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1. 急求:仁愛初中英語八年級Unit6 Topic 2 Section B 說課稿(要英文的)。先謝謝了


2. 八年級下冊unit6 單詞

collect v.收集;搜集
shell n.貝殼;殼
marathon n.(體育比賽中)馬拉松賽跑;
pair n.一對;一雙
skate n.溜冰鞋
since prep.&pron.自從;自......以來
Hilltop School 一學校名稱,可譯為山頂學校
raise v.籌集;籌募
several adj.幾個的;數個的
skater n.溜冰者
stamp n.郵票
kite n.風箏
monster n.怪物;妖怪
globe n.球狀物;球體
anymore pron.任何人
run out of 用完;用盡
store v.儲存
cake n.蛋糕;糕、餅類食物
particularly adv.特別;尤其;異乎尋常的
collector n.搜集者;收藏者
by the way 順便一提;附帶說說
common adj.共同的;公共的
extra adj.額外的
coin n.錢幣;硬幣
topic n.話題;主題
been v.動詞be的過去分詞
be interested in 對......感興趣
writer n.作家;作者
dynasty n.朝代;王朝
character n.(著名的)任務;名人
capital n.省會;首都
European adj.歐洲的;歐洲人的; n.歐洲人
Russian adj.俄羅斯的;俄羅斯的人;俄語的 n.俄羅斯人;俄語
Australian adj.澳大利亞的;澳大利亞的人 n.澳大利亞人
Jewish adj.猶太人的;猶太族
Jew n.猶太人;猶太教徒
thousand n.千
emperor n.皇帝
foreigner n.外國人
quite adv.相當;十分
certain adj.確實的;無疑的
the Olympus Games 奧林匹克運動會
far away 在遠處
miss v.思念;想念

Alison 艾利森(女名或男名)
Celia 西利亞(女名)
Liam 利亞姆(男名)
Ellen 埃倫(女名)
Leo 利奧(男名)


3. 仁愛英語八年級下冊Unit 6 Topic 2 Section 的翻譯

UNIT 6 Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs.讓我們去考察十三陵吧,怎麼樣?
P33-Section A 1a Hello! I'd like to speak to Michael. 你好!我想找邁克爾接電話。
This is Michael speaking. 我是邁克爾。
Oh, Darren! How are you? 噢,是達倫!你好嗎?
Fine. Glad to receive your postcard. 很好。很高興收到你的明信片。
While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams. 你在愉快地遊玩時,我正忙著准備考試呢。
But now I'm on vacation. 不過現在是假期了。
Would you like to come to China for your vacation? 你想來中國度假嗎?
You bet! And what shall we do? 當然!我們去幹些什麼呢?
Why not explore Beijing on our bicycles? It would be great fun. 為什麼不騎自行車去考察北京呢?那會很有趣。
Good idea! See you. 好主意!再見。
(Forty minutes later, at Kangkang's) (四十分鍾後,在康康家)
Hey, Kangkang. Darren, my friend from San Francisco, is coming to visit me.
When he arrives, I'd like you to meet him. 等他到了,我想讓你見見他。
Great! I'm looking forward to meeting him. 太好了!我正盼著與他見面呢。
Before he comes, would you help me making a plan to explore Beijing?
Yes, of course. How about exploring the Ming Tombs? 是的,當然。考察十三陵怎麼樣?
That would be very interesting. 那一定很有趣。

P35-Section B 1a Hello, Kangkang. Could you tell me something about the Ming Tombs?
Sure. They are at the foot of the Tianshou Mountains, in the northwest of Beijing.
They must be great. 它們一定很壯觀。
Yeah. The Tombs spread over an area of 40 square kilometers. 是的。十三陵佔地四十多平方公里。
The Stone Arch marks the beginning of the Sacred Way to the Tombs. 大石拱門標志著通往陵墓的神道的開端。
On both sides of the Way, there are some stone animals and stone officials. 在路的兩邊,有些石頭動物和石頭官員。
In the old days, only the emperors could ride horses through it. 在過去,只有皇帝可以騎馬通過此門。
I see. Did most emperors start to build their tombs when they became emperors?
Yes. They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains behind them.
That's interesting! By the way, how far is it from here to the Ming Tombs?
It's about two and a half hours by bike. 騎自行車大約兩個半小時。
OK, let's go and explore them. 好的,咱們去考察考察吧。

