導航:首頁 > 英語口語 > 英語教師口語評價


發布時間:2021-03-02 10:35:58

⑴ 英語教師口語技能的重要性


⑵ 面試英語口語:朋友或老師會怎樣評價你

  1. Howdo your friends or teachers evaluate on you?

  2. Possible answer:

    They all think that I am a reliable person, trustworthy and easy to communicate with. Once I make a promise, I will keep it.

⑶ 小學英語老師上課常用的口語,比如表揚之內的。

Congratulations! 祝賀你!
Excellent! 太好了!棒極了!
Fantastic! 棒極了!
Good job! 做得好!
Well done! 做得好!
Perfect! 太完美了!

⑷ 怎麼評價英語老師的課


⑸ 英語口語課好不好 從哪些方面評價 求英語口語課堂教學評價表


⑹ 英語教師反饋語有哪些

⑺ 小學英語老師評語





·will you please do you work better next time?

·well, your handwriting is very good.

·wonderful, your english is very good and your written


· that' sgreat! please keepupthework.success comes

byhardworkandconstant efforts.

·you are an excellent student who has a natural gift for


·l』dlike to see your development of your writtenand

oralskills inenglish. 2.及時性


·you are great .i』mproud of you.

·you』ve made fabulous progress and i do not doubt that

you'll succeed.

·wonderful! i appreciate what you have done in your

exercise-book and believe you'll be successful in your

english study.

· i』ll be glad to see that you will do your homework better

next time.

·this is the best i've seen today.

· the harder you work, the sooner you'll improve.




beef,rice, tomato, bean等等英語單詞,可以提出一些實際問題讓他們去解決、去回答:

· what's yourfavouritefood? what chinese diet do you

like? what western diet do you like? what do you like for

lunch? what kinds of food do you usually have


·i agree with you that we should eat healthy food and the

chinese food isthe healthiest in the world. i marvel at

the maturity of such a young child as you.




·although you werelate in achieving, you have caught up

well with your studies. i would like to see you getting fast

development of your written and oral skills in english.

· you have don your work better this time.i believe that

nothing is impossible as long as you work hard .

· practicemakes perfect.i'd like to see you participating

more in class activities.

·it is the same in studying as in eating, he who doesit


·as fire tries gold, so does adversity try courage. nobody

knows what he can do till he has tried. you have made a good

start.not only energy,but also persistence is necessary to






·nothing is more precious than time. do you agree with me?

would you like to tell me your own opinions and your


· what do you think about this? is that right? it is only a

suggestion. i』d like to see you persisting with your

opinions if you're right.

·the great use of a school ecation is not only to teach

you things but to teach you the art of learning. do you

think so?




·where there is a will, there's a way.

·itisnot helps but obstacles that make a man.

· it is a rule never to be forgotten that whatever strikes

strongly should be described while the first impression

remains fresh upon the mind.

·your answers shou you have real ability in the course, and

you are developing increasing depth of thought and clarity

of expression inyour written work. but there are some

grammar mistakes in it.

· your work is a marvel of neatness and order. i am sure

there is nothing difficult for us to learn. if we learn it,

the difficult thing will be easy; if we don』t,the easy thing

will be difficult. don't you think so ?

· you have given a lot of facts on thewhole.that is

good. if theyhad been putina more logical order, the

whole essay would have been cleaner.


⑻ 請問誰有英語教師上課說的英語的口語的總結急!急!!


