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發布時間:2020-12-26 01:19:53

1. 研究生復試面試時應該如何准備英語口語啊急!












2. 英語口語面試技巧


面試技巧 面試前的准備:













3. 英語口語對話 面試場景

①I:what is your major?
A:My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested in「Marketing」。

②I:Which university are you attending?
A:I am attending×××University.③I:Have you received any degrees?
A:Yes. First, I received my Bachelor degree in English Literature, and then an MBA degree.④I:What course did you like best?
A:Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it『s very useful for my present work.⑤I:Do you feel that you have received a good general training?
A:Yes, I have studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.

()I:Your resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?
A:I worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.However,I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather ll.I found another job that is more interesting.

(7)I:What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?
I:What have you learned from the jobs you have had?
A:I have learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In addition, I learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.
(8)I:What『s you major weak point?
A:I haven『t been involved in international business, so I don』t have any experience, but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Center of the×××Company.
(9)I:What are your greatest strengths?

(10)I:Please tell me about your working experience.
I:Does your present employer know you are looking for another job?
A:No, I haven『t discussed my career plans with my present employer, but I am sure he will understand.
(11)I:Any questions?
A:When will I know your decision?
I:We will notify you of our decision by mail, is this convenient for you?
(12)Thank you for your interest in our company. A:Thank you, Mr.Smith. Goodbye.(Thank you for your time.)
I:You will be hearing from us very soon. Please send the next applicantin on your way out. A:OK.Thank you very much.
註:I interviewer,A:applicant

4. 考研面試英語口語

1、What can you tell me about yourself?(關於你自己,你能告訴我些什麼?)
In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important ,but for me ,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied .It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them .I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.
答案譯文:在高中我參加各種競爭性體育活動,並一直努力提高各項運動的成績。大學期間,我曾在一家服裝店打工,我發現我能輕而易舉地將東西推銷出去。銷 售固然重要,但對我來說,更重要的是要確信顧客能夠滿意。不久便有顧客返回那家服裝店點名讓我為他們服務。我很有競爭意識,力求完美對我很重要。
2、What would you like to be doing five years after graation?(在畢業以後5年內你想做些什麼?)
I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager,I am planning on that also.
3、What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的優點是什麼?)
I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself. For example,I want to graate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor's thesis.
4、What is your greatest weakness?(你最大的弱點是什麼?)
I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.
5、How do you feel about your progress to date?(對於你至今所取得的進步你是怎樣看的?)
I think I did well in school. In fact,in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.
6、Why did you choose peking university?
7、Why did you choose MBA?
8、What would you like to be doing five years after graation?
9、What has been your greatest accomplishment?
10、Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses.
11、What have you learned from the jobs you have held?
12、Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member.
13、Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done?
14、Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.
15、Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.
16、Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.
17、Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.
18、What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?
19、What are some of the things you find difficult to do?
20、How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?
21、What interests you least about MBA?
22、How do you handle rejection?
23、What is the worst thing you have heard about our school?
24、See this pen I'm holding. Sell it to me.

5. 必背英文面試口語23:上大學時你最喜歡什麼課


6. 誰能跟我練一下英語口語下午有英語面試

求職過程中面試尤為重要,回答問題,如果能簡明扼要,真誠中肯,合乎老 外口味,那麼錄取機會必定大大增加。當然,有的問題,也要輕描淡寫,以免言多必失。本篇摘錄了若乾麵試中出現頻率較高的問題及精彩回答,希望能在您求職路上助您一臂之力。

Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在兩分鍾內自我推薦嗎?大膽試試吧!)

A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.

(依我的資格和經驗,我覺 得我對所從事的每一個項目都很努力、負責、勤勉。我的分析能力和與人相處的技巧,對貴單位必有價值。)


Q:Give me a summary of your current job des cription. (對你目前的工作,能否做個概括的說明。)

A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.



Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你為什麼離職呢?)

A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能獲得一份更好的工作,如果機會來臨,我會抓住)

A:I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. (我覺得目前的工作,已經達到頂峰,即沒有升遷機會。)


Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何評估自己是位專業人員呢?)

A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent. (憑借我 良好的學術背景,我可以勝任自己的工作,而且我認為自己很有競爭力。)

A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well. (依我的教學經驗,我相信能與學生相處的很好。)


Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization? (你對目前/從前的工作單位有何貢獻?)
A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position. (我已經完成三個新項目,我相信我能將我的經驗用在 這份工作上。)
Q:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎麼認為你對我們有價值呢?)
A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. (我覺得我對貴公司能做些積極性的貢獻。)


Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position? (你如何知道你能勝任這份工作?)
A:My graate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.


Q:Are you a multi-tasked indivial?(你是一位可以同時承擔數項工作的人嗎?) or Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的壓力嗎?)
A:Yes, I think so.
A:The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well. (這種特點就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能應付自如。)


Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你個性上最大的特點是什麼?)