P37-1a.Read and understand After they rode their bikes for two hours and a half, Kangkang, Michael and Darren arrived at the Ming Tombs. 康康,邁克爾和達倫騎了2個半小時車後,到達了十三陵。
The parking lot was full of buses, cars, taxis and bicycles, so they had to look for space to park their bikes.
After they parked their bikes, they walked through the passage into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders.
Darren took out his camera and wanted to take some pictures, 達倫拿出相機,想要拍照,
but Kangkang stopped him and said, "No photos here." 但是康康阻止了他:「這兒不許拍照。」
As they were exploring happily, the crowd of people became larger and larger.
While the crowd was pushing him in all directions, someone stepped on Darren's toes .
"Ouch! Don't push!" he shouted. 「哎唷!別擠啦!」他大聲叫嚷道。
When Darren finally pushed his way out, he noticed his friends were both out of sight.
He was too frightened to know what to do. 達倫很害怕,不知道該怎麼辦。
His heart was beating fast. 他的心跳得很快。
Slowly he walked toward a huge rock beside the road and sat there sadly.
He didn't raise his head until someone called him. 直到有人喊他的名字他才抬起頭。
It was Kangkang. "Oh, Darren! There you are! It's great to see you!"
As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up and down happily.

P39-Section D Sunday, March 28nd Sunny 星期日,三月二十二日 晴
It was a fine day today. 今天是個好天氣。
Darren, Kangkang and I got up early in the morning. 達倫,康康和我一大早就起床了。
Then we rode to the Ming Tombs after we checked our bikes and backpacks.
After two and a half hours, we arrived at the Great Palace Gate. 兩個半小時後,我們到達大宮門。
In the old days, even officials had to get off their horses to walk. 在古時候,就是官員也必須下馬步行。
But now we just paid 30 yuan and rode our bikes along the 7-kilometer Sacred Way.
There are many stone animals along the Way. 沿路有很多石獸。
I like them very much, especially the Qilin. 我非常喜歡石獸,尤其是麒麟。
It stands for peace in China. 它象徵著中國的祥和。
After we had lunch, we climbed up the Dragon and Phoenix Gate to take pictures./午飯後,我們爬到龍鳳門上拍照。
That was a big mistake. 那是一個大錯誤。
A guard came and shouted at us to get off. 一個保安走過來大喊,叫我們下來。
We all felt frightened, so we got on our bikes and rode quickly toward the tombs.
While we were having fun exploring, I realized Darren was lost. 當我們興致勃勃地考察時,我發現達倫不見了。
Kangkang and I were very worried. We looked for him here and there everywhere./我和康康非常擔心.我們到處找他。
We even asked a guard for help. Thank goodness! We found him at last.
We were so excited and happy when we met again. 當我們又見面時是那樣的興奮和高興。
What a special trip! 多麼特殊的一次旅行!

P40-2a.Grammar focus Adverbial clauses of time
While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams. 你在愉快地遊玩時,我正忙著准備考試。
When he arrives, I'd like you to meet him. 當他到了,我想讓你見見他。
Before he comes, would you help me make a paln to explore Beijing?
As they were exploring happily, the crowd of people became larger and larger.
He didn't raise his head until someone called him. 直到有人喊他他才抬起頭來。
As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up and down happily.
Then we rode to the Ming Tombs after we checked our bikes and backpacks.
2b.Useful expressions You bet! 當然了! Great! 太好了!
It would be great fun. 那會很有趣。 It's in the southeast of China. 它在中國的東南方。
How far is it from here to the Ming Tombs? 十三陵離這兒有多遠?
It's about two and a half hours by bike. 騎自行車大約兩個半小時。
Don't push! 別擠啦!
It's great to see you! 見到你太好了!
We couldn't help playing with them. 我們忍不住要和他們一起玩。
I am very satisfied with everything in China. 我對中國的一切都很滿意。
They walked through the passage into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders.

