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❶ 日常交際英語口語

1. To make a long story short.長話短說。
2. Just tell me the story in a nutshell.你就簡明扼要地說吧。
3. To make a long story short,she is talkative.總而言之,她很健談。.
4. It is on the tip of my tongue.話在嘴邊,就是想不起來。
5. I don』t know quite how to put this.我真不知道該說什麼好。
6. I am all ears.我洗耳恭聽。
7. We had a small talk.我們閑聊一會兒。
8. You said you wanted to talk to me.聽說你有話要對我說。
9. I need to tell you something.我有事要告訴你。
10. Talk about your unwanted houseguest.談談你不歡迎的客人。
11. I』d rather talk about something eles.能不能換個話題。
12. Let』s change the subject.我們換個話題吧。
13. Let』s go back to the subject.我們言歸正傳。
14. He dismissed the unpleasant subject.他不談論不高興的話題。
15. Let』s play it by ear.走一步,看一步。(見機行事)
16. John decided to play it by ear when he went for this interview.約翰決定在面試時見機行事。
17. It is the extremely important thing.這是極其重要的事。
18. There is no turning back.已經無可挽回了。
19. I can only be like that.我只能這樣。
20. I am looking the scenery out of the window.我在看窗外的風景。

❷ 推薦英語日常交際口語比較權威的書


❸ 日常交際英語口語句子有哪些


1. I『m home. 我回來了。
2. I quit! 我不幹了!
3. Let go! 放手!
4. Me too. 我也是。
5. My god! 天哪!
6. No way! 不行!
7. Come on. 來吧(趕快)
8. Hold on. 等一等。
9. I agree。 我同意。
10. Not bad. 還不錯。
11. Not yet. 還沒。
12. See you. 再見。
13. Shut up! 閉嘴!
14. So long. 再見。
15. Why not? 好呀! (為什麼不呢?)
16. Allow me. 讓我來。
17. Be quiet! 安靜點!
18. Cheer up! 振作起來!
19. Good job! 做得好!
20. Have fun! 玩得開心!
21. How much? 多少錢?
22. I『m full. 我飽了。
23.I see. 我明白了。
24. I『m lost. 我迷路了。
25. My treat. 我請客。
26. So do I. 我也一樣。
27. This way。 這邊請。
28. After you. 您先。
29. Bless you! 祝福你!
30. Follow me. 跟我來。
31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)
32. Good luck! 祝好運!
33. I decline! 我拒絕!
34. I promise. 我保證。
35. Of course! 當然了!
36. Slow down! 慢點!
37. Take care! 保重!
38. They hurt. (傷口)疼。
39. Try again. 再試試。
40. Watch out! 當心。
41. What『s up? 有什麼事嗎?
42. Be careful! 注意!
43. Bottoms up! 乾杯(見底)!
44. Don『t move! 不許動!
45. Guess what? 猜猜看?
46. I doubt it 我懷疑。
47. I think so. 我也這么想。
48. I『m single. 我是單身貴族。
49. Keep it up! 堅持下去!
50. Let me see.讓我想想。
51. Never mind.不要緊。
52. No problem! 沒問題!
53. That『s all! 就這樣!
54. Time is up. 時間快到了。
55. What『s new? 有什麼新鮮事嗎?
56. Count me on 算上我。
57. Don『t worry. 別擔心。
58. Feel better? 好點了嗎?
59. I love you! 我愛你!
60. I『m his fan。 我是他的影迷。
61. Is it yours? 這是你的嗎?
62. That『s neat. 這很好。
63. Are you sure? 你肯定嗎?
64. Do l have to 非做不可嗎?
65. He is my age. 他和我同歲。
66. Here you are. 給你。
67. No one knows . 沒有人知道。
68. Take it easy. 別緊張。
69. What a pity! 太遺憾了!
70. Any thing else? 還要別的嗎?
71. To be careful! 一定要小心!
72. He came by train. 他乘火車來。
73. Help yourself. 別客氣。
74. I『m on a diet. 我在節食。
75. Keep in Touch. 保持聯絡。
76. Time is money. 時間就是金錢。
77. Who『s calling? 是哪一位?
78. You did right. 你做得對。
79. You set me up! 你出賣我!
80. Can I help you? 我能幫你嗎?
81. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得開心!
82. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,對不起。
83. Give me a hand! 幫幫我!
84. How『s it going? 怎麼樣?
85. I have no idea. 我沒有頭緒。
86. I just made it! 我做到了!
87. I『ll see to it 我會留意的。
88. I『m in a hurry! 我在趕時間!
89. It『s her field. 這是她的本行。
90. It『s up to you. 由你決定。
91. Just wonderful! 簡直太棒了!
92. What about you? 你呢?
93. You owe me one.你欠我一個人情。
94. You『re welcome. 不客氣。
95. Any day will do. 哪一天都行夕
96. Are you kidding? 你在開玩笑吧!
97. Congratulations! 祝賀你!
98. I can『t help it. 我情不自禁。
99. I don『t mean it. 我不是故意的。
100. I『ll fix you Up. 我會幫你打點的。

