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發布時間:2021-02-27 16:01:15

❶ 銷售服裝的日常用語(英語)

.Welcome to ....歡迎光臨...。

2.May/Can I help you? 您想買點什麼?
3.Are you looking for something particular? 您需要什麼東西?

4.What can I do for you ?我能為您做點什麼嗎?
5.Take yourself."或者"Take your time." 隨便看。
6.Please try it on. 請試穿一下?
7.Do you know what size you are? 你知道自己穿多大好嗎?
8.I'm afraid we don't have it in stock. 恐怕已經沒有存貨了。
9.How much is it?多少錢
10.This one looks good!這件看起來很好
11.Checkout is over there, Please follow me!收銀台在那邊,請跟我來
12. Here is it. Welcome next time!這是你的零錢,歡迎下次再來
13.It fits you very well. And You look beautiful in.它很適合你,看起來很好看。
14.I can give you a 20% discount.我可以給你打八折
15.it is on scale. I will give you 10% off.現在有優惠,可以打9折。
16.This is your size,You can try it on!這是你的尺碼,你可以試一下。
17.the fitting-room is over there,Please follow me!試衣間在那邊,請跟我來。
18.The material is pure cotton. It's comfortable to wear.這種材料質量很好。
19.It』s good value for money.物有所值。
20.This one is the last design, very Popular ,and It sells like hot Cake。這一款是最新的,最流行的,很暢銷。
21. It's mypleasure.不用謝。這是我的職責純棉面料,穿起來舒服。
22.It fits you very well.它非常適合您。
23.You look beautiful in.您穿著真漂亮。
24.Queen-size is not stored now!大號現在沒貨了。
25It's available tomorrow afternoon.明天下午能到。
26.This design is popular.這款很受歡迎。
27.It sells like hot cake.它很暢銷。
28.Do you like this one? / How about this one?這件您喜歡嗎?
29.It's a lot of styles here, you can pick out yourself, check these out, which is your favorite?這邊有很多款,你自己可以挑選,看看有沒有自己喜歡的。
30. Excuse me, would you like T-shirt or jeans?請問想買T恤還是牛仔褲?
31.Do you like this design?您喜歡這個款式嗎?
32.Is it suit for you? OK,Wait a minute,I'll take the fit size for you.這個號碼適合你嗎?等等 我去給你拿合適的號碼。
33.Sorry,It is out of stock.對不起 我們沒有這個尺碼了。
34.Thank you for you coming,Wish you come back next time。謝謝您的光臨 歡迎下次再來。
35.Welcome next time!歡迎下次光臨。
尺寸 size 價格 price 面料 material 款式 design 打折 discount 稍等 wait(hold) a a minute 便宜 cheap 貴的 expensive 耐用的 Durable 漂亮的 Beautiful 試衣間 the fitting-room showcase 陳列櫃,櫥窗 Checkout 收銀台

❷ 電器營業員常用英語口語


❸ 尋適合服裝店銷售員的英語口語書或常用句子

可以去我給你提供的這家。在英語口語欄目 有關於銷售、服裝一類的內容。希望對你有所幫助。

❹ 銷售英語口語

你可以體驗一下// http://bbs.e.qq.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=333002&extra=//?

❺ 關於銷售英文方面的一些簡單口語!

1.hello ladies/ gentleman please have a look of our newset selections/procts.

2.elenven pounds -11
one hundred eleven and one pounds -111
a thounsand a hundred ,eleven and one pound -1111

27 -twenty seven inches
28-twenty eight inches
29-twenty nine inches
30-thirty inches
31-thirty one inches
32-thirty tow inches
33-thiry three inches
34-thirty four inches
35-thirty five inches
36-thirty six inches
-thirty seven inches
38-thirty eight inches


size -號碼,尺寸

39-thirty nine
41-fourty one
42-fourty two
43-fourty three

5.休閑褲-track suite
外套- coat


1 點- one'o clock
2 點-two'o clock
3 點-three'o clock
4 - four'o clock
5 -five 'o clock
6- six'o clock
7 -seven'o clcok
8 -eight 'o c lcok
9- nine'o clcok
10 -ten'o clcok


go straight and then turn right

8- take care

9-please pay to the counter

10-1500- a tounsand and five hundred pounds please

然後記得要說thank you

老外有時很狡猾,愛何人砍價, 還有時候態度很不好,別理他們。
11-eleven'o clcok
12-twelve'o clcok

❻ 電腦銷售類常用英語口語




❼ 英語會話(銷售方面)

" One dollar! One dollar!"
Hi! Good morning!/Afternoon!
Can I help you?
What color do you like?
What's your size?(small, medium, large)
You look good on that.
They match your top very well.
How many do you need?
Here is your change.
Have a good day! bye!

❽ 銷售服裝的日常用語(英語)有哪些

1.Welcome to ....歡迎光臨...。

2.May/Can I help you? 您想買點什麼?
3.Are you looking for something particular? 您需要什麼東西?

