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① 英語5年級下冊單詞


② 英語五年級下冊單詞表

Unit 1
do morning exercises(晨練) eat breakfast(吃早飯)
have english class(上英語課) play sports(進行體育運動)
eat dinner(吃晚飯) when(什麼時候)
evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床)
at(在……點鍾) usually(通常 noon(中午)
climb mountains(爬山) go shopping(購物;買東西)
play the piano(彈鋼琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母)
go hiking(去遠足) weekend(周末) often(經常) sometimes(有時候)

Unit 2
spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季節) which(哪一個) best(最;極) swim(游泳)
fly kites(放風箏) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人)
plant trees(種樹) why(為什麼) because(因為) sleep(睡覺)

Unit 3
Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月) Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September(九月) Oct./October(十月) Nov./November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月) birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期)

Unit 4
draw pictures(畫畫) cook dinner(做飯) read a book(看書)answer the phone(接電話) mom(媽媽) listen to music9(聽音樂) clean the room(打掃房間) write a letter(寫信)
write an e-mail(寫電子郵件) grandpa(爺爺;外公) study(書房)

Unit 5
fly(飛) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳)
kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡覺) climb(往上爬) fight(打架)
swing(盪;盪鞦韆) drink water(喝水)

Unit 6
take pictures(照相) watch insects(觀察昆蟲) pick up leaves(採摘樹葉) do an experiment(做實驗) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(數昆蟲) collect leaves(收集樹葉) wtite a report(寫報告) play chess(下棋) have a picnic(舉行野餐)

③ 五年級下冊所有英語單詞

Unit 1
do morning exercises(晨練) eat breakfast(吃早飯) have english class(上英語課) play sports(進行體育運動) eat dinner(吃晚飯) when(什麼時候) evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……點鍾) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb mountains(爬山) go shopping(購物;買東西) play the piano(彈鋼琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母) go hiking(去遠足) weekend(周末) often(經常) sometimes(有時候)
Unit 2
spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季節) which(哪一個) best(最;極) swim(游泳) fly kites(放風箏) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(種樹) why(為什麼) because(因為) sleep(睡覺)
Unit 3
Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月) Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September(九月) Oct./October(十月) Nov./November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月) birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期)
Unit 4
draw pictures(畫畫)cook dinner(做飯) read a book(看書)answer the phone(接電話) listen to music9(聽音樂) clean the room(打掃房間) write a letter(寫信)write an e-mail(寫電子郵件) mom(媽媽)grandpa(爺爺;外公)study(書房)
Unit 5
fly(飛) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳) kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡覺) climb(往上爬) fight(打架) swing(盪;盪鞦韆) drink water(喝水)
Unit 6
take pictures(照相) watch insects(觀察昆蟲) pick up leaves(採摘樹葉) do an experiment(做實驗) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(數昆蟲) collect leaves(收集樹葉) wtite a report(寫報告) play chess(下棋) have a picnic(舉行野餐)


④ 小學五年級下冊英語單詞表(新版)


Unit 1

Young (年輕的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的)
strong (強壯的) kind (和藹的、親切的) old (年老的) short (矮的)thin (瘦的) Mr (先生) like (像、喜歡) strict (嚴格的) smart (聰明的、巧妙的) active (積極的、活躍的) quiet (安靜的、文靜的)very (很、非常) but (但是)

Unit 2
Mondy (星期一) Tuesday (星期二) Wednesday (星期三) Thursday (星期四) Friday (星期五) Saturday (星期六) Sunday (星期天) day (天) have (有、吃) on (在…..時候) do homework (做作業) watch TV (看電視) read books (讀書)

Unit 3
eggplant (茄子) fish (魚) green beans (青豆) tofu (豆腐) potato (土豆) tomato (西紅柿) for (為) lunch (中餐) we (我們) tasty (好吃的) sweet (甜的) sour (酸的) fresh (新鮮的) salty (鹹的) favourite (最喜歡的) they are (他們是) fruit (水果) grape (葡萄)

