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Ⅰ 魯教版小學三年級英語上冊教案


Ⅱ 魯教版初三英語上冊unit1~unit3的3a&READING的翻譯


Ⅲ 魯教版九年級英語unit3 reading翻譯 急用!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're trying to save the planet.
Can each one of us help to save the environment?A group of student from Pine Hill Middle School got together to talk about this question.Read part of their discussion.
PETER:Well,I think the environment is one of our biggest worried.You know ...like the pollution in the rainforests disappearing,and um ...
ANN:Yes,I agree,and saving it is importanttoo.I'm just not sure if there is muth we can do about it.
JOHN:Oh,I don't think so.There are many things we can do.
ANN:Like what?
JOHN:Well,we can make donations.Or we can help out.For example,we can help to set up events to teach people about looking after the envirnment.
ANN:Sure we can,but this is all just makeing speeches and raising money,is't it?What I maen is,there's nothing we can actually do.I think governments,not people,need to fix the problem.
PETER:I understand what you're saying,Ann,but actually I don't agree.There are so many things each one of us can do every day,like cutting down on waste,and we can recycle trash,and ...
JOHN:This's right!You know,it was found out that a lot of air pollution is actually caused by ordinary,not just by big factories.For example,when we use too many plastic bags for shoppong,we are harming the environment.
PETER:And you know what?Many things that help the anvironment can help us too. Useing less energy or water saves us money.And eating more natural food,like fruit and vegetables,is much healthier than eating processed food like hamburgers.
ANN:Syill,it's hard to see how small things like this will help.You see,if I volunteer in a hospital,I really feel I am taking part in helping.But the environment is so huge.I just don't see what one preson can do.
JOHN:Hey,that kind of thinking makes me sad.If everybody belives thay can make a difference,the situation will get better!
PETER:Yes,our planet is not like a hospital,or even a country,is it?It belongs to everyone,and everyone should be taking care of it and trying to save it.
JOHN: that's very ture!

Ⅳ 魯教版初三英語閱讀理解

Once there were five beggars(乞丐). One was English, one Turkish(土耳其人), one Greek(希臘人), one was an Arab(阿拉伯人) and one was Persian(波斯人). One day they met and decided to stay together, sharing(分享) what they had and helping each other in times of trouble.

Soon a man passed them in the street and gave them a coin(硬幣). They talked about what to do with it. At last they decided to buy something to eat.

「』s buy some grapes(葡萄)!」 said the Englishman..

but the Turk wanted 「uzum」,the Arab 「aneb」,the Greek 「stafelea」, and the Persian insisted on(堅持) 「angur」.They did not understand each other』s language very well. Soon they were quarrelling(爭吵) and even fighting.

While they were fighting about how to spend the money, a stranger came along. He knew all five languages. He asked them why they were fighting. After they told him, he said.

「Give me your coin. I will buy what you wish.」

He was soon back with a bunch(串)of grapes. Each beggar was happy, as each had what he had wanted.


( )1.Why did the beggars decide to stay together?

A.They felt lonely.

B.They were good friends.

C.They came from the same country.

D.They hoped they could help each other in times of trouble.

( )2.What did the Arab want to buy?

A.apples B.pears C.grapes D.bananas

( )3.Why were they fighting?

A.They were not friendly.

B.They did not know they wanted the same thing.

C.They each wanted to buy something different.

D.The Englishman took the coin.

( )4.What made the beggars happy at last?

A.They found they each wanted the same things.

B.They learned to speak the same language.

C.Each received something different.

D.They met the stranger.

( )5.If people ,there would often be no need to fight.

A.could speak English everywhere.

B.know five languages

C.could underestand each other

D.had what they had wanted

1. D.They hoped they could help each other in times of trouble
2. C.grapes
3. B.They did not know they wanted the same thing.
4. D.They met the stranger
5. C.could underestand each other

Ⅳ 魯教版小學三年級英語教案上冊





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