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發布時間:2021-02-27 08:45:55

⑴ 高分求歷年高考英語作文題目!


假設你是育才中學學生會主席李華。你校將舉辦一次英語演講比賽(speech contest),希望附近某大學的外籍教師 Smith 女士來做評委。請參照以下比賽通知給她寫一封信。

聯系人:李華(電話 44876655)


Dear Ms.Smith,
With best wishes,


假設你是李華,你的美國筆友 Peter 曾表示希望來中國教書。你校現需招聘外教,請給他寫封信,告知招聘信息。內容主要包括:
1. 教授課程:英語口語、英語寫作、今日美國、今日英國等
2. 授課對象:高中生(至少三年英語基礎)
3. 工作量:
Dear Peter,
I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China.
Li Hua

第一節 基礎寫作

內 容:公共場所禁煙
目 標:所有室內公共場所無煙
措 施:張貼禁煙標志
(2)分 布:男性75%;女性:25%

二手煙:second-hand smoke




第二節 讀寫任務


In junior high school, one of my classmates, Eithan, was addicted to TV. This boy simply knew everything about such pop shows as Who's the Boss?

Then one day Ethan's mother made him an after in order to draw him back to his school subiects. She promised that she would give him $200 if he could go a full month without watching any TV. None of us thought Ethan could do it, but he did quit TV. His mom paid him $200. He went out and bought a TV, the biggest he could find.

In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out experiments with paying kids with cash for showing up or getting good grades. All school kids admire this trend. But it upsets alts. Teachers say that we are rewarding kids for doing what they should be doing of their own will.Psychologists warn that money can actually make lies perform worse by making the act of learning cheap. The debate has become a typical hattle over why our kids are not learning at the rate they should be despite decades of reforms and budget increases.

1. 以約30詞概括上文的主要內容。
2. 以約120詞對用金錢鼓勵孩子學習的現象進行議論,內容包括:

1. 作文中可以使用親身經歷或虛構的故事,也可以參照閱讀材料的內容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。
2. 作文中不能出現真實姓名和學校名稱。


⑵ 專業四級英語口語考試歷年真題

^你好,我是兔兔禿90,用網路網盤分享給你,點開就可以保存,鏈接永久有效^_^鏈版接:https://pan..com/s/10l5r9FXDkpfRCtHdxlAe2Q 提取碼:權0000

⑶ 應該怎麼練習英語口語的英語作文

邊回答邊學習: 標題:How to improve your spoken English English is very useful for us. So we need to speak English well. Firstly, you need to speak English every day. If You don't use it, you will never have it. Secondly,Keep a diary in English. If you do it, you will have a great progess in spoekn English Thirdly,To listen more English. Listening will help you with your spoken English. Fourth.Go to English cornor to talk with people. It will help you a lot.So just have a try. It is impossible to learn English well without hard working.So never give up.你可能有不懂的詞彙: improve提高 never從不 English cornor英語角 progress進步 hard working努力 without無,沒有 impossible不可能的 你會發現我從來不會為拿分而回答問題,只想在幫助別人的同時也提高自己.所以即使是O分,我也會打那麼長長的一段話.

⑷ 口語考試,求英語作文。

1、 be frank, i think a good teacher should be warm-hearted and always trust students. And i have two reasons to support my view.
First, if a teacher often help students to go through troubles without complianing, the students will grateful for the teacher's help, and they may think the teacher is a good person.
Second, a teacher is supposed to trust students always, and in long-term, the students appreciated the teacher's confidence, and they may have the determination to compete for first place. In this way, it is good not only for teachers, but also for students.

⑸ 急求一篇英語作文「口語的重要性」

Importance of spoken English:
There are thousands of languages in the world. English is one of the world』 most widely used languages. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in the United States, Britain, Canada, some Caribbean countries, and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for business, ecation, information and other activities in a great many countries such as India, Pakistan and so on. It is also one of the working languages in the United Nations and is more used than the others.

English has become the language of international trade and transportIt has been said that 60 percent of the world』s radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world』s mail are in English. At international sports meets, at meetings of scientists from different countries and at talks of writers and artists from the corners of the earth, English is mostly used.

English has in fact become the language of international cooperation in science and technology.

