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發布時間:2021-03-01 01:21:44

⑴ 八年級英語單詞造句

1. I can understand.
2. I decide to go to seaside .
3. I want to travel around the word.
4. The price of steel improved.
5.Summer holiday is starts in July.

⑵ 2018年八年級下冊英語單詞造句子

具體哪幾個單詞 請提供一下范圍

⑶ 八年級下冊英語單片語詞造句

1. 不要混淆這兩個單詞的意思。
2. 選擇正確單詞從Office 同義辭典中選擇。
3. 這兩個字母組成一個內單詞,不能拆開容。
4. 拼寫詞典包含拼寫檢查器所使用的單詞。
5. 我記得她曾多次試著在我的小手上拼寫單詞。
6. 要特別注意包含單詞「BIOS」或「ACPI BIOS」的文字。
7. 在索引文件中,請搜索諸如customizing和disabilities這樣的單詞。
8. 不要每碰到一個不認識的單詞或短語就停下來。
9. 同義詞庫可以顯示一個單詞的同義詞和反義詞。
10. 詞典中保存了拼寫檢查工具所使用的全部單詞。

⑷ 初二英語上冊第一單元單詞造句


⑸ 八下英語單詞造句

when I was reading I saw the accident was happen
My father is an alt
There are all kings of flower in the garden
My mother allow me piay computer
I don't like live alone
I am already finished my homework
Isn't it amazing
Anyone can help you do
In the south area the people are friendly
my brother was fall asleep
I ate a apple yesterday
My brother is an Australian
I like autumn
I'm awake
my sister is a baby
my mother is shower in the bathroom now
I sleep in the badroom
I have been study for 1 hour
I brought a book yesterday
There is a tall guliding near my home

⑹ 人教版初二英語上第一單元單詞造句

I do morning exercise every day.
my mother hardly ever drinks tea.
my sister goes shopping once or twice a week.
i will surf the internet this evening.
what program do you like?
they work without result.
would you like something to drink?
we should form a good habit.
I will try my best to help you.
my coat is different from yours.
please keep quiet!
i must go home now.
i have to eat less meat.
maybe you are wrong.
although i failed, i will keep on trying.

⑺ 初二英語單詞造句

They did so under the mask of charity.
I never miss a chance of playing football.
He is used to eating out all the time.
She was injured badly in the accident.
she looks at you sincerely
The lawyer explained the new law to us.
We'll have a party tonight.

⑻ 人教版八年級下冊英語第二單元單詞造句加翻譯

1. A study found that eating high-fat dairy foods reces the risk of ovulation failure. Women could raise their chances of getting pregnant by tucking into ice cream, scientists said.

2. Eating ice cream, eating ice cream.

3. Lily is eating an ice cream.

4. I see a boy eating ice cream,

5. He was about seven years old, had curly black hair and big brown eyes and was eating anice cream sandwich.

6. Eating some ice cream.

7. In addition, consider eating your ice cream in cooler weather:

8. The children feel like eating ice cream.

9. When you finish eating your Hollywood ice cream cone, you immediately put it out of your mind, but that lollipop isn't so easily forgotten.

10. Wang likes playing video games and eating chocolate ice cream and big Texas steaks.

⑼ 初二下冊英語動詞造句


⑽ 八年級上冊一單元英語單詞造句

八年級來上冊自一單元英語單詞造句How do you want to build word how to build words very simple forehead Pay attention to subject-predicate guest is ok



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