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① 幼兒園英語教師常用口語


② 幼兒英語口語大全


③ 幼兒英語口語,幼兒常用英語句子有哪些

Getting Up 起床用語
1. It』s morning time. What a great day! 天亮了,天氣真好。
2. Wake up, boys and girls. It』s six twenty now.醒醒,孩子們。現在是六點二十分。
3. It』s time to get up. 該起床了。
4. Change your clothes, please. 請換衣服。
5. Put on your pants

6. Do not forget to button up. 別忘了扣扣子。
7. Be sure to flip down your collar. 看看領子翻好了沒有。
8. Roll up your sleeves, please. 卷好袖子。
9. Do not wear your shoes on the wrong feet. 不要把鞋子穿錯了。.
10. Open the window and air the room. 開窗透氣。
11. Look in the mirror. 照鏡子。
12. Comb your hair. 梳頭。
13. Hurry up, boys and girls. 趕快,孩子們。
14. It』s time to make your bed. 該整理內務了。
15. Tidy up your blanket. 整理毛痰(被子,衣服,枕頭)。
16. Put away your sandals, boys and girls. 放好涼鞋,孩子們。

Washing 洗漱用語
1. It』s time to brush your teeth now. 現在該刷牙了。
2. Slowly, like this. 慢點,就這樣。
3. Rinse your mouth and don』t swallow the water. 漱口,不要把水吞了。
4. Wash your face, your eyes, nose, ears and your neck.

5. Don』t get your clothes wet. Bend your waist. 不要把衣服弄濕了。
6. Use some soap, your hands are dirty. 用肥皂洗,你的手很臟。
7. Wring out your towel after you use it. 用完毛巾後,擰干毛巾。
8. Put everything in order. Put up the towel. 有順序地放好東西。掛好毛巾。
9. Don』t forget to flush the toilet after use. 用完廁所,不要忘了沖。
10. Pull up your pants. 拉好褲子。

④ 尋求適合幼兒園小朋友學英語的動畫片


⑤ 幼兒英語順口溜大全

unit 1 dog dog汪汪汪,cat cat喵喵喵 bird bird天上飛,monkey monkey最頑皮 tiger tiger真兇猛,zebra zebra黑又白 panda panda吃竹子,elephant elephant鼻子長 Unit 2 我是你的好朋友 見面問候說Hello good morning早上好 good afternoon下午好 Wang Bing, Wang Bing 新朋友 This is Wang Bing(新朋友)! 遇見你,我很高興, Nice, nice to meet you. 遇見你,我也很高興, Nice, nice to meet you, too. 水彩筆, 真漂亮, 色彩豐富又鮮艷 yellow yellow 是黃色, blue blue 藍又藍 red red 是紅色, green green 綠油油 orange orange 是橙色, white white 白又白 brown brown 像咖啡, black black 黑黑黑 Unit 3 家庭成員我熟悉, 英語說來挺容易: 最忙碌的是爸爸, father,father, my father This is my father. 親愛的媽媽是mother, my mother, my mother This is my mother. 調皮的兄弟my brother, my brother, my brother This is my brother. 文靜的姐姐/妹妹sister, my sister, my sister This is my sister. 果園里的水果成熟了 香蕉banana 軟又香,蘋果apple 紅又甜 桔子orange酸又酸, 桃子peach甜又鮮 芒果mango有營養, 梨子pear 水分多 西瓜watermelon 大又甜,菠蘿pineapple香香香 Unit 4 叮鈴鈴, 鬧鍾響, get up, get up 快起床, 背上書包go to school, go home , go home快回家, Bye bye, bye bye, See you, see you是再見 Good night道晚安! 小朋友, 小朋友, 歡迎你到我家來, 我家的東西/傢具可多啦: sofa sofa是沙發, bed bed是小床 fridge fridge是冰箱, chair chair是椅子 table, table是飯桌, desk, desk 是書桌 bookcase, bookcase是書櫃, telephone , telephone電話機 Unit 5 Hello, hello, How are you ? Fine, fine, thank you, and you , and you, and you? I』m fine, I』m fine, I』m fine, too! Morning, morning, how are you? Not bad, not bad, thank you! Afternoon, afternoon, how are you? Not, not, not so good! Sorry, sorry, I』m sorry! 同學們,開學啦! 文具用品少不了 pencil pencil是鉛筆, pen pen是鋼筆 ruler ruler是直尺, ball pen ball pen圓珠筆 book book是書本, rubber rubber是橡皮 pencil box文具盒, pencil sharpner 卷筆刀 Unit 7 Shirt shirt, look at his shirt. Smart smart, it』s smart! Blouse blouse, look at my new blouse. Pretty pretty, it』s pretty! Jacket jacket, this is her jacket. Nice nice, it』s nice! Sweater sweater, that』s my sweater. Nice nice, How nice! 學校舉行時裝秀, 各種衣服齊登場 coat coat是風衣 jacket jacket是夾克 skirt skirt是短裙 dress dress是長裙 shirt shirt男襯衫 blouse blouse女襯衫 T-shirt T-shirt T恤衫 Sweater sweater是毛衣 Unit 8 雙休日,上哪去? park park,go to the park(去公園) cinema cinema 電影院, go to the cinema去看電影 zoo zoo 動物園, go to the zoo去看動物 supermarket supermarket 是超市 go to the supermarket去逛超市 長城長城 the Great Wall go to the Great Wall去看長城 Tom 雖然年紀小,交通工具他都知道: car car 小轎車, by car, by car 坐轎車 bus bus 公共車, by bus, by bus 乘公交車 plane plane 大飛機, by plane,by plane乘飛機 bike bike 自行車, by bike, by bike騎自行車 Unit 9 (可配上小星星的旋律進行演唱) On on, turn on the TV / light / walkman / tap Off off, turn off the TV / light / walkman / tap Open open the window / door / box Close close the window / door / box Unit 10 蛋糕cake 松又軟, 漢堡hamburger 香又香 雞蛋egg 有營養, 冰激凌ice cream 涼又甜 milk , milk 是牛奶, milk, milk ,a glass of milk juice, juice 是果汁, juice, juice, a glass of juice coffee, coffee 是咖啡, coffee, coffee, a cup of coffee tea , tea 是茶水, tea, tea, a cup of tea cake, cake, some cake? No no no no, than

