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發布時間:2021-03-15 14:50:43

㈠ 詢問天氣用英語怎麼說

How is the weather

㈡ 問今天的天氣怎麼樣用英語怎麼說一共有幾種方法


What's the weather like today?

How is the weather today?

It's fine.

㈢ 英語中問天氣怎樣問


1、 is the weather? 天氣怎麼樣?

2、What's the weather like today? 今天天氣怎麼樣?


英 [ˈweðə(r)] 美 [ˈwɛðɚ]

n.天氣, 氣象;暴風雨

vt.& vi.曬干, 風化

vt.平安渡過, 挨過;[地]使風化



1、in all weathers不論天氣好壞;風雨無阻

例句:She goes out jogging in all weathers.無論天氣好壞,她都出去慢跑鍛煉。

2、keep a weather eye on sb/sth對…隨時留意;對…小心提防

例句:to watch sb/sth carefully in case you need to take action

3、under the weather(informal) 略有不適;不得勁

例句:if you are or feel under the weather , you feel slightly ill/sick and not as well as usual

㈣ 用英語問天氣的兩種方法

How is the weather today?
What is the weather like today?

㈤ 向別人詢問天氣時應該用英語怎麼說


1、How is the weather? 天氣怎麼樣?

2、What's the weather like today? 今天天氣怎麼樣?

weather 讀法 英['weðə]美['wɛðɚ]

1、n. 天氣;氣象;氣候;處境

2、vt. 經受住;使風化;侵蝕;使受風吹雨打

3、vi. 風化;受侵蝕;經受風雨

4、adj. 露天的;迎風的


1、warm weather溫暖的天氣;溫暖的氣候

2、weather report天氣預報,天氣報告;氣象報告

3、weather resistance耐氣候性;耐風化性

4、severe weather惡劣天氣;風雨交加的天氣;劇烈天氣

5、weather station氣象站



weather, climate的區別:



The climate here is not good for you.


climate 讀法 英[ˈklaɪmɪt]美[ˈklaɪmət]

n. 氣候;風氣;思潮;風土


1、mild climate溫和的氣候

2、dry climate乾燥氣候

3、continental climate大陸性氣候

4、climate control氣候控制

5、temperate climate溫帶氣候

㈥ 如何用英語口語談論天氣

1. What is the weather like today? 今天天氣怎麼樣?
2. How is the weather today / tomorrow ? 今天/明天天氣怎麼樣
3. What is the temperature ? 今天的溫度是多少?
4. Do you think it will rain / snow ? 你認為會下雨/雪嗎?
5. It is subzero today. 今天的氣溫在零度以下
6. The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow .天氣預報說明天有雨
7. I don't set store by weather forecast . 我認為天氣預報靠不住
8. It rains a lot here in summer. 這里的夏天經常下雨
9. It』s a warm day today. 今天天氣真暖和!
10. It』s a lovely day ! 天氣很好呀
11. The weather is better than yesterday. 今天天氣比昨天要好
12. It』s rather cold and windy today. 今天風又大又冷
13. It』s about 6 degrees centigrade today. 今天大約6度左右
14. The radio says it is going to rain tomorrow . 廣播說明天會下雨
15. It is rather dry in Beijing . 北京的天氣很乾燥。
16. It』s very hot .天氣真熱呀
17. Nice and bright today ! 今天陽光明媚!

㈦ 英語問天氣怎麼說

what day is today問的是今天是星期幾
what is date today 問的是今天是什麼日子,是幾號?回答是今天是xx節(聖誕節之類的),或者是幾號

㈧ 請問在英語里問天氣英語怎麼說請舉例!請問英語時態有哪些,請具體說(請舉例!)

問天氣:What is the weather?或How is the weather?英語中最常見的時態有三種:過去時,現在時,將來時.

㈨ 用英語詢問天氣及回答

1.What's the weather like today?
=How is the weather today?
2.sunny,fine, beautiful,晴朗的(walk,do sport...)
rainy下雨的windy 發風的 (stay at home)
snowy下雪的 (play with snow,skate,ski)
cloudy陰天的 多雲的

㈩ 英語中問天氣的幾種說法

what's the weather like tody? how is the weather today?
還有老外平時見面打招呼時問候說的 it's a good\bad\rainy\cold\……day,isn't it?
it's going to rain\wind\……,isn't it?



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