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㈠ 網路閱讀的英語作文

The reader is reading from the literature (recorded knowledge of the carrier) to obtain and use information and knowledge of social practice, the process of physiological and psychological processes. Reading is a basic human access to knowledge and means an important way, as is the text of which have begun, is a text record of human understanding of natural and social practice experience as a symbol, a symbol that they start to have all kinds of literature, , And will have to read the information on the documents. With the social development so far, with the emergence of computer technology, digital and network technology popularization and development of electronic audio book market, expanding the carrier carrying information resources has changed, people's reading habits and books published by the Also means increasing occurrence. According to the 2006 Fourth National Survey of the National Reading: Chinese on-line reading from l999-year rate of 3.7 percent to 27.8 percent in 2005, the average annual growth rate of 107%. Experts point out that digital technology and the development of the Internet has changed the Chinese people's reading habits. The author believes that such a major impact in the following aspects.
A digital network for the promotion of reading
Access to information resources more convenient and efficient. Computer technology has brought about in areas such as storage and retrieval facilities, so that the carrier of information resources in the form of great changes have taken place, most of the information resources have been digitized, from paper to electronic resources, changes in resources, making many In looking for information resources and access to really become faster and more convenient. With the emergence of the network, the Earth is reced to a "village", the distance is no longer an obstacle to the dissemination of information, access to a more simple and quick. In addition, the network is also promoting the digital information resources to enhance the process, more and more digital information resources, networking, in order to more convenient and efficient access to needed resources, the emergence of Bai, Google, Sohu, and other search engines, which Greatly changed the way people access information model, greatly improved people's reading needs

㈡ 求《網路學習的利與弊》英語作文

隨著網路的不斷發展,傳統的學習模式勢必受到沖擊,各種新的學習模式如潮水般涌現,其中最具有沖擊力的便是在線學習(online learning)。這種全新的學習方式以其輕松便捷,資源豐富等優勢而備受青睞。
With the constant development of Internet, traditional patterns of learning must be impacted. There appear many new mode of learning, and Online learning is most popular for its convenience and resourcefulness.
According to a China Youth Daily survey of 12,000 young people last September, more than 81 percent spend their spare time on the Internet, and 22 percent want to get something.

「It's not only a way to gain knowledge to improve yourself, but also a way to slow down your pace of life,」 explained Zhou Yunqing, a Wuhan University sociologist. 「You have a wider platform from which to learn, with more freedom to decide when and what to learn.」

Compared with the traditional classroom, it seems a shortcut to knowledge. 但是它也有自己的弊端,最明顯的,沒有面對面交流學習效果難保證, 而且未成年人心智發展不成熟,注意力不集中,必須有家長監督,While, it also has disadvantages, the most obvious is that, the efficiency will not be ensured without communication of face to face. And also, young people are not so mature as alts, it is very easy to be lack of concentration, thus their parents have to supervise them when they study.00

㈢ 有關於網路閱讀的英語作文,要求,概述它的趨勢和發展,分析它的原因,還有自己的觀點

網路的利與復弊(The Advantage and Disadvantage of Internet) With the development of high technology, Internet is more and more popular. No matter children or the old know how to search the Internet. The emerging of the Internet br
網路的利與弊(The Advantage and Disadvantage of Internet) With the development of high technology, Internet is more and more popular. No matter children or the old know how to search the Internet. The emerging of the Internet br

㈣ 關於網路閱讀優缺點的英語作文


㈤ 網路的利與弊英語作文

e Advantage and Disadvantage of Internet) With the development of high technology, Internet is more and more popular. No matter children or the old know how to search the Internet. The emerging of the Internet bring a lot of benefit for people, while people also find it bring harm to them generally. First of all, Internet brings much convenience and a colorful world for people. With Internet, people can buy all the things at home, search various information, make friends with people from all the world and so on. Without Internet people can』t have those benefit. Moreover, as there are a lot of people shopping on line, the need for couriers is increasing. This bring employment opportunities to many people. However, Internet also bring disadvantages for peole. As the Internet is wonderful, many people are addicted to it. Some inlge in playing computer games and neglect study or job. Besides, because people can touch different kind of information online, they are easily learn some bad messages, which is bad for their growing. To sum up, everything has two sides. Internet also has advantages and disadvantages. But as far as I』m concerned, Internet has more advantages than disadvantages if people use it in a proper way. 隨著高新技術的發展,互聯網越來越 受歡迎。無論是兒童還是老年人都知道如 何使用網際網路。互聯網的出現給人們帶來 很多好處,而人們也發現帶來了危害。 首先,網路給人們帶來了很多便利和 豐富多彩的世界。通過互聯網人們可以在 家裡買所有的東西,了解各種信息,與來 自世界各地的人交友等等。沒有互聯網, 人們不可能享受到那些好處。此外,因為 有很多人在網上購物,對快遞員的需求也 日益增加。這給許多人創造了就業機會。 然而,互聯網也給人們帶來不利。