Unit 4
Cook the meals (倒垃圾) water the flowers (澆花) sweep the floor (掃地) clean the bedroom (打掃卧室) make the bed (鋪床) set the table (擺飯桌)wash the clothes (洗碗碟) do the dishes (收拾衣服) use a computer (使用計算機

Unit 5
curtain (空調) trash bin (垃圾箱) closet (壁櫥) mirror (鏡子) end table (床頭櫃) bedroom (卧室) kitchen (廚房) bathroom (衛生間) living room (客廳) in (在…裡面) on (在…上面) under (在…下面) near (在..旁邊) behind (在…後邊) clothes (衣服)

Unit 6
river (河流) flower (花) grass (草) lake (湖泊) forest (森林) path (路) pake (公園) picture (照片) hourse (房子) bridge (橋) tree (樹) road (公路) building (建築物) clean (干凈的)


Unit 1

do morning exercises(晨練) eat breakfast(吃早飯) have english class(上英語課) play sports(進行體育運動) eat dinner(吃晚飯) when(什麼時候) evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……點鍾) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb mountains(爬山) go shopping(購物;買東西) play the piano(彈鋼琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母) go hiking(去遠足) weekend(周末) often(經常) sometimes(有時候)

Unit 2

spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季節) which(哪一個) best(最;極) swim(游泳) fly kites(放風箏) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(種樹) why(為什麼) because(因為) sleep(睡覺)

Unit 3

Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月) Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September(九月) Oct./October(十月) Nov./November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月) birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期)

Unit 4

draw pictures(畫畫)cook dinner(做飯) read a book(看書)answer the phone(接電話) listen to music9(聽音樂) clean the room(打掃房間) write a letter(寫信)write an e-mail(寫電子郵件) mom(媽媽)grandpa(爺爺;外公)study(書房)

Unit 5

fly(飛) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳) kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡覺) climb(往上爬) fight(打架) swing(盪;盪鞦韆) drink water(喝水)

Unit 6

take pictures(照相) watch insects(觀察昆蟲) pick up leaves(採摘樹葉) do an experiment(做實驗) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(數昆蟲) collect leaves(收集樹葉) wtite a report(寫報告) play chess(下棋) have a picnic(舉行野餐)

⑤ 五年級下冊英語單詞表

Unit 1
do morning exercises 晨練
eat breakfast 吃早飯
have English class 上英語課
play sports 進行體育運動
eat dinner 吃晚飯
when 什麼時候
evening 夜晚;晚上
get up 起床
at 在……點鍾
usually 通常;一般
noon 中午
climb mountains 爬山
go shopping 購物;買東西
play the piano 彈鋼琴
visit grandparents 看望祖父母
go hiking 去遠足
weekend 周末
often 經常
sometimes 有時候
Unit 2
spring 春天
summer 夏天
fall 秋天
winter 冬天
season 季節
which 哪一個
best 最;極
swim 游泳
fly kites 放風箏
skate 滑冰;滑冰鞋
make a snowman 堆雪人
plant trees 種樹
why 為什麼
because 因為
sleep 睡覺
Unit 3
Jan. / January 一月
Feb. / February 二月
Mar. / March 三月
Apr. / April 四月
May 五月
June 六月
July 七月
Aug. / August 八月
Sept. / September 九月
Oct. / October 十月
Nov. / November 十一月
Dec. / December 十二月
birthday 生日
uncle 叔叔;舅舅
her 她的
date 日期
Unit 4
draw pictures 畫畫
cook dinner 做飯
read a book 看書
answer the phone 接電話
listen to music 聽音樂
clean the room 打掃房間
write a letter 寫信
write an e-mail 寫電子郵件
mom 媽媽
grandpa 爺爺;外公
study 書房
Unit 5
fly 飛
jump 跳
walk 走
run 跑
swim 游泳
kangaroo 袋鼠
sleep 睡覺
climb 往上爬
fight 打架
swing 盪;盪鞦韆
drink water 喝水
Unit 6
take pictures 照相
watch insects 觀察昆蟲
pick up leaves 採摘樹葉
do an experiment 做實驗
catch butterfly 捉蝴蝶
honey 蜂蜜
count insects 數昆蟲
collect leaves 收集樹葉
write a report 寫報告
play chess 下棋
have a picnic 舉行野餐