4. 仁愛英語八下Unit6 Topic2 sectionD 的課件有嗎

Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling
(Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs.)


本話題以中國的十三陵為話題展開故事情節,先是邀請,接著去郊遊,對明十三陵進行描述,從而引出方向及方位詞。通過十三陵不同位置來練習方位詞,練習寫日誌以及旅行的感受。由after, before, when, not…until, while, as, as soon as引導的時間狀語從句是該部分的語法重點。通過本話題的學習,主要掌握以下知識:
receive, perfect, camp, mark, east, eastern, north, tour, space, step, push, direction, notice, sight, huge, beside, sadly, satisfied, guard; on vacation度假, make a plan to do sth.計劃做某事, come along with跟隨, go camping去野營, at the foot of…在……腳下, make sure確定, in the south/north/east/west of...在……南/北/東/西部, to the south/north/east/west of…在……南/北/東/西方, be surprised at…對……感到驚訝, in all directions四面八方, out of sight看不見/在視野之外, can』t help doing忍不住, be satisfied with對……感到滿意, here and there在各處/到處, ask sb. for help向某人求助
(1)Would you like to come to China for your vacation?
(2)Why not explore Beijing on our bicycles?
(3)I am looking forward to meeting him.
(4)After they rode their bikes for two hours and a half, Kangkang, Michael and Darren arrived at the Ming Tombs.
(5)As they were exploring happily, the crowd of people became larger and larger.
(6)While the crowd was pushing him in all directions, someone stepped on Darren』s toes.
(7)When Darren finally pushed his way out, he noticed his friends were both out of sight.
(8)He didn』t raise his head until someone called him.
(9)As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up and down happily.
(10)Then we rode to the Ming Tombs after we checked our bikes and backpacks.
(11)While we were having fun exploring, I realized Darren was lost.
(12)What a special trip!
1.How about exploring the Ming Tombs?
explore v.考察(某地區),探險;勘察
e.g.He went out to explore.
Have you really explored your nearest town?
How about…?為提建議句型,about為介詞,後面跟動詞時要跟動詞的ing形式。
2.While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams.
e.g.I was doing my homework while Mom was cooking.
e.g.While Mom was cooking, I was doing my homework.
(2)be busy doing…意為「忙於做……」。
e.g.He is busy finding a job these days.
He was soon busy reading his English book .
Everyone here is busy getting ready for Christmas .
be busy with也表示「忙於做某事」,但後面只能接名詞,不能接v.-ing形式。
e.g.He is busy mending his bike .
=He is busy with his bike .
3.You bet!
You bet!表示「當然,的確」。
e.g.— Are you nervous? 你緊張嗎?
— You bet! 這還用說?
4.It would be great fun.
e.g.She would look nice with short hair.
That would be very interesting.
5.In the old days, only the emperors could ride horses through it.
(1)in the old days意為「在古代」,days意為「時代,時期,時候」,需用復數形式。
e.g.in my school days 在我讀書的時代
e.g.The river goes through the city.
go across the road=cross the road過馬路
6.They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains at the back.
[譯文]他們仔細勘測了整個區域,確保這些陵墓是坐北朝南, 而且背靠群山。
(1)make sure意為「確保,弄清楚」。
e.g.Make sure all the windows are closed before you leave.
e.g.My house faces the park.