迷於玩電腦游戲而荒廢學業或工作。再 者,因為人們可以在網上接觸到各種各樣 的信息,他們很容易看到一些不良的信 息,這對他們的成長是有害的。 總之,任何事物都有兩面性。互聯網 也有優點和缺點。但就我而言,如果人們 正確使用互聯網的話,它的優點優於缺 點。

㈥ 一篇關於電子閱讀的利弊的英語作文

I think the ebook is Leon, easy to carry, save a space, save money, not affected by reading site restrictions. Power is lasting, less damage to eyes, Internet, support format selection, lots of free books, buy the ebook genuine after than the original paper genuine ebook book at low prices 。The most critical: environmental protection, rece waste of paper
I think the ebook isFraud, a entity, collect books hurts eyes of books and is as entity. Piracy
The price is more expensive, big screen no backlighting 。。。。。

㈦ 網路對英語閱讀的利弊






學生上網的諸多有利之處: 第一、可以開闊視野。上網可以及時了解時事新聞,獲取各種最新的知識和信息,對以後的學習和生活都有很好的指導作用。上網可以充實頭腦,只要留心就可以學 到許多學校里學不到的知識,擴大自己的知識面。滑鼠一點,大千世界便盡收眼底。 第二、可以對外交流。學生的一個被人經常提及的缺點就是缺乏信心,不敢與外界對話、交流。現在有了互聯網,他們可以徹底克服這個心理障礙,並且在對外交流 的過程當中,又開闊了自己的視野。網路為教育資源的交流提供了便捷的通道,不僅老師,而且學生也可以通過互聯網登錄各類教育網站獲取學習資訊。 第三、可以促進青少年個性化發展。消除心理障礙,可以沒有顧忌地向網友傾訴心事,減輕課業負擔所造成的心理壓力;可以在各個BBS里張貼自己對各種問題的 看法和見解,一來可以鍛煉文筆,二來覺得很有成就感;可以提高自己某項業余愛好的水平;自己動手做主頁正成為時尚,把自己喜愛的圖片資料傳上去,開一個討 論區,發一些貼子,和大家交流,在掌握了電腦軟體的運用同時自己做版主的感覺真的很棒,有利於樹立起學習的信心。 第四、可以促進中學生的學業。中學生的本職任務是學習,網路的遠程教育會給中學生帶來無窮的益處。普通的中學生學習知識只能夠局限於自己的學校和一些課外 書籍,傳授知識的老師始終只有幾個,但如果上了網,學生就可以在一個個內容豐富、名師坐堂的網站中任意翱翔,「有問必答」、「題庫」、「專題講座」、「考 前輔導」...一個個分類細致合理的欄目讓學生的學習成績突飛猛進;普通的中學生做題只能做些參考書或數量有限的卷子,如果上了網,網上各種試卷和典型題 目應有盡有,學生就可以任意選擇。 第五、可以掌握最新的教育動態。中學生們特別是高中生可以利用網路了解最新的教育動態,因為這幾年的高考還在改革探索之中,每年幾乎都會出台許多新措施。 而平時好些學生不大關心電視和報紙上的新聞,只一味地埋頭書海,因此可從網上查詢與教育相關的新聞以此來調整復習重點,適應高考新舉措。

㈧ 網路閱讀——英語作文

Animals in Danger

Some of the animals and birds in the rainforest, such as monkeys and
woodpeckers, live in the treetops. They are always swinging and flying from one
tree to another looking for food among the leaves and branches. They even sleep
in the treetops so they do not have to come down to the ground.
Have you heard that such animals and birds in the rainforests are in danger?
Because people are cutting down so many trees in the forests, the animals are
losing their homes. Do you know the reasons for it? Yes, people want wood, paper
and land. As a result many animals and plants are dying. Some forests are so
badly damaged that they become deserts.

rainforest 雨林 woodpecker 啄木鳥 treetop 樹頂 swing 搖盪
leaves 樹葉(leaf的復數形式) branch 樹枝 desert 沙漠

瀕 危 動 物

㈨ 英語作文網上閱讀有哪些好處

I think reading is important in the whole life for people.There are many benefits of reading.Firstly,reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out.Secondly,reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills.Before you learn to write,you must know how others write.Thirdly,reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon,which is important to job hunting in the future.Finally,reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life.Therefore,start to reading,no matter how old you are and what you are doing.Then,you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.



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