⑥ 幼兒園英語日常用語大全

To begin a day. 晨間入園 1. Good morning. Morning! 早上好!(幼兒:Good morning!) 2. How are you? 你好嗎?(幼兒:I am fine. Thank you.) 3. Nice to see you. 見到你很高興。Nice ...to see you, too. 4. Hello, Jim! 你好,吉姆。 5. Hi, Jim! 你好,吉姆。 6. I miss you very much. 我真想你們呀。 7. How polite you are! 你真有禮貌! 8. Come in, please! 請進! 9. Are you happy today? 你今天高興嗎? 10. Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去哪了? 1 1. How was you weekend? 你周末過的怎麼樣? 1 2. Why are you looking unhappy? 你怎麼不開心? 1 3. Are you OK? 你還好嗎? 1 4. Let me take your temperature. 我來量一下你的體溫。 1 5. What is my temperature? 我的體溫有多高? 1 6. It is 36.7°C. (thirty-six point seven degree Celsius. ) 你的體溫是三十六度七。 1 7. Don』t worry. It will be OK right after applying some medicine. 別擔心,上點葯就好了。 1 8. It will be OK right after applying the bandage. 貼上創可貼就好了。 1 9. It will be OK right after giving an injection. 打一針就好。 20. Keep your wound dry when washing. 洗手時別弄濕傷口。 2 1. Say bye-bye to your MummyDaddy. 和媽媽爸爸說再見。 2 2. Please take off your coat. 請把外套脫掉。 2 3. Take a chair and sit there. 搬把椅子坐在那裡。 2 4. Play with the toys, do you? 玩會兒玩具,好嗎? 2 5. Read the book, do you? 看看書,好嗎? 2 6. Please water the flowers. 請澆澆花。 2 7. Please help me clean the table. 請幫我擦擦桌子。 2 8. What a pretty dress you are wearing. 你的衣服真漂亮。 2 9. Who bought it for you? 誰給你買的? 30. Who has been to Beijing? 誰去過北京? 3 1. Who took you to Beijing? 誰帶你去的? 3 2. Where else have you been? 你還去過哪? 3 3. Tom is on ty today. 湯姆今天值曰。 3 4. Let』s call the roll. 我們來點一下名。 3 5. Louder, please. 請大點聲。In classroom 教育活動 3 6. Let』s begin. 我們開始吧 3 7. Mary and Tom, please exchange your seats. 請瑪麗和湯姆交換一下座位。 3 8. Listen carefully. 注意聽。 3 9. Look at me. 注意看我這里。 40. Touch … 摸一摸 …… 4 1. Point to … 指一指 …… 4 2. Let』s play a game. 我們來做個游戲。 4 3. Let』s sing a song, together. 我們一起來唱支歌。 4 4. Follow me, please. 請跟我學。 4 5. Have a try, please. 請試一試。 4 6. Let』s draw it. 我們來畫一畫。 4 7. I am going to tell you a story. 我要給你們講個故事。 4 8. Look, who are in the picture? 看,圖片上都有什麼人? 4 9. Who are they? 他們都是誰? 50. Where are they? 他們在哪? 5 1. Guess what they are talking about? 猜猜他們在說什麼? 5 2. Why is the little boy crying? 小弟弟為什麼哭了? 5 3. What』s up with the little boy? 小弟弟怎麼了? 5 4. Who will retell the whole story? 誰能把故事完整的講一遍? 5 5. Stand up, please. 請站起來。 5 6. Sit down, please. 請坐下。 5 7. Please raise you hand. 請舉手。 5 8. Please come here. 請過來。 5 9. Please go back to you seat. 請回到你的座位上去。 60. Listen to me. 聽我說。 6 1. Are you clear? 明白嗎? 6 2. Understand? 明白嗎? 6 3. Please repeat it after me. 請跟我重復。 6 4. Think it over. 再想一想。

⑦ 適合幼兒園學的英語的日常生活用語


⑧ 要一個超短英語小故事,幼兒園都會的那種,超簡單的.

Lingling and Amy go to the park. They go to swim. They are very happy.



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