7.They are at the foot of the Tianshou Mountains, in the northwest of Beijing.
①「in the+方位詞+of…」用於在某一范圍內的地區。
e.g.Beijing is in the north of China.
②「on the+方位詞+of...」用於相互接壤且互不管轄的兩個地區。
e.g.Guangdong is on the south of Hunan.
③「to the+方位詞+of...」用於互不接壤且互不管轄的兩個地區。
e.g.The swimming pool is to the west of the house.
8.After they parked their bikes, they walked through the passage into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders.
be surprised at…意為「對……感到驚奇」。
e.g.He is surprised at dragons.
be surprised to do…意為「驚奇地(做)……」。
e.g.She was surprised to find she was lost.
wonder n. 驚奇,驚訝,驚嘆;奇觀;奇跡
e.g.Where is the sense of wonder we felt when we were younger?
the Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇跡
e.g.I wonder what we can do to help Lily.
e.g.It was a wonderful place for a picnic.
9.While the crowd was pushing him in all directions, someone stepped on Darren』s toes.
(1)step on sth.意為「踏/踩某物」。
e.g.Don』t step on the flowers and grass.
e.g.People were pushing to get to the front.
(3)direction為名詞,意為「方向」,in the direction of...意為「朝……方向」。in one』s direction意為「朝著某人的方向」。
e.g.In which direction are you going, north or south?
10.When Darren finally pushed his way out, he noticed his friends were both out of sight. He was too frightened to know what to do.
(1)out of sight意為「看不見」。
e.g.The house was out of sight behind a wall.
Keep out of my sight.
(2)too frightened to know what to do意為「很害怕,不知道該怎麼辦」。too… to… 意為「太……而不能……,太……以至於不……」,表達否定意義。too後接形容詞或副詞,to後接動詞原形,too… to…能用so… that…或enough to替換。
e.g.He is too excited to say a word.
=He is so excited that he can』t say a word.
The child is too young to go to school.
=The child is not old enough to go to school.
=The child is so young that he can』t go to school.
11.He didn』t raise his head until someone called him.
(1)not… until…意為「直到……才……」,引導時間狀語從句。
e.g.He didn』t go to bed until he finished his work.
e.g. raise money 籌錢
raise one』s head抬頭
raise one』s hand舉手
12.While we were having fun exploring, I realized Darren was lost.
have fun exploring表示「有趣地考察、興致勃勃地考察」。
have fun (in) doing sth.表示「從……中獲得樂趣」。
e.g.He has fun playing soccer.
1.表示同時性,即主從句的謂語動作同時發生或幾乎同時發生。其連接詞有:when(當……的時候),while(……的時候),as(當……的時候),as soon as(一……就),once(一……就)等。
e.g.Mary cut her finger when she was making a dress.
I』ll ring you up as soon as I arrive in Beijing.
Once he arrives we can start.
As she was reading the newspaper, grandma fell asleep.
Work while you work. Play while you play.
e.g.After the children had gone to bed, she began to prepare her lessons.
He had learned English for three years before he went to London.
3.表示持續或瞬間性,主要連接詞有:since(自從),ever since(自從),until(直到……才/止),till(直到……才/為止)等。
e.g.It is just a week since we arrived here.
Ten years has passed since we left our school.
Don』t get off the bus until it has stopped.
He waited for his father until (till) it was twelve o』clock.
(2)until用於否定句中,表示主句的動作在從句的動作發生之前尚未發生,或者說主句的動作在從句的動作發生之後才開始。此句型為「not… until…直到……才……」,此時,主句的謂語動詞可以是非持續性動詞。

5. 仁愛版八年級下冊unit6 topic 2 section c 1a的課文縮寫


6. 仁愛英語八年級下冊練習冊unit6topic2的作文題目


7. 仁愛英語八年級下冊UNIT6 Topic2 SectionA翻譯!急急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D------Darren M----Michael K----Kangkang D:你好!我想找邁克爾聽電話。 M:我是邁克爾。噢,戴倫!你好嗎、 D:我很好。很高興收到你的明信片。當你正在享受你的旅程時我正忙於准備我的考試。但現在我正在度假。 M:你想來中國度假嗎? D:...

8. 仁愛英語八年級下冊unit6Topic2SectionA翻譯

6單元主題2 A節

9. 仁愛版八年級下冊Unit6 Topic2p39的翻譯

星期天,3月28日 晴朗



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