101. It sounds great!. 聽起來很不錯。
102. It『s a fine day。 今天是個好天。
103. So far,So good. 目前還不錯。
104. What time is it? 幾點了?
105. You can make it! 你能做到!
106. Control yourself! 克制一下!
107. Do me a favor? 幫個忙,好嗎?
108. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。
109. He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇氣。
110. How『s everything? 一切還好吧?
111. I have no choice. 我別無選擇。
112. I like ice-cream. 我喜歡吃冰淇淋。
113. I love this game. 我鍾愛這項運動。
114. I『ll try my best. 我盡力而為。
115. I『m On your side. 我全力支持你。
116. Long time no see! 好久不見!
117. No pain,no gain. 不勞無獲。
118. Well,it depends 噢,這得看情況。
119. We『re all for it. 我們全都同意。
120. What a good deal! 真便宜!
121. What should I do? 我該怎麼辦?
122. You asked for it! 你自討苦吃!
123. You have my word. 我保證。
124. Believe it or not! 信不信由你!
125. Don『t count on me.別指望我。
126. Don『t fall for it! 別上當!
127. Don『t let me down. 別讓我失望。
128. Easy come easy go. 來得容易,去得快。
129. I beg your pardon. 請你原諒。
130. I beg your pardon? 請您再說一遍(我沒有聽清)。
131. I『ll be back soon. 我馬上回來。
132. I『ll check it out. 我去查查看。
133. It』s a long story. 說來話長。
134. It』s Sunday today. 今天是星期天。
135. Just wait and see! 等著瞧!
136. Make up your mind. 做個決定吧。
137. That『s all I need. 我就要這些。
138. The view is great. 景色多麼漂亮!
139. The wall has ears. 隔牆有耳。
140. There comes a bus. 汽車來了。
141. What day is today? 今天星期幾?
142. What do you think? 你怎麼認為?
143. Who told you that? 誰告訴你的?
144. Who『s kicking off? 現在是誰在開球?
145. Yes,I suppose So. 是的,我也這么認為。
146. You can『t miss it 你一定能找到的。
147. Any messages for me? 有我的留言嗎?
148. Don『t be so modest. 別謙虛了。
149. Don『t give me that! 少來這套!
150. He is a smart boy. 他是個小機靈鬼。
151. He is just a child. 他只是個孩子。
152. I can『t follow you. 我不懂你說的。
153. I felt sort of ill. 我感覺有點不適。
154. I have a good idea! 我有一個好主意。
155. It is growing cool. 天氣漸漸涼爽起來。
156. It seems all right. 看來這沒問題。
157. It『s going too far. 太離譜了。
158. May I use your pen? 我可以用你的筆嗎?
159. She had a bad cold. 她患了重感冒。
160. That『s a good idea. 這個主意真不錯。
161. The answer is zero. 白忙了。
162. What does she like? 她喜歡什麼?
163. As soon as possible! 越快越好!
164. He can hardly speak. 他幾乎說不出話來。
165. He always talks big. 他總是吹牛。
166. He won an election. 他在選舉中獲勝。
167. I am a football fan. 我是個足球迷。
168. If only I could fly. 要是我能飛就好了。
169. I『ll be right there. 我馬上就到。
170. I『ll see you at six. 我六點鍾見你。
171. IS it true or false? 這是對的還是錯的?
172. Just read it for me. 就讀給我聽好了。
173. Knowledge is power. 知識就是力量。
174. Move out of my way! 讓開!
175. Time is running out. 沒時間了。
176. We are good friends. 我們是好朋友。
177. What『s your trouble? 你哪兒不舒服?
178. You did fairly well! 你幹得相當不錯1
179. Clothes make the man. 人要衣裝。
180. Did you miss the bus? 你錯過公共汽車了?
181. Don『t lose your head。 不要驚慌失措。
182. He can『t take a joke. 他開不得玩笑。
183. He owes my uncle $100.他欠我叔叔100 美元。
184. How are things going? 事情進展得怎樣?
185. How are you recently? 最近怎麼樣?
186. I know all about it. 我知道有關它的一切。
187. It really takes time. 這樣太耽誤時間了。
188. It『s against the law. 這是違法的。
189. Love me,love my dog. (諺語)愛屋及烏。
190. My mouth is watering. 我要流口水了。
191. Speak louder,please. 說話請大聲點兒。
192. This boy has no job. 這個男孩沒有工作。
193. This house is my own. 這所房子是我自己的。
194. What happened to you? 你怎麼了?
195. You are just in time. 你來得正是時候。
196. You need to workout. 你需要去運動鍛煉一下。
197. Your hand feels cold. 你的手摸起來很冷。。
198. Don『t be so childish. 別這么孩子氣。