A:Helpfulness and caring.(樂於助人和關心他人。)
A:Adaptability and sense of humor.(適應能力和幽默感。)
A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.(樂觀和友愛。)


Q: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎樣形容你?)
A: (pause a few seconds) (稍等幾秒鍾再答,表示慎重考慮。)
They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends. (他們說陳先生是位誠實、工作努力,負責任的人,他對家庭和朋友都很關心。)
A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. (他們說陳先生是位很友好、敏感、關心他人和有決心的人。)


Q:What personality traits do you admire?(你欣賞哪種性格的人?)
A: (I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going. (誠實、不死板而且容易相處的人。)
A: (I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit. (有"實際行動"的人。)

7. 英語面試口語900句都有哪些啊

主考官通常會說:Would you tell me about yourself?
What are you strengths and weaknesses?
What makes you apply for this gob?
Do you have any work experience before?
What did you learn from that work?
How would your manager describe you?
Why are you leaving the last company?
求職者一般要介紹下自己,包括你的personality,strengths and weaknesses,work experience,qualification等等,例句有
I graatedd from……,I have received a ^^^degree, I majored in……
I worked as an intern for……,I was employed by(人) as a ……
What are the office hour?
May i ask what benefit you can provide?
Do you have any training program for new employees?
Can you tell me a bit of the job responsibilities?

8. 怎麼練習面試英語口語

在英語面試中,談吐自信,就是要積極地進行自我肯定,讓面試官充分了解求職者的優點與潛能。 突出個性,就是要把自己與眾不同的特點發揮出來,強調自己的專業與能力。語言中肯,就是要實事求是,不要言過其辭,誇誇其談,也不要涉及與工作無關的事情。自我介紹應簡潔明了,給面試官留下思路清晰、反應快捷、邏輯性強的印象。自我介紹時間不宜太長,最好控制在五分鍾之內,以免言多語失。另外,在自我介紹時應避免過多地使用「I」(「我」),每個句子一開頭就冒出一個「I」字,會給人留下自我標榜、以自我為中心的印象。靈活的應聘者往往會把以「I」開頭的話,變成「You」字開頭。例如,面試官問:「Would you please say something about yourself?」(請你談談自己的情況好嗎?)應聘者則說:「Do you want me to talk about my personal life or to say something about the job?」(你想讓我談談我個人的生活呢,還是與這份工作有關的問題?)這樣,談話就將求職者和招聘方都調動了起來。這種談話的方式所產生的效果是不言而喻的。畢竟面試是求職者和招聘方互相溝通和互相選擇的一次機會。回答問題時要口齒清晰、語調適中。回答內容要有條理、避免重復。介紹工作經歷的時間順序採用倒序,從最近一份工作談起,著重強調有利於新工作的業務經歷,凡和此次應征不相關的內容,應盡量避免提及。My name is Steven CheungI hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The course has provided me the formal training necessary to be a nurse. Besides, I possess ten years of extensive experience ranging from Nursing Assistant to Nursing Supervisor at XYZ Hospital. My responsibilities include patient assessment and staff development, as well as the coordination of other health care services such as dietary, food nutrition, physical therapy and pharmacy.I believe my strong clinical background and experience make me a valuable asset to your hospital. I would be pleased to attend an interview.對於這些情況,日常口語相對順暢,對於面試口語培訓但在整體面試者中還無法達到前二十名的位置,面試需要的不僅是日常口語交流順暢,對於好的企業,如果想有更多的競爭力,您需要更多的面試技巧,如何將自己包裝好推銷出去也是我們需要持續再練習重要的點。Enging有專門的外企面試課程,所有教材均為enging研發團隊自主研發的,結合了五百強企業常見的面試問題及列舉了如何回答更為完美,怎樣把自己的優勢體現出來又不失真誠,面試的長度也分幾種,分別有十二天面試,一到三個月面試,一年求職課程,主要根據您的具體面試時間,考慮哪種更合適。面試課程也同樣分為各個行業,針對不同行業也都有有針對性的幾節面試前的模考課程,爭取更為全面。每天反復和外教進行練習,有英語測試和在線英語測試提高能力同時也掌握技巧。

9. 工作面試英語口語

為什麼非要去學習中心呢 現在不是有在線學英語.好.嗎 我試過ABC天卞口語還挺好專的 幫你及時糾正學習方法屬 推薦可以去試聽一下;1.先告訴她他你的的名字或者你想他叫你什麼!example:!My name ______ , you can call me __________..他問你的特長和專業. .他還會問你你是從什麼地方知道這個工作的..他最後還會問你為什麼人為自己可以勝任這個工作.希望可以可以幫助你!...good luck...

10. 要參加英語面試了,英語面試口語要怎麼來練習才有用

1) What kind of character do you think you have?
2) Are you introverted or extroverted?
3) What kind of person would you like to work with?
4) -How do you get along with others?
-I get on well with others.
5) Do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses?
6) What basic principles do you apply to your life?
7) How do you spend your spare time?
8) What kind of sports do you like most?
9) What are your hobbies?
10)I have an interest in traveling.



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