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1. 求 醫學英語考試題 要求帶答案 非常感謝


2. 考研英語哪一篇閱讀理解是關於醫學的

一般是 經濟 政治 科技什麼的,各種各樣~

3. 求關於健康的英語閱讀理解(題型:選擇題),要求有答案和答案解釋

One should be moderate in all things. Moderation is always the safest way to do things ,and a virtue we should have .Let』s take the student life for example . There are some students who study too hard and play too little, while there are others who play too much and study too little .On the one hand ,it is harmful to his health if he has too few physical exercises ,and on the other hand ,it is harmful to his mind if he plays too much .

In the matter of eating , one also should be moderate . Do not eat too much or too little .Eating too much will make you sick ,while eating too little will make you week.

The man of progress is he who neither has too high opinion of himself nor thinks too poorly of himself .If he thinks too highly of himself ,he is surely to become very proud ,but if he has too poor an opinion of himself ,he will have no courage to make an advance .Both conditions above will make you lose your aim in life .A broadminded man is he who always moves within the orbit of reasonableness. In any activities in one』s life , moderation is one of the best ways to enjoy real happiness.

62、「Someone is moderate 」means

A、 he walks neither too fast nor too slowly

B、 he shows good sense and never goes to extremes

C、 he is not only safe but also successful

D、he is either tall or short

63、he In the passage the writer suggests that a student should .

A、 only study hard without anytime to play

B、 spend most of his time playing different games

C、 have much more time to study than to play

D、correctly arrange his time for study and play

64、According to the writer ,one should eat .

A、 neither too much nor too little

B、 food rich in fat

C、 a little amount of food so as not to be fat

D、as much food as one can if the food is tasty

65、If one wants to be broadminded ,he must 。

A、be full of courage B、enjoy real happiness

C、do everything reasonably D、 believe in himself

62---65 BDAC
62:moderate adj.中等的, 適度的, 適中的

63:可以從文章第一段最後兩句話「On the one hand。。。and on the other hand。。。」可以推出答案D的意思正確合理支配自己學習與娛樂的時間。
64 「one also should be moderate . Do not eat too much or too little」表明飲食要適度!所以與答案A符合人不可以吃得太多或著太少。
65:A broadminded man is he who always moves within the orbit of reasonableness.:一個心胸開闊的人行事總是圍繞著合理的軌道。C 意思是做任何事情合理地。所以與文章符合。答案為:C
生詞:moderate adj.中等的, 適度的, 適中的 v.緩和。
orbit n.軌道vt.繞...軌道而行
reasonableness n. 合理, 妥當
broadminded adj.心胸開闊的;寬宏大量的

4. 醫學類相關英語問題回答(高手請進,請回答完整些)

go to studentdoctor.net, there you can search for your answers

5. 2017醫學考研英語需要掌握的閱讀答題技巧有什麼


6. 跪求醫學類英語作文,醫學專業英語考試,與醫學相關就行,200字。

Medicine is the science and art of healing. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.

Contemporary medicine applies health science, biomedical research, and medical technology to diagnose and treat injury and disease, typically through medication or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints & traction, prostheses, biologics, ionizing radiation and others. The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing.

In most countries, it is a legal requirement for a medical doctor to be licensed or registered. In general, this entails a medical degree from a university and accreditation by a medical board or an equivalent national organization, which may ask the applicant to pass exams. This restricts the considerable legal authority of the medical profession to physicians that are trained and qualified by national standards. It is also intended as an assurance to patients and as a safeguard against charlatans that practice inadequate medicine for personal gain. While the laws generally require medical doctors to be trained in "evidence based", Western, or Hippocratic Medicine, they are not intended to discourage different paradigms of health.

Doctors who are negligent or intentionally harmful in their care of patients can face charges of medical malpractice and be subject to civil, criminal, or professional sanctions.

The Greek physician Hippocrates, the "father of medicine", laid the foundation for a rational approach to medicine. Hippocrates introced the Hippocratic Oath for physicians, which is still relevant and in use today, and was the first to categorize illnesses as acute, chronic, endemic and epidemic, and use terms such as, "exacerbation, relapse, resolution, crisis, paroxysm, peak, and convalescence".
Working together as an interdisciplinary team, many highly trained health professionals besides medical practitioners are involved in the delivery of modern health care. Examples include: nurses, emergency medical technicians and paramedics, laboratory scientists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, respiratory therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, radiographers, dietitians, and bioengineers.

The scope and sciences underpinning human medicine overlap many other fields. Dentistry, while considered by some a separate discipline from medicine, is a medical field.

A patient admitted to hospital is usually under the care of a specific team based on their main presenting problem, e.g., the Cardiology team, who then may interact with other specialties, e.g., surgical, radiology, to help diagnose or treat the main problem or any subsequent complications/developments.

Physicians have many specializations and subspecializations into certain branches of medicine, which are listed below. There are variations from country to country regarding which specialties certain subspecialties are in.