❹ 英語口語交際基本語句

Good morning.

Good morning, John. (早晨好,約翰。)

Good morning, mom. (早晨好,媽媽。)


Did the alarm clock go off? *go off是鬧鍾「響」的意思。

Did the alarm clock buzz?

Did the alarm clock ring?


It's time to get up!

It's time to get up! (該起床了!)

I don't wanna get up. (我真不想起。)

It's time to wake up!

It's time to get out of bed.

It's time to get ready.


Get up soon.

Get up soon. (快點兒起床!)

I don't want to. (我真不想起。)


Are you awake? *get up是動詞,表示「起床」、「起」的動作。awake是形容詞,表示「醒了」、「沒睡」的狀態。

Are you awake? (你醒了嗎?)

I am now. (我剛醒。)


Are you feeling sick?

Are you feeling sick? (你不舒服嗎?)

No, I'm just tired. (沒有,只是有點兒累。)


Did you sleep well?

Did you sleep well? (睡得好嗎?)

Yes, I slept very well. (嗯,睡得挺好。)

Did you sleep well? (睡得好嗎?)

No, I couldn't fall asleep. (哪兒啊,幾乎沒睡著。)


Would you turn off the alarm clock? *turn off的原意是「關」,多用於收音機、電視、照明等類的東西。雖然現在有許多東西無需用按鈕開關,但一般也用turn off表示。

Please turn off the alarm clock. (請把鬧鍾關了。)


You finally got up.

You finally got up. (你終於起來了。)

I'm still sleepy. (我還困著呢!)


It's a nice day!

It's a nice day! (今天是個好天!)

It sure is. (是不錯啊。)

It's a beautiful day!

It's a wonderful day!

It's a great day!


Did you stay up late last night? *stay up late「睡得晚」、「熬夜」。

Did you go to bed late last night?


Let's fold up the futon. *fold意為「折疊」,fold up意為「疊好」、「疊整齊」;futon原本是日文,現在英文中也逐漸使用,意為「被子」。

Let's put the futon away. (把被子收起來吧。)


You were snoring last night. *snore「打呼嚕」。

You were snoring last night. (昨天晚上你打呼嚕了。)

Did I keep you up? (影響你睡覺了嗎?)

You were sawing logs last night. *saw logs原意為「鋸木頭」,在此用來表示「打呼嚕」。


I had a nightmare.

I had a nightmare. (我做了個可怕的夢。)

It's all right now. (現在沒事了。)


You left the light on. *left (leave)是「保持某種樣子」、「保持某種狀態」的意思,表達「電燈一直開著」、「發動機一直開著」、「窗戶一直開著」也可以用這種句型。

You forgot to turn off the light. (你忘了關燈了。)


I have to go wash my face. *go wash是go和wash兩個動詞連用,口語中常用。可以把它看作是go and wash的縮略形式。


It's time to eat breakfast.

