should(what are是指是什么) we prepare for (不及物动词,不能省略介词)next?B: I’ll call our friends to plan(计划,策划,你用的单词是发明的意思) the party. If you have free time now,I think you can go shopping and buy something to eat.(假设,用if从句)A: ok, I’ll do it now. bye!B: bye!

⑦ 这句英语从语法角度讲正确吗

有一点错误,如果前面的 boy babies 不变,那么后面的 girls 就错了,
In the past, boy babies were often dressed in blue and girl babies in pink.
如果后面的 girls 不变的容话,那么前面的 boy babies就是错的,
In the past, baby boys were often dressed in blue and girls in pink.

⑧ 帮我看一下这段英语对话的语法有什么要修改的吗 谢谢

A:Do you think they will find life on Mars?(这句没问题)

B:I don´t know , but someone told(不是tell或tells,因为别人已经告诉了你,已经是过去式了) me that (当在陈述别人说的话是,用that,不用冒号)they´ll find life on Mars. What do you think about this ?举个例子:如果你要对A说B会完成作业的,在英文里面就会对A说 “B told me that he will complete his work.”而不是“B told me : he will complete his work.”

A:I´m not sure if that´s true. because they don´t have any evidence .(这句没问题, if和whether都一样,随便你选)

B:I think so too,(其实可以用Likewise,表示跟A想法一致) but I still believe life exists elsewhere.(个人认为remain hopeful(保持乐观)不恰当,still believe(依然相信)才对)

A:Do you really think so? I think life doesn't (这里注意does not的缩写是doesn't不是dosen't)exist anywhere except (but的意思是不过,except的意思是除了。不可能说“不过在地球上”,应该说“除了在地球上“)on Earth.

B:Of course , I believe they´ll find some evidence in the near future.


第2,即使B改变了想法,说自己不相信了,就应该说“I don´t believe it , I think they´ll not find any evidence"(我不相信,我不认为人们会找到任何证明宇宙有其他生命的证据)而不是”I don´t believe it , I think they´ll find some evidence(我不相信,我认为人们会找到一些证明宇宙有其他生命的证据)再次自相矛盾。

A:Do you think they will find life on Mars, or any planet in the space?
B:i don´t know , but scientists have been studying about possible life in space long time ago. An specific example will be them sending many satellites to Mars, collecting rock samples and finding out the atmosphere condition. What do you think about this ?
A:Even though they have been searching life in space for quite some time. They still did not find any evidence of life in space so far.
B:I agreed with you , but I still believe there will be life in space except Earth.
A:Do you really think so? I think life doesn't exist anywhere except Earth because no other planets contain water,right amount of oxygen and a atmosphere in good condition to support for lifes.
B:The space is so huge and the space known by human is so limited, there are still many galaxies which human has no yet discover and there might be lifes there. I think with the improvement of technology everyday, our scientists´ll surely find life in other part of university sooner or later!

⑨ 这几句话用英语怎么说(不要机器翻译的,要语法正确)

The river near our village is over 4 meters deep.
He is quite angry with the man upstairs.
He is good at drawing maps.
This novel is quite worth reading.
He is busy making a model plane


⑩ 请问这句英语句子的语法正确吗

by what I had seen



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