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發布時間:2021-03-16 16:00:59

① 我的學校用品的英語作文簡短

My pencil-case
I have got a very big pencil-case.It』s very nice.
My pencil-case has a very nice picture .Guess,What is it?It』s an aeroplane.It』s green ,red ,yellow and white.
My pencil-case has floors Mr ballpen and Mrs ruler live on the first floor .Mr pen and Mrs ruler live on the second floor.Many Mr pencil and Mrs colourful pencils live on the third floor.They』re my good friends.
I like my friend and pencil-case.
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② 教室裡面有的一些學慣用品,請根據以下提示用英語寫一篇短文,詞數不少於50個。開頭已給。 Name:

This is a nice classroom.There is a white notebook on the chair.I think it is Lily's.There's a book on the desk, and Efic's green watch is on the book.Rise's blue schoolbag is in the book.Beside the book , there's a pencil box and Fank's black pen is in it.

③ 關於介紹教室的英語小短文

Hello,Jack.Let me introce the teaching building to you .Teaching building is in the middle of the school which has six floors.The third floor have a large reading room ,two computer rooms and three science labs.We have computer lessons in computer rooms and we all like this lesson You can read books in the reading room because there are a lot of books in it .In front of the teaching building,there is a beautiful garden. We ofen read English there in the morning.And sound lab is on the second floor .There are 12 classrooms on the first floor and the second floor in totel.Our classroom is on the second floor.

④ 查一篇英語教室物品的小短文

Our Classroom
Our classroom is tidy.There are some desks and chairs in the classroom.
Our books are in the desks.Our pencil box is on the desk. A ruler, two pencils, three pens and an eraser are in the pencil box. The tape is in the tape player and the tape player is on the teachers' desk.
譯文: 我們的教室


⑤ 描寫教室的英語小短文寫出教室里的顏色和數量


⑥ 描寫教室的英語短文

For today's Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. Anyway, who cares when Christ was born?

Christmas Day,the 25th of December,is the biggest festival(節日)celebrated in the Christian countries of the world.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive.Small children believe that their presents are brought by Father Christmas(聖誕老人).Father Christmas is a kind of old man who,the children are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels through the sky on a sleigh(雪撬) which is pulled by reindeers(馴鹿) and loaded with(裝滿) presents.Stopping on the roof of houses,he enters by climbing the chimney(煙囪).When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve,they hang a stocking at the end of their beds.Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas,or he will not leave them anything.When they wake,they find their stockings filled with presents.Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.
Christmas is also a family celebration.As any members of the family as possible gather to eat,play party games and watch the special Christmas programmes on TV.

⑦ 教室中常見物品的英文表達

?clock 鍾
?window 窗戶
?door 門
??desk 桌子
?flag 旗子
bookshelf 書架
?pencil box 鉛筆盒
?pencil 鉛筆
?magnets 磁鐵版
?white board 白板權
??notebook 筆記本
??eraser 橡皮
??ruler 尺
??marker 馬克筆
computer 計算機
?textbooks 教科書
??blackboard 黑板
??chalk 粉筆
?blackboard eraser 黑板擦

⑧ 英語作文,教室里物品的位置

My class is very good.It has 40 students(可自己更改).My classmates are very friendly and nice.My teachers are good.And their classes are very interesting.My classroom is big and clean.It has two doors.It has 40 desks and chair(可自做更改).It has seven light and ten fans(可自做更改).There is a big blackboard in front of the teacher's desk.This is my class and classroom.Do you like my class and classroom?


⑨ 教室里的東西的英文單詞


1、public-address speaker廣播

2、map 英[mæp]美[mæp] 地圖

3、 chalkboard 英['tʃɔːkbɔːd]美['tʃɔkbɔrd] 黑板

4、class schele [klɑːs ˈskedʒʊl] 課程表;課程安排

5、organ 英['ɔːg(ə)n]美['ɔrɡən] 風琴;管風琴

6、globe 英[gləʊb]美[ɡlob] 地球;地球儀;球體

7、eraser 英[ɪ'reɪzə]美[ɪ'resɚ] 橡皮

8、chalk 英[tʃɔːk]美[tʃɔk] 粉筆

9、shoe rack[ʃuː ræk] 鞋架

10、platform 英['plætfɔːm]美['plæt'fɔrm] 站台 講台

11、desk 英[desk]美[dɛsk] 課桌

12、chair 英[tʃeə]美[tʃɛr] 椅子

13、textbook 英['teks(t)bʊk]美['tɛkstbʊk] 教科書,課本

⑩ 教室里的用品英語字母

blackboard 黑板 (a piece of)a board rubbe黑板擦chalk 粉筆 slate pencil 石板筆 wall map 掛圖
skeleton map 輪廓圖,示意圖 globe 地球儀 textbook 課本 dictionary 詞典 encyclopedia
school bag(書包) / book (書) /pen (鋼筆)/ pencil(鉛筆) , Ball point pen 圓珠筆/ pencil-box (鉛筆盒)/eraser(橡皮擦) /ruler(尺子)stationery
文具 book bag 書包 backpack = knapsack 背包 stapler 訂書機 (staples 訂書釘) clips
夾子; 回形針 glue 膠水 scotch tape 透明膠帶 scissors 剪刀 brown paper牛皮紙

練習本exercise book 墨汁 ink 計算器 caculator 文具盒Pencil cases

pen knife (Pen Knives are real pens that contain a hidden knife.)

記號筆marker 蠟筆crayon
fans, rough paper,草稿紙 the dictionary. curtains, projector投影儀.



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