⑹ 英語作文英語口語

About Oral English Test
The Oral English Test is both important and necessary, for we can get a lot of benefits from it. The first, the Oral English Test can encourage the teachers to improve their communication skills in English and make their classes more active. The second, it will help the students to form the habit of reading English aloud and chatting with others in English. In addition, students will also realize that Oral English is as important as reading and writing. Most important of all, English is regarded as a global language now. Through English, we can communicate with people from other countries better. Therefore, more attention should be paid to teaching and learning oral English.

⑺ 求一篇英語作文,口語考試用的

Old Henry lived on a clean street in Green City Every weekend, Alan and his friends played soccer in the street. The children were too noisy (吵鬧的)for the old man to have a good rest.
One day, Old Henry told the children that he would give them 10 douars each weekend to watch them play soccer in the street. He said, 「I am so glad when seeing you play soccer happily」.Alan and his friends were surprised to hear Old Henry』s words.
The first weekend after that, the boys went to play soccer near the old man』s house, and went awaly happily with 10 dollars.The second weekend they also got 10 douars. The third weekend, Old Henry said he spent his monet on his grandson』s school things. So he only gave. The children 4 dollars. The next weekend, Old Henry said he had a cold and he spent his money on medicine(葯). He only gave them I dollay. After that, Alan and his friends didn』t play soccer in that street any more.

⑻ 關於「英語口語考試」的英語作文

I always go to canteen to have meal.Usually,I have soup at first.培養良好的英語思維將使您在快節奏的英語交流中從容不迫回,游刃有餘。答 俚語

⑼ 求英語作文:以spoken English(口語英語)為題目的120個單詞作文。

口語應該說oral english
how to improve my oral english ?
(1)Well, forget any embarrassment and sense of dignity. To be honest, my situation is anything but poor , but i speak English every day since my very beginning about 3 years ago; sometimes, when (I was) in university, my roommates used to say that i was crazy. Yeah, why not get crazy? Bath room, dormitory, classroom, all are perfect places to hone your English tongue. You don't have foreigners around you so it's up to you to create an language environment yourself. Don't blame anything or tend to find any pretext for your poor spoken English.Enjoy losing face and you will have an excellent oral english 。
(2)English is a language rather than a subject like others. So the most important thing to improve it is to speak it out. Never give up every chance that you can use English to communicate with people, especially in the English class. First you learn how to read English text fluently, then you learn how to talk to others and make yourself understood. And, you can use other tools to help you with, like computer software that you can read after. Discussion is a good way to train your oral English, too. The most important thing you should keep in mind is the more you practice, the better you can speak.
(3) way to improve spoken English
Hello, everyone! To be frank, my spoken English is not very well, but I still come here, because I don't want to lose a good chance to improve my English. Now, I will talk something about myself in learning English.

I have learned English for 8 years. But I think my oral English may be not as well as a child in a foreign country. I remember one year I traveled in Shanghai. On my way to the hotel I knocked into a foreigner. I said: "I am sorry." The foreigner said with a smile: "I am sorry too." I was so nervous." too?" and said: "I'm sorry three!" The foreigner was so surprised: "What are you sorry for?" "Four?" "Oh, I'm sorry five!" I said immediately.

Now my spoken English has been greatly improved owing to my hard work .I often talk to myself in English and go to English corner. That's a good way to practice my oral English. However, I'm always speaking Chinglish. Such as:" How money?" "You give me stop!" It makes me very embarrassed. Did you ever have the same feeling as me?

Maybe you feel nothing if it happened to yourself. But what about happening to others? One day an accident happened on the road of California. A Chinese woman was discribing the accident: "One car come, one car go, two cars pangpang, one car die!" Do you think the story is funny? I don't think so. What a rediculous mistake the woman made because of her poor English. In contacting a person with fluent English will be admired by everyone. So I determine to practice my spoken English crazily. I know there's a long way for me to go .As the old saying said: "Rome is not built in a day!" I always bear in mind persistance can overcome any difficulties. If I practice day after day, there's nothing that can't be achieved. Maybe next year when I stand here, I'll give you a big surprise. Let's look forward to that day! That's all, thank you!

⑽ 英語作文 《關於英語口語的重要性》











如果你想要免費獲取全網最齊全的英語資源,歡迎網路搜索:阿西吧官網論壇 。專注於打造中國英語學習資源分享網站。內容十分豐富,包含少兒英語、英語口語聽力、英語四六級、新概念、商務英語等免費資源下載。



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