1.上課(Beginning a class)
(1)Let』s start now./Let』s begin our class/lesson.
(2)Stand up,.
(3)Sit down,Pease.
(4)Hello,boys and girls/children.
(5)Good morning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.
(6)Good afternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.
(7)How are you today?
3.考勤(Checking attendance)
(8)Who』s on ty today?/Who』s helping this morning/today?
(9)Is everyone/everybody here/present?
(10)Is anyone away?/Is anybody away?
(11)Is anyone absent?/Is anybody absent?
(12)Who』s absent?/Who』s away?
(13)Where is he/she?
(14)Try to be on time./Don』t be late next time.
(15)Go back to your seat,please.
(16)What day is it today?
(17)What』s the date today?
(18)What』s the weather like today?
(19)What』s it like outside?
(20)Let』s start working./Let』s begin/start a new lesson./Let』s begin/start our lesson.
(21)First,let』s review/do some review.
(22)What did we learn In the last lesson?
(23)Who can tell/remember what we did In the last lesson/ yesterday?
(24)Now we』re going to do something new/different./Now let』s learn something new.
(25)We have some now words/sentences.
5.提起注意(Directing attention)
(26)Ready?/Are you ready?
(27)Did you get there?/Do you understand?
(28)Is that clear?
(29)Any volunteers?
(30)Do you know what to do?
(31)Be quiet,please./Quiet,please.
(33)Listen carefully,please.
(34)Listen to the tape recorder/the recording.
(35)Look carefully,please.
(36)Look over here.
(37)Watch carefully.
(38)Are your watching?
(39)Please look at the black-board/picture/map…
(40)Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.
6.課堂活動(Classroom activities)
(41)Start!/Start now.
(42)Everybody together./All together.
(43)Practise in a group./Practise In groups/In groups,please.
(44)Get into groups of three/four…
(45)Every body find a partner/friend.
(46)In pairs,please.
(47)One at a time./Let』s do It one by one.
(48)Now you,please./Your turn(Students name).
(49)Next,please.Now you do the same,please.
(50)Let』s act./Let』s act out/do the dialogue.
(51)Who wants to be A?
(52)Practise the dialogue,please.
(53)Now Tom will be A,and the other half will be B.
(54)Please take(play)the part of…
(55)Whose turn is It?
(56)It』s your turn.
(57)Wait your turn,please.
(58)Stand inline./Line up.
(59)One by one./One at a time,please.
(60)In twos./In pairs.
(61)Don』t speak out.
(62)Turn around.
(63)Could you please try It again?
(64)Could you please try the next one?
(65)Will you please help me?
(66)Can you try?
(68)Try your best./Do your best.
(69)Think it over and try again.
(70)Don』t be afraid/shy.
9.指令(Issuing a command)
(7)Say/Read after me,please.
(72)Follow me,please.
(73)Do what do.
(7)Repeat,please./Repeat after me.
(75)Once more,please./One more time,please.
(7)Come here,please.
(77)Please come to the front./Come up and write on the blackboard/chalkboard.
(78)Come and write It on the blackboard.
(79)Please go back to your seat.
(80)In English,please.
(81)Put your hand up,please.Raise your hand,please.
(82)Put your hands down,please./Hands down,please.
(83)Say it/Write it in Chinese/English.
(84)Please take out your books.
(85)Please open your books at page…/Find page…/Turn to Page…
(86)Please answer the question/questions./Please answer my qllllst1On(s).
(87)Please read this letter/word/sentence out loud./Please readout this letter/word/sentence.
(88)Please stop now./Stop now,please./Stop here,please.
(89)Clean up your desk/the classroom,please.
(90)It』s clean-up time./Tidy up your desk/the classroom.
(91)Put your things away./Clean off your desk./Pick up the scraps·
(92)Clean the blackboard.
(93)Plug in the tape-recorder,please.
(94)Put the tape-recorder away.
(95)Put the tap,In it』s box/cassette.
(96)Listen and repeat.
(97)Look and listen.
(98)Repeat after me.
(99)Follow the words.
(100)Fast./Quickly!/Be quick,please.
(101)Hurry!/Hurry up,please.
(102)Slow down,please.
(104)Bring me some chalk,please.
10.禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)
(105)Stop talking./Stop talking now,please.
(106)Don』t talk./Everybody quiet,please.
(107)Don』t be silly.
(108)Settle down.
(109)Good,thank you.
( 10)Good/Very good./God job./Good work./Good example.
(111)A good answer./Nice work.
(112)Excellent./Great!/Well done./Very good./I like the way you
(13)That』s Interesting!
(114)Don』t worry about It./No problem.
(115)OK!/That』s OK.
(116)I don』t think so.
(117)That』s not quite right,any other answers?/That』s close/That』s almost right.
(118)Not quite,can anyone help him/her?/try again.
(119)A good try.
12.布置作業(Setting homework)
(120)For today』s homework…
(121)Practise after class./Practise at home.
(122)Say it out loud,before you write It down.
(123)Copy/Print/Write each word twice.
(124)Remember(Memorize)these words/sentences.
(125)Learn these words/these sentences/this text by heart.
(126)Do your homework./Do the next lesson./Do the new work.
13.下課(Dismissing the class)
(127)Hand in your workbooks,please.
(128)Time is up.
(129)The bell is ringing.
(130)There』s the bell.
(131)There goes the bell.
(132)Let』s stop here.
(133)That』s all for today.
(134)Class is over.
(135)Good bye./Bye./See you next time.



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