It's time to have breakfast.


I'm still sleepy.

I'm still drowsy.


I'm still yawning.


I have a hangover.


I'm a night person. *「早上起不來」的意思。

I'm a night person. (我是個夜貓子。)

I'm not. (我可不是。)

I'm a morning person. (我喜歡早起。)


Coffee wakes me up.

Coffee gets me going.


Did you brush your teeth?

Have you brushed your teeth?


I have to comb my hair.


What should I wear?

What should I wear? (穿什麼好呢?)

The red one. (穿紅的吧!)

Which dress should I wear?

Which one should I wear?

What should I put on?


Hurry up and get dressed.

Hurry up and get dressed. (快換衣服。)

Why? (幹嘛?)


Put those pajamas away!

Put those pajamas away! (把睡衣收好。)

Oh, I'm washing those. (啊,我正要洗呢。)


I'm leaving. Bye mom!

I'm leaving. Bye mom! (我走了。媽媽再見!)

Study hard. (好好學習啊!)

I'll see you when I get back.

I'm taking off now.

See you.

See you later.


Let's play hooky today! *play hooky為俚語「逃學」。

Let's play hooky today! (今天我們逃學吧。)

Yeah, let's. (好哇,走吧!)


You're wearing your sweater inside out.

You have your sweater on inside out.


It's upside down.


Don't forget to take out the garbage.

Don't forget to take out the garbage. (可別忘了扔垃圾!)

I won't. (忘不了!)


It's your turn to take out the garbage. *garbage也可以用trash和rubbish替代。


What are you doing today?

What are you doing today? (今天你們幹嘛?)

We're having a track and field meet. (今天我們開運動會。)


If you don't hurry, we'll be late.

If you don't hurry, we'll be late. (你快點兒,我們該遲到了!)

Okay, Okay. (知道了,知道了。)

Hurry up or we'll be late.


Hurry or you'll be late for school.

Hurry or you'll be late for school. (快點兒,上學該遲到了。)

What time is it? (現在幾點?)


Did you lock the door?

Have you locked the door?


Aren't you forgetting something?

Aren't you forgetting something? (沒忘了什麼東西吧?)

I don't think so. (我想沒有。)


It's already 8:00.

It's 8:00 already.


I'm late!

I'm late! (我晚了!)

Hurry up! (快點兒吧!)


I have to rush!

I have to hurry (up)!

I have to get going!

I have to get moving.


Are you gonna be late today?

Are you gonna be late today? (你今天會回來得晚嗎?)

No, I'll be home at the usual time. (不,和平常一樣。)


What time are you coming home?

What time are you coming home? (幾點回來?)

Around seven o'clock. (大概7點左右吧。)


Have you got your lunch box?

Have you got your lunch box? (飯盒帶了嗎?)

Yes, right here. (嗯,帶了。)


It might rain today.

It might rain today. (今天好像要下雨。)

Take your umbrella with you. (帶上傘吧!)


Don't forget to lock the door when you leave.



I'm home.

I'm home. (我回來了。)

Welcome back. (你回來了。)

I'm back!


Welcome home!

Welcome back!


Did you have a good time?


How did it go today?

How was your day?


Can I go out to play?

Can I go out to play? (我可以出去玩兒會兒嗎?)

After you finish your homework. (寫完作業再去吧。)


I'm hungry.

I'm hungry. (我餓了。)

We have some snacks. (吃點兒點心吧。)


Where are the snacks?

Where are the snacks? (點心在哪兒?)

They're in the cupboard. (在碗櫥里。)


I'm going to cram school now. *cram意為「填鴨式補習」。

I'm going to cram school now. (我去補習學校了啊。)

Call when you finish. (下課後來個電話。)


May I have my allowance?

May I have my allowance? (能給我點兒零花錢嗎?)

What do you want to buy? (你要買什麼呀?)


I'm tired.

I'm exhausted. (我精疲力盡了)

I'm pooped. *俚語


What would you like for dinner?

What would you like for dinner? (晚飯你想吃什麼?)

How about steak? (吃牛排怎麼樣?)

What do you want for dinner? (晚飯吃什麼?)

What do you want to eat for dinner? (晚飯你想吃點什麼?)


