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發布時間:2021-03-16 19:20:42

1. 求一篇英語小短文。寫家庭聚會野餐的。五六句就可以了


On Sunday, my family and Ann』s family were free. So we went to West Hill for a picnic. We took some food with us.
In the West Hill, my mother and Ann』s mother had to cook. My father and Ann』s father carried some water with us. My brother and I flew a kite on the grassland. Ann』s father and Ann are ang some songs. At lunch, Ann and I said :「The food is very nice!」 My mother and Ann』s mother said with a smile:「 Thanks.」 After meal, we are went to fishing.
We were very happy.


2. 【急】在公園野餐的一篇英語文章 可以說些有關在公園看到的景色等... 不用很長...

Last weekend,I went to picnic with my friend.The weather was sunny, and we were very happy.we went to a mountain.There is some beautiful tree and some smart animal in the mountain.we sit under a tree.I saw my watch--it was 12∶00,we ate some tomato and some bread.About 15∶00,it was dark,so we go home,the birds and the tree spoke to us:"good bye!good bye!"

3. 一篇外出野餐的英語作文帶翻譯60詞

A Picnic野餐
Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic.We took several sandwiches and some bottles of water with us for lunch.Of course we didn't forget to take some fruit and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.上周末,我們去鄉下野餐。我們帶上了幾個三明治和幾瓶水午飯時吃。當然我們也沒有忘記帶上一些水果,我們甚至還帶了幾個西紅柿和幾條黃瓜。
We left home quite early in order to avoid the traffic jam.About two hours later, we came to a nice place.It was near a river. We put our bicycles under the trees and went swimming.It was a very hot day. The water was very refreshing.為了避開交通高峰,我們很早就出發了。大約過了兩個小時,我們來到了一個不錯的地方。它附近有一條河,我們把車子放在樹下就去游泳。天氣很熱,河水使人振奮。
After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees.Then we went for a walk.We didn't come back home until the night fell.游完泳,我們在樹蔭下吃了午飯。然後我們去散步。直到夜幕降臨,我們才回家。
It took us about two hours by bike to get to the nice place in the countryside.There was a rive there. The water was clean and it was a good place to swim.We threw our bikes on the groundand jumped into the water.It was hot, but the water made us refreshed.After we swam around:'the river, we were tired.我們騎車花了約兩個小時,終於到了野外那個美麗的地方。那裡有一條小河,河水清澈,真是個游泳的好地方。我們把自行車往地上一擱,就跳進河裡。天氣真熱,河水讓人感到舒爽。遊了幾個來回,我們有些累了。
We took out the sandwiches and water, and had our picnic in the shade under the trees.The most popular food are sausages and tomatoes.我們拿出准備好的三明治和水,開始在樹陰下野餐。最受歡迎的食品是香腸和西紅柿。
After lunch we took a walk.There we saw many beautiful flowers and green grass. We smelled sweet air.How nice the picnic was!午飯後,我們散步。在那兒我們看見許多漂亮的花和碧綠的草,我們聞到空氣的芬芳。多麼愉快的野餐啊!

4. 寫一篇英語短文關於去野餐的包括漢語意思

Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic.we took several sandwiches and some bottles of water with us for lunch. of course we didn't forget to take some fruit and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.

We left home quite early in order to avoid the traffic jam.about two hours later, we came to a nice place. it was near a river. we put our bicycles under the trees and went swimming. it was a very hot day. the water was very refreshing.

After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees. then we went for a walk. we didn't come back home until the night fell.

It took us about two hours by bike to get to the nice place in the countryside. there was a rive there. the water was clean and it was a good place to swim. we threw our bikes on the ground

And jumped into the water. it was hot, but the water made us refreshed. after we swam around:'the river, we were tired.

We took out the sandwiches and water, and had our picnic in the shade under the trees. the most popular food are sausages and tomatoes.

After lunch we took a walk. there we saw many beautiful flowers and GREen grass. we smelled sweet air. how nice the picnic was!


5. 求一篇英語文章短的,四年級的有關野餐的

A pleasant picnic

In second grade, mom took me and partners to biao3 zhuang concted a pleasant picnic.

We started off at eight in the morning, then about 9, liu2 biao3 zhuang is a village in cangzhou, although not famed not luxuriant graceful, but full of thick agrestic breath, our picnic party members have four children, and the children's guardian, there is their great mother, followed us a picnic together. We in the car was unbearable excited, talking and laughing. At the destination is crazy, in over mounds giggly, although is girl also control that are thought of as the loach similar rolled on the floor, the rice edge run around hitting each other, for us this kind of environment is very fresh, filled with curiosity, yeah

Now, we came to another kind of environment, it is no longer the high-rise buildings in the city,

6. 以野餐為話題寫一篇英語文章,80詞

After finishing my homework, I went to the Tai Mountian ring my holiday, together with my friends. Very exicited, we were eager to reach the destination on the course by bus. We began to climb directly we got to the foot of the mountian. There were many visiters there, and all of us enjoyed the beautiful view beside the steps. Eventually, we reached the top. Not only did we have a picnic there, but we took several pictures as well. Though very tired, we were very enjoyable about this unforgetable trip.


要點: 提示:I want to konw,I wonder,
1.怎麼樣去野餐 I hope to know,
2.什麼時間出發 I 'd like to know

A picnic
Dear Ben,
We are going to have a picnic this weekend. I hope to know how we will go to the park. I'd like to know when and where we will meet. I will bring some delicious things for lunch, and I want to know what you will bring. I wonder how much money we will take. Hope we will have a nice day.


7. 用英語寫大約五十字的野餐故事

Yesterday,I went to have a picnic with my old classmates.We dated with each other several days ago.And we were all expecting the day's come. At last, the excited day came. We went to the part where we have decided to have the picnic. During the picnic ,we talked with each other,played games,and so on. On balance, I had a nice day and I will never forget it.Because it is so happy in the picnic and we remaided so many pleasures things in our childhood.
2we had a picnic in fall last year. first we climbed to the top of the hill. we saw many pupils there. we talked ,laughed and played together. then at picnic time, we shared our food .we saw a beautiful stream near by. but there was much rubbish in it. that's a pity .we thought we should tell the people to protect our living environment. so after our picnic, we put up several signs near the stream. we wrote "please keep the stream clean and beautiful" on the signs. time to go home, we said goodbye each other and we made an appointment of next year.. on our way home, we all thought that's a very interesting picnic.

8. 野餐英語小短文怎麼寫

I am going to have picnic in the park.I have picnic with my friend.My friend says:"what do we need?"I think say:"Hamburger,chicken,cola,chip,noondile.""Oh,good idal."
(Today Iam have picnic)I am sing and my friend is fly a kite.We are very happy.



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