導航:首頁 > 英語口語 > 有趣的英語地道口語


發布時間:2021-03-16 07:19:50

A. 有什麼有趣的英語口語題目

like a ck to water 輕而易舉
poor as a church mouse 一貧如洗
at sixes ahd sevens 亂七八糟
spend money like water 揮金如土
as timid as a hare 膽小如鼠

he ate like a horse 他吃得狼吞虎咽。
his word made my blood boil 他的話讓我非常生內氣。
he was shedding crocodile tears 他在惺惺作態容。
you've gone too far 你太過分了。
i get butterflies in my stomach 我感到焦慮不安。

B. 地道英語口語對話


C. 誰能介紹一些比較地道的英語口語學習句子啊

How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何?

2.I』m sorry that you didn』t get the job. 很遺憾,你沒有得到那份工作。

3.I』m afraid that it』s not going to work out. 我恐怕這事不會成的。

4.I guess I could come over. 我想我能來。

5 is it okay to smoke in the office? 在辦公室里抽煙可以嗎?

6.It was kind of exciting. 有點剌激。

7.I know what you want. 我知道你想要什麼。

8 is that why you don』t want to go home? 這就是你不想回家的原因嗎?

9.I』m sure we can get you a great / good deal. 我很肯定我們可以幫你做成一筆好交易。

10.Would you help me with the report? 你願意幫我寫報告嗎?

11.I didn』t know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是世界上最有錢的人。

12.I』ll have to ask my boss/wife first.我必須先問一下我的老闆/老婆。

13.I take it you don』t agree. 這么說來,我認為你是不同意。

14.I tried losing weight, but nothing worked. 我曾試著減肥,但是毫無效果。

15.It doesn』t make any sense to get up so early.那麼早起來沒有任何意義。

16.It took years of hard work to speak good English. 講一口流利的英語需要多年的刻苦操練。

D. 求10句地道的英語口語短語

make my day! 成全我吧。
talk business. 談正題吧 。
C'on. R u killing the clock? 你在拖延時間嗎?
Not on your life. 千萬別阿!
The tables are turned. Huh?真是風水輪流轉啊?
I』m not trying to bust u. 我不打算逼你。
It's my Turf. 這是我的地盤。
U pissed me off. 氣死我了!
I』ve got to answer the call of nature. 解個手。(上洗手間的委婉用法)
Don』t tell the same old story. 不要老生常談。
I'm gonna pop off the hooks。<Slang>我要掛了(翹了)。
I just got on /off work. 我剛上/下班。
I thought as much. 果然不出我所料。
Save your breath! I』m not interested. 別說了,我不感興趣。
Cut it out. 省省吧。
Cut it off. 閉嘴(給我關掉!)
take the hike。哪邊涼快呆哪邊去!
No, not in my book. 我看不行。
We』ve got to book. 我們得作了。
Same old deal! 老規矩!
out of thin air! 無中生有!
it's just in the air. 還尚而未決呢- -
I』ll pull it out of thin air. 我就勉為其難了。
Don't play nice here. 不要在這里充和事老。
That serves my will. 正有此意阿。
Don』t even think about that! 你想都別想!
It』s your call. 看你的選擇了。
Seal the deal!搞定!
Not even close. 一點也不/還差得遠呢!
Give me a break! 繞了我吧!
break up with xxxx 和xxx吹了/分手。
stand xxx up 放xxx鴿子。
Hook up the girl/boy。 把妹/凱子。
U can』t just undo it。 你後悔莫及了。
How come?! 怎麼回事,怎麼搞得!
Easy does it!=take your time 慢慢來。
Over my dead body! 休想/除非我死!
Well, r u getting cold feet? 阿喂,你縮了吧?!
Still up? 還沒睡?
I wont buy your story! 我就不信你這套!
Don't play mmy with me. 別裝傻/別給我打啞謎。
I blew it! 我失策了。
Nuts!U scum. 呸!下流
U r going 2 far. 你過分了!
Who wanna? 誰稀罕!
Cheap skate! 小氣鬼!
That rings a bell. 聽起來耳熟。
Shoot! 說!
I am all ears. 我洗耳恭聽。
Let's bag it. 先把它擱一邊/表去管它。
U bet= U betcha. 一定,當然。
Gotcha u! 你在這兒哪/終於找到你了!
My hands are full right now. 我現在很忙。
I got the blue today. 我今天郁悶啊!
Bottoms up! 乾杯!


E. 有趣的英語常用口語

1 這幅畫賣嗎?Is the picture want to be sold?
2 你能把它賣給我嗎? Can you sell it to me?
3 我不是故意的。 I didn't mean to.
4 我郁悶。 vapor.
5 我掛了。回I'm in the flue/st.
6 我樂意。I'd love to.
7 我暈了。 Faint.
8 我坦答白。 I confess freely to you.
9 我受不了。 I'm too rich for my blood./I can't stand
10 我說了算。 Only what I says goes.
11 我的心都碎了。 It broke my heart.
12 我只在乎你。 I only have eyes for you.
13 我捨不得你。 Stint you.
14 我都看到了 I all see.

F. 有趣的英語口語話題有些什麼資料


G. 求地道的英語日常口語!

1. Informal greetings and farewells
Hi! What』s up?
Nothing much. What』s newwith you?
Not too much. I』ve beenpretty busy.
Me too. Seems like all Ido is eat and sleep.
Gotta go. Call me later.
Okay. Check you later.

參考資料屬 ↓重要 供您參考!

H. 求幾個地道的英語口語

1. May I have your telephone number?
2. You look absent-minded/out of your mind.
3. She always comes to my mind/appears in my mind.



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