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⑴ 八年級英語書上冊unit4 self check翻譯

everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. yes, water pollution is increasing.
look! the water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. most of fish in the water have died, and we can』t swim in the water.
my grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. he often swam in the river with his friends.
that was before, but now we can』t see such clean rivers. let』s protect the water from pollution, because we can』t live without water. the water is really important to us all.

⑵ 八年級上冊英語(人教版)unit4 sectionB 3a的課文及翻譯

In North America,most students go to school on the school bus.Some students also walk or ride bikes to school.In other parts of the world,things are different.In Japan,most students take trains to school,although others also walk or ride their bikes,In China,it depends on where you are.In big cities,students usually ride bikes to school or take buses.And in places where there are rivers and lakes,like Hongshanhu and Kaishan,students usually go to school by boat ,That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus

⑶ 求8年級上冊英語書後Unit 4單詞及中文及頁碼


⑷ 仁愛8年級上冊英語uunit4的翻譯


⑸ 誰有這樣8年級上冊Unit4的單詞,第一個單詞是戲院.第二個單詞是使人舒服的……(要中文和英文)(

⑹ 仁愛八年級上冊Unit4總的語法、單詞用法歸納,詳細的。

3、 對距離提問用 How far 你沒有重點本么? 實在不行 加QQ把 我給你我重點本的圖片

⑺ 浙江省八年級上冊英語unit4前8個單詞

呵呵 清楚抄了 正好我家有書,我告訴你啊:


⑻ 把人教版八年級上冊英語單詞表Unit1 Unit2 Unit3 Unit4拍下來,拍清楚點


⑼ 八年級上冊英語第四單元單詞

Unit 4
Why don't you talk to your parents?
151 allow v.允許;准許
152 wrong adj.錯誤的,不對的
what's wrong ? 哪兒不舒服?
153 guess v.猜測;估計
154 deal n.協議;交易
big deal 重要的事
155 work out 成功的發展;解決
156 get on with和睦相處;關系良好
157 relation n.關系;聯系;交往
158 communication n.交流;溝通
159 argue v.爭吵;爭論
160 cloud n.雲;雲朵
161 elder adj.年紀較長的
162 instead adv.代替;反而;卻
163 whatever pron.任何;每一
164 nervous adj.焦慮的;擔憂的
165 offer 主動提出;自願給予
166 proper adv.正確地;恰當地
167 secondly adv.第二;其次
168 communicate v.交流;溝通
169 explain v.解釋;說明
170 clear adj.清楚易懂的;不含混的
171 v.復制;復印
172 return v.回來;回去
173 member n.成員;分子
174 pressure n.壓力
175 compete v.競爭,對抗
176 opinion n.意見;想法;看法
177 skill n.技藝;技巧
178 typical adj.典型的
179 football n.足球
180 cut out 刪去;刪除
181 continue v.持續;繼續存在
182 compare v.比較
183 compare…with… 比較;對比
184 crazy adj.不理智的;瘋狂的
185 push v.推動;移動
186 development n.發展;發育;成長
187 cause v.造成;引起
188 usual adj.通常的;尋常的
189 perhaps adv.可能;大概;也許

⑽ 八年級下冊英語單詞的Unit 4

Why don't you talk to your parents?
1allow v.允許;准許
2 wrong adj.錯誤的,不對的
3 guess v.猜測;估計
4 deal n.協議;交易
5 work out解決
6get on with和睦相處;關系良好
7 relation n.關系;聯系;交往
8 communication n.交流;溝通
9 argue v.爭吵;爭論
10 cloud n.雲;雲朵
11 elder adj.年紀較長的
12 instead adv.代替;反而;卻
13 whatever pron.任何;每一
14 nervous adj.焦慮的;擔憂的
15 offer 主動提出;自願給予
16 proper adv.正確地;恰當地
17 secondly adv.第二;其次
18 communicate v.交流;溝通
19 explain v.解釋;說明
20 clear adj.清楚易懂;晴朗的
21 v.復制;復印
22 return v.回來;回去
23 member n.成員;分子
24 pressure n.壓力
25 compete v.競爭,對抗
26 opinion n.意見;想法;看法
27 skill n.技藝;技巧
28 typical adj.典型的
29 football n.足球;(美式)橄欖球
30cut out 刪去;刪除
31 continue v.持續;繼續存在
32 compare v.比較
33 compare…with… 比較;對比
34 crazy adj.不理智的;瘋狂的
35 push v.推動;移動
36 development n.發展;發育;成長
37 cause v.造成;引起
38 usual adj.通常的;尋常的
39 perhaps adv.可能;大概;也許
40 quick adj.快的;迅速的;時間短暫的
41 in one's opinion 依...看
42What' s wrong? 哪兒不舒服?
44look through快速查看; 瀏覽
45big deal 重要的事
46 anymoread v. (常用於否定句和疑問句末)再也(不); (不)再
47Cathy 凱茜 (女名)
48Taylor 泰勒 (姓)



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