導航:首頁 > 英語口語 > 初中英語教學大綱學生口語要求


發布時間:2021-01-24 21:21:18

1. 全日制初級中學英語教學大綱"這句話用英語怎麼說

Full - time junior high school English teaching syllabus

2. 誰有重慶初中英語教學大綱嗎謝謝


3. 遼寧省初中英語教學大綱對英語音標有什麼要求


4. 九年制義務教育全日制初級中學英語教學大綱 翻譯成英語

The English Syllabus for Junior High Schools in Compulsory Ecation Period

5. 誰知道山東省初中英語教學大綱


6. 人教版 初中英語教學大綱具體有什麼內容


7. 英語高手幫幫忙!!!

Traffic Problems

It』 reported that in many cities, like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, nearly 70% of the families are considering buying a family car within the 5 to 10 years. I think private cares should not be encouraged in China, especially in the big cities.
As you know, China』s traffic situation is as bad as other major countries in the world. There is too much traffic in city and it』s getting worse. Too many people drive to work. Commuters have to spend a lot of time on the way. Some times the traffic jams cause long halts. Besides that, another big problem in many cities is the terrible air pollution. Too many private cars are causing too much smog. It』s especially bad in rush hours. Central city or business district in the downtown is especially affected by the air pollution.
According to this situation, I think government should plan to extend the extra charge for private cars with high emissions and invest more on uplift of public transportation. This will result in more people taking public transportations as buses and underground. Fewer people will drive to work.
Everybody hope to live in a cleaner and safer city. I think if forget buying a family car, you can get more.

8. 九年義務教育全日制初級中學英語教學大綱都有什麼版本


9. 初中英語教師資格證面試老師說我符合教學大綱的要求,請問是過了嗎





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