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發布時間:2021-03-16 12:12:59

❶ 求一篇英語口語練習的短文

Vladimir Putin dismissed suggestions that President Assad had used chemical weapons as utter nonsense and a provocation designed to drag other countries into the Syrian conflict. He called on President Obama to recall recent history: how many times had the United States initiated military conflicts in different parts of the world without success?
Today America's ambassador to Moscow met Russia's deputy foreign minister to try to argue Washington's case.


❷ 急求一篇大一英語口語測試文章,不超過三分鍾!

My dormitory is very mild and fragrant, everyone has every utensil characteristic and is deeply attached to each other. Two beautiful girls. They are Libra.They like romantic, there are docile , and never like to decline others directly. Still having a handsome boy and a lovable child ,we are Aries. We are being busy all the year round. The Celia' s keyword is telephone. While I leave school, I find she calling. She is calling behind lunch, in midday rest she is calling, on her way to school she is calling.when the bell has been loud , she has still been calling ,. That her top record of have a ring is 9 hours . The Cynthia' s keyword is a snarl. Think that she says a snarl when she wakes up. She says a snarl when she squeezes toothpaste out of a tube.when the class begins, she says a snarl. she says a snarl when there is nothing she can say a snarl. The Gloria' s keyword is a daydream.. The dead cert is very wonderful. The Thelma' s keyword is scholarship. I have a younger male cousin , his fond dream is that I make a profit buy mobile telephone to scholarship give him. I not knowing his this idea complies with He but come. But, while he uses a pair of clear eye to be gazing at me, this has just become my fond dream. Therefore I make great efforts to study, work hard, for a child's fond dream. This is our dormitory.


❸ 求一些英語口語的小短文(較難的、中短)

The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means. Which should be more disreputable. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends, Turn the old, return to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.


❹ 一篇英語口語短文

.好.多學習譏構比如:ABC先下英語,多恩加英語,都會先讓你做個英語測試,介位相對來說還是比較便宜的,你試聽下,體驗了再決定吧!An Unforgettable ExperienceDuring the last summer holiday, I went to the Amusement Park of Beijing. My elder brother told me that it was an interesting place. We started out by car at :00. I saw a lot of people including a foreigner who has blue eyes .First I went to play roller coaster that was very exciting. Then I went to play corsair that was very unforgettable. Finally I also played any other games, wch I had never played. And I enjoyed many beautiful sights

❺ 大一英語小作文

My classmate Lily2 is my best friend. She has two big eyes and black short hair. She is an

ordinary-looking girl, and doesn』t care for her clothes at all. And she is broad-minded,

therefore, it is always easy to get on well with her. She works hard at all the subjects and does

very well in our class. Besides, she is a warm-hearted girl and is always ready to help whomever

in trouble. I like her very much!
Lily2』s favorite food is burger. Her favorite drink is coke, and her favorite sport is badminton.

She often plays badminton with me in P.E classes. She likes to draw pictures, too. I』m sure she

will become an excellent artist in the future.
I do hope she does well in her studies and make progress every day.

❻ 大一英語口語考試情景對話。


❼ 英語口語小短文

The performance of Robert Downey in the film Avengers: Endgame impressed me a lot. He played Tony Stark, also known as iron man in the film. The film described a fight between Marvel superheroes and Thanos. At the end the superheroes won, but Tony died for saving the universe. There are many impressive moments in the film such as Tony』s death. I think Robert Downey is Tony Stark that I felt so sad for the his death even I knew it was not real.

❽ 求一篇英語口語考試,小短文


❾ 求大學英語口語考試文章 120字左右。話題如下




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