Would you help me set the table? *set the table 是將刀、叉和杯子在桌子上擺好,准備吃飯的意思。

Would you help me set the table? (你能幫我准備餐具嗎?)

I'd be happy to. (樂意之至。)

Help me set up the table, will you? (你能幫我把餐具擺好嗎?)


What should I make for dinner?

What should I whip up for dinner?

What should I cook for dinner?

What should I fix for dinner?

❺ 想能學會基本的英語口語交際有什麼軟體最好


❻ 日常英語口語交際


❼ 英語交際翻譯(日常口語)

Hello Miss or Sir, we are students from the school self-decepline group who wants to check the students' attendance work, the work is now finished, please sign your name here.


❽ 英語常用口語交際

日常英語口語 生活用語
Someday! ---- 改天吧!
Speaking! ---- (打電話時)我就是!
Still? ---- 仍是這樣?
Stingy! ---- 小氣鬼!
Stop! ---- 停!
Superb! ---- 棒極了!
Sure! ---- 當然!
Surprise! ---- 給你一個驚喜!
Terrible! ---- 好可怕!
Thirsty? ---- 渴嗎!
Toast! ---- 乾杯!
Try! ---- 去試一下!
Unbelievable! ---- 難以置信!
Understand? ---- 明不明白?
Unisex? ---- 男女通用的?
Wait! ---- 等一等!
Well? ---- 怎麼樣?
Willingly---- 很樂意!
Wow! ---- 哇!
Yum... ---- 恩...(好吃!)
1、Man, you scared the shoot/crap out of me!你把我嚇壞了! Beat the crap out of sb(crap等於shoot,不過要稍微文雅一些;)
2、You did it!你做到了!(或者還可以說I made it! 口語中要注意make, do等小詞的運用)
3、Let』s make a deal!我們做筆交易吧。
4、That was close!/close one 好險
5、What if I had the guts to quit my job.(have the guts有種,有勇氣)
6、How did it go with Ceria?和Ceria怎麼樣了?
7、How』s it going?/ how are you doing?你好
8、It』s not like (I did this on purpose).並不是……(又是典型的繞彎子式美國思維了!這句話還可以換成Not that I did this on purpose)
9、How come you are working here? 你怎麼在這里工作?(how come=why)
10、I』ll fix it! 我去搞定!
11、Hats off to phoebe. I』d say that you』re a very good competitor. (hats off to向誰脫帽致敬)
12、How long has it been since (you had sex with your gf)? 有多久沒做……
13、Forget it!/skip it!/I don』t wanna talk about this any more. 別提了
14、I mean it! 我是認真的!
15、I』m totally over her! 我早就忘了她了!
16、I』m gonna pay for it tonight. 今晚我要付出代價。
17、Where were we?剛才我們談/做到哪裡了?
18、Leave me alone! 別管我/別惹我
19、You have to pick your moments/timing. 你說話得選時機。
20、You started it!你先挑釁的(選自 The Incredibles)
21、Will he know what this is in reference to?他知道是誰打來的嗎?
22、Make it three/two.再來一杯/份(和老外一起到酒吧,餐廳點同樣東西時的經典用語,言簡意賅)
23、That makes two of us. 所見略同
24、Two coffee to go. 兩杯咖啡打包。
25、I was trying to reach you all night. 我找了你一晚上。
26、I was wondering/thinking if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?我在想……
27、You bet!當然
28、I』ve been through this!我有經驗/我也經歷過
29、Did it ever occur to you that I might be that stupid!
30、You really need to hate Julie』s guts.(hate sb''s guts 恨透……)
31、What do you say I buy you a cup of coffee/we go take a walk? 我請你喝杯咖啡怎麼樣?(what do you say加從句,可用與徵求別人意見)
32、Hold it! 打住!
33、Up yours! 去你的
34、I don』t have a clue!我不知道
35、Come on, cut it out! 別鬧了~
36、You are nothing like us.你一點都不象我們。It』s nothing like Hobbit/You guys, this cat is nothing like my grandma』s cat.(nothing like sth表示一點都不像)

❾ 英語口語交際用語中對於感謝的回答一共有幾種

thank you


thanks a lot

❿ 英語交際翻譯(日常口語)




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