⑥ 小學五年級下冊英語單詞表

Unit 1
☆do morning exercises(晨練) ☆eat breakfast(吃早飯)
☆have english class(上英語課) ☆play sports(進行體育運動)
☆eat dinner(吃晚飯) ☆when(什麼時候)
☆evening(夜晚;晚上) ☆get up(起床)
☆at(在……點鍾) ☆usually(通常;一般) ☆noon(中午)
☆climb mountains(爬山) ☆go shopping(購物;買東西)
☆play the piano(彈鋼琴) ☆visit grandparents(看望祖父母)
☆go hiking(去遠足) ☆weekend(周末) ☆often(經常) ☆sometimes(有時候)
Unit 2
☆spring(春天) ☆summer(夏天) ☆fall(秋天) ☆winter(冬天)
☆season(季節) ☆which(哪一個) ☆best(最;極) ☆swim(游泳)
☆fly kites(放風箏) ☆skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) ☆make a snowman(堆雪人)
☆plant trees(種樹) ☆why(為什麼) ☆because(因為) ☆sleep(睡覺)
Unit 3
☆Jan./January(一月) ☆Feb./February(二月) ☆Mar./March(三月)
☆Apr./April(四月) ☆May(五月) ☆June(六月)
☆July(七月) ☆Aug./Augest(八月) ☆Sept./September(九月)
☆Oct./October(十月) ☆Nov./November(十一月) ☆Dec./December(十二月)
☆birthday(生日) ☆uncle(叔叔;舅舅) ☆her(她的) ☆date(日期)
Unit 4
☆draw pictures(畫畫) ☆cook dinner(做飯) ☆read a book(看書)
☆answer the phone(接電話) ☆mom(媽媽) ☆listen to music(聽音樂)
☆clean the room(打掃房間) ☆write a letter(寫信)
☆write an e-mail(寫電子郵件) ☆grandpa(爺爺;外公) ☆study(書房)
Unit 5
☆fly(飛) ☆jump(跳)☆walk(走) ☆run(跑) ☆swim(游泳)
☆kangaroo(袋鼠) ☆sleep(睡覺) ☆climb(往上爬) ☆fight(打架)
☆swing(盪;盪鞦韆) ☆drink water(喝水)
Unit 6
☆take pictures(照相) ☆watch insects(觀察昆蟲) ☆pick up leaves(採摘樹葉)
☆do an experiment(做實驗) ☆catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) ☆honey(蜂蜜)
☆count insects(數昆蟲) ☆collect leaves(收集樹葉) ☆wtite a report(寫報告)
☆play chess(下棋) ☆have a picnic(舉行野餐)

⑦ 小學五年級下冊英語單詞表進行單詞歸類

Unit 1
do morning exercises(晨練) eat breakfast(吃早飯) have english class(上英語課) play sports(進行體育運動) eat dinner(吃晚飯) when(什麼時候) evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……點鍾) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb mountains(爬山) go shopping(購物;買東西) play the piano(彈鋼琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母) go hiking(去遠足) weekend(周末) often(經常) sometimes(有時候)
Unit 2
spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季節) which(哪一個) best(最;極) swim(游泳) fly kites(放風箏) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(種樹) why(為什麼) because(因為) sleep(睡覺)
Unit 3
Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月) Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September(九月) Oct./October(十月) Nov./November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月) birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期)
Unit 4
draw pictures(畫畫)cook dinner(做飯) read a book(看書)answer the phone(接電話) listen to music9(聽音樂) clean the room(打掃房間) write a letter(寫信)write an e-mail(寫電子郵件) mom(媽媽)grandpa(爺爺;外公)study(書房)
Unit 5
fly(飛) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳) kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡覺) climb(往上爬) fight(打架) swing(盪;盪鞦韆) drink water(喝水)
Unit 6
take pictures(照相) watch insects(觀察昆蟲) pick up leaves(採摘樹葉) do an experiment(做實驗) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(數昆蟲) collect leaves(收集樹葉) wtite a report(寫報告) play chess(下棋) have a picnic(舉行野餐)



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