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❶ 求高考英語單詞必備,3500個


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❸ 高考必備英語單詞3500


❹ 《最新高考英語詞彙必備3500詞》


❺ 高考3500英語詞彙表

1. in/with anger憤怒地
2. be/get angry with sb 對某人發怒
3. be/get angry at/about sth 因某事生氣
4. twentieth anniversary 二十周年紀念日
5. one after another 相繼,順次,一個接一個
6. one another 互相
7. one thing… another一回事……另外一回事
8. answer back 回嘴,頂嘴
9. answer for …對……負責,承受……後果
10. answer the door/the telephone 應聲開門/接電話
11. in answer to…作為對……的回答
12. feel anxiety about/for…擔憂……
13. in anxiety 擔憂(著)的,掛念(著)的
14. with anxiety 焦慮的
15. be anxious about/for…擔心……
16. be anxious for…渴望……,盼望……
17. be anxious to do sth 急著/盼望做某事
18. anything but 決不,一點也不
19. anything like…像……類似……
20. apart from 除了,指是;除……之外還有
21. take apart 拆分,拆開
22. fall apart 破碎;破舊不堪
23. apologize to do for (doing)
sth 因(做)某事向某人道歉
24. apologize for letting sb to
do sth 因讓某人做某事而道歉
25. make an apology to sb for sth因某事向某人道歉
26. appeal to sb 迎合某人;對某人有吸引力;呼籲某人
27. appeal to… 訴諸……,向……申訴
28. at first appearance 乍看起來
29. make one』s appearance出現,露面
30. in appearance 在外表上
31. applaud sb 為某人鼓掌喝彩
32. applause sth 稱贊某事
33. on application 向……申請
34. make an application申請
35. apply (to do) for(向某人)申請,請求
36. apply…to 把……應用於
37. apply oneself to 專心致力於
38. make an appointment with sb 與某人約會
39. in appreciation of 為了感謝
40. be appropriate to…對……很適合
41. approve of贊同;在某事上取得一致意見
42. cover/have an area of… 佔地……
43. with an area of…有……的面積
44. in the area of…有……的面積
45. in the area of…在……范圍內;在……領域
46. argue with sb about sth 與某人爭論某事
47. argue for/against 贊成/反對
48. argue sb into doing sth 說服某人做某事
49. argue sb out of doing sth 說服某人不做某事
50. arm in arm 臂挽臂
51. take sb by the arm抓住某人做某事
52. take sb in one』s arms 擁抱別人
53. be armed to teeth 全副武裝
54. join the army 參軍
55. serve in the army服兵役
56. leave the army 退伍,退役
57. get around 走動,(消息等)傳開;克服,設法迴避(問題等)
58. all around 四周,到處
59. arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事
60. under arrest 被捕(的)
61. on/upon one』s arrival 某人一到
62. arrive in/at 到達
63. an article of…一件……
64. as… as 像……如同……
65. as for 關於;至於
66. as if/though 彷彿,好像
67. not as /so…as 不像……,不如……
68. be ashamed of (doing) sth 因(做了)某事而感到羞愧
69. ashamed to do sth 以做某事為辱
70. feel ashamed for sb 替某人感到羞愧
71. move/step aside 靠邊,站到一邊
72. put/set/leave sth aside 留出某物,撥出某物
73. aside from… 除…… 之外
74. ask around 到處打聽
75. ask for sb 找某人,要見某人
76. ask for trouble 自找麻煩,自討苦吃
77. ask sb for sth 向某人要某物718. ask sb to do sth 要求/請求某人做某事
79. fall asleep 入睡
80. assist sb with sth/in
doing sth 幫助某人(做)某事
81. an assistant to sb 某人的助理
82. associate… with…把……與……聯系起來
83. assuming that… 假定……
84. on the assumption that… 以……的設想為根據
85. be astonished at sth 對某事大吃一驚
86. make an attack on… 攻擊……
87. under attack 遭受攻擊
88. air attack 空襲
89. attempt to do sth 試圖做某事
90. make an attempt to do/at
doing sth 打算/試圖做某事
91. pay (no) attention to…對……(不)注意
92. attract/draw one』s attention引起某人的注意
93. stand to attention 立正
94. direct/turn one』s attention to… 將注意力轉向……
95. one 』s attitude towards/to… 對……的態度
96. above/below (the) average 在平均線上/下的
97. on (the/an) average 平均
98. up to (the) average 達到平均水平
99. with an average of 平均為
100. be aware of 察覺到



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