4.What can I do for you ?我能為您做點什麼嗎?
5.Take yourself."或者"Take your time." 隨便看。
6.Please try it on. 請試穿一下?
7.Do you know what size you are? 你知道自己穿多大好嗎?
8.I'm afraid we don't have it in stock. 恐怕已經沒有存貨了。
9.How much is it?多少錢
10.This one looks good!這件看起來很好
11.Checkout is over there, Please follow me!收銀台在那邊,請跟我來
12. Here is it. Welcome next time!這是你的零錢,歡迎下次再來
13.It fits you very well. And You look beautiful in.它很適合你,看起來很好看。
14.I can give you a 20% discount.我可以給你打八折
15.it is on scale. I will give you 10% off.現在有優惠,可以打9折。
16.This is your size,You can try it on!這是你的尺碼,你可以試一下。
17.the fitting-room is over there,Please follow me!試衣間在那邊,請跟我來。
18.The material is pure cotton. It's comfortable to wear.這種材料質量很好。
19.It』s good value for money.物有所值。
20.This one is the last design, very Popular ,and It sells like hot Cake。這一款是最新的,最流行的,很暢銷。
21. It's mypleasure.不用謝。這是我的職責純棉面料,穿起來舒服。
22.It fits you very well.它非常適合您。
23.You look beautiful in.您穿著真漂亮。
24.Queen-size is not stored now!大號現在沒貨了。
25It's available tomorrow afternoon.明天下午能到。
26.This design is popular.這款很受歡迎。
27.It sells like hot cake.它很暢銷。
28.Do you like this one? / How about this one?這件您喜歡嗎?
29.It's a lot of styles here, you can pick out yourself, check these out, which is your favorite?這邊有很多款,你自己可以挑選,看看有沒有自己喜歡的。
30. Excuse me, would you like T-shirt or jeans?請問想買T恤還是牛仔褲?
31.Do you like this design?您喜歡這個款式嗎?
32.Is it suit for you? OK,Wait a minute,I'll take the fit size for you.這個號碼適合你嗎?等等 我去給你拿合適的號碼。
33.Sorry,It is out of stock.對不起 我們沒有這個尺碼了。
34.Thank you for you coming,Wish you come back next time。謝謝您的光臨 歡迎下次再來。
35.Welcome next time!歡迎下次光臨。
尺寸 size 價格 price 面料 material 款式 design 打折 discount 稍等 wait(hold) a a minute 便宜 cheap 貴的 expensive 耐用的 Durable 漂亮的 Beautiful 試衣間 the fitting-room showcase 陳列櫃,櫥窗 Checkout 收銀台

❾ 銷售用英語大全

Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.
We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.
This proct has been a best seller for nearly one year.
There is a good market for these articles.
There is a poor market for these articles.
There is no market for these articles.
Your bicycles find a ready market here.
They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your procts.
Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.
They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.
Our demand for this proct is steadily on the increase.
We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end.
Packing has a close bearing on sales.
We are trying to find a market for this article.
We regret we cannot find any market for this article.
According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan.
We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our procts.
According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill?
The market situation is not known to us.
Your market still has great potential.
There are only a few unsold pieces.
Words and Phrases
salable 暢銷的
popular 有銷路的
find a market 銷售
selling line 銷路
trial sale, test sale, test market 試銷
salable goods 暢銷貨
popular goods 快貨
the best selling line (the best seller) 熱門貨
to find (have) a ready market 有銷路,暢銷
to have a strong footing in a market 很有銷路
good market 暢銷
poor(no) market 滯銷
goods that sell well 暢銷貨
sell like wild fire 暢銷,銷得很快
Promoting the sale of your suits has proved successful.
There appear to be no difficulty in marketing these procts.
We learn that you have years of experience in pushing the sale of porcelain procts.
Meanwhile, we should like to know your plan to push the sale of our procts.
You are experienced in promoting the sale of our craft paper.
I can assure you we've spared no effort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your procts.
We've spared no effort in promoting the sale of your procts.
Our salesmen have worked hard to push the sale of your procts here, there and everywhere.
Thanks for all the work you've done to promote the sale of our procts.
Words and Phrases
selling techniques 推銷技術
selling and administrative expense 推銷及管理費用
selling concept 推銷觀點
Additional Words and Phrases
selling 賣的;出售的;銷路好的
sell 賣;銷售;有銷路
sales agent 代銷人;銷售代理商
sell at a bargain, sell at a profit 廉價出售
sell goods at a high figure 高價出售
sellers' market 賣方市場
buyers' market 買方市場
selling price 售價,時價
selling season 銷售季節
marketing mix 銷售綜合方法,銷售策略
marketing establishment 銷售企業,銷售公司
consumer media 銷售方面的宣傳工具
sales person 推銷員,售貨員(包括男、女)
salesman 售貨員
saleslady, salesgirl, saleswoman (口語)女售貨員
sales clerk 男(女)售貨員(美國口語)
marketing managers 推銷經理
market test 銷售實驗
mping 傾銷
sporadic mping 偶爾傾銷,非持久性傾銷
predatory mping 掠奪性傾銷
International Dumping Code 國際反傾銷法
marketing system 銷售體系
sales promotion 促銷
marketing strategies 銷售策略
market segmentation 市場分割
selling cost 銷售成本
selling expense 銷售費用
selling operation 銷售業務
selling profit 銷售利潤



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