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發布時間:2021-03-01 00:53:57

⑴ 英語情景會話


Manager : Rudy, will you please make ten copies of this report?
Rudy : I'd like to, but the photocopier is out of order.
Manager : Then use the xerox machine.
Rudy : It broke down one year ago.
Manager : Oh, forget it then. Hey, I told you to put files on the "in" tray, not on my desk.
Rudy : The pile is over ten feet high. I'm afraid it'll fall all over and bury you underneath if I put this file on top of it.
Manager : Very funny. What's wrong with you today? You are my secretary and you are not supposed to talk to me in that tone of voice. Didn't you know that?
Rudy : What do you expect? I've been working for you for three years, and you've never given me a holiday. I don't feel well today because I have a terrible headache. I'm not in the mood for being gentle and polite. If you can't stand it, it's your problem. I'm not going to change because I think it suits you best.
Manager : Keep your voice down, Rudy. I know you've had a hard day today, but you should at least show some respect for me. If you really don't feel well, go home. There isn't much work today anyway.
Rudy : I apologize for forgetting myself, but I do need some time off.

1. xerox machine 復印機
2. to forget oneself 失態

⑵ 生活英語情景口語


⑶ 求《生活英語情景口語100主題》PDF百度雲下載謝謝!


⑷ 英語口語情景對話


⑸ 急需幾篇英語口語情景對話

A: Now, today we will talk about friendship. What do you think about friendship?
B: Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others.
A: Yes, I agree with you. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.
B: The term, friend, can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.
A: True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.
B: Yes! Without friendship, our life is hostile , unfortunate and meaningless.
A: To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them.

⑹ 求英語口語情景對話!

a; hello, how about you
b; i am fine ,and you
a; not bad, i feel present life is very ll
b; why?
a; you know for my great goal, i have to down my heart to study well, there is no extra time to exercise.
b; i don't think so. you know, we could enjoy ourselves on studying and share the command knowledge. The more you learn, the happier you are.
a; how do you do that
b; everyday, i catch every second to study. Little by little, it is a great treasure to learn the knowledge.
a; i should set you as my example

⑺ 英語情景對話

3.how can we learn english well at college?

A.sir , i have a question here
B.tell , pls
A.how can we learn english well at college
B.its sound a important and necessary answer question.ok ,now i say something about this. First ,you should try speak english every day .maybe its hard for you .remember it , if you want speak english well , never be sky.nobody interested your bad pronunciation.also listen OVA,or NPR ,it will be imporve your listening
A.thank you sir , i know more , i will make a progress on this
B.you are welcome

內容是有點簡單 只是我自己想的而已, 樓主也可以自己再加一些

⑻ 英語情景對話!!

campus life
A: Hey, andy. how have you been recently? it seems that you have been missing for a while
B: well, yeah, i got a girl-friend. and we moved out of campus.
A: WOW, that is really something.
B: yeah, you know what, she is really attractive: smart, sexy, and considerate. i can not find another one any better than her.
A: WOW, this seems to be the second time you are saying the same thing about a different girl...
B:I MEAN it , alright?
A: we'll see. have you noticed that there will be a basketball match between our school and wuhan university. it will be a really great match, i think. ever want to go?
B: SURE. tell me the time and we can go together.
A: yeah, sure. i will inform you then.
B: BY the way, how is your exam?
A:I never worry about exams. you know, there is always someone smarter than me and why not borrow his brain..you know what i mean?
B:sure, but be careful not to be caught.
A: thanks, i will. why isn't jack with you?
B: you know, since i have moved out, we don't see each other often and he is always busy studying, so quite different time scheles. i heard that he was doing great nowadays.
A: good for you both. what will do for the weekends?
B:nothing much, i might be cooking with my girl and drink a little. how about you?
A: don't know yet. maybe i will call some friends to go to the gym. it's been a long time since i went there. i should pay more attention to my muscle. so that girls will like me and i can get my girl.
B:THAT's right. though many girls say that they don't like men with too much muscle, they do want to feel safe.
A: HAHA. i guess we will be seeing before the basketball match.
B:Alright. i'll see you then,

⑼ 求英語情景對話> <

B:CEO of a company(一家公司的總裁)
C:a university student(一個大學生)

A:Hello,everyone,welcome to watch our program.I'm ...,today,you konw,we will talk something about success.In our society,everyone want to be a successful man,to earn other's respect.However,how to make it is also a problem confused our.I think,after our program you will komw more.Now,welcome our guest.The CEO of a company,Mr...
A:A student from ZHOUSHAN HAIYANG university,...
A:A psychologist,Lee.
D:Thank you,host.
A:First,I want to ask Mr...some question,do you think you are a successful man?
A:Detail please.
B:In your heart,obviously,I'm very successful,I own a big company, have a lot of money,can buy everything I want.Besides,you will believe money equal to success.But to me,I think I'm on the way to success.My deram tells me I must go on.Thanks for my dream.
D:A very gerat man,In my opinion a man have a dream is half the battle.So dream is a very important in success.A dream can make you energetic.
A:Thank you.Can you tell us your dream?Mr....
B:Of course,when I was ten years old,I read a article about Bill Gates.And from then on,I concentrate on contribute to our society.Luckily,I read that.So chance is also relate to success.
A:What your opinion,C?
C:I'm very agree with Mr...,I often surfing on Intnet,one day I read a aticle,it says a company need 100 employees, and they received more than 400 applications.To my shocked,the CEO throw away one half of this applications,because he believed they needn't a man without lucky.Mr..,the company is yours?
B:No,No,No!I will give every one a chance,and a challenge.
A:Very good! C,do your think if you are a successful man?
C:I think I have ambition,confidence,persistence,patience,so I believe sonner or later,I can carry out my dream and to be a successful man.
D:Very confident.May you can success,what's more,you can't forget condescension also can decide your future.
C:Thank you!
A:Thank you everyone.After this progarm,we known some aspects about how to success.I hope everyone can success by watching our progarm and try your best.Thanks for watching.Bye!



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