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1. 初中英語聽說教學的教學目標及聽說教學設計中應該注意哪些問題


2. 初中英語課堂教學教案

科目 English 年級 Grade 2 班級 時間 年 月 日
課題 Unit 5 If you go to the party, you』ll have a great time. 課型 New
教 學 目 標 (1) Listening and speaking methods.
(2) Communicative approach.

教材分析 Key Points : let in
Difficulty : Learn the key structures.
時序 教學操作過程設計(重點寫教師怎麼教及學生怎麼學,
Step 1. Greeting and Revision
Greeting the class as usual and check the homework.

Step 2.New words
Show the new words on the board.
Teach the new words . Read the new words to students and ask students to repeat.
Let in 允許進入,允許參加
Jeans: 牛仔庫
Consequence: 結果,後果,因果關系
Read the first two words to the class and ask them to repeat.
For the last one, tell Ss in this unit we』ll learn to talk about consequences.

Step3 Section A
Draw some pictures on the board and ask Ss to talk about what they see in them.
T: What is the boy doing in the first picture?
S1: Walking.
T: That』s correct. He』s walking to school. What are the other students doing?
S2: They』re taking the bus to school.
T: What』s happening in the second picture?
S3: He』s late.
T: That』s correct. The boy is late.
T: (Pointing to the first picture.) I』m going to talk to this boy.
Andy, you should take the bus. You shouldn』t walk to school. If you walk to school, you』ll be late.(Class repeat, if you walk to school, you』ll be late.)
And write this sentence on the board.

Step4 1a
Activity ia introces key vocabulary and provides reading practice using the target language.
Firs point out the four pictures and get Ss to tell what they see.
Then ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles in the first pictures.
Sa: I think I』m going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.
Sb: If you do, you』ll have a great time.
Then have Ss look at 1a. Ask them to match the statements and responses.
Check the answers. 1-4: d a b c

Ask Ss to read each pair of sentences in groups.
Write the second pair on the board:
I think I』m going to wear jeans to party.
If you do, the teachers won』t let you in.

T: The phrase 「let sb. in」 means 「let sb. come in」.
They won』t let people in without a ticket. (Write the sentence on the board.)

Step 5 1b
This activity provides listening practice using the target languang.
T: Listen to the tape. You』ll hear four conversations. Each conversation will give you the matching responses for one of the four statement.
(Play the recording. Students listen.)

Step 6 1c Pairwork
This activity provides guided speaking and listening practice using the target language.
First ask Ss to look at the pictures and then make conversations.
Then have two students read the sample dialogue.
Sa: I think I』m going to stay at home.
Sb: If you do, you』ll be sorry.
T: Work with your partner please. Make a converstion using the things that are happening in the pictures.
(At the end ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. They are given little presents if they do the work well.)

Step 7 Summary and homework
Today we have learnt to talk about consequences. We』ve learnt the sentence: If you…, you』ll … Do you like to go to the party? Do you like to have a party in your house? If nobody comes to your party, you』ll be sorry. Right?

Practice the target language and preview the next page.

教 學 反 思

3. 初中英語教學設計

一. 教學計劃標題 如: Where』s Amy?
二. 適用階段 初中
三. 適用年級 七年級 上學期
四. 教學總時間 共____分鍾
五. 關鍵字 場所、位置
六. 設計理念
七. 教材分析
二、本單元介紹 「Where….?」問句及回應,和場所介系詞(in,on,under)。
八. 教學資源

(一). 引起動機(____分鍾)
1. 給學生作施測以了解學生的基本程度
2. 利用掛圖詢問Where are they?和 What are they doing?帶入場所、位置介系詞適當的使用情形
(二). 呈現課文對話及單字 (__分鍾)
1. 介紹單字
2. 請同學跟隨著CD中的示範發音朗誦練習
3. pair-work practice (小組練習)
(三). 練習
1. Role play 角色扮演
2. 其他活動, 如問答游戲等
(四). 練習及檢測, 說明語法重點,進行句型代換練習(___分鍾)
1. 利用課當小游戲練習單字的掌握能力
2. 利用問答訓練句型及會話
3. pair-work practice (小組練習)
4. 聽力練習
5. 設計學習單/小考卷 檢測

以上全部為本人設計,並且一字一句打字輸入, 望採納~

4. 求初中英語總復習教案人教版的新目標!

1. a bit (of) 有一點
2. a few (表示肯定)一些;幾個
3. a kind of 一種;一類
4. a little 少量;少許
5. a lot of 許多,大量
6. a number of 大量;許多
7. a pair of 一雙,一副
8. a piece of 一張,一塊,一根

9. according to 根據,按照

10. after all 畢竟,終究

11. again and again 反復地,再三地

12. agree to do sth. 同意做某事
13. agree with sh. 贊同,同意某人的看法
14. all kinds of 各種各樣的
15. all over the world 遍及全世界

16. all right 行了,好吧,(病)好了

17. all the time 一直

18. all year round 終年;一年到頭

19. arrive at (in) a place 到達某地

20. as long as 只要

21. as soon as 一…就…
22. as well as 也;又

23. as……as possible 盡可能……

24. as…as 和……一樣

25. as usual 通常,平常地

26. ask for 要,要求;請求
27. at first 首先
28. at last 最後

29. at least 至少

30. at once 馬上,立刻
31. at the age of 在……歲的時候
32. at the end of 在……盡頭
33. at the moment 此時;現在
34. at the same time 同時
35. at times 有時;偶爾
36. be able to 能夠……
37. be afraid of sth. 害怕
38. be angry with 生……的氣

39. be bad for 對……有害

40. be different from 與……不同
41. be famous for 以……著名
42. be full of 充滿,裝滿

43. be good at 擅長;在……方面做得好

5. 新目標英語七年級下冊全套教案(12篇)

• 新目標七下Unit 11單元測試題及答案
• 新目標七年級下冊Unit 11 (Revision) 教學設計
• 新目標七下Unit10教學點評及反思
• 新目標七下Unit 8 I'd like some noodles單元教案
• 新目標七年級下Unit 9 Section A & B教案
• 新目標七下Unit9 How was your weekend(第二課時)教案
• 新目標七下Unit 10 全單元教案
• 新目標七下Unit 11 Period1 教學設計
• 新目標七年級英語下冊 Unit 9 學導案
• 新目標七年級英語下冊 Unit 7 學導案
• Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 新目標七年級英語教案
• 新目標英語七上unit12教案及說課稿 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com/soft/sort01/sort08/sort0141/down-10221.html
新目標七年級下冊教案 U7-U12
新目標英語七年級下冊教案 U1-U6
新目標初中英語七年級下全英教案 U1-U4

6. 新目標英語課堂教學設計與活動案例,這個有七年級上的嗎

嗯 順便提一下,幾天前幫我指導的ABC天卞口語的導師說過 就是想征服英語回應該是不費力地。答必須具有適合的學習環境跟闇練口語對象,最關鍵就是外教水平,標准口音(建議找歐美外教)非常重要 堅決經常口語練習,一對一家教式輔導才可以有更.好.的學習成效~課程結束後記得重復溫習課程錄音音頻,好鞏固知識點..實在是真的沒有人可以指導的情況,可以上 VOA或大耳朵得到課余教材練習 多用耳聽、眼觀、嘴動、腦想 一下子語感會提高起來,學習效益是絕對最佳的~



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