The main branches of medicine are:
1 Basic sciences of medicine; this is what every physician is ecated in, and some return to in biomedical research.
2 Medical specialties
3 Interdisciplinary fields, where different medical specialties are mixed to function in certain occasions.

Medical ecation and training varies around the world. It typically involves entry level ecation at a university medical school, followed by a period of supervised practice or internship, and/or residency. This can be followed by postgraate vocational training. A variety of teaching methods have been employed in medical ecation, still itself a focus of active research.

Many regulatory authorities require continuing medical ecation, since knowledge, techniques and medical technology continue to evolve at a rapid rate.

7. 急!急!《醫學專業英語閱讀一分冊》求答案


8. 高分求助!!與醫學有關的英文文章,1000單詞左右

醫學英語不同於普通英語,其特點就是專業術語多,從詞源學來看,其顯著特點就是拉丁語和希臘語占極高的比率,其詞源差不多來源於希臘語和羅馬語,其次是正式語的使用,如醫學英語中用frequently而不用often,用purchase代替buy,用approximately而不用about等,在筆者教學中發現,醫學英語遇到的首要困難就是記憶單詞,僅病名就超過3萬個,而且每年要添1 500個新醫學術語,要准確記憶醫學英語中的詞彙就要掌握醫學詞彙構成,醫學詞彙構成包括:前綴(prefix)、後綴(suffix)、詞干(wood root)和結合形(combination form ),這些詞素大多不能獨立存在,但它們可以相互依從,共同存在於詞彙中,由詞綴、詞干或結合形構成一個復合詞,例如:endocarditis(心內膜炎)是由詞頭endo(在內,內部)+詞干cardi(心)+詞尾itis(炎)三部分組成的復合詞,每一部分代表一定的意義,醫學英語單詞構成主要有以下幾種形式:前綴+詞根,如Hypertension(高血壓)〔hyper(過度、超過)+tension(張力)〕,hemiplegia(偏癱)〔hemi(單側)+plegia(癱瘓)〕;詞根+後綴,如Cardiograph(心動描計議)〔cardio(心)+graph(描計議、圖像)〕;前綴+詞根+後綴,如Introgasrtic(入胃的)〔intro(入內、向內)+gastro(胃)+ic(……的)〕;結合形,如cytotoxin(細胞毒素)〔cyto(細胞)+toxin(毒素)〕。培養學生分析不僅可以鞏固他們新學過的知識,而且還可以使記憶更簡單,更方便。

另外,醫學英語中存在著大量縮寫,認知語言學認為語言產生於實踐,越不熟悉的語言信息,語言符號越多,反之,越熟悉的語言信息,語言符號越少,語言越經濟。如:首字母縮寫法:如MCV(mean corpuscular volume)平均紅細胞容積,HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)人類艾滋病病毒;縮寫詞:保留開頭幾個字母:polio(poliomyelitis)脊髓灰質炎,保留中間幾個字母:flu(influenza)流感;縮略詞:如Hb(hemoglobin)血紅蛋白,Ht/Hct/Crit(hematocrit)紅細胞比容。利用醫學英語構詞法特點進行記憶為學習者提供了一個有效學習記憶的科學方法和快速擴大醫學詞彙量的捷徑。

另外記憶詞彙相當有效的方法是聯想記憶法,聯想反映客觀事物之間的聯系,它在促進人的記憶、想像、思維等心理活動中佔有重要地位,如:Cardiovascular System聯想到與此系統有關的詞彙:heart ,blood vessel,atrium,interventricular,capillary,aorta,valve等等。

3.2 閱讀策略



9. 求助! 提供一份口腔醫學的英語閱讀理解和完形填空題

我想你應該是弄錯了吧 口腔醫學專業今年在川收生分3類: 五年制口腔醫學 七年制口腔醫學 八年制臨床醫學(口腔醫學) 臨床5年制與口腔是沒關系的。 口腔五年制畢業是醫學學士學位 口腔七年制是本碩連讀,畢業授予醫學碩士學位 口腔醫學(臨床醫學)八年制是本碩博連讀,畢業授予醫學博士學位 口腔醫學(臨床醫學)八年制是進校後再進行選擇是學臨床還是口腔 在四川平均錄取分 2008年四川理科錄取情況 專業名稱 最高分 最低分 平均分 臨床醫學(五年制) 677 659 664.92 臨床醫學(八年制) 687 668 674.62 口腔醫學(五年制) 679 665 671.53 口腔醫學(七年制) 700 680 687.60 2007年四川理科錄取情況 專業名稱 最高分 最低分 平均分 臨床醫學(五年制) 622 608 614.06 臨床醫學(八年制) 649 619 627.51 口腔醫學(五年制) 634 619 627.92 口腔醫學(七年制) 646 635 638.15 口腔醫學(臨床醫學)八年制是今年第一次錄取,分數不會比口七低的 今年585分是全省1092名 比較適合填報口腔醫學五年制



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